scholarly journals Components of value-semantic sphere of personality as predictors of migration intentions among the youth (on the example of Komsomolsk-on-Amur).

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-113
A.V. Bakina ◽  
O.A. Orlova ◽  
S.V. Yaremtchuk

The article is devoted to the study of migration intentions among young people in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The study tested two hypotheses: 1) differences between groups of young people with different migration activity will be manifested in the mismatch between values and their accessibility, as well as in the level of subjective well-being; 2) components of the value-semantic sphere are predictors of migration intentions among young people. The sample group included 130 subjects aged 16—25 years (mean age 23.1 years). To explore value-semantic sphere was used the methodology of E.B. Fantalova “level of correlation between “value” and “accessibility” in various spheres of life” and the Index of personal well-being. The results of the study showed that 26% of young people are not going to change their place of residence, 22% — are going to leave the city. Step-by-step regression analysis allowed us to identify explanatory models that predict the migration activity of young people. Subjective well-being is the most significant predictor of migration intentions (28% of variance). The second place is occupied by the sharpness of the mismatch between the importance of values and their subjective accessibility (26% of the variance).

Eduardo Bericat

El objetivo del artículo es responder a dos importantes preguntas relacionadas con la igualdad intergeneracional en bienestar emocional: ¿Son las personas mayores tan felices como las jóvenes? ¿Cuál es la relación entre edad y felicidad? El actual consenso académico considera que tal relación adopta la forma de una curva en “U”, es decir, la felicidad sería alta en la juventud, descendería llegando a un mínimo hacia la mitad del curso vital, y remontaría hasta alcanzar de nuevo un alto nivel en la vejez. Según esta tesis, las personas mayores serían tan felices como las jóvenes. Sin embargo, estos resultados están condicionados por las propias limitaciones metodológicas del análisis de regresión. Además, estos análisis pretenden describir la relación genérica y universal existente entre un concepto abstracto de edad y la felicidad. Pero como era previsible, la variable edad, desprovista de todo contenido social, tiene una escasa influencia en la felicidad de las personas. Estos estudios carecen de interés sociológico alguno porque ocultan la verdadera relación existente entre la “edad social” de las personas y su felicidad. Tras exponer una crítica a los análisis de regresión, tal y como son habitual y convencionalmente aplicados por los científicos sociales, se propone segmentar la variable edad, estudiando el bienestar emocional de las personas en las distintas etapas de su ciclo vital (niñez, juventud, edad adulta, edad madura y vejez) utilizando análisis descriptivos multivariables. Se demuestra, así, que la relación edad-felicidad adopta la forma de una “ola” o “S” tumbada y que, por tanto, la felicidad de los mayores es bastante inferior a la de los jóvenes.The article aims to answer two important questions, both linked to emotional well-being throughout lifetime: Are old as happy as young people? What is the relationship between age and happiness? The current academic consensus states that the relationship between age and subjective well-being follows a "U-Shape". Happiness would be high in youngsters, would decrease to a minimum about midlife, and would ascend to reach again a high point in old age. Then, according to this thesis, old would be as happy as young people. However, we show that these research results come from the own methodological constraints of regression analysis. Additionally, these analyses try to find the generic and universal relationship between age, considered as an abstract variable, and happiness. But, not surprisingly, an age variable devoid of any social content and context has a meagre influence on people happiness. These inquiries lack any sociological interest because hide more than reveal the actual relationship between “social age” and happiness. The article deploys a critique of the irreflexive and conventional way in which regression analysis is used by social scientists. The segmentation of age in five stages (childhood, youthfulness, adulthood, maturity and old age), and descriptive multivariate analysis are proposed as the best methodology to study happiness throughout the lifetime. Finally, it is proved that the age-happiness relationship follows the pattern of a “wave” or “S lying down-shape”. Therefore, the happiness of the old is much lower than that of young people.

2007 ◽  
Vol 87 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-109 ◽  
Eileen Trzcinski ◽  
Elke Holst

Alyona Vavilova

The article is devoted to the study of student's coping strategies influence on the level of their subjective well-being in conditions of distance learning. It was found that student's coping strategies have an impact on the level of their psychological comfort. Using regression analysis it was revealed that the variability of student's life well-being is determined by the following coping strategies: positive self-esteem; responsibility; planning; escape and self-control. It was developed the typology of students in the conditions of distance education, which includes such indicators of dominant coping strategies: the level of psychological comfort, dominant coping and measure of stress tolerance. According to the certain typology, three types of students were defined: 1) adaptive type (high indicators of well-being, high indicators of tolerance to stress, dominant strategies “self-esteem”, “responsibility” and “planning” ); 2) maladaptive type (low indicators of well-being, low indicators of tolerance to stress, dominant coping “escape”); 3) average adaptive type (average indicators of well-being, average indicators of tolerance to stress; dominant strategies “responsibility”, “self-control”, low indicators of coping “positive self-esteem”). The results of the study indicate that students who are best adapted to distance learning and have a high level of psychological comfort tend to evaluate themselves positively, treat work responsibly, plan their studies and have an average level of self-control.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-153
Virgilio Abrahão Junior ◽  
Julia Alejandra Pezuk

Resumo Atualmente no Brasil é possível observar uma parcela da população jovens, principalmente nas classes sociais mais baixas, sujeitos a situações que acarretam maior susceptibilidade para se envolver com drogas, prostituição, crimes, gravidez e doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. Diversos fatores psicossociais são necessários para que os adolescentes passem pela adolescência sem a necessidade deste tipo de envolvimentos. A recreação e o lazer podem ser usados como instrumento para facilitar a inclusão social e ao mercado de trabalho de jovens marginalizados. O impacto emocional positivo do uso da recreação e do lazer favorece o bem-estar e auxilia na inclusão social de adolescentes, e possibilitam o uso dessas ferramentas para serem explorados em eventos e atividades recreativas. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar a importância do desenvolvimento de projetos sobre recreação e o lazer para a inclusão social de jovens. Para isso é relatada a experiência com o Programa Social realizado na cidade de Guarulhos/SP intitulado Programa Oportunidade ao Jovem, que busca a qualificação profissional dos jovens da cidade que se encontram em situação de risco e pobreza, e que estão em geral excluídos da sociedade. Mostramos aqui que a inclusão social por meio de programas sociais usando atividades recreativas facilita a inserção social de jovens marginalizados e devem ser consideradas nas políticas públicas. Pois ainda permitem que adolescentes em situação econômica precária tenham a possibilidade de exercer uma profissão na área de recreação ao término dos cursos dos programas, impactando significativamente na vida desses jovens.   Palavras-chave: Programa Social. Agente de Recreação. Políticas Públicas.   Abstract In Brazil it is possible to observe a portion of the young population, mainly in the lower social classes, who are subject to situations that cause greater susceptibility to get involved with drugs, prostitution, crimes, pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Several psychosocial factors are necessary for adolescents to go through adolescence without the need for this type of involvement. Recreation can be used as an instrument to facilitate social inclusion and the labor market for marginalized youth. The positive emotional impact of recreation favors well-being and assists in the social inclusion of adolescents and enables the use of these tools to be explored in events and recreational activities. In this context, this paper aims to show the importance of developing projects on recreation for the social inclusion of young people. For this, the experience with the Social Program carried out in the city of Guarulhos / SP entitled Programa Oportunidade ao Jovem, which seeks the professional qualification of young people in the city who are at risk and poverty, and who are in general excluded from society, is reported. We show here that social inclusion through social programs using recreational activities facilitates the social insertion of marginalized youth and should be considered in public policies. Because they still allow adolescents in a precarious economic situation to have the possibility of exercising a profession in the area of recreation at the end of the program courses, significantly impacting the lives of these young people   Keywords: Social Program. Recreation Agent. Public Policy.

2013 ◽  
Vol 35 (10) ◽  
pp. 1705-1711 ◽  
Tamar Dinisman ◽  
Anat Zeira ◽  
Yafit Sulimani-Aidan ◽  
Rami Benbenishty

2019 ◽  
Vol 46 (6) ◽  
pp. 792-804 ◽  
Kanako Yoshikawa ◽  
Yusuke Kamiya

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine the perceptions of married couples regarding women’s autonomy and the association of these perceptions with the subjective well-being of wives in Lao PDR.Design/methodology/approachThe study was conducted in semi-urban communities in Vientiane Capital of Lao PDR. Data were collected from 198 matched married couples with children under 12 years of age. Cross-tabulation analysis and multivariate regression analysis were used to assess the association between couple’s perceptions regarding women’s autonomy and the subjective well-being of wives.FindingsResults from regression analysis revealed a positive association between the self-reported autonomy of wives and their subjective well-being. In contrast, neither the husband’s perceptions nor the couple’s concordance regarding the autonomy of the wife was associated with the level of the wife’s subjective well-being.Research limitations/implicationsThe survey was conducted in four small communities in Vientiane Capital. Thus, larger and more representative studies covering the entire country would be preferable for future policy orientation.Originality/valueThe study sites belong to the Lao-Lum group, which follows a matrilineal inheritance system under which wives generally enjoy a relatively higher social status than do women elsewhere in the world. The findings suggest that, even in women-centered settings, interventions aimed at increasing a woman’s perception of her household decision-making autonomy can improve her subjective well-being.

2017 ◽  
Vol 31 (6) ◽  
pp. 605-619 ◽  
Andrea Schlegel ◽  
Rebecca Pfitzner ◽  
Joerg Koenigstorfer

This study looks at the hosting of the 2014 Fédération Internationale de Football Association World Cup in Rio de Janeiro and, based on research drawing on environmental psychology and studies of liminality, hypothesizes that the perceived celebrative atmosphere in the city increases subjective well-being of host city residents (cariocas). Data were collected via in-person intercept surveys from 221 and 218 cariocas before and during the event, respectively. There was an increase in subjective well-being from before the event to during the event. The results of two-group path modeling revealed further that there was a positive impact of the perceived celebrative atmosphere in the host city on residents’ subjective well-being during the event; the effect was weaker (though still positive) for the time period when the event was not being hosted. Initiatives may build upon the atmospheric elements in a city to increase subjective well-being of residents, particularly in the context of event hosting.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (35) ◽  
pp. 124-138

The issue of ensuring the well-being of residents is central to systems of municipal governance. The purpose of our study is to measure the well-being of residents in an urban environment and, based on the obtained results, to identify problem areas that impede the achievement of strategic development goals in the megapolis. We conducted a representative survey of residents in one of the largest industrialized Russian megacities, Ekaterinburg. Based on the survey data, an index of subjective well-being in the urban environment was obtained, which included 4 blocks of assessment indicators: 1) assessment of the current state of the urban environment; 2) assessment of the changes in the urban environment; 3) assessment of personal well-being; and 4) assessment of intentions to live in the city. The study revealed that the most prosperous citizens in the urban environment are: 30-39 years old; married; employed. The problems of low well-being and the absence of youth intent to connect their futures with the city are identified as the main threats to the megapolis’ development. The results of our study are of practical importance for making informed management decisions in urban restructuring planning, urban infrastructure upgrades, and the development of social policy measures aimed at improving the quality of life and well-being of citizens.

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