scholarly journals Dr. Cullingworth. - A case of advanced Extra-Uterine Gestation in wich a living Child was removed, the placenta left, and the Abdominal Wound entirely closed. (British med. Journ., 22 / XII 94, p. 1422). A case of extrauterine pregnancy in 8 months; extraction of a living child by gastrointestinal tract, leaving after and complete closure of the abdominal cavity

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 691-692
M. Ginzburg

A 33-year-old, emaciated worker was sent by one doctor to the hospital with the diagnosis of an extrauterine pregnancy, 25 / ix 93. She had a previous birth 13 years ago, 3 years ago she had a 5 month miscarriage, the last regulations in April 93 she had pains in the abdomen with light bleeding; then she had morning sickness, swelling of her breasts. In August - the second attack of pain, lay for about a week in bed. Cullingworth, denying that she had an extrauterine pregnancy, kept her in the hospital until the pains soothed and for the 18th sent her home. 5 / I 94 she developed pain during labor with vomiting. The uterus was palpated not enlarged, without any discharge from her, a tumor in the abdomen with clear movements and heartbeats of the fetus. 13 / I the patient was again admitted to the hospital.

1927 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 246-246
I. Tsimkhes

For almost 20 years, in colorectal cancer, where the affected loop and adjacent healthy sections of the large intestine cannot be sufficiently mobilized, even after separation and ligation of the mesentery, the author has been cutting off the parietal peritoneum with fascia of the abdominal wound area and plunging them as deeply into the abdominal cavity as possible.

N. B. Gubergrits ◽  
N. V. Byelyayeva ◽  
K. Y. Linevska

For over a thousand years, Hippocrates and Galen have been the Alpha and Omega of medical knowledge. Despite the importance of their contributions to clinical and theoretical medicine, they lacked a true understanding of anatomy and physiology. Hippocrates is commonly associated with proposing the doctrine of «tissue fluids», or humoral pathology, and his book, «On the Nature of Man», promotes this point of view. Galen became inherited the knowledge of Hippocrates. Ultimately, he was recognized as one of the most influential physicians of all time. The number of his works was enormous: he wrote more than a hundred books, which were widely distributed. One of Galen’s main commandments was the rule of harmony: all body systems are balanced; disease is a result of an imbalance. As one might expect, some of his ideas, however, were erroneous. Aristotle considered the pancreas, due to its location in the abdominal cavity, as an organ which only task was to protect the adjacent vessels. In an era when unknown diseases wreaked havoc, the concept of known causes of diseases led to the fascination with the study of food poisons and their antidotes. This was common among aristocracy who felt particularly vulnerable to this kind of threats. According to legend, one of the most famous connoisseurs of poisons was Mithridates VI. Pedanius Dioscorides was a Greek who served in the Roman army during the reign of the emperor Nero. The wandering nature of life led him to study a large number of diseases and medicines. The catalogue of his medicinal herbs and plants became the basis for the study and understanding of the medicinal properties of plants. Liver was considered the source of divine prophecy in many ancient cultures. The anatomy of liver was well known in ancient Babylon: a huge number of clay tablets and objects were left, which testify to the importance of «hepatoscopy» in the Middle East as a form of prediction. Those who used the insides of animals for divination (e.g., haruspices — divine interpreters of the future, using the liver as a prediction tool), could be considered the first official anatomists, since the understanding of the future depended on accurate knowledge and interpretation of certain liver components. After the victory of the Assyrian king Sargon over the forces of Urartu and Zikirti in 718 BC, Sargon wanted to appease the gods by sacrificing animals; in doing so, he studied their livers for predictions. Although the concept of pancreas is rooted in ancient times, as evidenced by the comments of haruspices and priests, knowledge of the organ functions eluded humanity until the works by Danish physiologists Francis Sylvius and Regnier de Graaf. Prior to their studies of pancreatic secretion and the elucidation of the role of pancreas in digestion, described by van Helmont and Albrecht von Haller, most researchers focused on the anatomical description of the organ. If the ancient Assyrians and Mesopotamians did not believe that liver predicts the future, but believed that it was pancreas that did it, then pancreatology may have earlier origins. Maimonides, a Jewish scholar and humanist, was also influential in other fields: he condemned astrology and its attempts to calculate the time of the Messiah’s coming. In the field of medicine, he paid attention to prevention, and was interested in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. By the beginning of our era, ideas about digestion, diseases of the digestive tract and their treatment remained very vague. There was a long and difficult way ahead in this area.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 504-507
N. Aleksenko

Fusion of intestines and omentum after surgery, mainly with an abdominal wound, is a frequent phenomenon, proven by a number of clinical observations during repeated operations in the same subjects. Meanwhile, the question of the reasons for such a phenomenon, despite attempts to experimentally resolve it (Snger, Dembowski, Kelterborn), remains open to this day. According to the opinion of the last mentioned authors, the main cause of adhesions in the abdominal cavity after operations is infection, the accretion of the omentum to the middle line is caused by the release of air and the local inflammatory process; further - sloughing of the epithelium and scars of the peritoneum in uncomplicated cases do not give adhesions, ligatures in the abdominal cavity for the most part also do not cause adhesions, but show a tendency to encapsulate.

BMJ ◽  
1934 ◽  
Vol 2 (3836) ◽  
pp. 62-63
W. A. Steel

Videoscopy ◽  
2016 ◽  
Kwang Dae Hong ◽  
Da Won Park ◽  
Woong-bae Ji ◽  
Jung Sik Kim ◽  
Jun Won Um

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Saptarshi Biswas ◽  
Catherine Price ◽  
Sunil Abrol

Bullet embolism within the gastrointestinal system is extremely rare. Such bullet injuries are infrequently covered in the general literature, but the surgeon should be aware of the phenomenon. Smaller caliber bullets are more common in civilian gunshot wound (GSW) events. These bullets are able to tumble through the gastrointestinal tract and cause perforation of the intestinal lumen which is small enough to be easily missed. Bullets retained in the abdominal cavity should not be dismissed as fixed and should be carefully monitored to ensure that they do not embolize within the bowel and cause occult lesions during their migration. We present a unique case wherein a bullet caused a minute perforation in the small bowel, before migrating to the distal colon, which resulted in late presentation of sepsis secondary to peritonitis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
Ahmad Mohammadipour ◽  
Mehran Hiradfar ◽  
Reza Shojaeian

Background: Gastroschisis is an abdominal wall defect that is managed by surgical reduction of herniated bowel into the abdominal cavity and abdominal wall reconstruction. Loss of abdominal domain is the main challenge that may complicate the process of gastroschisis management. Objectives: This article is about innovative manure called total bowel washing (TBW) that may improve the outcome of gastroschisis primary repair. Methods: All neonates with gastroschisis who met the study inclusion criteria between 2006 - 2019 were enrolled and divided into two groups of conventional and TBW method of gastroschisis management. In TBW group, bowls were washed with warm saline and after a gentle enterolysis, the whole gastrointestinal tract was irrigated via a gastric tube and evacuated completely from thick meconium until the watery stool started to come out of anus slightly. Primary abdominal wall closure was performed after loop by loop bowel reduction. Gastroschisis management outcome was compared between the two groups. Results: 15 neonates were allocated in each group. Demographic and anthropometric variables were compared and any significant difference wasn’t reported between the two groups. We observed a significantly better outcome in terms of faster GI rehabilitation, shorter time to oral feeding tolerance, less need to silo placement and shorter NICU and hospital stay in TBW method. Operation time was slightly longer in TBW group while the difference was not significant statistically. Conclusions: Total bowel washing and complete evacuation of gastrointestinal tract from thick meconium will increase the success rate of primary repair and improve the outcome of gastroschisis management.

Andrei Sopuev ◽  
Azamat Abdiev ◽  
Almaz Kalzhikeev ◽  
Nurlan Sydykov ◽  

Jennie Burch ◽  
Brigitte Collins

The anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract chapter provides information on the parts, structure, and function of the gut. The hollow tube of the gastrointestinal tract begins at the mouth and ends at the anus. The GI tract in part lies within the abdominal cavity and the pelvic cavity. There are also the accessory organs of the liver, pancreas, and gall bladder. The nerves, hormones, secretions, and blood supply to the gut are also explored. The role of the GI tract is to ingest food and fluids. These are digested through mechanical and chemical means such as chewing. The nutrients are then absorbed, predominantly in the ileum. Waste products are finally eliminated via the anus.

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