scholarly journals The uniform strong law of large numbers without any assumption on a family of sets

V. Yu. Bogdanskii ◽  
O. I. Klesov

We study the sums of identically distributed random variables whose indices belong to certain sets of a given family A in R^d, d >= 1. We prove that sums over scaling sets S(kA) possess a kind of the uniform in A strong law of large numbers without any assumption on the class A in the case of pairwise independent random variables with finite mean. The well known theorem due to R. Bass and R. Pyke is a counterpart of our result proved under a certain extra metric assumption on the boundaries of the sets of A and with an additional assumption that the underlying random variables are mutually independent. These assumptions allow to obtain a slightly better result than in our case. As shown in the paper, the approach proposed here is optimal for a wide class of other normalization sequences satisfying the Martikainen–Petrov condition and other families A. In a number of examples we discuss the necessity of the Bass–Pyke conditions. We also provide a relationship between the uniform strong law of large numbers and the one for subsequences.

1999 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 171-177 ◽  
Dug Hun Hong ◽  
Seok Yoon Hwang

Let {Xij}be a double sequence of pairwise independent random variables. If P{|Xmn|≥t}≤P{|X|≥t}for all nonnegative real numbers tandE|X|p(log+|X|)3<∞, for1<p<2, then we prove that∑i=1m∑j=1n(Xij−EXij)(mn)1/p→0    a.s.   as  m∨n→∞.                                     (0.1)Under the weak condition ofE|X|plog+|X|<∞, it converges to 0inL1. And the results can be generalized to anr-dimensional array of random variables under the conditionsE|X|p(log+|X|)r+1<∞,E|X|p(log+|X|)r−1<∞, respectively, thus, extending Choi and Sung's result [1] of the one-dimensional case.

2012 ◽  
Vol 05 (01) ◽  
pp. 1250007
Si-Li Niu ◽  
Jong-Il Baek

In this paper, we establish one general result on precise asymptotics of weighted sums for i.i.d. random variables. As a corollary, we have the results of Lanzinger and Stadtmüller [Refined Baum–Katz laws for weighted sums of iid random variables, Statist. Probab. Lett. 69 (2004) 357–368], Gut and Spătaru [Precise asymptotics in the law of the iterated logarithm, Ann. Probab. 28 (2000) 1870–1883; Precise asymptotics in the Baum–Katz and Davis laws of large numbers, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 248 (2000) 233–246], Gut and Steinebach [Convergence rates and precise asymptotics for renewal counting processes and some first passage times, Fields Inst. Comm. 44 (2004) 205–227] and Heyde [A supplement to the strong law of large numbers, J. Appl. Probab. 12 (1975) 173–175]. Meanwhile, we provide an answer for the possible conclusion pointed out by Lanzinger and Stadtmüller [Refined Baum–Katz laws for weighted sums of iid random variables, Statist. Probab. Lett. 69 (2004) 357–368].

2010 ◽  
Vol 47 (04) ◽  
pp. 908-922 ◽  
Yiqing Chen ◽  
Anyue Chen ◽  
Kai W. Ng

A sequence of random variables is said to be extended negatively dependent (END) if the tails of its finite-dimensional distributions in the lower-left and upper-right corners are dominated by a multiple of the tails of the corresponding finite-dimensional distributions of a sequence of independent random variables with the same marginal distributions. The goal of this paper is to establish the strong law of large numbers for a sequence of END and identically distributed random variables. In doing so we derive some new inequalities of large deviation type for the sums of END and identically distributed random variables being suitably truncated. We also show applications of our main result to risk theory and renewal theory.

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