Validation of the Model of Elastoplastic Contact of Spiroid Gears

А.М. Sannikov

The paper considers the problem of analyzing the elastoplastic contact of teeth in a heavy-loaded low-speed multi-pair spiroid gear. This problem is an integral part of the strength analysis that enables forecasting the load-carrying capacity of the product at the initial stage of its development. The relevance of the considered method and algorithm of calculating the load distribution and plastic strain of teeth is emphasized by its increased productive efficiency as compared to the widely used finite element method. The paper considers a common issue of validation of the developed algorithm, i.e. the correspondence of the obtained solution to the results of a real loading process. The main steps of the algorithm are given with account of the multi-pair contact and macro-roughnesses on the contact flanks that are represented as the set of areas (cells). The coordinates of the cell centers are calculated taking account of the factors influencing the load distribution in the spiroid gearing, such as manufacturing and/or assembly errors, surface micro- and macro-roughnesses, and deformations of the gearbox parts. To validate the algorithm, only one dominating factor — the gearwheel surface undulation — is chosen, since all the other factors are negligibly small. The object of the study is a gear in one of the mass-produced multi-turn spiroid gearboxes for pipeline valves. The criteria for the algorithm validation are formulated, namely, the plastic strain value, the area, shape and arrangement of the pattern of the plastic strain. By analyzing the results of numerical and experimental modeling it is possible to draw a conclusion on the validity of the results obtained by means of the studied numerical method of analysis. The divergence of the plastic strain value obtained experimentally and through calculation was under 10%, and the area of the plastic strain pattern was under 10%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 287 ◽  
pp. 02005 ◽  
Alexander Sannikov

The paper presents the analysis of heavy-loaded low-speed multi-pair spiroid gears under the effect of elastic contact, bending and shearing, and elastoplastic contact interaction of spiroid gearwheel teeth and spiroid worm threads. The main stages of the developed algorithm for analysis of load distribution and plastic strain of flanks with account of elastic and elastoplastic contact conditions, multi-pair contact and macro-roughnesses on flanks are described in short. At elastoplastic contact the zones of plastic contact on flanks of spiroid gearwheel teeth are determined and the value of plastic strain is analyzed. The flanks of the spiroid gearwheel teeth and worm threads are represented in the algorithm as the set of segments (cells) with coordinates of centers determined with account of the analyzed factors that influence the load distribution in spiroid gearing. These factors are the errors of manufacturing and (or) assembly, micro-roughnesses, and deformations of spiroid gear supports. The paper gives the numerical results of research of the real spiroid gears of gearboxes for pipeline valves (PV) at elastic and elastoplastic contact represented as summary tables and diagrams of contact stress distribution along contact areas and of plastic strain, that show the workability of the algorithm. The presented numerical results of the algorithm functioning are well agreed with the experience of operation of spiroid gears and can be applied for analysis of load-carrying capacity of spiroid gears.

Л. Р. Маилян ◽  
С. А. Стельмах ◽  
Е. М. Щербань ◽  
А. А. Чернильник

Состояние проблемы. Сжатые железобетонные элементы изготавливаются по трем основным технологиям - вибрированием, центрифугированием и виброцентрифугированием. Однако все основные расчетные зависимости для определения их несущей способности выведены, исходя из основного постулата - постоянства и равенства характеристик бетона по сечению, что соответствует действительности лишь в вибрированных колоннах. Результаты. Разработан усовершенствованный нормативный подход к расчету прочности центрифугированных и виброцентрифугированных железобетонных колонн, заключающийся в использовании в расчете интегральных или дифференциальных характеристик бетона. Выводы. Расчет прочности коротких центрально сжатых вибрированных, центрифугированных и виброцентрифугированных колонн по усовершенствованному нормативному подходу дал наилучшие результаты с использованием дифференциальных характеристик бетона, различающихся по сечению. Statement of the problem. Compressed reinforced concrete elements are manufactured according to three main technologies - vibrating, centrifuging and vibrocentrifugation. However, all the main calculated dependences for determining their load-bearing capacity were derived based on the main postulate - the constancy and equality of the characteristics of concrete over the cross section, which corresponds to reality only in vibrated columns. Results. An improved regulatory approach has been developed for calculating the strength of centrifuged and vibrocentrifuged reinforced concrete columns, which involves using the calculation of integral or differential characteristics of concrete. Conclusions. Strength analysis of short centrally compressed vibrated, centrifuged and vibrocentrifuged columns using an improved regulatory approach yielded the best results using differential characteristics of concrete varying in cross section.

2010 ◽  
Vol 450 ◽  
pp. 107-110 ◽  
Chang J. Wang ◽  
Tarsem Sihra ◽  
Diane J. Mynors ◽  
Bac Nguyen ◽  
Martin English ◽  

The novel surface dimpling UltraSTEELTM process developed by Hadley Industries increases the strength of the final rolled products and enhances other product properties such as the load carrying capacity. The dimpled UltraSTEELTM sheet is used in steel framing, ceilings and other structural components. The mechanical properties and structural behaviour of the dimpled sheet are different from plain sheet due to non-uniformly distributed plastic strain and geometry of the dimples.

Bin Liu ◽  
Weiguo Wu

Nowadays, numerical calculation and structural model test are mainly applied in the ultimate strength analysis of ship structure. This paper presents the results of an ultimate strength test to determine the ultimate load-carrying capacity of an ocean-survey SWATH ship. A comparison between nonlinear FEA (finite element analysis) for test model and test results is presented. The FE-models of real ship and model ship as well as their relations are studied.

2014 ◽  
Vol 551 ◽  
pp. 104-107
Zhi Xiang Xu

Multi-bolt composite joints are widely used in the primary structures because of their advantages of high reliability, load carrying capability, and maintainability. Load distribution analyses, as the precondition of strength analysis and design of multi-bolt composite joints, have attracted extensive attention over decades. The conventional 2D FEM, new 2D FEM and 3D FEM were established to analyze the load distribution of a typical single-lap three-bolt composite joint. The effect of friction on the load distribution results of 3D FEM was investigated. Furthermore, the load distribution of the joint was examined by using a theoretical spring model and load distribution experiments. Based on the investigation of experimental and numerical results, the load distribution character of single-lap three-bolt composite joint was obtained, and the suitability of different FE models was verified.

2016 ◽  
Vol 710 ◽  
pp. 390-395
Shuai Xu ◽  
Zhi Hua Chen ◽  
Federico M. Mazzolani

The numerical analysis of a single-layer latticed dome has been carried out by using ANSYS, in order to evaluate the effect of influencing factors, like semi-rigidity of joint, buckling in compressed bars, load distribution and initial imperfections, which can produce important reductions of the load bearing capacity of these kind of structures. As a case study, the use of Temcor joint has been investigated. The characterization of the Temcor joint behavior to be introduced in the global model of the dome has been done by a FE model implemented on ABAQUS. The effects of the analyzed factors on the load-carrying capacity of the dome have been identified and useful suggestions for the design of this type of structures have been given.

10.14311/472 ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 43 (5) ◽  
J. Ryś ◽  
H. Sanecki ◽  
A. Trojnacki

This paper presents the design procedure for a gear wheel-shaft direct frictional joint. The small difference between the operating pitch diameter of the gear and the mounting diameter of the frictional joint is the key feature of the connection. The contact surface of the frictional joint must be placed outside the bottom land of the gear, and the geometry of the joint is limited to the specific type of solutions.The strength analysis is based on the relation between the torque and statistical load intensity of the gear transmission. Several dimensionless parameters are introduced to simplify the calculations. Stress-strain verifying analysis with respect to combined loading, the condition of appropriate load-carrying capacity of the frictional joint and the fatigue strength of the shaft are applied to obtain the relations between the dimensions of the joint and other parameters. The final engineering solution may then be suggested. The approach is illustrated by a numerical example.The proposed procedure can be useful in design projects for small, high-powered modern reducers and new-generation geared motors, in particular when manufactured in various series of types.

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