scholarly journals Construção e resgate do saber sobre a agroecologia através de metodologias de intervenção no processo pedagógico

Jéssica Oliveira Souza ◽  
Cleberton Correia Santos

<p>Na busca de um desenvolvimento sustentável, a Agroecologia é uma ciência que articular todos os recursos presentes no ambiente. Porém, muitos ainda desconhecem a mesma, sendo de suma importância sua difusão através de concepções pedagógicas. Desta forma, objetivou-se com este trabalho articular o diálogo de saberes e práticas com estudantes do ensino médio sobre a temática “sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento local”. O trabalho foi realizado com alunos de escola pública (Escola Estadual Professora Eufrosina Pinto) no ano de 2013 por acadêmicos do curso de Tecnologia em Agroecologia da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS)/Unidade Universitária de Glória de Dourados. As metodologias utilizadas foram baseadas nas concepções pedagógicas piagetianas (Jean Piaget) norteadas pelo construtivismo e fundamentos teóricos, e freirianas (Paulo Freire), aprimorados a partir da educação popular emancipadora. Os relatos foram anotados m um caderno, seguido da observação participante. A maioria dos alunos tem conhecimento e percepção significativa sobre as temas de Agroecologia, sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento local. A utilização das ferramentas pedagógicas Freirianas e Piagetianas foram de suma importância na articulação entre os eixos abordados, sendo metodologias participativas de alta relevância no processo de intervenção.</p><p align="center"><strong><em>Construction and rescue of knowledge about agroecology through intervention methodologies in the educational process</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p><p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>: </strong>In pursuit of sustainable development, Agroecology is a science to articulate all the resources in the environment. But many are still unaware of the same, which is extremely important dissemination through pedagogical concepts. Thus, the aim of this study was to articulate the dialogue of knowledge and practices with high school students on the theme "sustainability and local development." The work was carried out with public school students (State School Professor Eufrosina Pinto) by students of the course of Technology in Agroecology at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS) / University Unit of Glória de Dourados. The methodologies used were based on Piaget pedagogical concepts (Jean Piaget) guided by constructivism and theoretical foundations, and Freirian (Paulo Freire), improved from the popular emancipatory education. The reports were noted, followed by participant observation. Most students have knowledge and significant insight into the issues of Agroecology, sustainability and local development. The use of teaching tools Freirian and Piaget were of paramount importance in linking the topics axle, participatory methodologies of high relevance in the intervention process.</p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 24-33
K. V. Rozov

The article presents the structure, content and results of approbation of the C++ programming course developed for the 10th grade students of physics and mathematics profile and implemented as part of the academic subject “Informatics”. The aim of the course is to develop in the student not only knowledge and skills in programming, but also his algorithmic culture and programming culture as important qualities of a potential IT-specialist. This is facilitated by special control of educational process by the teacher, which consists in monitoring the activities of students in writing programs and timely correction of this activity. The assessment of the level of development of student algorithmic culture and programming culture relative to the basic level of their formation (when mastering the basics of algorithmization and programming in the 9th grade) was carried out on the basis of a number of criteria presented in the article. The results of approbation showed that the specially organized teacher activity makes it possible to increase the level of algorithmic culture and programming culture of high school students when studying the basics of programming in C++.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Daniel Damyanov ◽  

Raising the level of digital education is one of the main challenges facing the education system now and in the future. The use of modern technical means in the learning process is an important prerequisite for achieving this ambitious goal. However, this must go hand in hand with the introduction of new scientific methods and teaching approaches. This article presents different approaches which the author has applied in her practice with high school students. It proves the benefit of their implementation in the educational process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (8) ◽  
pp. 102-138
Clarissa De Assis Olgin ◽  
Claudia Lisete Oliveira Groenwald ◽  
Carmen Teresa Kaiber

Background: Developing autonomy, the ability to solve problem situations, make decisions and act for the benefit of your social environment are modern life skills and can be developed in the school environment, along with mathematical content, and can be viable through the methodology of project projects, using active methodologies and the resources of digital technologies. Objectives: Discuss the Mathematics Curriculum or the work projects as a pedagogical proposition based on the development of three projects with the thematic Cryptography, Music, and Project launching applicable to the High School. Design: Qualitative research that sought to investigate work with projects in High School was used. Setting and Participants: Experiments developed with two classes of high school students in the Rio Grande do Sul state. Data collection and analysis: Data collection took place during the development of the project stages through students' written records and questionnaires. Results: It is considered that the Work Projects developed constituted a possibility to modify the role of the student and the teacher, allowing students to become active, participative, and committed to the development of their knowledge. Conclusions: It is understood that students, their learning and development must be the focus of the educational process. Therefore, the school curriculum must enable students to assume the role and responsibility for their learning.

Marina A. Dubova ◽  
Valeriya V. Efremova

The article is devoted to the analysis of the techniques of color painting and light painting in the story of the neorealist writer I.A. Bunin “The Mad Artist”. The relevance is due to the fact that in the modern education system, more attention is paid to innovative pedagogical receptions designed to optimize the educational process and ensure greater independence in work. In particular, interest in case technology is growing. The purpose of the article is the philological analysis of the story of I.A. Bunin’s “The Mad Artist” with the use of case technology techniques. The authors of the article take a case teaching the analysis and assessment of the situation as the basis for working with the text of the Bunin story. Based on it, the article presents an analysis of the linguistic parameters of a literary text and the means of their representation at the lexico-semantic level, revealing the techniques of color and light painting used by the writer in a work and participating in the implementation of the main principle of constructing a text – antithesis. The analysis is based on the comparative-comparative method, methods of citation and holistic analysis of a literary work. As a result of the research, a Russian language lesson was developed for high school students on the topic «Color and light painting as components of the creator’s world in I.A. Bunin̕ s story “The Mad Artist”» based on the techniques of case technology. The solution of the proposed case contributes to the development of creative and critical thinking of students, the formation of skills to work both individually and in pairs, the development of communicative and linguistic competencies.

Kostiantyn KONDRATIUK ◽  

Academic Gymnasium was found in October 1784 at the University of Lviv. This is a state secondary educational institution of the humanitarian direction. The graduates-maturists had the opportunity to continue their studies at the university after its completion. The Academic Gymnasium was the oldest gymnasium with the Ukrainian language of instruction. The information concerning the gymnasium's organization's functioning and principles till 1848 was lost due to revolutionary events. We can find the data about the organization of the institution's functioning, the number of teachers and students, and their social origin from 1849. At the same time, this date coincides with the secondary school's reform in 1849 based on the «Organizational Essay of High Schools and Actual Schools of Austria» and the «Normative Plan of Education for Gymnasia», which functioned until 1910 with minor changes. Exactly these normative documents regulated the functioning of the gymnasium - the organization of the educational process, the language of teaching, the priority of disciplines, the number and load of teachers, the organization of extra-curricular activities of high school students. Since 1907, the gymnasium is reorganized into the Main Gymnasium due to the number of students' growth and moving into a newly built building on L. Sapieha street and the Branch in the premises of the Narodnyi dim (People's Hall). The educational process in the gymnasium was carried out based on ministerial plans. By the end of the 20th century, more than 60% of the educational time was spent on learning languages, and the natural and mathematical cycle reached 25%, which indicates the humanitarian direction of gymnasium preparation. The situation was changed by the curriculum for classical gymnasiums in 1909, according to which the disciplines of the natural-mathematical cycle were synchronized with the requirements of universities. The article's main thesis is that during the 1849-1914 years, the Tsissar-Royal Academic Gymnasium in Lviv developed into a leading secondary educational institution. Mostly Ukrainian Greek Catholics, natives from Halychyna, studied here. The headmasters of the gymnasium were experienced teachers, skilled administrators. During the second half of the 19th century - at the beginning of the 20th century, the gymnasium was headed by Franz Brugger (1848-1858), Ivan Piontkovskyi (1858-1868), Vasyl Ilnytskyi (1868-1892 ), Edvard Kharkevych (1892-1911) and Illia Kokorudz (1911-1927). The teaching staff was increasing quantitatively and qualitatively. Careful selection, education requirements, and teaching methods provided the gymnasium with qualified specialists and responsible officials. The institution's educational process was provided by about 23-25 ​teachers, 70% of whom were gymnasium professors. Teachers of gymnasium conducted classes on a high professional level with students and created original textbooks in their native language, literature, history, and geography. Many teachers of the gymnasium and later graduates became well-known socio-political figures, scientists, and artists.So, Academic Gymnasium in Lviv is a secondary educational institution of the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. It functioned following Austrian secondary school legislation. The Academic Gymnasium, being in the structure of the Lviv University, provided it with well-prepared entrants. Students received a profound knowledge of normative disciplines in the gymnasium and a good national and religious education. The heads of the educational institution were experienced teachers and organizers who took care of the proper provision of the educational institution with teaching staff. The educational and methodological literature was supported, developed, and implemented in the educational process, together with teachers and public figures. Teachers of the gymnasium constantly worked on self-education and were active socio-political leaders. Keywords: Academic Gymnasium, organization, Krajova Szkolna Rada (Region School Council), teachers, teaching process, students, educational legislation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 3057-3064
Maral Yessekeshova ◽  
Isakova Gulnur ◽  
Seilkhan Gulzhakhar ◽  
Kaltayeva Gulnar ◽  
Bermukhambetova Botagoz

This study addresses the issue of implementing a system approach during the  higher school specialists preparation, which effectively leads to their professional competence formation. The study results   of higher education teachers professional difficulties in the interaction  with the educational process participants are presented. The training technology on the system approach basis creates conditions for the learning process participants’ activities systemic organization, as well as for the system thinking skills and the system approach developing in cognitive, practical and other ongoing and forthcoming activities. An important factor in the future specialists’ professional competence formation  is an indicative basis formation for their future professional activity. The professional competence structure and components characteristic are given. Examples are also presented, that demonstrate the professional competence formation implementation with a focus on current society needs. There is a description of the students’ considerable professional competence increase after its formation methods correction.

I. N. Bondarenko ◽  
I. Yu. Tsyganov ◽  
L. N. Makushina

The study aims to explore the differential-regulatory predictors of academic performance in the graduating classes of high school. Conscious self-regulation is considered as a universal and exceptional resource for achieving educational goals in the final grades. In modern conditions of digitalization of the educational process and increasing information flows, the individuals’ ability to set goals and optimally achieve them, while maintaining curiosity, achievement motivation, and the desire to develop their personality, is of particular value. The main research question is: what regulatory, motivational, and personal characteristics of students with different regulatory profiles act as their psychological resources for successful school graduation? The study aims to investigate the contribution of regulatory, motivational, and personal characteristics to the annual assessment in mathematics and Russian in high school students with different profiles of conscious self-regulation. The following results were obtained from a sample of students in grades 9–11 (N = 355, average age M = 15.81 ± 0.926). Regression models of the contributions of regulatory, motivational, personal, and emotional-motivational indicators to the performance in mathematics and Russian were constructed for six selected individual typological groups of students. The results showed that only a high harmonious profile of self-regulation ensures that the student is “focused” on high academic achievements. Any conflict in the motivational or personal sphere distracts the resources of the graduate from educational activities. The process of self-regulation (Modeling) is suppressed in all groups as a result of preparation for exams. The regulatory profile and motivational and personal characteristics of students who risk not passing the examination tests without the intervention of teachers and psychologists are determined.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 35 ◽  
Alissa Ruth ◽  
Joseph Hackman ◽  
Alexandra Brewis ◽  
Tameka Spence ◽  
Rachel Luchmun ◽  

A major goal in Engineering training in the U.S. is to continue to both grow and diversify the field. Project- and service-based forms of experiential, problem-based learning are often implemented with this as a goal, and Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) High is one of the more well-regarded and widely implemented. Yet, the evidence based on if and how participation in such programs shapes student intentions and commitment to STEM pathways is currently limited, most especially for pre-college programming. This study asks: How do high school students’ engineering mindsets and their views of engineering/engineers change as they participate in project–service learning (as implemented through an EPICS High curriculum)? This study employed a mixed method design, combining pre- and post-test survey data that were collected from 259 matched students (63% minority, 43% women) enrolling in EPICS High (total of 536 completed pre-tests, 375 completed post-tests) alongside systematic ethnographic analysis of participant observation data conducted in the same 13 socioeconomically diverse schools over a two-year period. Statistical analyses showed that participants score highly on engineering-related concepts and attitudes at both pre- and post-test. These did not change significantly as a result of participation. However, we detected nuanced but potentially important changes in student perspectives and meaning, such as shifting perceptions of engineering and gaining key transversal skills. The value of participation to participants was connected to changes in the meaning of commitments to pursue engineering/STEM.

2008 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 341-370 ◽  
David S. Churchill

In February 1899, the Committee of Physical Culture of the Chicago Public School Board approved an intensive “anthropometric” study of all children enrolled in the city's public schools. The study was a detailed attempt to measure the height, weight, strength, lung capacity, hearing, and general fitness of Chicago's student population. Through 1899 and 1900, thousands of Chicago's primary, grammar, and high school students had their bodies closely scrutinized, measured, weighed, tested, and, in a few cases, diagrammed. What the School Board members wanted to know was the “fitness” of the student body. Were Chicago public school students—many recently arrived immigrants from eastern and southern Europe—vital and vigorous children who could become energetic modern workers and citizens (Figure 1)?

I. Klymenko

The article is devoted to the study of psychological factors that can influence upon personal motivation and readiness for charity of adolescent. The findings can help to increase the effectiveness of programs that involve young people in charity and identify the most effective methods to form prosocial behavior of young people aimed at helping and supporting others in the long run. The purpose of the article is to investigate the influence of personal, pedagogical and socio-psychological factors on the formation of young people's readiness for charitable activity. The author analyzed the potential positive consequences of prosocial activity for adolescents, identified the main motives of charity and the specific motivation of high school students, summarized information about the factors and mechanisms of involvement and formation of charitable readiness. Analysis of the data obtained in the empirical study of adolescents from two schools with different pedagogical environment and different levels of organization of school prosocial activity, allowed to identify a number of patterns that indicate the dominant factors in the formation of adolescents readiness for charity. We have found that altruism, empathy and the dominance of values of universalism, goodness and conformity are significant personal characteristics that determine the readiness for charitable activity. Significant personal factors are polymotivation (the combination of personal and social motives for charitable activities), a high level of involvement in such activities and the availability of certain experiences. We have found that the most important environments for development of charity readiness are the family and the school. The immediate environment (project team) and the authority of the mentor, the possibility of self-realization, the reach of the result, the opportunity to receive positive emotions, the level of responsibility play a significant role in increasing the level of involvement in school projects and programs. In a school where teachers attach great importance to the prosocial activity of students in the educational process, the impact of the school environment becomes major. It determines the readiness for further charity both with the family and as a part of extracurricular activities.

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