scholarly journals Institutionalization sociology of management in the context of the life strategy of the scientist: in memory of the Russian sociologist, Professor Alexander Vasilievich Tikhonov

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-103
Svitlana Kuzikova

The author's approach to the empirical study of the peculiarities of self-development of a person has been  considered. The criteria of self-development as a subject activity have been characterized. Its indicators have been  given.  The  psychological  resources  of  personal  self-development  have  been  singled  out:  the  need  for  self- development as its source and determinant; conditions that ensure its success; mechanisms as functional means and  conditions  for  its  implementation.  Their  essence  has  been  revealed.  The  need  for  self-development  has  been  determined by the actualization of the characteristics of self-development (self-activity, vital activity, development of  self-consciousness) and has been occurred when the content structure of the individual consciousness and the  transformation of semantic entities changed. Conditions of self-development has been defined by mature I of  personality, openness, tolerance to the new, the presence of a conscious goal of self-realization and active life  strategy. Reflection, self-regulation and feedback have been considered as mechanisms of self-development. The  methodical approaches and means of studying the peculiarities and factors of the development of the subject of self- development in adolescence in the process of professional training have been offered, and the results of their  integrated empirical research have been highlighted. Particular attention has been paid to the analysis of the level  of actualization of self-development resources among students, discovered with the author's diagnostic method  "DCPSD" (Dispositional Characteristic of Personality of Self-development). It has been proved that psychological  resources as a set of possibilities of development already exist in the psychological reality of a person. It has been  shown that the dominance of the level of self-development resources’ actualization of the individual (and their  combination) can be correlated with the dimensions of the individual psychological space, indicating the individual  peculiarity of the personal self-development organization. It has been noted that, at the same time, actualization,  strengthening and harmonization of all psychological resources of a person self-development, enrichment of its  relations with the environment and other people, and increasing spirituality is necessary for the implementation of  progressive conscious personal self-development. У  статті  розглянуто  авторський  підхід  до  емпіричного  вивчення  особливостей  саморозвитку  особистості. Охарактеризовано критерії саморозвитку як суб’єктної діяльності, наведено його показники.  Виокремлено психологічні ресурси особистісного саморозвитку: потребу в саморозвитку як його джерело і  детермінант; умови, які забезпечують його успішність; механізми як  функціональні засоби і умови його  здійснення.    Розкрито    їх    сутність.    Потреба    в    саморозвитку    визначається    актуалізованістю  характеристик саморозвитку (самоактивність, життєдіяльність, розвиненість самосвідомості) і виникає  при зміні змістової  структури індивідуальної свідомості та трансформації смислових утворень. Умови  саморозвитку  окреслюють  зріле  Я  особистості,  відкритість,  толерантність  до  нового,  наявність  усвідомленої   мети   самоздійснення   та   активної   життєвої   стратегії.   Як   механізми   саморозвитку  розглядаються рефлексія, саморегуляція та зворотній зв'язок. Запропоновано методичні підходи і засоби  вивчення особливостей та чинників становлення суб’єкта саморозвитку в юнацькому віці в процесі фахової  підготовки, висвітлено результати їх комплексного емпіричного дослідження. Особливу увагу приділено  аналізу  рівня  актуалізації  ресурсів  саморозвитку  у  студентів,  виявленого  за  допомогою  авторської  діагностичної методики «ДХСО». Доведено, що психологічні ресурси  як сукупність можливостей розвитку  вже існують у психологічній реальності людини. Показано, що домінування рівня актуалізації ресурсів  саморозвитку особистості ( та їх поєднання) можна співвіднести з вимірами психологічного простору  особистості,   що   свідчить   про  індивідуальну   своєрідність   організації   особистісного  саморозвитку.  Зазначено,  що  в  той  же  час  для  здійснення  прогресивного  усвідомленого  особистісного  саморозвитку  необхідна   актуалізація,   взаємопосилення   і   гармонізація   всіх   психологічних   ресурсів   саморозвитку  особистості, збагачення її зв’язків із навколишнім середовищем та іншими людьми, підвищення духовності.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (7) ◽  
pp. e68734 ◽  
Arne Hagman ◽  
Torbjörn Säll ◽  
Concetta Compagno ◽  
Jure Piskur

2012 ◽  
Vol 23 (6) ◽  
pp. 419-441 ◽  
Marie Remery ◽  
Christian Mascle ◽  
Bruno Agard

Parasitology ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 140 (2) ◽  
pp. 275-283 ◽  

SUMMARYHost exploitation induces host defence responses and competition between parasites, resulting in individual parasites facing highly variable environments. Alternative life strategies may thus be expressed in context-dependent ways, depending on which host species is used and intra-host competition between parasites. Coitocaecum parvum (Trematode) can use facultative progenesis in amphipod intermediate hosts, Paracalliope fluviatilis, to abbreviate its life cycle in response to such environmental factors. Coitocaecum parvum also uses another amphipod host, Paracorophium excavatum, a species widely different in size and ecology from P. fluviatilis. In this study, parasite infection levels and strategies in the two amphipod species were compared to determine whether the adoption of progenesis by C. parvum varied between these two hosts. Potential differences in size and/or egg production between C. parvum individuals according to amphipod host species were also investigated. Results show that C. parvum life strategy was not influenced by host species. In contrast, host size significantly affected C. parvum strategy, size and egg production. Since intra-host interactions between co-infecting parasites also influenced C. parvum strategy, size and fecundity, it is highly likely that within-host resource limitations affect C. parvum life strategy and overall fitness regardless of host species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 00113
Marya Shakleina ◽  
Natalya Savinykh

The article generalizes the data on life strategy of plants in meander bars by the example of the species Limosella aquatica L., Silene tatarica (L.) Pers. and Petasites spurius (Retz.) Rchb., taking into account their life span and centres of environmental impact of a specimen, as well as peculiar features of sustaining a coenopopulation. The annual monocarpic L. aquatica combines its typical ruderal strategy of leaving numerous posterity with vegetative accrescence and iterative branching. The taproot perennial S. tatarica shows a competitor-ruderal strategy: plants entrench themselves and repeatedly territory development the help of root systems, still the coenopopulation (CP) is sustained by means of seed propagation and, possibly, as a kind of support, in a vegetative way, using a bank of dormant buds. Ruderal-competitor strategy of P. spurius is supported by vegetative propagation, development, and entrenchment on the territory by means of clones constantly and regularly renewed. So life of plants belonging to different biomorphs in conditions of meander bars is provided by a full or partial shift to ruderal life strategy.

10.28945/2131 ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 01
Hossana Twinomurinzi ◽  
Schalk Heunis

John Burger, the founding member of house4hack, despite his passion for social good using practical innovation, was fully aware of the cost of getting people and organizations actively involved in social enterprises. The successful electrical and electronics engineer with a number of academic (PhD and Masters – cum laude) and corporate accolades (executive in a top firm) had already been at the top of the corporate ladder. But despite the success, his stronger desire to see South Africa become a net producer of IT and technical artifacts rather than a net importer had led him to rethink his entire life strategy. After deep discussions on the merits of free and open source software development with two friends, they decided to start house4hack as a non-profit organization. The main purpose of house4hack was to provide an innovative environment, a hacker space, where members could conceptualise and create innovative technical artifacts which are well suited for the South African and African environment. The emphasis of house4hack was on making available technical equipment and working space so that members had an environment in which they could experiment and develop technical artifacts. An example of a technical artefact that emerged from house4hack is Robohand. Robohand is a mechanically driven artificial hand printed using 3D technology. Robohand has depended exclusively on donations to develop and distribute artificial hands to people who cannot afford them, such as in the war torn areas of South Sudan. It was now three years since house4hack started. The hacker space was exciting, new ideas and opportunities kept emerging at the Tuesday meet ups where members and visitors networked and collaborated on new techniques or technology they had come across. But despite the liveliness, there were some key questions and critical decisions on John’s mind: 1. How do we get more people involved in creating artifacts? 2. Where do we find seed funding to support house4hack? 3. Are we serving Africa well enough with relevant artifacts? 4. Am I falling right back into the corporate work lifestyle trap?

2013 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-74
Anna K. Sawilska ◽  
Józef Misiewicz

Parietaria pensvlvanica Mühlenb ex. Willd is a species native to North America, whose occurrence in Poland was first reported in Bydgoszcz in 1991. Its biology and ecology has been researched since 1996. The present paper discusses measurements and phenological observations carried out on four selected populations during the vegetation season in 1997. The aim of the research was to determine potentialities of the migration of P. pensylvanica from park habitats to segetal communities, on the basis of a defined life strategy of the examined populations. The analysis focused on the dynamics of density and biomass as well as on the weight of 1000 nucules, against the habitat conditions. The findings demonstrated that the investigated species was characterised by a set of life strategy properties referred to as C-S-R or S-R, and was subject to the "r"-type selection. P. pensylvanica has become an integral part of the Bydgoszcz flora and is likely to expand into segetal communities of agricultural and vegetable crops.

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