2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Fitroh Marga Mila Aria Admaja ◽  
Ulfi Kartika Oktaviana

<p align="center"><strong><em><br /></em></strong></p><p><em>Dewi Prol Tape is one of Micro Small and Medium Entities which already have Micro Small Business Permit (</em>IUMK<em>) and turnover which increase every year. With administrative completeness as well as a good turnover increase, in the preparation of its financial statements are still not compiled well and in accordance with </em>SAK<em> </em>EMKM<em>. The preparation of the required financial statements is software-based for easy use by the </em>UKM<em>. Software used is microsoft acces where in operation does not require high accounting skills and does not require the cost to get it.So with that background this research is done with the title: "Design of Preparation of Financial Statements Based in Microsoft Access Based on Financial Accounting Standards of Small and Medium Entities </em>(SAK<em> </em>EMKM) at<em> </em>UKM Dewi Prol Tape<em>".</em></p><p><em>This research used qualitative method with case study approach. The location of the research is </em>UKM Dewi Prol Tape<em> located on Danau Paniai street 2 c7 e5 Sawojajar, Madyopuro, Kedungkandang, Malang City. The subject of research is the owner of </em>UKM Dewi Prol Tape. <em>The data was collected by triangulation method. Data analysis methods that used consist of: data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion.</em></p><p><em>The result of the research shows that the design of preparation of financial statements based in Microsoft access based on Financial Accounting Standards of Small and Medium Entities </em>(SAK EMKM)<em> for </em>UKM Dewi Prol Tape<em> is: report of cost of goods manufactured, income statement, statement of financial position and notes to financial statement. And the obstacles that faced in the presentation of financial statements are: a) lack of human resources in preparing financial statements, b) lack of knowledge of Financial Accounting Standards of Small and Medium Entities </em>(SAK EMKM).</p>

2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
Mizaco Ofayda Darmawan ◽  
Agus Toni Poputra ◽  
Winston Pontoh

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) number 1 and 2 states that financial statements should present fairly the financial position, financial performance, changes in equity and cash flow. Companies to implement SFAS correctly with the required disclosures in the Notes to the Financial Statements. Objects in this research is PT.Multisarana Bahteramandiri. The purpose of this study is to analyze the financial statement presentation PT.Multisarana Bahteramandiri under SFAS Number 1 and 2. The method used is descriptive analysis method is an analytical tool that compares two different aspects of theory and practice that need to be met in order to know the difference, as far as what the difference is. Results of the analysis of these data showed that PT.Multisarana Bahteraamandiri not fully implemented SFAS number 1 and 2 in the company's financial statement presentation. Because the company only present a statements of financial position, income statement, cash flow statement, as well as company-specific notes. The company also not disclose a statement of compliance with the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) number 1 and 2 in the notes to financial statements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-107
Eka Rosalina ◽  
Wiwik Andriyani ◽  
Afridian Wirahadi ◽  
Fera Sriyuniati ◽  
Desi Handayani

Financial Statements is an accounting process that are arranged and reported objectively which can be useful for its users. Each financial statement preparation must be based on applicable financial accounting standards. One of them is the preparation of financial statements for the foundation. A foundation is a legal entity that has the aims and objectives of social, religious and humanitarian benefits. Case Study conducted at the Shine Al-Falah Foundation. The procedures in preparing the financial statements of the Al Falah foundation start from with studying the transactions in the form of cash in and cash out transaction books. After that, a needs analysis is made in the preparation of financial statements using Exel For Accounting which starts from plan the Account List, making ledgers, work sheet and continuing to design the Financial Statements of the Foundation. Last is to provide assistance and training to the preparation of financial statements using Exel for Accounting.

Lasa Laksita ◽  
Adilistiono Adilistiono

<p>Financial statement preparation is very important because it can <br />describe the finance of an entity and as a basis for decision making. The <br />purpose of this Final Project is to prepare the company's financial statements <br />consisting of Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Changes in <br />Equity and Cash Flow Statement based on Financial Accounting Standards of <br />Entities Without Public Accountability (SAK ETAP), with the result that assist <br />Sumurboto Stationery in preparing financial statements. Interview and <br />documentation are used in data collection method. On the other hand, this <br />Final Project used description and exposition method for the writing method. <br />The result of this Final Project is to gain the knowledge in how have <br />Sumurboto Stationery done their financial statement preparation in 2016 <br />based on Financial Accounting Standards of Entities Without Public <br />Accountability (SAK ETAP) that consisting of Income Statement, Statement of <br />Changes in Equity, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement. Hopefully, <br />Sumurboto Stationery can be able to prepare their financial statement for the <br />next period in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards of Entities <br />Without Public Accountability (SAK ETAP)</p>

2009 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-63 ◽  
Petro Lisowsky

Abstract: Using a multi-year matched tax return-financial statement data set, this study builds empirical models that infer U.S. tax liability on the corporate tax return from publicly available financial statement disclosures, including those of Statement on Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes. Results show that current U.S. tax expense, the tax benefit from stock options, current-year tax cushion accrual, consolidation book-tax differences, and R&D are informative in inferring actual tax, while intraperiod tax allocation is not. Additionally, the sign of pretax book income and the existence of net operating loss carryforwards are useful partitioning variables in estimating actual tax. In general, for every dollar of current U.S. tax expense reported on the financial statements, approximately $0.70 is reported in U.S. tax liability on the tax return. The models are validated using a holdout sample, providing support for the notion that public parties can reliably use these results to estimate a firm's tax position. Additional tests reveal a hierarchy of subsamples that researchers may employ when maximizing the usefulness of tax-related disclosures in inferring U.S. tax liability.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 152
Pandu Prahadi Pangestu, Elfreda Aplonia Lau, Sunarto

This study aims to evaluate whether the recognition of items in financial statements, measurement of financial statement elements, presentation of items in financial statements and disclosure of financial statements in Sinar Terang Business are in accordance with the provisions in Micro, Small and Medium Entity Financial Accounting Standards (SAK EMKM) 2018.The theory used in this study is financial accounting. The hypothesis stated is the recognition of accounts in financial statements, measurement of financial statements, presentation of items in financial statements, and disclosure of financial statements not in accordance with the 2018 Micro, Small and Medium Entity Accounting Standards (SAK EMKM).The analysis technique used in this study is a comparative descriptive method, which is a method that compares accounting treatment that includes recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure based on SAK EMKM   2018 with recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure in Sinar Business and Champion methods for calculating checklist value in determining conformity criteria.The results of the study indicate that the recognition and measurement of the items in the financial statements of Sinar Terang Business are not in accordance with SAK EMKM. Whereas the presentation and disclosure of financial statements for Sinar Terang Business do not match the SAK EMKM

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 1175-1183
Fera Riske Anggita ◽  
Tommy Kuncara

The presentation of Islamic Financial Statements has been regulated in PSAK 101 and every bank needs to refer to it. As we know, PT Bank Syariah Mandiri is the number 1 largest Islamic bank in Indonesia and other information obtained by researchers, PT Bank Syariah Mandiri will merge with 2 other Islamic state-owned banks, namely PT Bank BNI Syariah and PT Bank BRI Syariah. Therefore, researchers are interested in examining whether the financial statements of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri are appropriate in applying the application of Financial Accounting Standards 101. The types of data used are qualitative and quantitative data, the data used are general company information and company financial statement information in 2019. Sources the data used is secondary data. The data collection method is literature study. In the financial statements of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri, the bank has reported all components of the financial statements in PSAK 101. In the Statement of Financial Position PT Bank Syariah Mandiri does not include the Istishna Assets in Settlement and Salam Receivable accounts in the Statement of Financial Position, but in PSAK 101 Paragraph 61 explains Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 101 does not regulate the composition or format of presentation of statement of financial position items. PT Bank Syariah Mandiri continues to present relevant information on the Statement of Financial Position. However, in PSAK 101 Paragraph 61 explaining the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 101 does not regulate the composition or format of the presentation of the statement of financial position. PT Bank Syariah Mandiri continues to present relevant information on the Statement of Financial Position. However, in PSAK 101 Paragraph 61 explaining the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 101 does not regulate the composition or format of the presentation of the statement of financial position. PT Bank Syariah Mandiri continues to present relevant information on the Statement of Financial Position.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
Marddyanto Dwi Saputra ◽  
Jullie J. Sondakh ◽  
Treesje Runtu

The financial statements in principle are the result of the accounting process used to communicate the financial situation to internal and external parties that are aimed at decision making. The importance of the financial statements, then the financial statement should be prepared carefully and without errors. Financial Accounting Standards generally are not in accordance with entities whose accountability is not as significant. Therefore, the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (IAI) has issued Financial Accounting Standards Entity Without Public Accountability (SAK ETAP) intended for entities that do not have significant public accountability and publish financial statements for general purposes for external users. This study aims to analyze the implementation of ETAP in the presentation of PT. Fortuna Inti Alam’s financial statement. The method used in this study is comparative descriptive analysis. Results of this research is based on the financial statements of 2016 show that PT. Fortuna Inti Alam has implemented ETAP but it is not fully complete yet. The Company has not presented Statement of Owner’s Equity, Cash Flow Statement, and Notes to Financial Statements. This research suggests that companies can prepare components of other financial statements in accordance with applicable standards.Keywords : Financial Statements, SAK ETAP.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-82
Sila Ninin Wisnantiasri ◽  
Irma Paramita Sofia ◽  
Fitriyah Nurhidayah ◽  
Karsam Sunaryo

The purpose of this dedication for Pisangan Village Community through financial statement training for small business in collaboration with partners of Citra Kencana Community is to improve the understanding of partners in making financial report especially income statement. The problem facing partners is not mastering how to create a correct financial statement. The financial statements can be used by partners as a benchmark of business performance and business financial analysis tools. Therefore, the methods used in this activity are: (1) convey material about basic concepts of accounting, (2) convey material about components of income statement, (3) provide business simulation and recording financial statements through educational game business accounting (4) the practice of preparing the business income statement and analysis by the entrepreneur, (5) advising / consulting the profit-loss statement. Besides, regression test is done through event study approach to know the impact of training for knowledge of financial report objectives and understanding of financial reporting from the community after getting the training. The result of this activity is increasing both knowledge and understanding of society in making financial report. This is shown by the direction of a positive and significant relationship between training with community knowledge and understanding. Keywords: Financial statement, Small entrepreneurship, Business analysis

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-132
Nimatul Ula ◽  
Nawirah Nawirah

The purpose of this study is to determine the suitability of the presentation of the An-Nahl Pandaan KPRS financial statements to Syaria FAS. This research uses descriptive qualitative research in which the purpose is to describe and illustrate the application of Sharia Financial Accounting Standards in terms of the financial statements prepared by KPRS An-Nahl Pandaan. The techniques used in data collection are through observation, interviews, documentation, and online data search techniques. The results of the analysis and discussion of this study indicate that most of the financial statement presentations in KPRS An-Nahl are in accordance with Sharia FAS even though only the entity only reports the financial position (Balance Sheet). From the An-Nahl KPRS financial report that looks very prominent the discrepancy is that An-Nahl KPRS does not make the six other financial report components listed in the Sharia FAS because the KPRS An-Nahl management itself does not yet understand how to prepare financial reports in accordance with applicable standards.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 326
Fian Handayani ◽  
Yulinartati Yulinartati ◽  
Diyah Probowulan

The Institute of Indonesia Chartered (IAI) has issued financial accounting standards in regard to financial statements of zakat, infaq / sadaqah. The standard is included in Statement of Financial Accounting Standards Number 109 (Revised 2011) concerning on financial statement of zakat, infaq / sadaqah. This research is conducted at the Jami 'Darussaalam Mosque Glenmore in order  to reconstruct the financial statements of zakat, infaq / sadaqah, thus it can be used to consider the financial statements of the Jami Darussalam Mosque in accordance with PSAK No.109 for Takmir or mosque management. This research uses a descriptive method which is conducted by observation, documentation and direct interviews with the secretary and deputy treasurer of the Takmir's Jami' Darussalam Mosque. This research is intended to describe certain conditions and symptoms in detail that occur at the Jami 'Darussaalam Glenmore Mosque, and to provide an overview of the financial statements of zakat, infaq / sadaqah of the mosque which then reconstruct the financial statements of zakat, infaq / sadaqah of the Jami' Darussalam Glenmore Mosque in accordance with applicable standards, which is PSAK No.109. Transparency and accountability on financial statement of zakat, infaq / sadaqah are completed based on PSAK 109, which consists of five components of financial statements, those are the statement of financial position, changes in fund statements, managed assets, cash flow statements, and financial statements.

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