scholarly journals A Case Study of a Software Development Process Model for SIS-ASTROS

Camila Hübner Brondani ◽  
Otávio da Cruz Mello ◽  
Lisandra Manzoni Fontoura
Andreza Vieira ◽  
Franklin Ramalho

The Model-Driven Development (MDD) approach shifts the focus on code to models in the software development process. In MDD, model transformations are elements that play an important role. MDD-based projects evolve along their lifecycle in a way that changes in their transformations are frequent. Before applying changes it is important to measure their impacts within the transformation. However, currently no technique helps practitioners in this direction. We propose an approach to measure the change impact in ATL model transformations. Based on static analysis, it detects the elements impacted by a change and calculates the change impact value through three metrics we defined. By using our approach, practitioners can (i) save effort and development time since the elements impacted with the change are automatically detected and (ii) better schedule and prioritize changes according to the impact value. To empirically evaluate our approach we conducted a case study.

2019 ◽  
Alexandra Terrill ◽  
Justin J. MacKenzie ◽  
Maija Reblin ◽  
Jackie Tyne Einers ◽  
Jesse Ferraro ◽  

BACKGROUND Individuals with disability and their partners, who often provide care, are both at risk for depression and lower quality of life. Mobile health (mHealth) interventions are promising to address barriers for mental health care. Rehabilitation researchers and software development researchers must collaborate effectively with each other, and with clinical and patient stakeholders to ensure successful mHealth development. OBJECTIVE To aid researchers interested in mHealth software development by describing the collaborative process between a team of rehabilitation researchers, software development researchers, and stakeholders. Thus, we provide a framework (conceptual model) for other teams to replicate in order to build a web-based mHealth app for individuals with physical disability. METHODS Rehabilitation researchers, software development researchers, and stakeholders (people with physical disabilities and clinicians) are involved in an iterative software development process. The overall process to develop an mHealth intervention includes initial development meetings and a co-design method called “designbox”, in which the needs and key elements of the app are discussed. Based on the objectives outlined, a prototype is developed and goes through scoping iterations with feedback from stakeholders and end-users. The prototype is then tested by users to identify technical errors and gather feedback on usability and accessibility. RESULTS Illustrating the overall development process, we present a case study based on our experience developing an app (SupportGroove) for couples coping with spinal cord injury. Examples of how we addressed specific challenges are also included. For example, feedback from stakeholders resulted in development of app features for individuals with limited functional ability. Initial designs lacked accessibility design principles made visible by end-users. Solutions included large text, single-click, and minimal scrolling to facilitate menu navigation for individuals using eye-gaze technology. Prototype testing allowed further refinement and demonstrated high usability and engagement with activities in the app. Qualitative feedback indicated high levels of satisfaction, accessibility, and confidence in potential utility. We also present key lessons learned about working in a collaborative interdisciplinary team. CONCLUSIONS mHealth promises to help overcome barriers to mental health intervention access. However, the development of these interventions can be challenging because of the disparate and often siloed expertise required. By describing the mHealth software development process and illustrating it with a successful case study of rehabilitation researchers, software development researchers, and stakeholders collaborating effectively, our goal is to help other teams avoid challenges we faced and benefit from our lessons learned. Ultimately, good interdisciplinary collaboration will benefit individuals with disabilities and their families. CLINICALTRIAL n/a

2018 ◽  
pp. 448-462
Sanjay Misra ◽  
M. Omorodion ◽  
Amit Mishra ◽  
Luis Fernandez

The rapid growth in technology and the dynamism in our society today poses a lot of problems for Software Engineering practitioners. The result is a series of software development process methods that can be used to combat or meet up with the problems. What we can do is evolve, grow, and adapt to the changes that come along with development. This is the dynamism inherent in man—to adapt to change and improve ourselves and our existing systems—since the world is a far cry from what it was a few decades ago. On this basis lay the need to develop the model proposed in this chapter to meet the variations that exist as a result of technological development.

Priyanka Kataria ◽  
Shweta Shrivas ◽  
Ishita Shukla ◽  
A. Hemlata

During the past years, new software development approaches were introduced to suit within the new trend of the software development corporations. Most Software Corporation’s today aim to provide valuable software in short period of time with marginal prices and among unstable, ever-changing environments. Agile methodology focuses on the challenges of unpredictability of the real world by relying on individuals and their creative thinking instead of method. In this paper we tend to explore about the current agile methods, strengths and weaknesses of agile strategies and numerous problems with their relevancy. We have conjointly enclosed comparison between traditional software development process and agile software development process. This paper also includes brief discussion about the benefits and problems associated with these methodologies by performing case study of two corporations.

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