scholarly journals Unification of the Electromagnetic Force and Gravity through the Composite Photon

Ian Clague

A deep relationship is identified between the Coulomb Force and Gravity. A gravitational constant for strong gravity is calculated from the relationship. The equivalence between mass and charge is explored. Implications are given for the expansion of Einstein's Field Equations to include vector gravity.

Ian Clague

A deep relationship is identified between the Coulomb Force and Gravity. A gravitational constant for strong gravity is calculated from the relationship. The equivalence between mass and charge is explored. Implications are given for the expansion of Einstein's Field Equations to include vector gravity.

Ian Clague

A deep relationship is identified between the Coulomb Force and Gravity. A gravitational constant for strong gravity is calculated from the relationship. The equivalence between mass and charge is explored. Implications are given for the expansion of Einstein's Field Equations to include vector gravity.

Ian Clague

A deep relationship is identified between the Coulomb Force and Gravity. A gravitational constant for strong gravity is calculated from the relationship. The equivalence between mass and charge is explored. Implications are given for the expansion of Einstein's Field Equations to include vector gravity.

Ian Clague

A deep relationship is identified between the Coulomb Force and Gravity. A gravitational constant for strong gravity is calculated from the relationship. The equivalence between mass and charge is explored. Implications are given for the expansion of Einstein's Field Equations to include vector gravity.

Ian Clague

A deep relationship is identified between the Coulomb Force and Gravity. A gravitational constant for strong gravity is calculated from the relationship. The equivalence between mass and charge is explored. Implications are given for the expansion of Einstein's Field Equations to include vector gravity.

1985 ◽  
Vol 40 (12) ◽  
pp. 1171-1181
Fritz Bopp

If μ equals the average value of the cosmical density of matter, and if G equals Newton's gravitational constant, the length R = c/√Gμ nearly yields the radius of the world. Therefore it should not be necessary to introduce a second radius K of the same kind as in Einstein's or Friedman's line element ds2 = - gμν( x / K ) dχμ dχν. For this reason, we apply Einstein's field equations on the line element ds2 = dt2 - ∫ (ϱ)2 dr2, ϱ = r/t, c = 1, and obtain a world which is steadily coming to be. The Big-Bang-world is replaced by an expanding one whose mass M is steadily growing according to dM/dt ~ c3/G. It should be taken into account that less assumptions are necessary for a general relativistic world which is coming to be.

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