scholarly journals Inclusion through football: The case of Diverse City FC

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-171
James Carr ◽  
Martin Power

In this piece we document how a football club has proved to be an important mechanism of integration for young Muslim women in Ireland. As has been evidenced elsewhere,[1] and discussed in this piece, Islamophobia is a reality in Irish society, whether as proximal lived experiences of hostility and discrimination, or as structural elements that deploy anti-Muslim tropes. In the face of such exclusion, young Muslim individuals, supported by local civil society actors, have taken it upon themselves to develop a platform, namely the Hijabs and Hat-tricks project, that not only enables inclusion, and develops meaningful integration, but also challenges head-on those tropes that cast them and their communities as ‘other’. Football, in the form of Diverse City FC, forms the focal point of this platform. Based on the experiences of these young Irish Muslims, we argue that football, and indeed sport more broadly, can act as an incredibly effective mechanism for meaningful societal integration. Finally, we argue for the importance of not only understanding the experiences of marginalised groups, such as the Diverse City players, but of the importance of drawing from these experiences to design future strategies for inclusion in Irish society. [1] James Carr, Experiences of Islamophobia: Living with racism in the neoliberal era (London: Routledge, 2016).

Sains Insani ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-36
Che Amnah Bahari ◽  
Fatimah Abdullah

The whole world, the Muslim in particular has witnessed conflicts in different areas, which have hindered the developmental efforts of the nations concerned. It should be learned that most victims of these conflicts are women and children. This article attempts to elaborate the role of Muslims Women as a crucial segment in civil society in initiating peace building through nurturing process. It maintains that the adoption of the principles and values derived from the Qur’ān and Sunnah of the Prophet is necessary as a process of lifelong learning.  Those identified values constituted the framework of this article and it adopts the textual analysis method.   This article concludes that through the implementation of those values and frameworks for peace building, women as one of the important segments of civil society are able to play significant role towards initiating peace building and promoting peaceful co-existence in pluralistic society. Abstrak: Dunia Islam khususnya telah menyaksikan konflik di pelbagai daerah yang berbeza. Konflik ini telah menghalang usaha kearah pembangunan Kawasan yang berkenaan. Kebanyakan mangsa konflik ini adalah wanita dan kanak-kanak. Artikel ini cuba untuk menghuraikan peranan wanita Islam sebagai segmen penting dalam masyarakat madani dalam membangun proses kedamaian dengan mendidik dan memupuk prinsip dan nilai murni janaan al-Qur’an. Penggunaan prinsip dan nilai yang dikutip dari ayat-ayat Qur'an dan hadis Rasulullah adalah keperluan yang mendesak sebagai wadah bagi proses pembelajaran sepanjang hayat. Nilai-nilai yang dikenal pasti merupakan rangka kerja artikel ini, dan metod yang dirujuk adalah analisis teks. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahawa melalui pelaksanaan nilai-nilai dan kerangka kerja Islam bagi proses kedamaian, wanita Islam dalam masyarakat madani mampu memainkan peranan penting dalam memulakan pembinaan keamanan dan menggalakkan kehidupan yang harmonis, sejahtera dan saling bantu membantu dalam masyarakat majmuk.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-66
Amri Azhari

There are two different thoughts of the scholars since the last period to the present about the use of Veil. The first thought which oblige a woman Muslim to close the face [Veiled] in front of the male who is not her Mahram; because the face is a primary body part that must be covered. This thought being the opinion of Imam Ahmad bin Hambal, and a strong thought of Imam Syafi'i. The second opinion says Istihbab [Highly recommended], this being the opinion of the Imam Malik and Abu Hanifah's thought and Imam Malik, but, on the other thought of Hanafi and Maliki, since then,  they oblige a veiled woman when they're worried about a slander that will occurr to them. It could happen to her if she is pretty girl, so it appears a libel damages and a malice outbreaking. As this opinion asserted by Al imam Ibn ' Abidin Alhanafi his book [Raddul Muhtar ' Ala Addurul Mukhtar] said: the young girl is prohibited to open her face in the presence of a male [that is not her mahram], it does not because of the face is a body part that must be covered, nevertheless it is concerned as a defamation that occur to the tempted men though his desires are not appeared. Then, the thought about this istihbab is strongly assumed by Shaykh Muhammad al-Albani, a great scholar in the field of Hadith. In addition, he also has a considerable role in enriching the treasure in the field of Islamic law by producing a good works such as the book: (Hijab Almar-ah Almuslimah Fii Alkitaab Wa Assunnah) and a book (Arradul Mufhim ' Ala Man Khalafa Al ulamaa Wa tasyadda Wa ta'shshaba Wa alzama  Almar ata antastura Wajhaha Wa kaffaiha Wa awjaba Wa lam yaqna ' Biqaulihim Innahu Sunnatun  wa Mustahabbun). those two books were his Ijtihad about the use of the veil and islamic law.  Mustahabbun/Sunnah (highly recommended for Muslim women and it does not up to the obligatorily required status). Based on the some Imam Madzhab's thought being compared with the opinions of Shaykh Muhammad al-Albani about the veil, as a result, the author of this scientific works has  aims to explain a different thought among Mutaqaddimin and Muakhkhirin scholars about the veil. I pray to Allah, may Allah gives a great benefits, Aamiin Yaa Rabbal 'alamiin.Para Ulama sejak dahulu sampai sekarang berselisih paham tentang hukum Cadar dangan dua pendapat: yang pertama pendapat yang mewajibkan seorang wanita muslimah untuk menutup wajah [ Bercadar ] didepan laki-laki yg bukan Mahram; dikarenakan Muka adalah Aurat yang wajib di tutut, hal ini menjadi pendapat Imam Ahmad bin Hambal, dan pendapat yang kuat dalam madzham Imam Syafi’. Yang kedua pendapat yang mengatakan Istihbab [ Sangat di anjurkan] , ini menjadi pendapat Madzhab Imam Abu Hanifah dan Imam Malik, Namun di sisi lain para ulama Hanafi dan Maliki- sejak dahulu kala meraka mewajibkan wanita bercadar ketika di khawatirkan terjadinya fitnah yang akan menimpanya; hal tercebut bisa terjadi jika seorang wanit yg cantik maka timbullah fitnah berupa kerusakan dan merebaknya kefasikan. Sebagaimana pendapat ini di tagaskan oleh Al imam Ibnu ‘ Abidin Alhanafi di dalam kitab beliau [ Raddul  Muhtar  ‘Ala  Addurul Mukhtar ]  berkata: Wanita yg masih muda di larang membuka wajah di hadapan laki-laki [ yg bukan mahram baginya] , bukan karena wajah iyu Aurat , namun khawatir fitnah yg akan menimpa laki- laki seperti terlena/ tergoda walaupun tidak bangkit syahwatnya. Lalu pendat yg mengatakan Istihbab ini di kuat oleh Syaikh Muhammad Nashiruddin al Albani, beliau adalah seorang yang mampuni dalam bidang hadits. Di samping itu beliau juga memiliki peran yang cukup besar dalam memperkaya khazanah  dalam bidang hukum-hukum Islam dengan karya-karya yang bermutu semisal buku beliau:  ( Jilbab Almar-ah Almuslimah Fii Alkitaab Wa Assunnah ) Dan kitab  ( Arradul Mufhim ‘Ala Man Khalafa Al ulamaa Wa tasyadda Wa ta’shshaba Wa alzama Almar-ata An Tastura Wajhaha Wa kaffaiha Wa awjaba Wa lam yaqna’ Biqaulihim Innahu Sunnatun Wa Mustahabbun .dua  buku tersebut merupakan Ijtihad beliau tentang hukum Cadar  dalam huk um Islam yaitu: Mustahabbun/ Sunnah ( Sangat di anjurkan bagi wanita muslimah dan tidak sampai ke status Wajib). Berangkat dari pendapat Para Imam- imam Madzhab dan di bandingkan dengan pendapat Syaikh Muhammad Nashiruddin al Albani tentang Cadar, maka Penulis karya Ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan khilafiyah di antara ulama Mutaqaddimin dan Muakhkhirin tentang Cadar tersebut. Saya berdoa kepada Allah Suabhanu Wata’aala memberikan Manfa’at  yang  besar, Amiin Ya Rabbal ‘Alamiin .   اختلاف العلماء قديماً، وحديثا في حكم النقاب على قولين: الأول: يجب على المرأة ستر وجهها أمام الرجال الأجانب؛ لأن الوجه عورة، وهو مذهب الإمام أحمد، والصحيح من مذهب الشافعي، الثاني: استحباب النقاب، وهو مذهب أبي حنيفة ومالك، لكن أفتى علماء الحنفية والمالكية - منذ زمن بعيد - أنه يجب على المرأة ستر وجهها، عند خوف الفتنة بها أو عليها، والمراد بالفتنة بها: أن تكون المرأة ذات جمال، والمراد بخوف الفتنة عليها، أن يفسد الزمان بكثرة الفساد وانتشار الفساق؛ قال "ابن عابدين الحنفي" في (رد المحتار على الدر المختار): "وتمنع المرأة الشابة من كشف الوجه بين رجال، لا لأنه عورة، بل لخوف الفتنة كمسه وإن أمن الشهوة. إن العلماء الذين يقولون باستحباب حكم النقاب لقد أيده الشيخ محمد ناصر الدين الألباني, كان رجلا بارعا في المجال الحديثي وله مساهمة غير قليلة في إثراء المكتبة الفقهية الإسلامية بالمؤلفات المفيدة منها: جلباب المرأة المسلمة في الكتاب والسنة والرد المفحم على من خالف العلماء وتشدّد وتعصب وألزم المرأة أن تستر وجهها وكفيها وأوجب ولم يقنع بقولهم: إنه سنة ومستحب, ومنخلال كتابيه راى وأخذ القول مجتهدا أن النقاب مستحب/ سنة وليس بواجب. انطلاقا من أراء العلماء المتقدمين والمعاصرين ثم المقارنة باجتهاد الشيخ الألباني عن النقاب, فلبى الباحث كتابة هذه الرسالة مبيّناً عن خلافية العلماء في أحكام النقاب, الله أسأل أن يمن علي الأجر والنفع الكبير, ويرزقنا العمل الصالح, آمين يا رب العالمين

YMER Digital ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (11) ◽  
pp. 382-387
Mr. Kiran Ranganath Kale ◽  

cid attack is against the indivual but consequences are universal; hence I think it is one kind of deep rooted social evil. As a learner of law we all are well aware that crime is against world at large or against the society. Now this acid attacks demeans the society and humanity. It reflects crony of human beings which is always hidden and not apparent. Over the years the gravity of this heinous crime has centralized Research scholars, thinkers’ Social activist, Legislatures, law students’ judges as well to make out way to curb this paranoia. In A.K. Gopalan’s case Justice Patanjali shashtri said that “man is rational beings desires to do many things but in civil society his desires will have to be controlled with the exercise of sillier desires of other indivual.” And not pouring acid on him or her. Because the main reasons behind commission of this brutal act are unwarranted desires like rejection of love marriages not love but proposal of marriages, refusal of dowry, rejection of sexual demands, property dispute, family conflict, disputes of live-in relationships though desires of human beings cannot be legislated but behavior can be controlled by penalizing it. The acid attack is unpredicted and permeated violence against beauty and body of the person; this is the only attack which can be done against inherent things of the body rather than bodily harm to the person. Those beautiful things of the victims can be targeted which are impossible to digest to the acid throwers. Acid attack is not only crime but also brutal violence that shows the gravity of the act of the thrower. This leads several long term consequences like blindness, disfigurations of the face and body, having negative felling to live along with society. Hence this evil must be eradicated before it grows in civil society

Michael Sonne Kristensen ◽  
Judy Edworthy ◽  
Elif Özcan

This article addresses the need of including acoustical perspectives in the debate on alarm fatigue within the healthcare domain. We show how conceptualisations and proposed solutions to alarm fatigue are unequally distributed across what could be called the ‘alarm chain’: a generic model of the core structural elements and dynamic relations that constitute any alarm scenario. A focal point in the alarm chain – the ‘alarm mediation cleft’ – seems to divide the alarm fatigue literature from the segment of the alarm literature that deals with auditory alarm design. The current healthcare discourse on alarm fatigue is centred around the ‘premediated alarm phase’, which has the consequence of an unfortunate dichotomous approach to the functionality of sound. We address some shortcomings of this approach and outline some methodological implications and potentials of searching for signs of alarm fatigue in the ‘post-mediated alarm phase’.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Jehan Bseiso ◽  
Michiel Hofman ◽  
Jonathan Whittall

Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed and millions displaced in a decade of conflict in Syria. The devastation caused by the unrelenting war makes this crisis one of the most serious humanitarian disasters in recent history. The widely reported and available numbers—more than six million internally displaced and five million refugees, roughly half the population of the entire country—reflects only a fraction of the conflict’s toll (OCHA 2019). Hundreds of thousands of people have been besieged, hospitals have been destroyed, and humanitarian access has been restricted. This has led to countless denunciations from international organizations, states, and civil society movements calling for the laws of war to be respected, sieges lifted, and humanitarian access facilitated. But beneath each of these humanitarian appeals lies a complex reality extending beyond the binary narratives that have come to define the Syria war: of an “evil regime” willing to demolish neutral hospitals in its quest to defeat a popular uprising, or of “terrorists” using hospitals to launch attacks against a legitimate government. Indeed, each reasonable demand for a more humane conduct of warfare interacts with the complexity of Syria’s history and the role of social services in the postcolonial period, the evolution of the application of the law of war in the context of a war on terrorism, the lived experiences of the tactic of siege that follows Syrians across borders, the use and manipulation of humanitarian narratives to fuel complex ...

Alessandra Camargo Godoi ◽  
Sandra Zita Silva Tiné

Financial education has gradually been extending its reach, upported through the efforts of the Brazilian government and organized civil society, in the face of the social and economic challenges besetting the world. Like any educational process, financial education requires planning, engagement and mobilization, even considering that the results do not necessarily have a short- or medium-term effect. Considering the trajectory of financial education in Brazil, this text aims to discuss it within an educational context and describe its trajectory up to incorporation into the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), highlighting its recognition in this important and most current curricular document in Brazilian education.

2020 ◽  
pp. 123-137
Catherine E. Herrold

Chapter 5 reviews how President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, following his installation in 2014, quickly moved to consolidate power and repress Egypt’s NGO sector. The chapter describes how in 2017 the Egyptian government ratified an even more oppressive NGO law that further restricted foreign funding, eliminated loopholes for human rights organizations, curtailed permissible activities, and instituted more severe punishments for violating the law. Rather than a transition to democracy, Egypt seemed to have settled into even deeper autocracy, as President Sisi curtailed civil society even more repressively than had Mubarak. Chapter 5 draws on data collected in 2014 and 2017 to show how development NGO and foundation leaders persevered, finding new and creative ways to continue to fight for reform.

Sexualities ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 86-110
John Marnell ◽  
Elsa Oliveira ◽  
Gabriel Hoosain Khan

This article presents findings from three arts-based studies conducted by the African Centre for Migration and Society, in partnerships with Gay and Lesbian Memory in Action and the Sisonke National Sex Worker Movement. Drawing on participant-created visual and narrative artefacts, the article offers insights into the complex ways in which queer migrants, refugees and asylum seekers living in South Africa negotiate their identities, resist oppression and confront stereotypes. It reveals the dynamic ways in which queer migrants, refugees and asylum seekers forge a sense of belonging in spite of concurrent vulnerabilities and structural discrimination. It also reflects on the benefits and limitations of using participatory arts-based research with marginalised groups.

2018 ◽  
pp. 117-133
Nella van den Brandt

This chapter considers the case of Flanders. In Flanders, Christian women's movements belonging to Catholic civil society used to draw a large following and were able to contribute to the political, religious, and social emancipation of Catholic women throughout Belgium. Today, however, these Christian women's movements face declining membership and the need to ‘reinvent’ themselves according to contemporary times and women's needs. Looking at how a movement that is constitutive of Christian women's history in Flanders rethinks its self-presentation, the chapter aims to generate important insights, both descriptive and normative, into the role and place of Christian feminism and Christian women's movements in the face of social changes that take place across Western Europe.

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