<p>ABSTRAK<br />Penggunaan varietas jahe yang responsif terhadap pemupukan dosis<br />rendah, diharapkan mampu meningkatkan efisiensi pemupukan dan<br />menekan pencemaran lingkungan. Penelitian dengan tujuan untuk<br />mengetahui respon lima aksesi jahe putih kecil terhadap pemupukan dosis<br />rendah telah dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Cimanggu pada bulan<br />Agustus 2009 sampai Mei 2010. Lima aksesi jahe putih kecil dari daerah<br />marginal ditanam dalam polibag dan disusun menggunakan rancangan<br />acak kelompok yang diulang 3 kali. Setiap perlakuan terdiri atas 20<br />tanaman. Dua perlakuan yang diuji secara faktorial adalah, faktor I adalah<br />5 aksesi jahe putih kecil, yaitu (1) Ziof 0004, (2) Ziof 0007, (3) Ziof 0008,<br />(4) Ziof 0013, dan (5) Ziof 0014, dan faktor II adalah dosis pupuk, yaitu<br />(a) 50% dosis anjuran (200 kg/ha urea + 150 kg/ha SP-36 + 150 kg/ha<br />KCl), (b) 75% dosis anjuran (300 kg/ha urea + 225 kg/ha SP-36 + 225<br />kg/ha KCl), dan (c) dosis anjuran (400 kg/ha urea + 300 kg/ha SP-36 +<br />300 kg/ha KCl). Masing-masing perlakuan diberi pupuk kandang sebagai<br />pupuk dasar dengan dosis 20 t/ha. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap<br />parameter pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, diameter batang,<br />dan jumlah daun), hasil dan serapan unsur hara N, P, dan K pada umur 4<br />BST dan 9 BST. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masing-masing<br />aksesi memberikan respon yang berbeda terhadap penurunan dosis pupuk,<br />baik pada fase pertumbuhan maupun produksi tanaman jahe. Pengurangan<br />dosis pupuk sampai 25% tidak mengurangi produksi jahe, tetapi penurunan<br />dosis pupuk sampai 50% dari dosis rekomendasi menyebabkan penurunan<br />produksi jahe secara nyata. Komposisi unsur hara N, P, dan K yang<br />diserap berbeda pada setiap fase pertumbuhan tanaman.<br />Kata kunci : Aksesi, Zingiber officinale, pemupukan, pertumbuhan,<br />produksi</p><p>ABSTRACT<br />Response of five accessions of small white ginger to<br />fertilizers<br />The use of ginger varieties responsive to low fertilization dosages,<br />is expected to increase fertilizer use efficiency and reduce environmental<br />pollution. Research aimed at observing response of five small white ginger<br />accessions of low-dosage fertilization has been conducted in the Cimanggu<br />Experimental Station in from August 2009 through May 2010. Five small<br />white ginger accessions from marginal areas were planted in polybags.<br />The experiment was and arranged using a randomized block design was<br />repeated with 3 times replications. Each treatment consisted of 20 plants.<br />Two treatments were tested factorially, where factor I : 5 small white<br />ginger accessions, namely (1) Ziof 0004, (2) Ziof 0007, (3) Ziof 0008, (4)<br />Ziof 0013, and (5) Ziof 0014, and factor II : 3 fertilization dosages is<br />dosage of fertilizer, namely (a) 50% recommendation dosage (200 kg urea<br />+ 150 kg SP-36 + 150 kg KCl per hectare), (b) 75% recommendation<br />dosage (300 kg urea + 225 kg SP-36 + 225 kg KCl per hectare), and (c)<br />recommendation dosage (400 kg Urea + 300 kg SP-36 + 300 kg KCl per<br />hectare). Each treatment was given 20 t/ha of manure as basal fertilizer.<br />The parameters observed were growth parameters (plant height, number of<br />tillers, stem diameter, and number of leaves), yield and nutrient uptake of<br />N, P, and K at 4 and 9 months after planting (MAP). The results showed<br />that each of the accessions responded differently to the reduction of<br />fertilizer dosages, either in vegetative or generative growth phase of ginger<br />plants. Reduction of fertilizer dosages to 25% did not significantly reduce<br />the yield of ginger, however, fertilizer dosages reduction up to 50% of the<br />recommended dosages led to significant decrease of ginger yield.<br />Compositions of N, P, and K nutrients absorbed by plants were different in<br />every phase of plant growth.<br />Keywords : Accessions, Zingiber officinale, fertilizer, growth, yield</p>