The optimum foliar zinc source and level for improving Zn content in seed of chickpea

2015 ◽  
Vol 38 (6) ◽  
Nihal Kayan ◽  
Nurdilek Gulmezoglu ◽  
Mehmet Demir Kaya

The comparative effect of 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8% Zn levels of zinc chelate (Zn-EDTA; 8% Zn) and zinc sulfate (23% Zn) applied as foliar sprays for assuaging zinc deficiency of chickpea cv. Gökçe was evaluated under field condition. The sprays were applied on the plants before blooming stage during 2012 and 2013 growing seasons and seed yield, yield components like plant height, pod number per plant, seed number per plant, hundred seed weight, harvest index and mineral concentrations (nitrogen, phosphorus, zinc and iron) in seeds were investigated. Plant height, pod number per plant, seed number per plant, hundred seed weight, harvest index and seed yield were investigated. The results showed that increased zinc doses caused an increase in Zn content of seed, while seed yield was not affected similarly. In general, plant height, pod number and seed number per plant increased by the application of zinc. Lower dose of Zn-EDTA and higher dose of ZnSO<sub>4</sub> gave higher yield components. Seed weight, harvest index and seed yield were not significantly influenced by Zn sources and doses; however, mineral concentration of seeds enhanced when Zn doses were increased. It was concluded that foliar application of zinc resulted in an increase in seed mineral contents rather than seed yield of chickpea. The dose of 0.6% with Zn-EDTA was the optimum combination for Zn enrichment in seed of chickpea.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 307
Amir Hosein Shirani Rad ◽  
Nasser Shahsavari ◽  
Nadia Safavi Fard

     In order to evaluation of canola advanced lines response to delay plantings under late season drought stress conditions, an experiment was carried out in a factorial split-plot arrangement based on RCBD with three replications during two years (2012-2014) in Karaj of Iran. Treatments were; (1): Planting date in two levels (16 October and 1 November), (2): irrigation, in two levels (I1: normal irrigation as control and I2: restricted irrigation after pod formation stage) as main plots and (3): twelve oilseed rape genotypes as sub plots such as BAL2, BAL1, BAL3, BAL6, BAL8, BAL9, BAL11, BAL15, L72, R15, L109 and Okapi. The interaction effects of planting date, irrigation and genotype on pod number per plant, seed number per pod, 1000-seed weight, seed yield, and oil yield were significant at 1% level probability. The maximum seed yield under planting at the appropriate time (16 October), normal irrigation and drought stress conditions (restricted irrigation after pod formation stage) was observed in Okapi and L109, respectively). Among genotypes, R15 line under delay planting (1 November) and both normal irrigation and drought stress conditions (restricted irrigation after pod formation stage) showed the maximum seed yield.

2015 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 162 ◽  
Raju Pushpavalli ◽  
Mainassara Zaman-Allah ◽  
Neil C. Turner ◽  
Rekha Baddam ◽  
Mandali V. Rao ◽  

The reproductive phase of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is more sensitive to water deficits than the vegetative phase. The characteristics that confer drought tolerance to genotypes at the reproductive stage are not well understood; especially which characteristics are responsible for differences in seed yield under water stress. In two consecutive years, 10 genotypes with contrasting yields under terminal drought stress in the field were exposed to a gradual, but similar, water stress in the glasshouse. Flower number, flower + pod + seed abortion percentage, pod number, pod weight, seed number, seed yield, 100-seed weight (seed size), stem + leaf weight and harvest index (HI) were recorded in well watered plants (WW) and in water-stressed plants (WS) when the level of deficit was mild (phase I), and when the stress was severe (phase II). The WS treatment reduced seed yield, seed and pod number, but not flower + pod + seed abortion percentage or 100-seed weight. Although there were significant differences in total seed yield among the genotypes, the ranking of the seed yield in the glasshouse differed from the ranking in the field, indicating large genotype × environment interaction. Genetic variation for seed yield and seed yield components was observed in the WW treatment, which also showed differences across years, as well as in the WS treatment in both the years, so that the relative seed yield and relative yield components (ratio of values under WS to those under WW) were used as measures of drought tolerance. Relative total seed yield was positively associated with relative total flower number (R2 = 0.23 in year 2) and relative total seed number (R2 = 0.83, R2 = 0.79 in years 1 and 2 respectively). In phase I (mild stress), relative yield of seed produced in that phase was found to be associated with the flower number in both the years (R2 = 0.69, R2 = 0.76 respectively). Therefore, the controlled drought imposition that was used, where daily water loss from the soil was made equal for all plants, revealed genotypic differences in the sensitivity of the reproductive process to drought. Under these conditions, the seed yield differences in chickpea were largely related to the capacity to produce a large number of flowers and to set seeds, especially in the early phase of drought stress when the degree of water deficit was mild.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 786-794
Cihan YEŞILBAŞ ◽  

The study was conducted to determine effects of organic and inorganic fertilization on the yield and some yield components in lentil cultivars in 2014-15 growing seasons in Van. The experiment was laid out in a factorial randomised block design with three replications. The study was conducted to determine effects of different fertilizer sources (Control, DAP, Chicken manure and sheep manure) on the yield and some yield components in two lentil cultivars (Özbek and Kafkas). In the study were investigated the plant height, first pod height, branch number per plant, pod and seed number per plant, seed number per pod, biological yield, seed yield per unit, harvest index, 1000-seed weight and protein ratio in seed. The highest seed yield was obtained from chicken manure application of Özbek cultivar with 157.6 kg da-1.  

2012 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-231
Nargis Jahan ◽  
M M Golam Adam

A field experiment was carried out at University of Dhaka from March to July, 2011 to study the effect of time of sowing on the growth and yield of BARI mung-5. The treatments consisted of three dates of sowing viz. March 15, April 15 and May 15. The crop responded significantly to sowing time and 15 April sowing seeds produced plants having maximum plant height (68.4 cm), leaves/plant (29.33), total dry matter/plant (17.99), branches/plant (8.17), pods/plant (11.33), pod length (8.78 cm), seeds/pod (11.17), 1000 seed weight (46.52 g), seed yield/plant (5.33 g), yield/ha (1.77 t) and harvest index (29.58 %) at harvest. The seed yield decreased by 36.8 and 49.9% when seed sown early (15 March) or late (15 May) due to production of lower yield components.   DOI:   Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Vol. 36, No. 2, 227-231, 2012    

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 11-15
Vipin Kumar Malik ◽  
Shiv Kumar Singh ◽  
Vijay Kumar ◽  
Norang Pal Singh ◽  
Ankit Malik ◽  

The considerable amount of genetic variability on the basis of GCV and PCV estimates for the traits; days to 50% flowering, numbers of primary and secondary branches per plant, length of siliqua, 1000-seed weight, seed yield per plant, biological yield per plant and harvest index were found in thirty five genotypes of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern and Coss). Heritability and genetic advance were higher for days to 50% flowering, plant height and biological yield per plant. Although, number of secondary branches per plant, seed yield per plant and harvest index had moderately high heritability with moderate genetic advance indicating additive gene effects and selection pressure could be applied on them for yield improvement leads to fast genetic improvement of the materials. Days to 75% maturity, length of siliqua, 1000-seed weight and oil content had low heritability indicating that these traits were under the influence of environmental factors and selection on the basis of these traits could not be effective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 146-151
G. S. Mandal ◽  

Correlation Study with Path analysis was performed on 29 Lentil Genotypes to determine direct and indirect effect of some morphological as well as Biochemical parameters on Yield. Following traits were studied: Root Nodule number, Nodule weight, Primary Root Length, Secondary root numbers, Root Fresh and Dry weight, Plant Height, Pods per plant, Days to 50% Flowering, 100 seed weight, Leaf chlorophyll content, Seed Carbohydrate with Starch content, Seed Protein content and Yield. Considering both genetic Advance and GCV, it was observed that selection for the following characters viz. Plant Height, Pods per plant, Days to 50% flowering, 100 seed weight, Seed Protein content & Yield will be rewarding. Seed Yield per plant showed significantly Positive correlation with the following traits: 100 Seed weight, Pod number per plant, Plant height and seed starch. Negative association with yield was found for Days to 50% flowering. Path coefficient study revealed that there was a strong positive direct effect of 100 seed weight and Pod no. per plant along with Leaf Chlorophyll content on Yield. Hence, direct selection only for Pods number and 100 seed weight will be rewarding as these characters also gave higher heritability % along with high Genetic advance. Plant height gave strong negative direct effect on yield, but it gave a positive correlation due to high indirect effect in association with pod number. It may be due to short winter span of West Bengal which results into forced maturity of the crops. So short plants with higher pod numbers will be desirable for higher yield in short winter span condition.

2022 ◽  
Vol 82 ◽  
Hazratullah ◽  
A. Muhammad ◽  
M. Alam ◽  
I. Ahmad ◽  
A. Jalal

Abstract A research was conducted to evaluate the impact of various nitrogen and phosphorus levels along with beneficial microbes to enhance canola productivity. The research was carried out at Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar in winter 2016-2017. The experiment was conducted in randomized complete block factorial design. The study was comprised of three factors including nitrogen (60, 120 and 180 kg ha-1), phosphorous (70, 100 and 130 kg ha-1) and beneficial microbes (with and without BM). A control treatment with no N, P and BM was also kept for comparison. Application of beneficial microbes significantly increased pods plant, seed pod, seed filling duration, 1000 seed weight, biological yield and seed yield as compared to control plots. Nitrogen applied at the rate of 180 kg ha-1 increased pods plant-1, seed pod, seed filling duration, seed weight, biological yield and seed yield. Maximum pods plant-1, seed pod, early seed filling, heavier seed weight, biological yield, seed yield, and harvest index were observed in plots treated with 130 kg.ha-1 phosphorous. As comparison, the combine treated plots have more pods plant-1, seeds pod-1, seed filling duration, heaviest seeds, biological yield, seed yield and harvest index as compared to control plots. It is concluded that application of beneficial microbes with N and P at the rate of 180 kg ha-1 and 130 kg ha-1, respectively, increased yield and its attributes for canola.

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 51 ◽  
Ratri Tri Hapsari

<p>Estimation of Genetic Variability and Correlation Among Early Maturity Mungbean Yield Components. Ratri T. Hapsari. Early maturity mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] is very important to avoid drought stress, pest and disease attack as well as increase the index planting. The aims of this research was to estimate genetic variability and correlation. The genetic study included heritability, coefficient of genetic variability, genetic advance and correlation among yield components so that it can be used as selection criteria for early maturity mungbean. A total of 145 accessions of mungbean were tested at Muneng farm station in March-June 2010 using a randomized block design, with two replicates. Each accession was planted at 0.8 m x 4 m with spacing 40 cm x 10 cm, with two plants/hole. Fertilization was done by adding 50 kg urea, 75 kg SP36, and 75 kg KCl/ha, at the time of planting. The results showed that mungbean accesions had significant differences in all characters tested. The genetic variance value of all characters was broad with high broadsense heritability estimates, except for number of pods/ cluster and seed number/pod. Genetic advance of all characters were high, except for seed number/pod. The phenotypic correlation between 1000 seeds weight and pod length with seed yield were positive significant while plant height, flowering days, days to maturity, and number of pods per plant had negative significant correlation with its yield. Therefore, plant height, days to maturity, pod lenght, 1000 seeds weight and seed yield could be used as selection criteria based on estimating value of genetic variability, correlation with yield and economic value. There were five genotype which have index value above 20, i.e MLGV 0353, MLGV 0362, MLGV 0354, MLGV 0358, and MLGV 0351.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Kacang hijau [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] berumur genjah berperan penting untuk menghindari cekaman kekeringan, serangan hama penyakit, dan meningkatkan indeks pertanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai duga parameter genetik dan korelasi antar komponen hasil sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai kriteria seleksi kacang hijau berumur genjah. Sebanyak 145 genotipe kacang hijau diuji di KP Muneng pada bulan Maret sampai dengan Juni 2010 menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan dua ulangan. Setiap aksesi ditanam pada plot 0,8 m x 4 m dengan jarak tanam 40 cm x 10 cm, dua tanaman/lubang. Pemupukan dilakukan dengan 50 kg urea, 75 kg SP36, dan 75 kg KCl per hektar pada saat tanam. Parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, umur 50% berbunga, umur 80% masak, jumlah polong/tangkai, jumlah polong/tanaman, panjang polong, jumlah biji/polong, bobot 1.000 biji, dan bobot biji/plot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa genotipe yang diuji memiliki keragaman semua sifat yang diamati. Keragaman genetik dan fenotipik tergolong luas. Heritabilitas arti luas tergolong tinggi, kecuali jumlah polong/tangkai dan jumlah biji/polong tergolong sedang. Kemajuan genetik seluruh karakter tinggi, kecuali jumlah biji/polong. Korelasi antara bobot 1.000 biji dan panjang polong bernilai positif nyata dengan bobot biji/plot, sedangkan tinggi tanaman, umur berbunga, umur masak, dan jumlah polong per tanaman berkorelasi negatif nyata. Berdasarkan nilai duga parameter genetik, korelasi antarhasil, dan nilai ekonomisnya, maka tinggi tanaman, umur masak, panjang polong, bobot 1.000 biji dan bobot biji per plot dapat dijadikan kriteria seleksi indeks. Terdapat lima genotipe memiliki nilai indeks lebih dari 20, yaitu MLGV 0353, MLGV 0362, MLGV 0354, MLGV 0358, dan MLGV 0351.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-67
Sujan Karki ◽  
Binod Gupta ◽  
Rajendra Darai ◽  
Sabita Sharma ◽  

The present study was carried out to know the performance of growth, yield contributing characters, and reaction against insect pests and disease on chickpea genotypes at Jute Research Program, Itahari, Sunsari, Nepal. A total of twelve chickpea genotypes were sown in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications and each replicate had 10 lines with an inter and intra row spacing of 40 cm and 10 cm respectively. It is of great interest to consider the per se performance of different genotypes on various characters of economic importance, particularly earliness, plant height, nodule number, pod number, seed diameter, 100 seed weight, seed yields, pest and disease incidence. The genotypes ICCV-87312 showed earlier in flowering and maturity while the genotypes KWR-108 and Tara showed the highest and lowest plant height respectively. Likewise, the yield and yield components of overall pooled mean performance of chickpea genotypes ICCV-840508-38 born the maximum pod number, seed diameter, hundred seed weight, and seed yields. With respect to pest incidence, genotype KWR-108 was found to be less susceptible while genotype Tara was found to be more susceptible against pest damage (pod damage). Similarly, the genotypes ICCV-87312 found to be less susceptible while genotypes ICCV-98937 were found to be more susceptible against fusarium wilt disease among the tested genotypes. On the basis of the mean performance of yield components and biotic stress components observed in the present study, the five genotypes viz., ICCV-840508-38, ICCV-98933, KPG-59, ICCV-87312, and KWR-108 were found to be superior genotypes. Therefore, farmers and chickpea producers around study areas and similar agro-ecologies can use those genotypes for chickpea production as well as these materials can be used for the further breeding programs too.

2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012049
Zuyasna ◽  
E Hayati ◽  
Y Ghufrani ◽  
A Marliah ◽  
B Basyah ◽  

Abstract This study aimed to obtain the homogeny of M8 soybean lines in an effort to release new high yielding varieties. The research was conducted in Lamsidaya village, and the observation of yield components was carried out at the Plant Breeding Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Syiah Kuala. This study did not use an experimental design, so that the quantitative characters were observed individually from each plant, then analyzed by estimating the heritability broad sense value and the progress of selection. The material used were var. Kipas Putih and var. Dega1 as control, eight of 7th generation Kipas Putih mutant lines (B4, B7, B10, B12, B13, B15, B18 and B22). All genotypes were planted in rectangular plot 10 m x 1 m, drainage 50 cm, and planting distance 50 cm x 30 cm. Plants were maintained in accordance with the recommendation for soybean cultivation from Balitkabi, and fertilizer NPK (16:16:16) was given 200 g/plot (200 kgha-1). Parameters observed included plant height, flowering time, harvest time, number of productive branches, total number of pods per plant, number of filled pods per plant, percentage of filled pods per plant, seed weight per plant, weight of 100 seeds, seed weight per plot, and yield potential. All quantitative characters indicated increase on selection except for the character of plant height, percentage of filled pods and weight of 100 seeds because the heritability value was low. The B18 line has the potential to become a new high yielding variety because it has a high yield potential (3.02 tons ha-1) with a large seed size compared to the other seven mutant lines and is also higher than the parent Kipas Putih and var Dega 1 varieties.

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