scholarly journals Esquivando la corrupción: la remuneración del diputado y la cuestión de las incompatibilidades en España (1812-1933)

2021 ◽  
pp. 525-547
Gemma Rubí Casals ◽  
Quintí Casals Bergés

En el presente artículo, los autores trazan un estudio pionero sobre la remuneración de los parlamentarios españoles en la época contemporánea (1808-1933). Este trabajo de largo análisis permite recorrer la evolución de la legislación y analizar los debates principalmente centrados en la cuestión de las incompatibilidades. Partiendo de una situación inicial en que los diputados de las Cortes de Cádiz y el Trienio Liberal (1808-1823) cobraban unas dietas por representación, se pasó a la adopción del sistema político liberal censitario, que, exceptuando el Sexenio Democrático (1868-1874), duró hasta 1890, en que solo participaban los mayores contribuyentes y el cargo de diputado se consideró un honor que debía ser ejercido de forma gratuita. Esta concepción cambió con la llegada de la II República y la adopción de un sistema democrático universal, que garantizaba los derechos políticos de todos los ciudadanos y la necesaria retribución de los diputados. Fecha de envío / Submission date: 4/05/2020 Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 17/07/2020

2021 ◽  
pp. 1006-1014
Oksana Pylypchuk

The article is devoted to the history of formation and development of Ukrainian constitutionalism. It is shown that during the times of Kievan Rus and the Galicia-Volyn principality monarchical states with elements of a democratic state and political regime were formed on Ukrainian lands. It is highlighted that the formation of the Ukrainian nation and its path to its own state was carried out under the conditions of aristocratic democracy of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It is emphasized that the Ukrainian people in the XV century became part of a large European society, which became the basis for the emergence of constitutional ideas in the Ukrainian ethnic lands, the creation of the Cossacks and the revival of their own Ukrainian state in the former Kievan Rus. It is noted that the results of the development of Ukrainian constitutionalism in the eighteenth century was presented in the Constitution of Hetman P. Orlyk in 1710, which became one of the most democratic constitutions in Europe at that time. Fecha de envío / Submission date: 25/02/2021 Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 19/04/2021

2021 ◽  
pp. 1121-1123
Juan Luis Simal

Recensión de / Review of: Pedro Rújula y Manuel Chust, El Trienio liberal en la monarquía hispánica. Revolución e independencia (1820-1823), Los Libros de la Catarata, Madrid, 2020, 190 páginas. Enviado el (Submission Date): 29/04/2021 Aceptado el (Acceptance Date): 5/05/2021

Veronica De Pieri

January 27, 1945: the Red Army set Auschwitz concentration camp free, making this date the liberation day for thousands of inmates, victims of the Nazi’s idea of a master race. August 15, 1945: Emperor Hirohito announced the surrender of Japan on Japanese radio after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. XX century witnessed two of the most abominable atrocities of human history whose repercussions still affect not only German and Japanese societies, involved at first place, but also each individual’s consciousness too. Over the past decades different studies have been investigating these indelible marks on history on many levels: historical, political, sociological, psychological and even artistic approaches were called into question in the search for the truth about Shoah and atomic bombing catastrophes. This study offers a different perspective on the topic by comparing the poetical responses of two representatives of the so-called Shoah Literature and Atomic Bombing Literature: Primo Levi and Tamiki Hara. Both authors, although the space-related distance and the different nature of the traumatic experiences they witnessed, gave birth to similar poetical responses under the title of Se questo è un uomo (“If this is a man”) and Kore ga ningen na no desu (“This is a human being”).This research sets itself the ambitious goal to demonstrate how, regardless of territorial, cultural and stylistic boundaries, a similar human response toward catastrophe can be detached in the literary productions of Levi and Hara: a comparison on stylistic, figurative and expressive level reveals the analogous literary solutions adopted by the authors to depict human’s frailty in front of trauma. Both authors answer the literary imperative of writing: their commitment unveils the aim to bear witness and to convey memory to the future generations. Words, enriched by authors of allusive and critical meanings, represent an effective and necessary means to keep alive and to preserve the traumatic memory. The literature of the catastrophe, then, becomes a language that unites, rather than divides, different societies. It serves as an universal mouthpiece for victims’ experiences to prevent Auschwitz, Hiroshima and Nagasaki to happen again. Submission date: September 2017.

2021 ◽  
pp. 437-492
Enrique Álvarez Cora

Este trabajo estudia el concepto de los derechos individuales en el constitucionalismo español, destacando la evolución de los rasgos de su concepción original racionalista, así como el resultado de su contraste con la aparición de los derechos colectivos de carácter social o nacional, estatal o regional, para analizar por último en qué medida la configuración de las identidades históricas en los Estatutos de Autonomía puede absorber o limitar el respeto de los derechos individuales. Enviado el (Submission Date): 26/10/2020 Aceptado el (Acceptance Date): 18/12/2020

2021 ◽  
pp. 906-936
Peter Techet

The debates on how Europe can be organized as a unity took place in the National Socialist Germany too. The aim at that time was to unite Europe under German hegemony – as a “large space” around a German empire. Carl Schmitt provided with his “Großraumlehre” one of the best-known theories of a National Socialist Europe. Carl Schmitt developed his theory against the possibility of “world law” as well against state sovereignty. In this paper, the “Großraumlehre” will be analysed, on the one hand, in the context of Schmitt's anti-universalistic and anti-pluralistic legal theory as an alternative to the universalistic and pluralistic legal theory of Hans Kelsen. (I.) On the other hand, Schmitt's theory will be linked to other – clearly racist – National Socialist European plans. (II.) At the end of this paper, I also address the question of whether and why Schmitt's theory – despite the context in which it came out – could remain compatible with today's debates on Europe and global politics. (Ausblick) Enviado el (Submission Date): 07/02/2021 Aceptado el (Acceptance Date): 16/04/2021

2021 ◽  
pp. 395-436
Fernando Mikelarena Peña

En este artículo se examinan las posturas de la derecha tradicionalista y conservadora de Navarra entre 1929 y 1940 en relación con la Reintegración Foral. Se analizan aspectos como las limitaciones de la coalición entre 1921 y 1923 de carlistas y nacionalistas en la Alianza Foral; la refutación que el periodista y escritor Eladio Esparza hizo del reintegracionismo entre 1929 y 1931; las características del reintegracionismo tradicionalista durante la República; la polémica entre Eladio Esparza y Joaquín Beúnza por la subsunción del reintegracionismo en la vía estatutaria; las posturas de otros representantes de la derecha conservadora de Navarra; la puesta en práctica desde la Gestora de la Diputación Foral tras el golpe de Estado de julio de 1936 de una versión reduccionista del reintegracionismo, y los efectos de la Comisión para la Reintegración Foral impulsada desde la Junta Central Carlista de Guerra; y diversas tentativas que en los años 1937 y 1939 trataron de conseguir una ampliación de facultades para Navarra en el contexto del nuevo Estado franquista. Enviado el (Submission Date): 31/03/2021 Aceptado el (Acceptance Date): 23/04/2021

2021 ◽  
Vol 2078 (1) ◽  
pp. 011002

All conference organisers/editors are required to declare details about their peer review. Therefore, please provide the following information: • Type of peer review: Double-blind • Conference submission management system: AI Scholar System • Number of submissions received: 152 • Number of submissions sent for review: 147 • Number of submissions accepted: 83 • Acceptance Rate (Number of Submissions Accepted / Number of Submissions Received X 100): 54.6% • Average number of reviews per paper: 2 • Total number of reviewers involved: 50 • Any additional info on review process: • Step 1. Each of selected paper will be reviewed by two/three professional experts in the related subject area. • Step 2. Review Reports received from the experts will be judged by one of the editors either Review Reports are logical or not? • Step 3. If not logical, then editor can assign new reviewer or can also judge at his/her own. • Step 4. If logical, then Review Reports will be sent to authors to modify the manuscript accordingly. • Step 5. Authors will be required to revise their papers according to the points raised. • Step 6. Revised version will then be evaluated by the editor for the incorporation of the points raised by the reviewers. • Step 7. Then the editor will send the revised manuscript to the reviewers again for re-evaluation. • Step 8. If the reviewers approve the revise version of the manuscript, then will be accepted for publication. • Contact person for queries: Xuexia Ye [email protected] AEIC Academic Exchange Information Centre Please submit this form along with the rest of your files on the submission date written in your publishing agreement. The information you provide will be published as part of your proceedings.

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