scholarly journals Darut Taubah Pesantren and Commercial Sex Workers Saritem in Bandung

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 200
Juju Saepudin

<p><em></em><em>The establishing a pesantren in a prostitution area is a very interesting topic to be<br />studied. This is because the challenge would be different from building a pesantren in<br />other community situations. This article based on the research on the roles of Darut<br />Taubah pesantren in teaching of moral values to commercial sex workers at Saritem<br />prostitution area. This is a qualitative  case study research using a phenomenology <br />approach. Data was gathered using observation, in-depth interview, and documentary <br />research. Data was analyzed utilizing inductive approach. Finding of this study shows<br />that the establishment of Darut Taubah pesantren was motivated by cultural and<br />structural factors. Moreover, teaching of moral values was conducted through reorganizing structural and instrumental elements using many ways namely; persuasive method and prioritizing the roles of pesantren, teaching moral values and developing the social roles. After the existence of Darut Taubah pesantren in Saritem area, the prostitution<br />activities decrease significantly either in terms of quantity or intensity.</em></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p>

Sucita Anggraeni ◽  
Dhanu Pitoyo

This study aims to analyze Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs) in night clubs in the city of Palangka Raya with a review of social construction. Data obtained based on the results of in depth interviews during the months of June to August 2018 with three CSWs who are willing to be interviewed are supported from relevant secondary data. The data is processed based on qualitative research principles based on the type of case study research. In the results of this study it was found that the CSWs could be independent or take shelter under the agency in the night club. This CSWs network generally starts from working as a Sales Promotion Girl (SPG) or song guide to the sexy dancer at the night club.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-68
Riyan Gunawan ◽  
Mirza Haris Mahendra ◽  
Hilmi Rizki Zakaria ◽  
Muhammad Qoyum

Prostitution comes from the word prostitutio which means things to place, confront, offer. There are also other articles selling, peddling, but generally interpreted as surrender to many people by getting a reward for fulfilling that section of the person. Prostitution or prostitution is a serious problem and needs improvements that need to improve society, this disease develops very rapidly in the community. In addition to the social forms of social norms, prostitution is also a form of immorality in any religion that is not permitted and rejected. Although prostitution is issued in religion or law, many of these prostitution practices occur in Indonesia. Prostitution is a lucrative and promising business place for so many people to believe in their pride. It is necessary to establish a new criminal law legislation to provide legal attention to the imposition of sanctions aimed at commercial sex workers and users of services. Because the criminal law currently in force in Indonesia is considered not in accordance with the current state of Indonesia.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Scott Pozil ◽  
Anne Hacker

Informal partnerships between nonprofit organizations (NPOs) and local governments represent a winning combination for affective positive social change in communities. These partnerships thrive on the development and sustainment of trust as a guiding force between NPO executives and their local government counterparts. Qualitative case study research reveals such an assertion to be true, based on interviews and document reviews of informal partnerships in a metropolitan area in the Northwest United States. The implications for social change include establishing successful models of informal partnerships between NPOs and local governments that impact the social and economic well-being of communities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 07-10
Iis Yeni Sugiarti ◽  
Auliya Aenul Hayati

THE SOCIAL MULTILITERATION MODEL IN UNDERSTANDING THE VALUES OF STUDENT MORALITIES IN SDN 1 CIKALAHANGLearning that has been done so far only emphasizes the cognitive aspects without introducing the moral values. The social multiliteration learning model in understanding the moral values of students is considered very important because students are required to master an understanding of social phenomena and global demands. Therefore, life skills and careers can be built in students; responsibilities in learning; working and creating; students' ability in civilization; and understand the moral knowledge contained in the learning process. This study aims to describe the needs of learning model and design social multiliteration learning model in understanding the values of morality of students at SDN 1 Cikalahang. The writer uses a case study research with a qualitative approach. Observation and interview used to collect the data. Questionnaire needs and unstructured interviews used as the instruments. Indicators of needs analysis include models, media, competencies and evaluation of learning. Analysis of the needs for learning model obtained a total score of 94 which is very good category, while the design of social multiliteration learning model in interpreting moral responsibility is very necessary because the current morality of students is decreasing. The implementation of social multiliteration learning models can help students in interpreting the moral knowing of responsibility character through the activities of raising rabbits, as well as seen from the effectiveness and attractiveness of student learning interests.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1478
Donny David ◽  
Mety Rahmawati

The criminal liability issue of commercial sex workers is a hot issue among lawyers in Indonesia. Responsibility for criminal pimps has been positively regulated in legislation, but for commercial sex workers it certainly has not been explicit. That is the reason why this research is raised. The problem of this research is how criminal responsibility of commercial sex worker in prostitution crime through online media pursuant to Law Number 19 Year 2016 about amendment of Law Number 11 Year 2008 About Information and Electronic Transaction (Case Study: 516 / Pid. Sus / 2017 / PN Smn This research will be carried out using huku normati research method with case and law approach.The result of this research is that in Indonesia, criminal liability to commercial sex workers is not explicitly regulated, but implicitly regulated The legal umbrella that can be used to hold criminal liability for commercial sex workers is the Law on EIT, where if the commercial sex worker uses online media to prostitute herself, she may be held criminally liable.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 186-196
Hasrizal Hasrizal

ABSTRAKPekerja Seks Komersil (PSK) adalah peristiwa penjualan diri dengan jalan menjual belikan badan, kehormatan, dan kepribadian kepada banyak orang untuk memuaskan nafsu seks dengan imbalan pembayaran. Berdasarkan hasil rekapitulasi data PSK di Dinas Sosial Kota Pekanbaru pada tahun 2015 berjumlah 56 orang, tahun 2016 meningkat menjadi 83 orang. Hingga 2018 mencapai 128 orang. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut diperlukan Kebijakan Penal dan Non Penal dalam penaggulangan perkembangan PSK. Rumusan Masalah Bagaimanakah Penanggulangan Perkembangan, Faktor penghambat dan kebijakan non penal. Jenis penelitian ini adalah hukum sosiologis. Populasi pada penelitian ini berjumlah 152 orang dan sampel berjumlah 7 orang. Metode pengumpulan data mengunakan purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian yaitu kebijakan non penal dalam menanggulangi PSK di Kota Pekanbaru: Pembinaan yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Sosial. Kegiatan rutin razia oleh SATPOL PP, Kepolisian, TNI. Serta penyuluhan kesehatan oleh Dinas Kesehatan. Faktor penghambat penanggulangan PSK selalu terjadi kebocoran informasi dalam melakukan tindak razia. Berkembangnya PSK di Kota Pekanbaru dikarenakan beberapa hal: bocornya informasi razia, masyarakat yang tidak peduli lingkungan sekitar, adanya baking anggota penegak hukum yang menaungi PSK. Kata kunci: teknik kebijakan non penal; penanggulangan; perkembangan; pekerja seks komersilABSTRACTCommercial Sex Workers (CSWs) are the events of selling themselves by selling bodies, honor, and personality to many people to satisfy sexual appetite in exchange for payment. Based on the results of recapitulation of CSW data in the Pekanbaru City Social Service in 2015 there were 56 people, in 2016 it increased to 83 people. Until 2018 there were 128 people. To overcome this problem, Penal and Non Penal are needed in controlling the development of CSWs. Formulation of the Problem What is the Development of Mitigation, Inhibiting Factors and Non Penal Policy. This type of research is sociological law. The population in this study amounted to 152 people and a sample of 7 people. Data collection method uses purposive sampling. The results of the research are non penalpolicy in tackling CSWs in Pekanbaru City: Coaching conducted by the Social Service. Routine raids by SATPOL PP, Police, well as health counseling by the Health Office. The obstacle factor in controlling CSWs is information leakage in carrying out raids. The development of commercial sex workers in the city of Pekanbaru is due to several reasons: leaked information on raids, people who do not care about the environment, baking law enforcement members who oversee CSWs.Keywords: legal non penal policy; prevention; development: commercial sex workers

Tiko Iyamu ◽  
Relebohile Moloi

Organisations employ different strategic tools such as Competitive Intelligence (CI) to enable and support their goals and objectives, periodically. Unfortunately, the tools do not seem to resolve the challenges that they were deployed for. This could be attributed to the fact that there is too much focus on the tools, and less attention on the social interaction which occurs in the process. The CI is deployed by many organisations primarily to collect and analyse relevant data for decision making, and competitive advantage. However, CI products are deployed in various ways, and in different contexts. CI products differ in many ways such as in terms of compatibility and functionalities that they offer. These are some of the factors that are driven and shaped by non-technical interplay. How organisations deploy CI products has been a challenge, and it is difficult to understand. Some organisations did acquire CI products, unfortunately, they could not make use of it as intended. This is attributed to compatibility challenges which they encountered during the implementation of the product. This is the primary motivation for this article. A qualitative case study research was conducted in order to examine how CI products are deployed in organisations. Analysis of the data was done, using the Moments of Translation from the perspective of actor network theory to understand how the interaction and interplay amongst actors, shapes and deployment of CI in the organisation that deploys it.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Resna Anggria Putri ◽  
Johanna Debora Imelda

This study aims at describing the subordination and marginalization of ex-commercial sex workers in Indramayu District. This qualitative research was conducted through in-depth interview and observation on 5 (five) interesting case studies whose data, then, was triangulated to ensure the valid-ity and reliability of the data. The results of the study showed that there were gender discrimination in the form of subordination and marginalization in education and employment which are applied at different periods, i.e.: before and after they worked as prostitutes. Hence, it is then caused them relapse working as prostitutes without any other opportunity to get more normative jobs.

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