About the need to improve the requirements to labeling of food products in the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Economic Union
One of the major factors contributing to a healthy diet, proper selection of food consumers is the labeling of food products. In order to improve the requirements to labeling offood products in the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Economic Union and their harmonization with international standards and requirements of the European Union in the Technical regulations of the Customs Union "Food products are part of its labeling" (TR CU 022/2011) it should be amended as follows: 1. The list of indices of the nutritional value offood products referred to in their labeling, should be expanded by next positions: the amount of saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids; carbohydrates, including mono- and disaccharides and the amount of added sugar; polyols; dietary fiber; added sodium chloride (salt). 2. To carry out the calculation of daily requirements of essential nutrients based on the human consumption of 2000 kcal per day, instead of 2500 kcal. 3. When setting the nutritional value offood products to envisage the application of the "color codes" indicating normal level of consumption by green, permissible - yellow, dangerously - in red. 4. In the text of the regulations Appendix, regulating the use in label offood to include information about the expected positive effects on the human body of the incoming (s) of the food product (s) ingredient (s) in case of systematic use of such a product in food rations.