scholarly journals “STRUCTURA”, fachada autoportante de ladrillo cara vista para cumplir los requisitos del nuevo CTE DB HE” = “STRUCTURA”, self-supporting face brick façade to comply with the new CTE DB HE requirements”

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 40
Concepción Río Vega ◽  
Ana Ribas Sangüesa

ResumenLa fachada autoportante de ladrillo cara vista es el resultado de una profunda reflexión sobre las diferentes soluciones de fachada de ladrillo que se han utilizado a lo largo de la historia. Ha sido promovida por Hispalyt en estrecha colaboración con el Departamento Técnico de Geohidrol S.A., empresa líder en la investigación, fabricación y comercialización de sistemas para cerramientos de fábrica. Cuando se analizan las diferentes soluciones de las fachadas de ladrillo, bajo la óptica de los requisitos del Código Técnico de la Edificación, la fachada autoportante 'STRUCTURA' se manifiesta como la solución óptima por su simplicidad, sus elevadas prestaciones y el bajo coste en recursos auxiliares. La fachada autoportante 'STRUCTURA' se caracteriza porque la hoja exterior del cerramiento se construye totalmente separada del edificio, gravitando sobre sí misma, lo cual permite la disposición de una cámara de aire (ventilada o no) con aislamiento térmico continuo. De esta forma se elimina el puente térmico en el encuentro con los frentes de pilares y forjados, mejorando notablemente el rendimiento higrotérmico del edificio con el fin de cumplir el Documento Básico de Ahorro de Energía (DB HE), cuyos requisitos en la nueva versión aprobada en Septiembre de 2013 han experimentado un sustancial incremento respecto de los contenidos en la versión anterior. Desde el punto de vista de la respuesta mecánica, la fachada autoportante se fundamenta en el aprovechamiento del potencial que tienen los muros de ladrillo cuando se utilizan como soportes de sí mismos. A diferencia de las soluciones convencionales o de las que requieren elementos auxiliares de sostén dispuestos planta a planta, con la solución 'STRUCTURA' el muro de ladrillo se analiza como un elemento activo en el comportamiento estructural, de manera que su propio peso contribuye beneficiosamente en la resistencia frente a las acciones horizontales.AbstractThe self-supporting face brick façade is the result of a profound reflection on the different solutions for the brick façades that have been used throughout history. It has been promoted by Hispalyt in close collaboration with the Technical Department of Geohidrol S.A., leader company in the research, manufacture and marketing of systems for masonry closings. When analyzing different solutions of face brick façade, under the perspective of the technical building code requirements, the self-supporting façade 'STRUCTURA' appears as the optimal solution for its simplicity, high performance and low cost in auxiliary resources. The self-supporting façade 'STRUCTURA' is characterised by the outer leaf of the enclosure being built fully separately from the building, supported on itself, and thus enabling the provision of an air chamber (ventilated or not) with continuous thermal insulation. In this manner thermal bridges on the fronts of pillars and floors are eliminated, noticeably improving the hygrothermal performance of the building in order to comply with the technical building code basic document for energy saving (DB HE), whose requirements in the new version approved in September 2013 have substantially increased with respect to the requirements of the previous version. From the point of view of the mechanical response, the self-supporting façade is based on exploiting the potential that brick walls have when used as a load-bearing structural element themselves. Unlike conventional solutions or those that require additional support devices arranged floor-to-floor, with the 'STRUCTURA' solution the brick wall is analyzed as an active element in the structural behaviour, so that its own weight contributes beneficially to the resistance against horizontal actions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-167
O. G. Reutskaya ◽  
Y. M. Pleskachevsky

The most promising for mass use in gas analysis equipment are semiconductor gas sensors due to their high reliability, easy operation and relatively low cost. Power consumption in the single-sensor mode, constant heating is from 250 to 600 W average and in pulsed mode heating – ≤ 20 W. The aim of this work was to study the effectiveness of the pulsed heating for multisensor microsystems consisting of two sensors on the substrate of the nanostructured aluminum oxide, compared with the mode of constant heating.For sensitive layers were chosen compositions: SnO2+Pt+Pd at the first sensor of the microsystem and In2O3+Al2O3+Pt on the second. Measuring the sensor response in the pulse heating mode was carried out as follows. Power on each sensor microsystem was installed 1.3 mW. Then the short-term heating (theat.. = 5 s) was performed at the power 61 mW. The detected gases CO and NO2 with the concentration 200 ppm and 4 ppm, correspondingly, were submitted to the microsystem after 15 minutes. The resistance values for each of the sensor were fixed. According to the results determine the sensitivity (sensor response) the maximum value is after 60 s for the sensor with a sensing layer SnO2+Pt+Pd when exposed to CO was 670 %, and for the sensor with In2O3+Al2O3+Pt – 380 %.Advantages of using pulsed heating from the point of view of a power consumption multisensor microsystem mW-range and high performance sensors on substrates of nanostructured alumina were established.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (18) ◽  
pp. 6222 ◽  
Girts Bumanis ◽  
Jelizaveta Zorica ◽  
Diana Bajare

The potential of phosphogypsum (PG) as secondary raw material in construction industry is high if compared to other raw materials from the point of view of availability, total energy consumption, and CO2 emissions created during material processing. This work investigates a green hydraulic ternary system binder based on waste phosphogypsum (PG) for the development of sustainable high-performance construction materials. Moreover, a simple, reproducible, and low-cost manufacture is followed by reaching PG utilization up to 50 wt.% of the binder. Commercial gypsum plaster was used for comparison. High-performance binder was obtained and on a basis of it foamed lightweight material was developed. Low water-binder ratio mixture compositions were prepared. Binder paste, mortar, and foamed binder were used for sample preparation. Chemical, mineralogical composition and performance of the binder were evaluated. Results indicate that the used waste may be successfully employed to produce high-performance binder pastes and even mortars with a compression strength up to 90 MPa. With the use of foaming agent, lightweight (370–700 kg/m3) foam concrete was produced with a thermal conductivity from 0.086 to 0.153 W/mK. Water tightness (softening coefficient) of such foamed material was 0.5–0.64. Proposed approach represents a viable solution to reduce the environmental footprint associated with waste disposal.

Padmaja Kuruba ◽  
A. V. Sutagundar

There is a great demand in space and earth observations applications. Traditional satellite missions have complex design architecture involving high cost in design, operation, launch and maintenance. Thus single large satellite is replaced by multiple, small satellites with distributed network, collaboratively performing the same functionality of large satellite. This has been motivated researchers to explore the application of terrestrial Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) to space. The main objective of using space based WSN is to have full power of remote sensing capabilities at all the relevant time horizons and geographical scales with high performance and low cost. It also strives for an optimal solution that gratifies the standards, sizes, air interfaces, network architecture, access schemes, fault tolerance, operating system, hardware components of on-board diagnostics etc. This chapter discusses the characteristics and challenges of Space-Based Wireless Sensor Network (SWSN).

1992 ◽  
Vol 264 ◽  
Chung W. Ho ◽  
Sharon McAfee-Hunter

AbstractThin-film multichip modules (i.e. MCM-D) can provide simple, low-cost packaging and interconnect options for interconnecting high-density, high-performance devices. The following is an overview of an MCM-D technology that can be implemented on top of several substrate materials. Tradeoffs will be discussed related to using different substrate materials and the corresponding implications from the assembly point of view. The MCM-D manufacturing process is reviewed and the subsequent reliability results are discussed.

Materials ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 939
Juan Manuel Munoz-Guijosa ◽  
Rodrigo Zapata Martínez ◽  
Adrián Martínez Cendrero ◽  
Andrés Díaz Lantada

Advances in additive manufacturing technologies and composite materials are starting to be combined into synergic procedures that may impact the biomedical field by helping to achieve personalized and high-performance solutions for low-resource settings. In this article, we illustrate the benefits of 3D-printed rapid molds, upon which composite fibers can be laminated in a direct and resource-efficient way, for the personalized development of articular splints. The rapid mold concept presented in this work allows for a flexible lamination and curing process, even compatible with autoclaves. We demonstrate the procedure by completely developing an autoclave-cured carbon fiber–epoxy composite ankle immobilizing, supporting, or protecting splint. These medical devices may support patients in their recovery of articular injuries and for promoting a more personalized medical care employing high-performance materials, whose mechanical response is analyzed and compared to that of commercial devices. In fact, this personalization is fundamental for enhanced ergonomics, comfort during rehabilitation, and overall aesthetics. The proposed design and manufacturing strategies may support the low-cost and user-centered development of a wide set of biomedical devices and help to delocalize the supply chain for involving local populations in the development of medical technology.

2021 ◽  
Yinyue Xu ◽  
Zhengwei Long ◽  
Wuxuan Pan ◽  
Yukun Wang

Abstract Monitoring the concentration of particle pollutants is very important for industrial production control and workers' health protection. Low-cost sensors are widely used to reduce deployment costs. The outliers in the observed data of pollutant concentration can be eliminated by outlier detection algorithms. However, it is difficult to meet the actual needs of changing working conditions or scene migration in factories by building a single algorithm for specific scenarios. It is a feasible scheme to identify the changing characteristics of data and adaptively adjust the outlier detection algorithm. From the point of view of data characteristics, we creatively match typical data types with high performance algorithms. The framework proposed in this paper provides a general process including five basic tasks, and uses a modular structure to complete the outlier detection target. The actual pollutant data of the workshops are used to evaluate the performance of our framework. At last, we compare eight different strategies under this framework, and analyze the contribution of each step to outlier detection from the perspective of algorithm principle. The results show that low-cost sensors following the framework can meet the outlier detection requirements in the field of pollutant monitoring, thus greatly reducing the cost of algorithm selection and data adaptation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. e29
Mylene De Melo Vieira ◽  
Sergio Henrique P Cavalaro ◽  
Antonio Aguado

Steel fibres are used in high amounts in high-performance steel fibre reinforced cementitious composite (HPSFRCCs) and ultra-high-performance steel fibre reinforced cementitious composite (UHPSFRCCs) to enhance its structural performance. Due to the amount and randomly distribution of steel fibres in the cementitious matrix a level of damage in the aesthetic and mechanical response of fibres may be expected for structures under chloride exposition. This work aims to assess the structural behaviour of uncracked HPSFRCCs subjected to chlorides. Eight mixes of HPSFRCCs with different fibre content (40, 80, 120 and 160 kg/m3), with and without chlorides added to the mixes were designed. Prismatic specimens were cast and exposed to two curing conditions: initially in wet room and then in climatic room. The mechanical properties were obtained by means of the 3-point bending tests. The presence of corrosion in cross-section of the specimens were also analysed after mechanical tests by means of visual inspection. The results showed that the chloride added to the mixes has little influence on the post-cracking response of fibres.

Padmaja Kuruba ◽  
A. V. Sutagundar

There is a great demand in space and earth observations applications. Traditional satellite missions have complex design architecture involving high cost in design, operation, launch and maintenance. Thus single large satellite is replaced by multiple, small satellites with distributed network, collaboratively performing the same functionality of large satellite. This has been motivated researchers to explore the application of terrestrial Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) to space. The main objective of using space based WSN is to have full power of remote sensing capabilities at all the relevant time horizons and geographical scales with high performance and low cost. It also strives for an optimal solution that gratifies the standards, sizes, air interfaces, network architecture, access schemes, fault tolerance, operating system, hardware components of on-board diagnostics etc. This chapter discusses the characteristics and challenges of Space-Based Wireless Sensor Network (SWSN).

2012 ◽  
Vol 630 ◽  
pp. 84-88
Li Tao Guan ◽  
Chong Ling Yang

The formula of the self-deposit adsorption PVC floor material was studied in this study. With the increasing of the super-fine CaCO3Subscript text powder and substituting of epoxy soybean oil, the properties of the product were improved. The study revealed that when the addition of super-fine CaCO3 powder was 30phr, ESO 10phr, the general properties of the product was good. 1phr ACR was used to improve the processing performance. This study provided improvement method and base data for modification of PVC composited floor material.

1993 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-50 ◽  
A. Fazio ◽  
G. Warot ◽  
P. Vander Borght

In certain rural areas, collective water treatment is not an economically viable solution due to the cost of the water collection facilities (difficult terrain, distance between the houses); for various reasons, however, the traditional individual water treatment system is not highly regarded (bad installation, insufficient maintenance, …) and thus, work has been carried out to develop a high-performance and compact alternative solution for domestic waste water treatment. This alternative system makes use of a compact sand filter installed downstream from the septic tank, the filter's performance is based on supply regulation and improvement of the waste's surface distribution. Hydraulic laboratory studies and follow-up on a testing stand using real effluent have enabled us to develop a standardized compact system which is suitable for use in most terrains. The filter's purification performance is outstanding; at a daily supply rate of 150 l/m2, the average purification yields are over 90 % for COD, BOD, NH4, NKT From the bacteriological point of view, bacterial contamination is also significantly reduced. Laboratory tests are being carried out at present, with the aim of further improving purification by inducing a denitrification process enabling reduction of nitrate levels. This system's compact overall dimensions and relatively low cost mean that it can be used not only for individual waste water treatment but also for effluent treatment for small communities (≤ 400 inhabitant equivalent).

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