2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (6) ◽  
pp. 5340-5345

The lap joint will be used on aluminum 6061 and 10 mm thick brass with the Friction Stir Welding method. The probe used is EMS 45 steel with variations in pin lengths of 11 mm, 11.5 mm and 12 mm. The results of this study are in length 11.5 mm with the highest Vickers hardness value of 104.26 VHn compared to 11 mm and 12 mm pin length is 98.93 VHn and 70.43 VHn. The results of shear stress are 67.32 MPa at 12 mm pin length, higher than the 11 mm and 11.5 mm pin lengths of 40.2 MPa and 42.14 MPa.

Sadhana ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 43 (10) ◽  
Van Nhat Nguyen ◽  
Quoc Manh Nguyen ◽  
Huong Thao Dang Thi ◽  
Shyh-Chour Huang

Khalkhali A, Sarmadi M and Sarikhani E. Investigation on the best process criteria for lap joint friction stir welding of AA1100 aluminium alloy via Taguchi technique and ANOVA. Proc IMechE Part E: J Process Mechanical Engineering, first published online August 24, 2016 (DOI: 10.1177/0954408916665651 )

Abolfazl Khalkhali ◽  
Morteza Sarmadi ◽  
Ehsan Sarikhani

Friction stir welding is a novel joining process extensively used for welding of aluminum alloys. It is widely known that the process parameters involved in friction stir welding play a pivotal role in determining the final characteristics and microstructure of the joint. However, it is still unclear that what combination of process parameter values will lead to the optimum joint characteristics. Taguchi technique is a handy and efficient method that has been widely used for performing optimization in manufacturing engineering. In this paper, lap joint friction stir welding was performed on AA1100 and the process parameters were optimized using Taguchi L16 orthogonal design of experiments. Unlike previous studies on optimization of friction stir welding process in aluminum alloys, a more comprehensive approach has been taken towards the number of input and output parameters of the process. Process parameters considered in this study were tool rotational speed, tool traverse speed, tool tilt angle, and tool pin shape. The optimum design was obtained with reference to output parameters including hardness and grain size in the weld center zone, maximum working temperature, joint tensile strength, and elongation as well as the vertical and horizontal forces on the tool during the process. Analysis of variance was additionally performed to evaluate the significance of each design parameter on output parameters. Results gained from analysis of variance indicated that rotational speed and traverse speed were the most critical parameters in determining the weld mechanical properties as well as quality of the weld microstructure. Finally, to validate predicted optimum values based on Taguchi technique, confirmation tests were conducted, where an excellent agreement was observed between the predicted and experimental values, showing accuracy of the employed method and obtained results.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 2332
Sadiq Aziz Hussein ◽  
Shaymaa Abdul Khader Al-Jumaili ◽  
Raed A. Mahmood

Friction stir welding is a reliable welding method; it can be employed to join different structural configurations. Joint types such as lap, butt and T have been successfully produced by this welding method. In this study, a trial has been made to numerically simulate the heat generation and temperature distribution during the welding process of a T-joint. The workpieces materials were hardened 5052 and tempered 7075 Al Alloys, each material was investigated separately. Different rotational and welding speeds were used, besides, the pin length was also varied to accommodate the investigation of the top plate thickness effect. A visco-plastic finite element model was adopted to investigate the effect of parameters ranges on the temperature distribution. The results showed that the temperature distribution of T-joint depends mainly on the material to be welded and rotational speed. Besides, increasing the pin length from 7 to 10 mm could significantly increase the resulted temperature by approximately 14%. Therefore, the thickness of the upper plates of the T-joint plays a significant role on the resulted process temperature.  

2012 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 196-201 ◽  
J T Xiong ◽  
J L Li ◽  
J W Qian ◽  
F S Zhang ◽  
W D Huang

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