scholarly journals Experiências Urbanas: Migrantes e Modos de Viver e Trabalhar na Periferia de Campina Grande na Década de 1960 * Urban Experiences: Migrants and Ways of Living and Working in the Outskirts of Campina Grande in the 1960s

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 89

<p><strong>Resumo:</strong> A partir do final da década de 1940 e início de 1950, Campina Grande passa por uma significativa urbanização e expansão, favorecida pelo crescimento econômico. Observamos que trabalhadores do campo migraram da zona rural para a zona urbana de Campina Grande à medida que o trabalho na lavoura estava se tornando inviável em razão das secas e viam no centro urbano de Campina possibilidades outras de trabalhar e ter condições de vida mais dignas. Nosso trabalho intenta refletir sobre como alguns populares migraram para Campina Grande no fim da década de 1950 e década de 1960, modificando suas práticas no mundo do trabalho e alterando as características da malha urbana, já que, concentrando-se na periferia, homens e mulheres outrora lavradores passaram agora a desempenhar funções de vigilantes, pedreiros, lavadeiras, vendedores ambulantes, carroceiros, quebradores de pedra, dentre outras.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave:</strong> Migração, Campina Grande, Trabalho.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstract: </strong>From the late 1940s and early 1950s, Campina Grande undergoes a significant urbanization and expansion, favored by economic growth. We observed that rural workers migrated from rural to urban area in Campina Grande in so far as the farming activity was becoming unviable due to droughts and they could see, in the urban center of Campina, other possibilities of working and worthier life conditions. Our work attempts to reflect on how some popular migrated to Campina Grande in the late 1950s and 1960s, changing their practices in the workplace and changing the characteristics of the city, because massing in the periphery, men and women who were ploughpeople in past, have now the role of watchers, bricklayers, washerwomen, street vendors, cart drivers, stone breakers, among others.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Migration – Campina Grande – Work.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Catherine A. Nikiel ◽  
Elfatih A. B. Eltahir

AbstractFor millennia the Nile supplied Egypt with more water than needed. As the population grew and the economy expanded, demand on water increased accordingly. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis to reconstruct how total demand on water outstripped supply of the Nile water in the late 1970s, starting from a surplus of about 20 km3 per year in the 1960s leading to a deficit of about 40 km3 per year by the late 2010s. The gap is satisfied by import of virtual water. The role of economic growth in driving per capita demand on water is quantified based on detailed analysis of water use by agriculture and other sectors. We develop and test an empirical model of water demand in Egypt that relates demand on water to growth rates in the economy and population. Looking forward, we project that within this decade of the 2020 s, under nominal scenarios of population and economic growth, Egypt is likely to import more virtual water than the water supplied by the Nile, bringing into question the historical characterization of Egypt as “the gift of the Nile”.

Niels Viggo Haueter

Reinsurance is perceived to have a stabilizing effect on the direct insurance industry and thereby on the economy overall. Yet, research into how exactly reinsurance impacts various areas is scarce. Traditionally, studying the impact of reinsurance used to be in the domain of actuaries; since the 1960s, they have tried to assess how different contract elements can provide what came to be called “optimal reinsurance.” In the 2010s, such research was intensified in developing countries with the aim to deploy reinsurance to support economic growth and security. Interest in reinsurance increased when the industry became more visible in the 1990s as the impact of natural catastrophes started being linked to a changing climate. Reinsurers emerged as spokespeople for climate-related issues, and the industry took a lead role in arguing in favor of implementing measures to reduce environmental deterioration. Reinsurers, it was argued, have a vested interest in managing the impact of natural catastrophes. This triggered discussions about the role of reinsurance overall and about how to assess its impact. In the wake of the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008, interest in reinsurance again surged, this time due to perceived systemic impacts.

Danyang Feng

Summary Yokkaichi asthma, one of the four big pollution diseases of Japan, occurred as a result of the operation of local petrochemical complexes in the city of Yokkaichi in the early 1960s. This article explores how Yokkaichi asthma was caused, how it was certified by local government and how the air pollution victims ultimately won a lawsuit against the polluting corporations. Yoshida Katsumi, a Medical Professor at Mie Prefectural University, consulted the Atomic Bomb Medical Law to establish Yokkaichi’s own certification system. Because both leukaemia and asthma are non-specific diseases, they may also be caused by non-pollution-related factors. In the Yokkaichi lawsuit, Yoshida applied the epidemiological causation to the legal judgment for the purpose of providing compensation to individuals. As the case for compensation unfolded from 1967 to 1972, epidemiological knowledge, legal theory and social norms were deployed to advance the plaintiffs’ claim, whose success set a good example for other legal proceedings.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 387-404
Jeroen Stevens ◽  
Bruno De Meulder

This article will unfold a longe durée spatial biography of the urban area of Bixiga (São Paulo, Brazil) to probe the particular role of space in the conflation of different cultural practices and territorial claims. The extended case study bridges indigenous, colonial, and postcolonial urbanization as they amalgamated an intricate assemblage of material and cultural strata. Combined historical urban analysis and fieldwork allow to uncover how the resulting urban milieu integrates discrepant urban worlds, perpetually iterating between centrality and marginality, innovation and degradation, oppression and resistance. Building on Foucault’s (1984) conception of heterotopia, Bixiga will surface as an allotopia, a place that accommodates, cumulates, and celebrates a multitude of differences. It sheds light, this way, on more insurgent histories of urbanism, where urban space is piecemeal forged through contentious struggles over space in the city.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 234
Nahu Daud

<p>This research aims (1) to analyze and test the influence of economic growth on the degree of autonomy the area in County Government and city of Maluku Province, (2) Analyze and test the influence of economic growth on the absorption of labor on County Government and city of Maluku province (3) Analyze and test the influence of economic growth on the welfare of society at the County Government and the city of Maluku province (4) Analyze and test the influence of degree of autonomous region of absorption of labor on County Government and city of Maluku province, (5) Analyze and test the influence of the degree of autonomy the area of social welfare in the Government District and the city of Maluku province (6) Analyze and test the influence of absorption of labor against the welfare of the community on County Government and City Maluku province. The approach used is the analysis of Path Analysis, intended to answer a relationship direct or indirect causal model has been developed on the basis of theoretical consideration of researchers and certain knowledge. In addition to the causal relationship is based on the data, also based on knowledge, the formulation of hypotheses and logical analysis, so that it can be called path analysis can be used to test a set of causal hypotheses as well as to interpret these relationships.</p><p>The results showed (1) economic growth positively and significantly influence the degree of autonomy of the region. These results lend support to the hypothesis of one stating that economic growth was a significant influence on the degree of autonomy of the region. (2) The influential economic growth positively and significantly to labor absorption. These results lend support to the hypothesis of two stating that the influential economic growth dramatically to labor absorption. (3) Economic growth positively and significantly influences the well-being of the community. These results provide support for the three hypotheses which state that the economic growth affects significantly to the well-being of society. (4) The degree of autonomy the positive and significant effect of absorption of labor. (5) The degree of autonomy to the region in a positive and significant effect on the welfare of society. (6) The positive impact of labor absorption and significantly to the well-being of society. (7) The results of the discussion to confirm that economic growth affectsconsiderably to the well-being of the community through the degree of autonomy of the regions and the absorption of labor. Significant influence occurs because the existence of a direct relationship with the role of the community.</p>

2021 ◽  
Gréta Nusová ◽  
Marcel Uhrin ◽  
Peter Kaňuch

Abstract The Erňa cave, a mass winter hibernaculum and important swarming site of the common pipistrelle, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, is located in the Slovak Karst, near the Košice urban agglomeration in eastern Slovakia. Over the past two decades, the unusual behaviour of late summer or autumn accidental but abundant occurrences of this species have been observed in buildings (so-called invasions) in Košice. It has been hypothesised that these events are related to bats swarming and hibernating in the Erňa cave; however, causality has not been confirmed. We measured the relative activity of bats from the end of the breeding season through the invasions and autumn swarming prior to the onset of hibernation by recording their echolocation calls on car-based transects in order to find any spatial and temporal linkage between activity in the urban area and the swarming site. Over two years we recorded 6,253 sequences with echolocation calls of P. pipistrellus and 5,239 records of other bats along four transects totalling 7,121 km in length. Spatial pattern analysis found that the city agglomeration presented a local hotspot of the species’ activity, especially during the invasion season. Multivariate generalised additive modelling confirmed an increased density of records of P. pipistrellus between the urban area and the hibernaculum in the pre-hibernation season, whereas this pattern was not found to be consistent on the control transects near the city. Contrary to that, other bat species showed little variation in their activity between transects and seasons. The obtained results suggest that the relatively short geographical distance between the urban agglomeration and the large swarming site is likely a clue to the frequent city invasions of the species, although the role of the city as a hibernation area cannot be completely omitted.

Hartati Sulistyo Rini

Sebagai sistem ekonomi alternatif, keberadaan sektor informal mengundang pro dan kontra. Peranannya yang signifikan sebagai katup pengaman ekonomi nasional belum diimbangi dengan proteksi atau perlindungan dari pemerintah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membahas peran sektor informal dalam mengatasi masalah sosial ekonomi masyarakat dan dilema yang dialami oleh sektor informal dalam menjalankan perannya tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat peran sektor informal pada bidang ketenagakerjaan dan penyerapan angka pengangguran. Sektor formal dianggap tidak mampu menyediakan kesempatan kerja untuk seluruh lapisan masyarakat, apalagi mereka yang ada pada posisi marjinal. Pada beberapa kasus-khususnya yang berhubungan dengan sektor informal perkotaan perlakuan dan kebijakan negara menjadi sangat diskriminatif karena seringkali berhadapan dengan kebijakan negara yang bahkan berakhir dengan kekerasan.  Perlindungan terhadap sektor informal salah satunya adalah pada pedagang kaki lima di Surakarta.  Kota ini menjadi contoh representatif dalam pengorganisasian kepentingan  pemerintah  dan pedagang kaki lima. Ini dapat menjadi inspirasi positif bagi penanganan sektor informal di tempat yang lain untuk memperluas lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial. As an alternative economic system, the existence of informal sector invites pros and cons. The significant role of informal sector as a safety valve of the national economy has not been matched by government with the protection or support The objective of this study is to discuss the role of the informal sector in addressing social and economic issues, and the dilemma faced by the informal sector in carrying out this role. The results of this study shows that there is an important role of the informal sector in the field of employment and unemployment absorption. The formal sector is not considered able to provide job opportunities to all levels of society, especially those in marginal positions. In some cases, particularly with regard to the urban informal sector-treatment and state policy became very discriminatory because often faced with state policies and even lead to violence. The protection of the informal sector one is on street vendors in Surakarta. The city is become representative example in organizing between the government’s interest and street vendors. It can be a positive inspiration for handling informal sector in other places to expand employment opportunities for the community and increase social welfare.

1994 ◽  
Vol 33 (4II) ◽  
pp. 935-952 ◽  
Sohail J. Malik ◽  
Muhammad Hussain ◽  
Nasim S. Shirazi

A number of studies such as Naseem (1973, 1977); Allaudin (1975); Mujahid (1978); Irfan and Amjad (1984); Kruijk and Leeuwan (1985); Cheema (1985); Malik (1988); Akhtar (1988); Ercelawn (1988, 1989, 1990); Ahmad and Ludlow (1990); Havinga et al. (1990, 199Oa); Malik (1992) and Zaidi and de Vos (1993) have been undertaken to analyse the phenomena of poverty in Pakistan. The general picture that emerges from these studies is that although poverty is widespread in Pakistan, it is more prevalent in rural areas. Poverty increased during the 1960s, but it has been declining ever since 1970. The change in agrarian structure during the 1960s contributed towards the higher rural poverty. A respectable rate of economic growth and the increase In foreign remittances are generally mentioned as factors responsible for the decline in poverty since the 1970s. The introduction of zakat and ushr system in 1980 also played its role in this regard. However, poverty still remains One of the most serious problems in the country.

Alexsandra I. Ermolova ◽  

The paper discusses the activities of children's libraries in Tomsk in the 1960s and 70s. The main goal of this study is consider the history of children's libraries in the city and reveal the role of libraries in educational, cultural, political and ideological components of the everyday lives of young Tomsk residents. There are several reasons for addressing this problem. In the USSR, children were always not only in the care of the state, but also part of the political discourse about the happy childhood and the man of the future who was expected to live under communism. In this context, children's libraries were given a special status as places that successfully combined educational, cultural, political and ideological activities for children. The Tomsk Region has always been considered the intellectual center of Siberia. Therefore, it seems obvious that there has always been a special focus on the development of libraries in Tomsk. For example, the number of public libraries in the Tomsk Region increased from 135 in 1945 to 495 in 1964. This study addresses the history of children's libraries in the city. The thematic focus of their collections, and According to the regional archive, in the 1960– 70s, there were four active children's libraries in the city. The main ones were City Children's Library No. 1 located at 167 Lenin Avenue, and Marshak Children's Library No. 2 located at 17a Nikitina Street, The two other were smaller in size: Library No. 3 (81 Michurina) and City Children's Library No. 6 (9 Kolkhoznaya). The statistical reports of libraries demonstrate the increasing interest of young Tomsk residents in library activities: the number of readers, as well as number of visits grew from year to year. The libraries had quite diverse collections, which included not only books, but also periodicals. Some interesting observations can be made about the distribution of genres: socio-political publications are the second most popular genre, after fiction. Libraries were not only a place where children could receive and read books, but also hosted a variety of cultural, educational and leisure events, such as matinees, debates, exhibitions, and poetry evenings. There were Young Readers Clubs which arranged book discussions and meetings with interesting people. All this evidence suggests that children's libraries were an essential part of the city's social and cultural life. They acted as a kind of educational centers where young Tomsk residents could find answers to their questions. They were also places of leisure where children could spend their free time. Moreover, libraries inculcated some ideologically correct attitudes. Meetings, disputes, and quizzes held in libraries always addressed topics related to Lenin, communism, and activities of the Commuunist Party of the Soviet Union.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-30
B. Zorina Khan

Knowledge and ideas, incentives, and institutions are central for understanding technological change and long-term economic growth. This book bridges the current disconnect between the economics of technological change and the analysis of institutions. The discussion draws on detailed information about the experience of over one hundred thousand ingenious men and women in Britain, France, and the United States, whose inventions helped to create the modern knowledge economy. These results overturn longstanding myths of invention about elites, innovation prizes, and “entrepreneurial states,” and instead highlight the pivotal role of property rights and markets in ideas in explaining technological progress and the wealth of nations.

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