scholarly journals Evaluation of GNMT Gene Expression in Prostate Cancer Tissues using Real-Time PCR

Niloofar Dehghani ◽  
Masoud Salehipour ◽  
Babak Javanmard

Introduction: Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. In the present study, the expression level of glycine N-methyl transferase gene (GNMT) was investigated in prostate cancer tissue. The GNMT enzyme is encoded by the GNMT gene. Increased GNMT gene expression increases the conversion of glycine to sarcosine and results in the elevated levels of sarcosine in blood and urine. Methods: The expression level of GNMT gene in tissue samples of patients with prostate cancer was compared with those with benign prostatic hyperplasia using Real-Time PCR technique. Results: The GNMT gene expression level increased significantly in prostate cancer patients compared with those with benign prostatic hyperplasia (p-value <0.001). In addition, the expression level of GNMT gene was stage-dependent and  significant increases were observed in all stages of prostate cancer compared with those with benign prostatic hyperplasia (p-value <0.001). Conclusion: The concentration of sarcosine is controlled by GNMT and it seems that increasing the expression level of GNMT gene increases the level of sarcosine concentration. Thus, it appears that increased levels of GNMT expression occur in the early stages of prostate cancer. Therefore, periodic measurement of GNMT expression levels can detect prostate cancer before it forms a cancer cell and invades other tissues.

2010 ◽  
Vol 89 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-62 ◽  
Zhihua Tao ◽  
Mo Shen ◽  
Yanbo Zheng ◽  
Xiaolu Mao ◽  
Zhanguo Chen ◽  

Blood ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 104 (11) ◽  
pp. 4401-4401
Ebrahim Sakhinia ◽  
Mahboubeh Farahangpour ◽  
John A. Liu Yin ◽  
Gerard Brady ◽  
Judith A. Hoyland ◽  

Abstract Cancer subtype discovery and classification using microarray gene signatures has the potential to transform pathological diagnosis but measurement of indicator genes in routine practice remains difficult. We tested use of real-time PCR measurement of indicator genes for AML and ALL (Golub et al, Science, 1999) as a method for validation and application of microarray gene signatures. Mononuclear cells (MC) were isolated from whole bone marrow (BM) aspirates by density gradient centrifugation and sorted into unselected (total), CD34+ve and CD34-ve fractions. The mRNA in each fraction was globally amplified using a PolyA PCR method. We measured the expression profile of the 17 top ranked genes (cystatin C, leptin receptor, fumarylacetoacetate, CD33, HoxA9, adipsin, proteoglycan 1, LTC4 synthase, LYN, C-myb, MB-1, cyclin D3, SNF2, RbAp48, proteasome iota, HkrT-1 and E2A) from Golub et al (1999) by real-time PCR. All values were calibrated against control standards and normalized to the mean of three housekeeping genes (IF2-beta, GAPDH and human ribosomal protein S9). Data for all 17 genes were obtained for 4 (ALL), 26 (AML), 12 (AML remission) and 9 (morphologically normal) BM samples, each fractionated into three fractions (total MC, CD34+ve MC & CD34−ve MC). There was no significant difference in the mean of three housekeeping gene expression levels between the diagnostic groups. Comparison of the expression level of the other genes confirmed ability to separate AML and ALL, whilst the direction of expression change (increased or decreased) for each gene between AML and ALL was the same as found by Golub et al. In particular, c-myb showed largest significant increase in ALL vs AML in the total BM fraction, whilst cystain c was increased in AML in the CD34−ve fraction. hSNF2b was significantly increased in the ALL total B.M fraction and Hox-A9 was significantly increased in the AML CD34+ve B.M fraction. Furthermore expression level of LYN and CD33 was significantly increased in AML compared to remission AML, indicating ability of the method to determine activity status of disease. In addition, several of the genes provided better separation between AML and ALL when measured in the CD34+ve and −ve fractions indicating more prominent expression in cells of different maturity and that prior fractionation is diagnostically more informative. The results demonstrate ability of the method to validate gene expression signatures by an independent method, which is simple, sensitive and robust, allowing translation to routine clinical use. Whilst the present study used AML and ALL, in principle the method could be extended to any other tumor type for which gene signatures exist.

Blood ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 118 (21) ◽  
pp. 4415-4415
Cintia Do Couto Mascarenhas ◽  
Anderson Ferreira Cunha ◽  
Ana Flavia Brugnerotto ◽  
Sheley Gambero ◽  
Joao Machado-Neto ◽  

Abstract Abstract 4415 The CML is a clonal disease of stem cells and its main feature is the unregulated production of a tyrosine kinase protein called BCR-ABL, the progression of the disease to accelerated phase or blast crisis may be associated with genomic instability. Because of this, the use of tools for the study of gene expression could bring new insights in the understanding of these mechanisms in the CML. In a recent study using SSH libraries, we compared the gene expression pattern between granulocytes of health control and CML patients, and we identified the gene SEPT5 expressed only in CML patients. Although the studies in the literature, there is not a clear relationship between the expression of this gene and the development or progression of CML. SEPT5 is a member of nucleotide binding proteins called septins that were firstly described in yeast as cell division cycle regulatory proteins. This gene was reported in patients with AML translocated with MLL gene, in adult human brain and heart; it is also associated with alpha granules of human blood platelets. The aims of this study are to carry a functional analysis of SEPT5 in differents cells line and to study the relationship of this gene and the development and/or progression of CML. The gene expression evaluation was made in granulocytes, mononuclear cells and total leukocytes of CML patients and healthy blood donors in peripheral blood. It was also evaluated in bone marrow donors, in human cell lines (K562, HL60 and NB4) and in mice cell lines (BaF3/BCR-ABLp210 and BaF3T315I), performed by real-time PCR for the following genes: SEPT5, β-actin and GAPDH. Experiments were also performed to verify the difference between the chemotaxis of granulocytic cells from controls and patients by ELISA. Data were analysed statistically using the ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s test – P value of less than 0.05 was considered to be significant. The study was approved by the Research Ethic Committee of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of University of Campinas. The gene expression of SEPT5 was evaluated by real time PCR using the same samples used in the library construction to validate the results found in the SSH library. The data confirmed our previous results, showing that the SEPT5 expression is increased in all cells of patients compared to controls. The same results were observed when we studied the expression comparing individually patients and health blood donors, suggesting that this protein could be increased in all human cells that present the translocation BCR-ABL. The level of expression of this gene in HL60 and NB4 was significantly lower than in K562 cell line. The experiments with mice cell lines showed a higher expression of this gene in BaF3T315I when compared to BaF3BCR-ABLp210. We obtained a significant expression difference in all experiments (p <0.05). The spontaneous and stimulated with IL-8 chemotaxis assays used granulocytes and were assessed using chamber containing 96 wells. However, although the results suggest an increased chemotactic activity in patients, there were no significant differences (p<0.05) between controls and patients – regardless of whether the chemotaxis was spontaneous or stimulated with IL-8. In mammals the SEPT5 gene is associated with cellular processes such as exocytosis, apoptosis, leukemogenesis, carcinogenesis and neurodegeneration. Therefore, molecules capable of interacting with the septins, either at biochemical or molecular level, can bring information about their functions in cytokinesis. Studies indicate that the human septins can interact among themselves and with other components of the cytoskeleton – this may be a relevant observation regarding the function of this gene in cancer. The SEPT5 can be activated by different pathways – this may increase expression in translocated cells. Despite major advances in the treatment of CML, the treatments available are not capable of inactivating all the signaling pathways activated by BCR/ABL. Our results demonstrate that SEPT5 may be involved in the pathophysiology of CML. Also, it is clear the importance of the study of pathways that could culminate in its high expression or the triggering of other unknown pathways involved in the development of CML. The increased expression of this gene may be related to disease progression, and finally, the identification of several important genes may lead to a better understanding of CML and helping to identify new therapeutic targets. FAPESP/INCT. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Naghmeh Emami ◽  
Naghmeh Bahrami ◽  
Masoumeh Mirzaei ◽  
Abdolreza Mohamadnia

Introduction: Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) is one of the most common oral malignancies, which accounts for 80-90% of malignant neoplasms of the oral cavity. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNA molecules that regulate post-transcriptional gene expression by targeting mRNAs. Materials and Methods: In this case-control study, 40 patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma and 40 healthy individuals as control were studied. Blood samples were collected from both groups. Also, 30 cancer tissue samples and 30 healthy tissue samples were prepared and evaluated. RNA was extracted from collected peripheral blood and tissue samples and evaluated for the expression level of miR-494 via real-time PCR technique. P. value values<0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: The expression level of miR-494 in serum (peripheral blood) of patients with oral squa- mous cell carcinoma increased by 1.12 fold (P-value<0.001) compared with healthy individuals. Also, the expression level of miR-494 in samples of oral squamous cell carcinoma infected tissue showed a 1.28-fold increase compared to healthy tissue. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate an increase in the expression level (up-regula- tion) of miR-494 in oral squamous cell carcinoma. This biomarker can be used in screening and early detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma.

2013 ◽  
Vol 31 (15_suppl) ◽  
pp. e22066-e22066
Li-Mou Zheng ◽  
David B. Whyte ◽  
Li Ruan ◽  
Roman Song ◽  
Luo Fei ◽  

e22066 Background: The ALK, RET, and ROS1 genes are involved in gene rearrangements in a fraction of non-small cell lung cancers. The resulting oncogenic fusion genes define molecular sub-types of NSCLC with distinct sensitivities to treatment with various kinase inhibitors. We developed real-time reverse transcriptase PCR assays to detect rearrangements of ALK, RET, and ROS1 in FFPE lung cancer tissue. Methods: mRNA from NSCLC FFPE tissue samples was reverse transcribed to cDNA. Multiplex quantitative PCR was performed to detect 9 variants of EML4-ALK fusions, 9 variants of RET fusions and 14 variants of ROS1 fusions. A total of 409 samples were analyzed: 267 were classified as adenocarcinoma, 104 as squamous cell carcinoma and 38 had undetermined histology. EGFR and KRAS mutation status is unknown. The junctions of fusion-positive samples were sequenced by Sanger sequencing. Results: Among the 409 NSCLC specimens tested the frequency was 5.4% (22/409) for EML4-ALK fusions, 1.5% (6/409) for RET fusions, and 2.2% (9/409) for ROS1 fusions. EML4-ALK fusions were more prevalent in patients that were less than 60 years old (9.1% versus 2.0%, p= 0.004). The TNM stage was not correlated with the presence of any of the fusions. The table below lists the frequencies for specific rearrangements as determined by sequencing the real-time PCR products. Conclusions: Real-time PCR assays based on cDNA from FFPE tissue can identify patients with ALK, RET and ROS1 fusion genes. The ALK, RET and ROS1 assays will allow selection of patients most likely to respond to therapies that specifically target these cancer drivers. Further clinical testing of NSCLC patients in the Chinese population will be performed to support SFDA registration of these assays in China. [Table: see text]

2020 ◽  
Qi Li ◽  
Yibo Shi ◽  
Rigai Sa ◽  
Jun Hao ◽  
Jinhao Hu ◽  

Abstract Background: Prostate cancer (PC) , a common malignant tumor, is the second-leading cause of cancer death among American men. Its successful treatment greatly relies on the early diagnose. Engrailed-2 (EN2) has been confirmed being existed with a high level in the urine of PC patients. In this study, to explore the application of EN2 in PC, we detected the immunohistochemical staining difference and EN2 expression level between benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and PC. Methods: We developed a monoclonal antibody against the helix 3 in EN2 and confirmed its specificity with Western blotting (WB) and immunofluorescence detecting the subcellular localization of endogenous and exogenous EN2 in three PC cell lines (LNCap, PC3, and DU145). We conducted immunohistochemical staining using this homemade antibody, and RT-PCR to detect the expression of EN2 in 25 PC and 25 BPH cases , and analyzed the correlation of EN2 expression and PC clinical staging. Results: The results of WB and immunofluorescence showed our homemade EN2 monoclonal antibody could specifically bind endogenous and exogenous EN2 protein in three different PC cell lines. Endogenous EN2 was generally expressed in the cytoplasm and exogenous EN2 mostly existed in the nucleus of these cell lines. Immunohistochemical staining in PC had extremely stronger signals than that in BPH, suggesting a higher EN2 expression level in PC, which was confirmed by RT-PCR. Interestingly, the stained areas in BPH tissues were mainly in nucleus and cytoplasm, while in PC tissues were mainly on cytomembrane. Moreover, the expression level of EN2 was positively correlated with the PC clinical staging. Conclusion: Using our homemade EN2 antibody, we have found different staining patterns and expression level of EN2 in BPH and PC,which may be helpful to predict prostatic disease progression.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (5) ◽  
Maryam Mohammadi Elyasi ◽  
Manoochehr Makvandi ◽  
Nastaran Ranjbari ◽  
Seyed Mahmoud Latifi ◽  
Gholam Abbas Kaydani ◽  

Background: Human polyomavirus BK virus (BKV) belongs to the Polyomaviridae family and seems to be a drastic virus in prostate cancer (PCa) etiology. BKV induces oncogenesis via the expression of large tumor antigen (LTAg) and small tumor antigen (stAg). Also, BKV infection seems to play an essential role in prostate cancer development. Objectives: In this study was aimed to study the prevalence of BKV in benign and cancerous prostate tissues. Methods: In this study, 100 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues of PCa specimens and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) were collected. The DNA was extracted from tissue samples, and the BKV DNA was investigated using a semi-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The MEGA 6.0 software was used for phylogenetic analysis to assemble the viral genome. A phylogenetic tree was constructed by neighbor-joining analysis with 1,000 replicates of the bootstrap resampling test using Mega 6.0. Statistical analysis was done by SPSS version 22. Results: The BKV DNA was found in 66% (33/50) of patients with PCa and 36% (18/50) of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) (P = 0.003). The frequency of BKV DNA in different classes of Gleason score (5 - 10) was not significant (0.094). The distribution of BKV DNA among different age groups was not significant (P = 0.086). Conclusions: High frequency of BKV infection was detected in patients with PCa compared to patients with BPH (P = 0.003), and the coexistence of BKV DNA was confirmed in 51% (51/100) of tissue samples, which were confirmed to be subtype 1 of BKV infection.

Andrologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Maryam Ahani ◽  
Sayyed Mohammad Hossein Ghaderian ◽  
Mitra Mehr Azma ◽  
Koosha Kamali ◽  
Bahar Naghavi Gargari ◽  

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