scholarly journals Experiences in Different Activities: Temporal Dynamics and Construct Validity

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 47-57 ◽  
K.G. Klein ◽  
D.A. Leontyev ◽  
V.Yu. Kostenko ◽  
E.N. Osin ◽  
O.A. Taranenko ◽  

This study aims to clarify the methodological status of the category “activity experience”. A sample of the study consists of first-year students of a Moscow university. Study 1 (N = 104) attended by respondent aged 17 to 28 years (M = 18.30; SD = 1.40), 82% are female, and in study 2 (N = 93), aged 17 to 28 20 years old (M = 18.02; SD = 0.61), 55% are female. Study 2 includes three measurements of activity-related experiences with an interval of 10—15 days. We use the Activity-Related Experience Assessment (AREA), the Universal Perceived Locus of Causality Scale (UPLOC), the Responsibility Scale, and a brief version of the Psychological Health Continuum. The results of the study demonstrate that the activity-related experiences are neither personality traits, that are inherent in the individual regardless of situations, nor emotional states that change over time. Evidence of reliability, construct validity and criterion validity of the Activity-Related Experiences Assessment Scale is given. The measure of academic success is better predicted not by those experiences that are manifested during study activities, but those that arise along on the way to university. There is a slight effect of the influence of time on the measure of effort.

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 311-320 ◽  
Philip D. Langton

This laboratory practical requires first-year students to anticipate the effects of drugs active at cholinergic and adrenergic receptors on gut motility in order to design experiments during an authentic inquiry exercise. Rather than specifying a strict sequence of drug additions that aim to provide ideal demonstrations of pharmacological and physiological antagonism, I have instead designed switches into the drugs provided and set students, working in small teams, the task of identifying the switched drugs, an inquiry activity. To extend the teamwork aspect, laboratory reports were submitted by the student teams rather than individual students. Staff observed that discussions within the teams were stimulated by the inquiry-led nature of the practical. The quality of the laboratory reports submitted by teams were substantially improved over the individual reports submitted in previous years. (Students previously worked in teams, but simply followed a list of prescribed experiments and wrote individual reports.) Although, in conversation, teams of students had an improved understanding of the regulation of gut motility by the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system and could readily distinguish between pharmacological and functional antagonism, no attempt was made to evaluate learning because the revision was triggered by the observed effect of a technical error and was not otherwise planned. It is likely that laboratory practicals, in general, would benefit from inclusion of inquiry.

Е.А. Волгуснова ◽  
Е.А. Шерешкова

В статье рассмотрена проблема нервно-психических перегрузок и способов совладания с ними у студентов первых курсов педагогического вуза в период их первой сессии. Актуальность ее решения связана с необходимостью повышения нервно-психической устойчивости студентов для успешного освоения ими выбранной профессии и снижения трудностей в учебно-воспитательном процессе вуза. Цель исследования заключалась в изучении корреляций копинг-стратегий и нервно-психической устойчивости у студентов-бакалавров Шадринского государственного педагогического университета с учетом полового диморфизма. В исследовании применялись стандартизированные опросники: «Решение трудных жизненных ситуаций» (Я. Боукал, модификация О. Ю. Михайловой), «Способы совладающего поведения» (R. Lazarus, S. Folkman, стандартизированный под руководством Л. И. Вассермана), многоуровневый личностный опросник «Адаптивность» (А. Г. Маклакова, С. В. Чермянина). Выдвинута гипотеза о том, что между показателями копинг-стратегий и нервно-психической устойчивостью студентов разного пола существуют прямые и обратные связи. В статье представлены обнаруженные авторами гендерные различия в копинг-стратегиях и уровнях нервно-психической устойчивости, а также прямые и обратные связи между ними. Эмпирически доказано предположение о том, что у юношей связи копинг-стратегий в нервно-психической устойчивости более вариативны, чем у девушек. Полученные в исследовании и описанные в статье эмпирические данные, сделанные на их основе выводы могут быть использованы при определении траектории психолого-педагогического сопровождения студентов-первокурсников в сессионный период при их психологической подготовке к другим стрессовым ситуациям. The article treats the issue of mental and psychological overstrain experienced by first year students of pedagogical universities during their first examination session and strategies that can be used to deal with it. The relevance of the research is accounted for by the necessity to improve students’ mental and psychological stability to ensure their academic success and to reduce challenges they face during the learning process. The aim of the research is to investigate the correlation between coping strategies and mental and psychological stability in students of Shadrin State Pedagogical University taking into consideration students’ gender differences. The research employed standardized questionnaires: “Overcoming Difficult Life Situations” (J. Boukal, O. Yu. Mikhaylova’s modification), “Coping Strategies” (R. Lazarus, S. Folkman, standardized under the supervision of L. I. Wassermann), multilevel personality questionnaire “Adaptability” (A. G. Maklakova, S. V. Chermyanina). The authors put forward a hypothesis that there is a direct and response-based correlation between the indices of coping strategies and mental and psychological stability of male and female students. The article presents some gender-related differences of coping strategies and mental and psychological stability discovered by the authors of the article and some direct and response-based correlation between them. It has been empirically proved that trying to achieve mental and psychological stability, boys employ more variable coping strategies than girls. The empirical data acquired in the research are described in the present article. The conclusion made on their basis can be used to define some trajectories of psychological and pedagogical support for first-year students during their first examination session, provided they are psychologically ready to cope with other stressful situations.

Jasbir Karneil Singh ◽  
Ben K. Daniel

Expressing an authoritative voice is an essential part of academic writing at university. However, the performance of the authorial self in writing is complex yet fundamental to academic success as a large part of academic assessment involves writing to the academy. More specifically, the performance of the authorial self can be complex for English as a Second Language (ESL) student-writers. This research investigated the extent to which ESL first-year students at the Fiji National University perform their authorial voice using interactional metadiscourse in their academic writing. The study employed a quantitative analysis of corpus produced by 16 Fijian ESL undergraduate students enrolled in an EAP course. The research found that the ESL authorial voice was predominantly expressed through boosters and attitude markers, with relatively little usage of other interactional metadiscoursal elements such as hedges, engagement markers and self-mentions. Further, the research showed that this particular cohort expressed their authorial voice and identity through boosted arguments and avoiding language that directly mentions the authorial self. The study concludes that the ESL authorial self for this cohort manifests itself in a selected range of selected interactional metadiscoursal elements, requiring the need to raise the awareness of self-reflective expressions for ESL students. The study also encourages further exploration of ESL authorial identity construction in academic writing at undergraduate level and beyond.

2008 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-68 ◽  
Anastasia Kitsantas ◽  
Adam Winsler ◽  
Faye Huie

Knowledge about self-regulation and motivation processes enables students to maximize their college career paths and allows universities to implement better intervention programs to encourage struggling students to persist and complete their educational studies. College administrators and instructors should focus on developing interventions to instill a healthy sense of self-efficacy in students and teach them how to manage their time effectively. Interventions in the form of learning how to learn courses and/or workshops should be designed specifically for first-year students to provide them with helpful adjustment strategies such as setting strategic goals, planning effectively throughout the first year of undergraduate study, and seeking help when needed. Furthermore, instructors of introductory-level classes should provide first-year students with successful peer role models to enhance their self-efficacy beliefs in completing their course requirements. For example, they can make available samples of past projects to their current students, which may allow them to observe successful peers and encourage them to believe that they can succeed. Equipping students with self-regulatory strategies and positive motivational beliefs earlier on in their studies will prepare and sustain their motivation for more demanding, upper level courses as they progress through their academic career.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Antonio Hervás ◽  
Joan Guàrdia Olmos ◽  
Maribel Peró Cebollero ◽  
Roberto Capilla Lladró ◽  
Pedro Pablo Soriano Jiménez

Many different factors are taken into account by students when choosing a degree and university. Some of these are general considerations, such as the quality of the degree course (ratio of available places/places in first choice, cut-off mark, etc.), while others are subjective factors (e.g., friends doing the same course). This paper presents a partial multivariate model that considers the weight of the different variables linked to this decision, as identified in the bibliography. We analyzed four samples of first-year students (totaln=1790) from different engineering degree courses at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) in the 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 academic years. All the students involved in the study had chosen this university and their courses as their first option. The overall effect shows that the structural model adjusts reasonably well to the different engineering courses analyzed. Similarly, the individual models for each engineering degree manage to identify the different effects involved. In the case of the engineering degree based on new technologies (ICT), the statistical effects are much greater and more statistically significant than in the other three branches of engineering considered. Social and individual factors were seen to have more impact on the choice of ICT degrees at the UPV.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 387-396
Ye. V. Arshinova ◽  
M. A. Bilan ◽  
O. A. Braun ◽  
E. V. Yanko

According to post-non-classical psychology, the values of mass consciousness act as a guideline for the moral behavior of the individual. This is especially important for a specialist whose work depends on the formation of professional and ethical principles of their personality. Deontological principles develop during training. The substantial characteristics of one’s self-image also develop at university. They approach the values of mass consciousness, which are the universal regulator of any form of human activity. The research featured the development of students' value orientations and the methods aimed at educating future deontology specialist. Such methods are usually based on post-non-classical psychology. Currently, this is the most important scientific matter in educational psychology. The article focuses on the temporal characteristics of the development of value components of the self-image in students of the deontological profile. The authors identified the main value components that characterize the development of moral and ethical principles in students at all stages of training. The values proved to undergo several changes during the learning process. Utilitarian and hedonistic values were most pronounced in first-year students and maintained their first rank positions until graduation. According to M. S. Yanitskiy’s value types of personality, senior students demonstrated the intermediate type. The authors registered a certain discrepancy between students' ideas about professional values and the actual values they chose. This contradiction must be resolved during the training period.

Ol’ga R. Vorontsova ◽  
Tat’yana A. Chebun’kina

The article deals with the psychoemotional state of students when studying the modules "Integral calculus" and "Differential equations" in the course of higher mathematics. The factors that affect the degree of assimilation of educational material by first-year students are described, and the causes of emotional (psychological) stress are noted. The study is confirmed by an empirical description, which was conducted using the "colour painting" technique, first used to assess the psychoemotional state of first-year students when studying sections of the higher mathematics course. The proposed method makes it possible to "see" the mood of students on each topic of the module, to track the dynamics of emotional states in the team on the topics of each module and the overall picture of the mood of each individual in the student group. Colour matrix allows recording the emotional response to events (for the authors of the article, these are modules of the course) and finding out how it was perceived by students, who of them is experiencing difficulties. The study of the psychoemotional state of respondents was conducted by means of a questionnaire, where the authors were interested in how the study materials on the topic "Integral calculus" and "Differential equations"affect the students' health/mood. Based on the analysis, the most difficult topics for learning modules were identified, and recommendations were given on their possible forms and methods of teaching.

Vladimir V. Iokhvidov ◽  
Marina Ye. Genadis ◽  
Eleonora G. Tszyu

The article is made in the framework of the study of psychological and pedagogic factors of adaptation of students who have started to attend a higher education institution. These include ceremony of initiation in the student life, that is still little considered in pedagogic theory and practice. In our research we realised identification implicitly of the academic traditions presented in activity of higher education institution.. On an experimental basis, it is proved that the organised introduction of students into academic traditions leads to an improvement, compared with students with whom such work is not carried out, adaptation to environment of a higher education institution, situational anxiety, subjective satisfaction with learning at a higher education institution, and academic success.

2021 ◽  
pp. 26-29
Elena Victorovna Odinochkina

The article discusses the approaches to understanding antivital experiences, their actualization in first-year students in the process of adaptation to university studies; an empirical study of the effectiveness of socio-psychological training, built taking into account the individual results of the diagnosis of antivital experiences and vitality, is analyzed.

Amy Schweinle ◽  
Marcy Reisetter ◽  
Valerie Stokes

In this research we sought to understand student practices, beliefs, and behaviors that led to positive engagement on campus. More specifically, we studied student engagement as a function of the individual within the contexts of classroom and university environment using a basic interpretive approach. First year students from a medium-sized, public, Midwestern university participated in interviews on engagement, the classroom, university, and community contexts. Results suggest that both personality and a sense of self influence students' levels of engagement. Students who had identified life goals and who sought related activities and relationships made greater use of university resources and felt more engaged. We propose ways in which instructors and universities can make simple changes that may help enhance the experience of all students.

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