scholarly journals Review of The Secret Life of Stories: From Don Quixote to Harry Potter, How Understanding Intellectual Disability Transforms the Way We Read

2017 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
Michael Gill

No abstract available.

Carlos Belvedere

En este trabajo paso revista a las diferentes acepciones del concepto de realidad en la obra de Alfred Schutz y las tensiones que lo surcan. Así es que describo una dimensión pragmatista de la realidad, y muestro cómo ella entra en contradicción con una idea marcadamente realista y objetivista. En este contexto, la obra de Schutz se presenta como atravesada por una tensión irresuelta en tres frentes problemáticos: realismo –constructivismo; egología– intersubjetividad; relativismo– fundacionalismo. La intrepretación schutziana del Quijote ilustra magníficamente de qué modo operan estas contradicciones. Al respecto, si bien Schutz se siente cercano a la exégesis de Ortega y Gasset, argumentamos que su Quijote es más afín al de Unamuno. Otra diferencia sustancial que lo distancia de Ortega, a pesar del profundo respeto que sentía por él, es el modo en que ambos cuestionan concepciones colectivistas de lo social como la de Durkheim: Schutz considera que lo social es abstracto y, por ende, irreal, mientras que Ortega lo concibe como una realidad sustituta. Además, Schutz piensa que lo social se enfrenta al individuo, mientras que Ortega muestra que se contrapone a la interacción.In my paper I review the different meanings of the concept of reality in the work of Alfred Schutz and the tensions that cross it. I describe a pragmatic dimension of reality and then I show how it clashes with an idea re-markably realistic and objectivist. In this con-text, Schutz's work is presented as crossed by an unresolved tension on three fronts: realism – constructivism; egology - intersubjectivity; relativism - foundationalism. The Schutzian intrepretación of Don Quixote superbly illustrates how these contradictions operate. In this regard, although Schutz felt close to the exegesis of Ortega y Gasset, I argue that his Quixote is more akin to that of Unamuno. Another substantial difference with Ortega, despite the deep respect Schutz had for him, is the way in which both challenge collectivist social concepts like Durkheim’s: Schutz considered that the social is abstract and therefore unreal, while Ortega conceived it as a substitute reality. Also, Schutz thinks that the social is opposed to the individual while Ortega shows that it opposes interaction.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 4 ◽  
Margunn Rommetveit ◽  
Anita Tollefsen

<p align="left"><strong><span style="font-size: medium;">Focusing at the use of coercion and force against people with intellectual disability </span></strong></p><em><em></em></em><p>The use of coercion and force against people with intellectual disability has been regulated by law in Norway since 1999. Each episode of coercion is challenging the human rights and has the potential to be an act of violation. The requirements for proceedings, ethical considerations and the requirements for professional competences, is special in Norway comparing to the other Scandinavian Countries. The article examines the notifications of coercion and the claim form from the staff working in communities with people with intellectual disability. The notifications of coercion have different approach. The attitude and the way of behavior are strongly related to the approach. The language in the notifications is strongly different. We talk about a subject-subject-relation and a subject-object-relation. It seems like there can be less use of coercion and force, if the staff involved, has the knowledge of how important the relation affect on the good interaction. The staffs own role, in preventing the need of using coercion and force, can be better recognized and improved.</p><em></em>

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