scholarly journals Present Scenario of Handloom and Handicrafts Industries of the ADIS

2014 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 191-203
Ram Krishna Mandal

From beginning of the known history the handloom and handicrafts forms a valuable cultural trait of a society. The cultural pattern of a society is reflected in the quality and craftsmanship of their handicrafts. The term handloom and handicrafts refers those products of a common folk or a specific community, which are produced manually with their indigenous technology. The handicrafts of a society are one of the chief means of livelihood. The people of Arunachal Pradesh are artistically minded and gifted with deft hands and skilled fingers. Handloom and Handicraft for instance, offer wide scope to produce a variety of artistically blended and beautifully designed clothing. Handicraft is a very common craft in Arunachal Pradesh. The main handicraft items made in the state are masks, carpets, painted wooden vessels and silver articles. Cane and Bamboo play an important role in the rural economy of the state. Arunachal Pradesh has a rich tradition of Bamboo and Cane Handicrafts. The products reflect the rich and varied culture of the tribes inhabiting this enchanting State and the products featured are representative of the wide range of Handicrafts produced in the State.

Iken Lendo ◽  

“To awaken the people, it is women who must be awakened, once she is in the moves, the family moves, the villages’ moves, and nation moves”. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Introduction: Women empowerment is gaining popularity in the 20th century; it is era of socio- cultural reforms. Empowerment means to increase political, social, educational, and economic, Gender or spiritual strength of personal society. Women constitute the most elegant resource of society. They are regarded as the backbone in family. They play the role of mother, sister, wife, grandmother. Women are considered as the central pillar of every sphere of development in human progress. A woman is regarded as agent of for the growth and development of family as well as good society. In rural areas women are closely attached with the environment for the survival and livelihood. Protection and conservation of the forest is correlated with the role of women. In remote areas women not runs the family they also tries to earn additional wages for their family. It is very much peculiar and unique system that in Galo and some others tribes of Arunachal Pradesh women work harder than the male. They are more in cultivation than male counter parts. So if they are empowered economically, as well as socio-politically, the scenario of the rural areas will definitely transform towards the path of prosperity. For further up-liftment of the women status. International women year was declared in 1975 by United Nation. The 08th march of every year is celebrated as International women Days. The first international conference on women was held in Mexico City in1975. Followed by, Copenhagen in199 and third conference in Nairobi 1985.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-182
Fauzia Farmin Sayeda ◽  
Barnali Sarma

The study is an attempt to analyse the socio-economic consequences of Sino-Indian war of 1962 on the ethnic communities of North-East Frontier Agency (NEFA), the present state of Arunachal Pradesh, geospatially located in North-East India. A careful analysis of the pre-independent history of the region suggests that both Ahoms and British rulers followed a policy of non-interference in the region as it was predominantly a tribal area. After independence, the Indian Government also followed the policy of minimal governance. The vital issues of infrastructure were also not given much emphasis until the war of 1962. As the Government realised the strategic importance of the state, a significant change in government policy can be witnessed. Apart from initiating development in infrastructure of the state, efforts were also made to nationalise the frontier. The present research aims to document the socio-economic changes brought by the war, using a critical analysis of a wide range of sources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 41-51
D. O. Bobrovnik

The article contains a study of the geopolitical legal personality of man as a member territorial community. The article defines the concepts of legal personality in view of the set of rights and responsibilities of a special entity – a member of the territorial community. The article contains general theoretical features and definitions of the term "member of the territorial community". It is determined that geopolitics in the context of the formation and implementation of the legal personality of the territorial community also involves Ukraine's approximation to European (international) legal standards of local government, because the territorial community is the primary subject of local government, and geopolitics, in turn, involves understanding , recognition and research of the territorial community not only within the Ukrainian experience, but also using the rich municipal experience of European states, in particular the states of the Romano-Germanic legal system, or states belonging to the continental legal family. It is noted that the correctness of creating optimal administrative-territorial units in the state (by separating or combining them), and the definition and institutionalization of one territorial community in one administrative-territorial unit – will ensure decentralization of management, maximum proximity to the people of public institutions and, accordingly, will allow to effectively address urgent issues of people's lives, the provision of quality administrative and public services to residents of villages, towns and cities. The ways which will provide formation of both geopolitical legal personality of territorial community, and will establish formation of geopolitical legal personality of the person as a member of such territorial community, uniting in this process local, regional, national, macroregional and universal (global) factors are offered. and tendencies based on the principles of democracy, decentralization, rule of law, priority of human rights and freedoms over the rights of the state


The structure and dynamics of equity capital are the basis for determining the indicators that characterize the financial position and financial sustainability of the enterprise. Information support for the effective management of the company's own capital is formed, mainly, by the system of accounting and financial reporting. Reliable and complete coverage of the financial statements of information on the size and composition of equity capital is fundamental for an objective assessment of the financial status and efficiency of the enterprise and for making further decisions by owners, investors, creditors and other users of information. Over the past few years, some changes have been made in the way in which the equity of the enterprise is reflected in the accounting, which requires detailed analysis and evaluation of changes to find ways to improve the accounting of equity capital of the enterprise. The purpose of this publication is to study the legal regulation of the formation and accounting of equity, in particular in limited liability companies, as well as the development of organizational principles of its accounting. Financial independence of the enterprise and other indicators of the financial state directly depends from the complete and clear legal regulation of accounting of equity capital by enterprises of various organizational and legal forms, the effectiveness of the information management of capital formation, profit distribution, dividend and other corporate rights. The normative regulation of the accounting of own capital in Ukraine at the state level (macro level) and at the level of economic entities (micro level) is investigated. From June 17, 2018, the new Law on Limited Liability and Additional Liability Companies came into force. The fundamental change in the regulation of the activities of economic entities of such organizational and legal forms leads to the need to amend its constituent documents and internal accounting regulations. Changes made in accordance with the Law concerning the formation of the authorized capital of the companies with limited liability and additional liability are considered. An exemplary section of the order on the accounting policy that will regulate the accounting of own capital is designed and offered for practical use by limited liability companies. The formation of such section will allow the reconciliation of the accounting policies and constituent documents in order to meet the interests of users in accounting for equity capital. After all, the proper formation of accounting policies is an important element of internal regulation of the formation and accounting of equity, contributes to improving the completeness and reliability of information about the financial condition of the enterprise. Based on the study of legal regulation of formation and accounting of equity in limited liability companies, it was found that at the macro level the state regulates only certain aspects of these processes. Moreover, there remains a wide range of variability in the selection of organizational and methodological approaches to accounting of equity capital. This, in turn, provides the opportunity for the owners of the companies to choose the optimal alternative accounting option for this particular entity, taking into account the specifics of its activities. The main internal regulations of enterprises regulating the issues of formation, use and accounting of own capital are the statute and order on accounting policy. The research revealed shortcomings in the formation of norms as a charter and an order on accounting policies of limited liability companies in respect of own capital. Proposed changes to the specified internal regulations of limited liability companies, which will bring their norms in line with the norms of legislation, in particular with the norms of the Law of Ukraine "On Limited Liability Companies" of 22.06.2018, № 2275-VIII, and will allow to obtain full, relevant , unbiased information about equity capital for all the interested parties.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 159-165
Dr Kamei Budha Kabui ◽  
Dr Oinam Ranjit Singh ◽  
Dr. Th. Mina Devi

The paper is an attempt to examine the socio-cultural significance of the Rih-ngai festival of Kabui inhabitants, Manipur. The Kabui people celebrate Rih-ngai, war festival on the 13th day of Manipuri lunar month Phairen (February) for one day every year. The practice of head hunting was gone. But, it is preserved in the form of narrative. The male members of Khangchu, male’s dormitory perform the war rituals like Ritaak Phaimei, Kabaomei, Chong Kapmei etc. at the village gate to preserve and promote the rich culture and tradition of the people. The young men have opportunity learn the tradition of their forefathers by participating in the festival. Dance and music are part and parcel in the celebration of the festival. Kabui Naga dance is popular outside the state of Manipur and it also brought a name for the community. The data are based on available primary and secondary sources.

Seyed Hadi Mirvahedi

AbstractA growing body of research highlights the significance of visual language use in public sphere in discursively transforming geographical spaces into places. This symbolic construction of places plays a paramount role in the vitality of minority languages by increasing the prestige of minority languages and thus redressing the balance between minority and majority groups. The present article explores the symbolic construction of Tabriz, a Northwest metropolis in Iran which is home to nearly two million Azerbaijani-speaking people. Despite the rich bilingualism in Azerbaijani and Farsi in the city, Farsi, the official language of the state, continues casting a shadow over Azerbaijani through various language policy mechanisms. Drawing upon language policy and planning theories coupled with the principles of geosemiotics, the research examines linguistic landscape data collected in three main streets in Tabriz. The analysis demonstrates what types of discourses mediate and are created by language choices on governmental and private signs. Farsi is normalized for both governmental and private signs reflecting and reproducing national ideologies. The absence of Azerbaijani as the native language of the people in the linguistic landscape (LL) of Tabriz is noticeable. In its entirety, the findings suggest that the linguistic landscape is not always a fair representation of the linguistic repertoire of the people living in a geographical space, but rather language choice in the LL is deployed by the state and/or people to portray an image of a place they desire and aspire to.

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 229
Bambang Arif Rahman

<p>Shura as the system of representation of the Muslim’s voice in, typically, the<br />Islamic state is often confronted with the West representation system namely<br />Democracy. Some Islamic scholars believe that Shura is still the best system for<br />Muslims to vote for their need in the state. However, as Islam is not a monolithic<br />doctrine, some other Muslim groups have another alternative view to represent<br />their political opinion to the state by, surprisingly, practicing democracy. In brief,<br />Shura is still placed God instructions as the reference of all decisions which are<br />made in the council. Otherwise, democracy merely stands its policy on the people.<br />Both systems have a long tradition processes to find their recent way in this<br />global age. And the British Muslims have to realize that they live in a developed<br />country like Britain and still have to be Muslim. Giving challenging condition, Hizbut<br />Tahrir, Tablighi Jama’at, and Muslim Council of Britain, three prominent Muslim<br />Organizations in England, have different attitude towards democratic Britain to<br />voice their representation. On the one hand, Hizbut Tahrir strictly rejects the idea<br />of democracy as its goal is to establish the Islamic Caliphate in the world. And on<br />another hand, Tablighi Jama’at tends to stay away from the political issue, including<br />its representation, as the core of this organization is only preaching in a<br />peaceful way. Finally, Muslim Council of Britain as the umbrella of small-medium Muslim organizations in England, in fact is involving in the system of British democracy.<br />Shura sebagai sistem perwakilan seringkali diperbandingkan dengan sistem<br />perwakilan Barat, yaitu demokrasi. Beberapa tokoh umat Islam percaya bahwa<br />shura masih merupakan sistem perwakilan yang terbaik untuk menyuarakan<br />keinginan umat Islam terhadap negara. Namun demikian, karena Islam bukan<br />merupakan doktrin yang kaku, ada beberapa kelompok Muslim lain yang memiliki<br />pandangan berbeda di dalam mengemukakan aspirasi politiknya terhadap negara,<br />yang justru menggunakan sistem demokrasi. Secara singkat, sistem shura masih<br />menempatkan ajaran-ajaran Tuhan sebagai acuan untuk memutuskan segala<br />persoalan dalam dewan. Sedangkan demokrasi membuat kebijakan semata-mata<br />berdasarkan pada suara manusia. Kedua sistem ini memiliki proses tradisional<br />yang panjang untuk mencapai bentuknya seperti sekarang ini. Sementara itu,<br />Muslim Inggris harus menyadari bahwa mereka hidup di negara maju dan harus<br />tetap ber-Islam. Menghadapi kondisi yang menantang ini, tiga organisasi Islam<br />terkemuka di Inggris seperti Hizbut Tahrir, Tablighi Jama’ah, dan Muslim Council<br />of Britain memiliki sikap berbeda untuk menyatakan suara mereka terhadap<br />pemerintah Inggris yang demokratis. Satu sisi, Hizbut Tahrir dengan keras menolak<br />ide demokrasi dikarenakan cita-cita mereka adalah mendirikan kekhalifahan Islam<br />di dunia. Sementara di sisi yang lain, Tablighi Jama’ah cenderung menghindari<br />isu politik, termasuk keterwakilan mereka. Terakhir, Muslim Council of Britain<br />yang merupakan payung bagi organisasi-organisasi Islam kecil-menengah di<br />Inggris pada kenyataannya ikut serta di dalam sistem demokrasi Inggris.</p><p> </p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Theresa Addai-Munumkum

African literature is famous for the depiction of a type of politics that tends to reflect the reality on the ground, spanning a panorama of incompetent leadership to gross political corruption.  As a result, writing about politics in Africa tends to be a risky undertaking as many creative writers who criticize political leadership and corrupt practices in their works end up being jailed. Using contemporary African literature to discuss the postcolonial African Political State, this paper explores the nature of the state in West Africa in three novels, Chinua Achebe’s A Man of the People, Anthills of the Savannah and Sembene Ousmane’s Xala.  Using the metaphor of an impotent masculinity, this paper argues that the political State in Africa is a failed one. From the dawn of independence to the era of democracy, the political state in Africa has had to grapple with failed leadership, corruption, injustice, the ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor etc., and it appears that these problems are becoming more.

2004 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-174 ◽  
Abid A.Burki ◽  
Mushtaq A Khan ◽  
Faisal Bari

While there is a plethora of research documenting a multitude of dimensions of the crop sector of Pakistan, the virtual absence of meaningful economic analysis of the dairy economy is surprising. No serious attempt has been made in the past to clarify the microlevel potential of this sector to impact rural economy. This paper is a pioneering attempt to provide an objective assessment of the state of Pakistan’s dairy and to point out areas of further research. The paper analyses some core issues, highlights the potential of this sector, and recommends the measures to be adopted towards such a goal.

1989 ◽  
Vol 111 (3) ◽  
pp. 187-193
N. Ohiwa ◽  
S. Yamaguchi

The possibility of a valveless pulse combustor with wide range and low noise level was experimentally examined by introducing two practical approaches simultaneously: one is the rich mixture supply outside the flammability limit, instead of the ordinary fuel supply without any primary air; the other is forced secondary air ventilation. An overall evaluation of pulsation limits was also made in terms of the volumetric efficiency of the pulse combustor. Fuel used was a commercial grade gaseous propane. The results showed that, under a constant total of equivalence ratios of 0.9, a large turn-down ratio of 9.4–11.5 and a high combustion intensity of 55–67MW/m3 could be obtained by setting the rich mixture equivalence ratio equal to 3.0. Also, the proposed valveless pulse combustor could operate more silently than the flapper-valved one by 3-8dB (A), being indicative of noise radiation due to valve flapping.

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