Aleksandr Aleksandrovich POYDUNOV

We present diagnostics data of young kickboxer’s ability to withstand physical pain. The research was carried out with children of 6–12 years old at Sports and Patriotic School “Patriot” in Belgorod. We have examined 18 people. We used such research methods as analysis, integration of information from specialized literature, I.I. Kuznetsov’s applicator, comparative analysis. Physical pain perceptions of kickboxers were assessed after exploitation of the applicator with verbal scale of pain assessment and modified facial scale of pain assessment. While examining kickboxer’s ability to withstand physical pain we put the applicator on the examinee’s shoulder and pressed it with a cuff, then we pumped the air in it, thus, increased the pressure, and the result in millimeters of mercury column was fixed on the manometer. The received results were compared not only on two scales, but in the regard of quality indicator of the first young sportsmen’s participation in sparring. We came to conclusion that all the examinees could be divided into three groups: those who have high sensitivity to physical pain are the first group; the second group has the medium rate of sensitivity; the third group has the low rate of sensitivity. We have observed the regular pattern: the higher the rate of sensitivity of examinees, the worse their results in the first sparring, they are more afraid of the battle, they become passive and unconfident. The received data of the research are published for the first time. It has theoretical and practical relevance, for example, for the primary kickboxing selection or other combat sports. The results of the research may be valuable for the further studies on problems of overcoming physical pain in combat sports.

Atmosphere ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 169 ◽  
Mahbubur Rahman ◽  
Pasan Hettiarachchi ◽  
Vernon Cooray ◽  
Joseph Dwyer ◽  
Vladimir Rakov ◽  

We present observations of X-rays from laboratory sparks created in the air at atmospheric pressure by applying an impulse voltage with long (250 µs) rise-time. X-ray production in 35 and 46 cm gaps for three different electrode configurations was studied. The results demonstrate, for the first time, the production of X-rays in gaps subjected to switching impulses. The low rate of rise of the voltage in switching impulses does not significantly reduce the production of X-rays. Additionally, the timing of the X-ray occurrence suggests the possibility that the mechanism of X-ray production by sparks is related to the collision of streamers of opposite polarity.

1989 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 591-605 ◽  
David J. Mossman ◽  
Craig H. Place

Vertebrate trace fossils are reported for the first time from red beds near the top of megacyclic sequence II at Prim Point in southwestern Prince Edward Island. They occur as casts of tetrapod trackways. The ichnocoenose also includes a rich invertebrate ichnofauna. The trackmakers thrived in an area of sparse vegetation and occupied out-of-channel river sediments, most likely crevasse-splay deposits.Amphisauropus latus, represented by three trackways, has been previously reported from Germany, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. It is here interpreted as the track of a cotylosaur. It occurs together with the track of Gilmoreichnus kablikae, which is either a captorhinomorph or possibly a juvenile pelycosaur. These facilitate the assignment of a late Early Permian (late Autunian) age to the strata. The third set of footprints, those of a small herbivorous pelycosaur, compare most closely with Ichniotherium willsi, known hitherto from the Keele beds (latest Stephanian) of the English Midlands.This ichnocoenose occurs in a plate-tectonically rafted segment of crust stratigraphically equivalent to the same association of ichnofauna in the English Midlands and central Europe. The community occupied piedmont-valley-flat red beds within the molasse facies of Variscan uplands.

1995 ◽  
Vol 400 ◽  
R.T. Malkhassian

AbstractA new technology for obtainment of amorphous single-component metals is presented.For the first time the reduction of molybdenum oxide with formation of its amorphous phase is realized in conditions of a given quantum-chemical technology by means of vibrationally excited to the third quantum level hydrogen molecules with 1.5 ± 0.2 eV energy. The evidences of formation of this nonequilibrium amorphous phase are presented along with certain physicochemical properties of the obtained amorphous molybdenum.A model is proposed for the origin of amorphous phase under the influence of nonequilibrium quantum-chemical technology.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (31) ◽  
pp. 8074-8079 ◽  
Changyong Lan ◽  
Chun Li ◽  
Yi Yin ◽  
Huayang Guo ◽  
Shuai Wang

Single-crystalline GeS nanoribbons were synthesized by chemical vapor deposition for the first time. The nanoribbon photodetectors respond to the entire visible incident light with a response edge at around 750 nm and a high responsivity, indicating their promising application for high performance broadband visible-light photo-detection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 329-343
Liudmyla Shapovalova ◽  
Іryna Romaniuk ◽  
Marianna Chernyavska ◽  
Svitlana Shchelkanova

"In the article under consideration are the ways of symphony genre transformation in the early works of Valentin Silvestrov (Ukraine). For the first time, the First, Second, Third, and Fourth symphonies by the genius composers of the 20th century are analyzed as a certain stylistic system. These compositions are endowed with the features of avant-garde poetics, and as a subject of musicological reflection, they are associated with a rethinking of the semantic paradigm of the genre. V. Silvestrov's early symphonies stand out from the classical practice of European symphonies. Scientific awareness of their phenomenal nature necessitated a methodological choice aimed at the most accurate identification of the philosophical concept of the new sound universum of V. Silvestrov's music. Deep correlation of the image of a human being as a factor of the symphony poetics (the influence of philosophical concepts of human ontology in the 20th century with the transformation of the genre canon) is considered. This refers to the nonmusical dimension of the genre semantics. The study of V. Silvestrov's early symphonies reveal a new philosophy of music through gradual movement – modulation: from the neo-baroque First Symphony and ""cosmic pastorals"" Musica Mundana of the Second Symphony through the history anthropologisation in the Third Symphony ""Eschatology"" to the monodrama Musica Humana in the Fourth Symphony. The dichotomy of Musica Mundana – Musica Humana is not accidental: in V. Silvestrov's creative method, remains relevant, which is confirmed by the dramaturgy of his latest work – the Ninth symphony (2019). Keywords: V. Silvestrov's early symphonies, evolution of style, worldview, Musica Mundana, monodrama. "

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Tofigh Maboudi ◽  
Ghazal P. Nadi ◽  
Todd A. Eisenstadt

Abstract Since the third wave of democracy, term limits have become a popular fixture of most constitutions intended to constrain the executive. Yet, recent constitutional reforms around the world show that presidents seeking re-election sometimes overturn the entire constitutional order to extend their power. What is the impact of these constitutional manipulations on the longevity of the executive in office? Using survival analysis of all political leaders and national constitutions from 1875 to 2015, this article demonstrates, for the first time, that when ‘authoritarian-aspiring’ presidents remove constitutional term limits, they increase their stay in office by more than 40%. Our findings contrast with a widely held position in the comparative authoritarian literature suggesting that dictators survive longer under institutional constraints. On the contrary, we argue that by removing constitutional barriers, rulers consolidate more power at the expense of their most ambitious allies and can stay in power longer.

Т.А. Богумил

В статье предлагается концепция жизни и творческого роста В.М. Шукшина сквозь призму тезаурусного и кластерного подходов. Объяснительными «персональными моделями» для интерпретации биографического текста писателя являются кластеры Мартина Идена, Гамлета и Степана Разина. Ранее биографы и литературоведы указывали на важность этих персон для Шукшина, но разрозненно. Впервые предпринята попытка свести указанные персональные модели воедино, в целостный сюжет становления писателя в пространстве культуры. На разных этапах эволюции автора доминирует одна из указанных моделей, последовательно сменяя друг друга, но не вытесняя, а «внахлест». Ранний этап творчества, ориентированный на стратегию Мартина Идена, является попыткой «вписаться» в наличный культурный мейнстрим. Выражено это в следовании поэтике соцреализма. Второй этап подспудно начинается с реабилитации отца Шукшина в 1956 года, когда актуализируется «гамлетовский комплекс», проявляющийся в чувстве вины перед отцом, через стратегию утаивания подлинного «я», мотивы чудаковатости. Третий этап связан с личностью реального исторического лица, Степана Разина, и выражается в открытом протесте против власти. Все важные для В.М. Шукшина поведенческие модели объединены мотивом одинокого противостояния враждебному социуму и имеют трагический финал, что обусловило ранний уход писателя и порождение мифов о насильственном характере его смерти. В.М. Шукшин одновременно был фигурой неординарной и типичной, что позволило его биографии стать «персональной моделью» для последующих авторов, выходцев из сельской глубинки. The article proposes the concept of life and creative growth of V.M. Shukshin through the prism of the thesaurus and cluster approach. The explanatory "personal models" for interpreting the biographical text of the writer are clusters of Martin Eden, Hamlet and Stepan Razin. Earlier, biographers and literary critics pointed out the importance of these people for Shukshin, but it was scattered. For the first time, an attempt was made to bring these personal models together into an integral plot of the formation of the writer in the space of culture. At different stages of the writer’s evolution, one of these models dominates, successively replacing each other, but not crowding out, but “overlapping”. The early stage of creativity, focused on Martin Eden’s strategy, is an attempt to “fit in” the current cultural mainstream. This is expressed in following the poetics of socialist realism. The second stage implicitly begins with the rehabilitation of Shukshin’s father in 1956, when the “Hamletian complex” is actualized. It is manifested in a sense of guilt towards his father, the strategy of concealing the true “I”, eccentricities. The third stage is connected with the personality of a real historical person, Stepan Razin, and is expressed in an open protest against the authorities. All important for V.M. Shukshin's behavioral models are united by the motive of a lonely confrontation with a hostile society and have a tragic ending, which led to the early departure of the writer and the generation of myths about the violent nature of his death. V.M. Shukshin was an extraordinary and typical figure at the same time. That allowed his biography to become a “personal model” for subsequent authors who came from the rural outback.

L. G. Vakulenko ◽  
O. D. Nikolenko ◽  
D. A. Novikov ◽  
P. A. Yan ◽  

A comprehensive study of the composition of sand and silt deposits of the Yu1 horizon of the Vasyuganskaya Formation upper part of the Verkh-Tarskoye oil field has been carried out. Associations of authigenic minerals have been determined in their cement, among which the calcite is the most widespread. According to petrographic parameters, three generations of calcite have been identified for which detailed isotopicgeochemical and ultramicroscopic studies were carried out for the first time. Wide and multi directional changes in the isotopic composition of carbon and oxygen and in the chemical composition of carbonate minerals were recorded, they indicate significant variations in the conditions of diagenesis and catagenesis, primarily temperature, and different sources of CO2. Significant variations in the isotopic composition of formation waters and its relationship with the isotopic composition of carbonates have been established. Thus, a narrow interval of close δ13C values was revealed, amounting to –10.5 to –9.1 ‰ in the formation waters of group II, and from –10.7 to –9.1 ‰ in calcites of the third generation. The source of CO2 in this system should be considered a carbon dioxide, which is formed in the process of metamorphism of carbonate rocks of the Paleozoic age.

J. Kim Vandiver ◽  
Susan B. Swithenbank ◽  
Vivek Jaiswal ◽  
Vikas Jhingran

This paper presents results from two field experiments using long flexible cylinders, suspended vertically from surface vessels. The experiments were designed to investigate vortex-induced vibration (VIV) at higher than tenth mode in uniform and sheared flows. The results of both experiments revealed significant vibration energy at the expected Strouhal frequency (referred to in this paper as the fundamental frequency) and also at two and three times the Strouhal frequency. Although higher harmonics have been reported before, this was the first time that the contribution to fatigue damage, resulting from the third harmonic, could be estimated with some certainty. This was enabled by the direct measurement of closely spaced strain gauges in one of the experiments. In some circumstances the largest RMS stress and fatigue damage due to VIV are caused by these higher harmonics. The total fatigue damage rate including the third harmonic is shown to be up to forty times greater than the damage rate due to the vibration at the fundamental vortex-shedding frequency alone. This dramatic increase in damage rate due to the third harmonic appears to be associated with a narrow range of reduced velocities in regions of the pipe associated with significant flow-induced excitation.

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