2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 254
Larissa Vieira Zezzo ◽  
Vania Silvia Rosolen ◽  
Fábio Braz Machado ◽  
Andreia Medinilha Pancher ◽  
José Silvio Govene ◽  

Áreas úmidas localizadas na região oeste de Minas Gerais vem sendo convertidas em terras agrícolas e de mineração de argila. O objetivo desse artigo foi avaliar as diferenças na concentração e distribuição de macro, micronutrientes e outros parâmetros físicos em solos de áreas úmidas usados para produção agrícola desde 1970 ou pela mineração, comparando com áreas úmidas naturais ou não impactadas, durante a estação seca. Para isso, amostras de solo foram coletadas em diferentes profundidades em 6 pontos. Por meio de trabalhos de campo, foi possível avaliar as mudanças morfológicas do solo e coletar amostras para realizar análises físico-químicas. As análises granulométricas e a química forneceram informações para melhor compreender a extensão dos impactos ambientais em decorrência de atividades econômicas desenvolvidas na área. Dentre os pontos analisados, notou-se mudanças morfológicas nas áreas de cultivo agrícola e principalmente na área de mineração, onde ocorre erosão laminar. A análise granulométrica mostrou mudança textural nos locais de cultivo agrícola, enquanto que os demais pontos foram classificados como textura argilosa ou muito argilosa. A análise química mostrou que as áreas de cultivo agrícola apresentaram teoreselevados de macro e micronutrientes nas camadas superficiais e a saturação por bases foi muito baixa em praticamente todos os pontos estudados. O local da Mineração se mostrou como o mais degradado e menos propício ao crescimento vegetal.

2020 ◽  
Julija Pauraitė-Dudek

The impact of submicron aerosol source and physical-chemical parameters on atmospheric radiative balance

1995 ◽  
Vol 31 (7) ◽  
pp. 311-320 ◽  
R. M. Ashley ◽  
W. Dabrowski

Combined sewage coliform bacteria are important as indicators of pathogenic microorganisms and of their possible discharge into the environment. Whilst specifying limits for viruses, most legislation recognises the difficulty of enumerating such organisms and also prescribes limits for coliforms. Despite the importance of these organisms, little is known about their numbers and behaviour in sewerage systems. A data collection programme is described which has monitored dry and wet weather sewage coliform bacteria and also sediment bacteria. These data are used to review recent UK recommendations for assessing bacteria numbers in storm discharges. It is concluded that relationships between bacteria numbers and other physical/chemical parameters may be developed during DWF, but are seasonally and catchment dependent. Extension of DWF measurements to predict storm bacteria may be possible with more data.

1999 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 57-65 ◽  
Martin M. Karpiscak ◽  
Robert J. Freitas ◽  
Charles P. Gerba ◽  
Luis R. Sanchez ◽  
Eylon Shamir

An integrated wastewater treatment facility, consisting of upper (solids separators, anaerobic lagoons, and aerobic ponds) and lower (wetland cells) subsystems, has been built to replace the lagoon at a dairy in Arizona, USA. The collection sump of the new waste treatment facility collects all dairy wastewater outflow. Wastewater is then pumped to solids separators, and flows by gravity to anaerobic ponds and aerobic ponds. The upper subsystem is expected to treat the water sufficiently so that the wetland cells may achieve further pollutant reductions. The lower subsystem, comprised of 8 surface wetland cells with an approximate surface area of 5,000 m2, receives outflow from the ponds. The cells are planted with cattail (Typha domingensis), soft-stem bulrush (Scirpus validus), and reed (Phragmites australis). After treatment is completed via the lagoons and ponds followed by the wetland cells, the wastewater can be reused to flush barns or to irrigate crops. Performance of the overall system is evaluated by measuring physical, chemical and biological parameters in water samples taken from selected locations along the treatment system. Chemical parameters studied include biochemical oxygen demand, pH, total suspended solids, nitrogen species. Biological monitoring included coliforms (total and fecal) and Listeria monocytogenes.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 247
Valeriu V. Cotea ◽  
Mihai Cristian Focea ◽  
Camelia Elena Luchian ◽  
Lucia Cintia Colibaba ◽  
Elena Cristina Scutarașu ◽  

The occurrence of aroma constituents in sparkling wines, with direct impact on their organoleptic characteristics, is affected by several factors, for example the base-wine particularities, grapes cultivar conditions, inoculated yeasts, the aging stage, and wine-making practices. This study evaluated the influence of different four commercial yeasts (IOC FIZZ™, IOC DIVINE™, LEVULIA CRISTAL™, and IOC 18-2007™) on the volatile composition of experimental sparkling wines. For this, five sparkling wines variants from the Muscat Ottonel grape variety were obtained. The base-wine was obtained through reverse osmosis and had a predetermined alcoholic concentration (10.5% vol.). In order to fulfill the proposed purpose, the experimental sparkling wines were characterized by the physical–chemical parameters (according to International Organization of Vine and Wine methods of analysis), volatile fraction (using gas-chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry technique), and sensory descriptors. Data showed a key impact on the concentration of the volatile constituents (p < 0.05), depending on the type of inoculated yeast for the second fermentation. Regarding the sensory analysis, important differences can be observed due to the type of inoculated yeast. Only a minor influence on the physical–chemical parameters was registered.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 612-620
Filipe Sousa dos Santos ◽  
Eduarda Medran Rangel ◽  
Pedro José Sanches Filho

Abstract Determination of trace metals was carried out in Mangueira Lagoon, in the southern zone of Rio Grande do Sul. Samples were collected at five points to evaluate the concentrations of the following trace metals: copper, zinc, lead, chromium, nickel and iron. Metals were determined by digestion with concentrated nitric acid and pre-concentrated in Chelex 100 resin analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. In parallel, the physical-chemical parameters pH, chlorides, alkalinity, hardness and organic matter in the water were determined. Potassium and sodium metals were analyzed by atomic emission spectrometry. The analyzes of pH and conductance were analyzed in the field while the others were done in the laboratory of the research group of environmental contaminants (GPCA). Through the results of physical-chemical parameters of the water, the Mangueira Lagoon exhibits a low degree of contamination, but in the future may compromise the biota of the lagoon. Regarding the focus of this work, of Cu, Cr, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn (heavy metals), only lead and iron obtained the values above that are established in CONAMA 357/2005.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 203 ◽  
Luigi Morra ◽  
Maurizio Bilotto ◽  
Domenico Cerrato ◽  
Raffaella Coppola ◽  
Vincenzo Leone ◽  

Two trials in different agricultural farms were carried out from October 2014 to June 2015 with the aim to assess the advantages linked to the substitution of the low density polyethylene (LDPE) films for soil mulching with the Mater-Bi<sup>®</sup> biodegradable films in the strawberry cultivation under tunnel in Campania. Lifetime of biodegradable mulch and influence of type of mulch on the yield and the quality of cvs Sabrina and Fortuna were evaluated. Plants were cultivated on mulched, raised beds, high 40 cm from bottom soil. Mater-Bi<sup>®</sup> film was 20 <span>µ</span>m thick while LDPE film was 50 mm thick. The physical-chemical parameters (firmness, pH, total soluble solid content, titratable acidity and skin colour) and some bioactive compounds (total polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, antioxidant activity) of fruits were determined by three samplings effected in consecutive months (from March to May 2015) of the harvest cycle. Biodegradable film guaranteed an effective mulch along the whole strawberry cycle (9-10 months including the time of drawing up of film). Yields of cv Sabrina on LDPE was 18% higher than those on Mater-Bi<sup>®</sup> while the opposite was detected in cv Fortuna (+10%). The physical-chemical parameters of fruits were not modified by the mulches. The content of the bioactive compounds, instead, resulted, in each time of sampling, significantly higher in fruits picked on Mater-Bi<sup>®</sup> based film.

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