Comparative and correlation analysis of experimental work on the formation
of readiness to conduct intra-university quality monitoring
The problem of the formation of the teacher's readiness to conduct intra-university monitoring of the quality of students' education is considered. On the basis of the developed system for the formation of a teacher's readiness to conduct intra-university monitoring of the quality of student learning, it is currently a mechanism for managing this process. The article presents the materials of the correlation analysis of the results of experimental work on the formation of a teacher's readiness to conduct intra-university monitoring of the quality of student learning, considered as an integrative personality trait, a system-forming information-research, operational-activity, analytical, reflective and managerial components reflecting the level of knowledge and skills to apply methods, technologies and means of conducting intra-university monitoring of the quality of student learning, to assess the quality of mastering an academic discipline. Based on the materials of experimental work, the relationship between the components of readiness and between the dominant indicators in their structure is proved. In the course of a comparative analysis of the results of the ascertaining and formative experiments, a connection was established between the types of teacher's readiness to conduct intra-university monitoring of the quality of student learning, which proves its integrative nature, and their compensatory role was also revealed due to the dominant indicators. In the course of the implementation of the developed system, the teachers' need for solving innovative problems increased (an indicator of the managerial type of readiness). The results obtained indicate the development of all components of readiness in the process of professional development. The analysis carried out allows us to speak about the possibility of forming the types of teacher readiness to conduct intra-university monitoring of the quality of student learning due to the compensatory properties of the types of readiness.