scholarly journals Crablet of Mud Crab Scylla Olivacea Production from the Different Stages of Larvae fed Artemia Nauplii Enriched Using Nannochloropsis sp

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 132 ◽  
Gunarto Gunarto ◽  
Andi Parenrengi ◽  
Early Septiningsih

Improvement of feed quality for mangrove crab larvae rearing is one of theimportant factors to increase of crablet production. The aim of the research was to knowthe influenzing of enriched Artemia nauplii using Nannochloropsis sp fed to the differentstages of larvae Scylla olivacea on crablet production. Twelve units of tanks volume 250L filled with saline water salinity 30 ppt, aerated, then stocked with new hatched mud crablarvae zoea-1 at the density 100 ind./L. The larvae zoea-1 were fed rotifer, Brachionus sp.and after zoea-3, beside fed by rotifer, the larvae were also fed by Artemia naupli. Fourtreatments were tested, namely: A). Artemia nauplii enriched using Nannochloropsis sp.was given to the larvae zoea-3 until develop to megalop stage. B). Artemia nauplii enrichedusing Nannochloropsis sp was given to the larvae zoea-4 until develop to megalop stage.C). Artemia nauplii enriched using Nannochloropsis sp was given to the larvae zoea-5 stageuntil develop to megalop stage. D). Artemia nauplii without enriched using Nannochloropsissp. was given to the larvae zoea-3 until develop to megalop stage. Result of the researchshowed that the highest of Larvae Development Indexes and Megalop Occurence Indexeswas obtained in treatment A and resulted the highest of crablet production, then followed bytreatment C and B and those were significantly different (P<0.05) with the crablet productionin treatment D. The use of Artemia nauplii enriched by Nannochloropsis sp. to feed larvae,S. olivacea stage zoea-3 to zoea-5 until develop to the megalop stage is one of the key factorto enhance the crablet production. By this finding, the crablet production in hatchery will beincreased and the mud crab culture in brackishwater pond able to developed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 890 (1) ◽  
pp. 012032
Herlinah ◽  
Sulaeman ◽  
Gunarto ◽  
A Parenrengi ◽  

Abstract Mud crab of the genus Scylla are considered one of the most sought-after seafood today. This crab species has high quality and delicious aging growth rate and encourage expansion in the aquaculture sector especially in Southeast Asian Countries. However, salinity changes will cause changes in organisms osmotic pressure, and every aquatic biota has an optimal salinity range for survival. The study focuses on evaluating the effect of water salinity on the survival and osmotic levels of the purple mud crab, larvae of Scylla tranquebarica at the zoea stage. The LC50 assessment was performed in 10 different level of water salinity (0; 5; 10; 15; 20; 25; 30; 35, 40, and 50 ppt). Each treatment involved 20 ind./L of newly hatched crabs and being observed for 24 h in 10 different water salinity using 1 L volume glass container. The number of crab’s mortality were taken for each salinity regime. Larval behavior monitored during experiment. Meanwhile, the measurement of osmotic level was carried out at the salinity of 25, 30, and 35 ppt. The result shows that mud crab larvae exhibit any tolerance on the low salinity ranged from 0-10 ppt and the salinity of > 40 ppt. On the other hand, mud crab larvae were still able to survive at the salinity ranged from 20-40 ppt for more than 24 hours. The trend of the osmotic level of mud crab to survive is by hypo osmotic to iso osmotic.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
. Gunarto ◽  
. Herlinah

<p><em>The objective of the research was to determine the best enrichment of rotifer and the naupli of <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Artemia</span> as feed  for mud crab, <span style="text-decoration: underline;">S</span>. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">paramamosain</span> larvae,  also to know their increasing of the DHA/EPA ratio and vitamin C content. Four treatments were tested, namely : A) Mud crab larvae every two days were given  rotifer and naupli of <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Artemia</span> enriched with HUFA and vitamin C also added RICA-1 probiotic at 2 mg/L,  B) Mud crab larvae every two days were given rotifer and naupli of <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Artemia</span> enriched with HUFA  and vitamin C,  C).  Mud crab larvae every two days were given rotifer and naupli of <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Artemia</span> enriched with vitamin C, and D).  Mud crab larvae every three days were given rotifer and naupli of <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Artemia</span> enriched with vitamin C. Result showed that the crablet production from the highest to the lowest was as follows: treatment A (177.5<span style="text-decoration: underline;">+</span>17.6 ind./tank), treatment B (160<span style="text-decoration: underline;">+</span>14.1 ind./tank) (A and B showed no significant different results (P&gt;0.05)), treatment C (136<span style="text-decoration: underline;">+</span>5.6 ind./tank), and treatment D (106<span style="text-decoration: underline;">+</span>8,5 ind./tank) (C and D results indicated a significantly different (P&lt;0.05) with treatment A).   Higher level of DHA/EPA ratio of 69.23% was found on rotifer enriched with HUFA, while on naupliof<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Artemia</span> only 28,72%. Higher level content of vitamin C was 50.56% in rotifer enriched with vitamin C, while in naupli of <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Artemia </span>was only increase to 35.56%.</em></p><p><em><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>:</em>  <em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Scylla</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">paramamosain</span></em><em> larvae, enrichment,  HUFA, vitamin C, crablet</em></em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 29 ◽  
Usman Usman ◽  
Kamaruddin Kamaruddin ◽  
Asda Laining

Adanya molting death sindrom yang umumnya terjadi pada stadia zoea-5 ke megalopa dan ke krablet-1 pada kepiting bakau, Scylla olivacea, diduga berkaitan dengan ketidakcukupan nutrien yang dikonsumsi larva, sehingga perlu dicobakan penggunaan pakan buatan (mikro) pada stadia tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dosis optimum penggunaan pakan mikro (micro diet, MD) untuk mensubstitusi penggunaan nauplius Artemia (Art) dalam pemeliharaan larva kepiting bakau. Hewan uji yang digunakan adalah larva kepiting bakau stadia zoea-4—5. Hewan uji tersebut dipelihara dalam wadah bak fibre berisi air laut 150 L dengan kepadatan 12 ind./L. Perlakuan yang dicobakan adalah pemberian pakan uji berupa: nauplius Artemia sebanyak 100% (100% Art), nauplius Artemia 75% + pakan mikro 25% (75% Art + 25% MD), nauplius Artemia 50% + pakan mikro 50% (50% Art + 50% MD), nauplius Artemia 25% + pakan mikro 75% (25% Art + 75% MD), dan pakan mikro 100% (100% MD). Pemberian pakan uji dilakukan pada pagi dan sore hari selama 15 hari pemeliharaan (hingga larva mencapai stadia krablet-1). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada penggunaan nauplius Artemia 50% + pakan mikro 50% didapatkan sintasan krabet-1 tertinggi (5,6%) dan berbeda nyata (<0,05) dengan sintasan krablet pada penggunaan 100% nauplius Artemia (sintasan 2,4%) dan 100% pakan mikro (sintasan 2,1%). Bobot badan, lebar karapaks krablet, dan aktivitas enzim pencernaan relatif sama di antara perlakuan. Penggunaan pakan mikro dapat menggantikan 50% penggunaan Artemia dalam pemeliharaan larva (zoea-5 hingga krablet-1) kepiting bakau.Cases of molting death syndrome generally occur on the transitional stage of zoea-5 to megalopa stage and to crablet-1 of mud crab, Scylla olivacea. It is suspected that the event could be related to nutrient insufficiency consumed by the larvae which can be supplemented using artificial diet (micro diet). This study aims to obtain an optimum dosage use of the micro diet (MD) to substitute the use of Artemia nauplii (Art) in the crab-larva rearing. Test animals used were mud crab larvae of zoea-4—5 stadia. The test animals were reared in the fiberglass containers, filled with seawater as much as 150 L, and stocked with a density of 12 ind./L. The treatments tested were feeding tests in the form of: Artemia nauplii as much as 100% (100% Art), Artemia nauplii 75% + micro diet 25% (75% Art + 25% MD), Artemia nauplii 50% + micro diet 50% (50% Art + 50% MD), Artemia nauplii 25% + 75% micro diet (25% Art + 75% MD), and micro diet 100% (100% MD). The larvae were fed daily in the morning and afternoon for 15 days until the larvae reach crablet stage. The results showed that the use of Artemia nauplii 50% + 50% micro diets obtained the highest survival rate (5.6%) of crablet-1 and significantly different (<0.05) with the survival rates of crablet fed with 100% of Artemia nauplii (survival rate of 2.4%) and crablet fed with 100% micro diet (survival rate of 2.1%). Body weight, carapace width of crablet, and digestive enzyme activities were relatively similar between the treatments. The use of micro diet could replace 50% of the utilization of Artemia nauplii in larvae (zoea-5 to crablet-1) rearing of mud crab.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 13 ◽  
Gunarto Gunarto ◽  
Muhammad Nur Syafaat ◽  
Herlinah Herlinah ◽  
Sulaeman Sulaeman ◽  
Muliani Muliani

The effects of an artificial commercial feed supplementation on larval rearing and crablet production of mud crab Scylla tranquebarica. In mass production of mud crab seeds, only rotifer and Artemia nauplii are usually fed to mud crab larvae rearing until the larvae develop to crablet stage. The supplementation of artificial commercial feed from zoea-3 stage is expected to supply an essential nutrient required for an optimum larval development. The research was aimed to determine the optimum dosage of commercial feed supplementation for a successful larval rearing to produce crablet in hatchery. Newly hatched larvae of mud crab were stocked at a density of 100 ind./L. The larvae were fed with rotifer and Artemia nauplii. Microbound artificial commercial feed sized <100 microns (protein 52%, fat 14,5%, fiber 3% and water content 10%) was supplemented to the larvae from zoea-3 to megalopa stage at different dosages namely: a). 0.5 mg/L/2 days; b). 0.75 mg/L/2 days; c). 1.0 mg/L/2 days; d). 1.25 mg/L/2 days. Larval population, larval development indices (LDI), megalopa occurrence index (MOI) and crablet production were observed and measured. Water quality (ammonium, nitrite, Total Organic Matter (TOM), and total Vibrio sp. count were also monitored. The LDI, MOI, and crablet production from each treatment were compared and tested using one way-ANOVA. The results showed that the survival rate of larvae at zoea-5 ranged between 29-33%. The LDI was not significantly different (P>0.05) among treatments. However, the MOI of treatment A and B at day 21 ph was significantly higher (P<0.05) compared with treatment C and D. In addition, the crablet production in treatment B, C and D were significantly higher (P<0.05) compared with treatment A. It was concluded that the supplementation of artificial commercial feed in larval rearing of S. tranquebarica could be applied at the dosage range of 0.75-1.25 mg/L/2-days from zoea-3 until crablet (C-7) stage.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
. Gunarto ◽  
. Herlinah

The objective of the research was to determine the best enrichment of rotifer and the naupli of Artemia as feed  for mud crab, S. paramamosain larvae,  also to know their increasing of the DHA/EPA ratio and vitamin C content. Four treatments were tested, namely : A) Mud crab larvae every two days were given  rotifer and naupli of Artemia enriched with HUFA and vitamin C also added RICA-1 probiotic at 2 mg/L,  B) Mud crab larvae every two days were given rotifer and naupli of Artemia enriched with HUFA  and vitamin C,  C).  Mud crab larvae every two days were given rotifer and naupli of Artemia enriched with vitamin C, and D).  Mud crab larvae every three days were given rotifer and naupli of Artemia enriched with vitamin C. Result showed that the crablet production from the highest to the lowest was as follows: treatment A (177.5+17.6 ind./tank), treatment B (160+14.1 ind./tank) (A and B showed no significant different results (P>0.05)), treatment C (136+5.6 ind./tank), and treatment D (106+8,5 ind./tank) (C and D results indicated a significantly different (P<0.05) with treatment A).   Higher level of DHA/EPA ratio of 69.23% was found on rotifer enriched with HUFA, while on naupliofArtemia only 28,72%. Higher level content of vitamin C was 50.56% in rotifer enriched with vitamin C, while in naupli of Artemia was only increase to 35.56%.Keywords:  Scylla paramamosain larvae, enrichment,  HUFA, vitamin C, crablet

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 65 ◽  
Ong Moc Quy ◽  
Ravi Fotedar ◽  
Ho Thi Truong Thy

The study evaluated the effects of extended dietary inclusions of rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) on the survival, metamorphosis rate, growth and development time in the larvae of mud crabs (Scylla paramamosain). The five most commonly published feeding regimes of mud crab (S. paramamosain) larvae were selected and tested by including rotifers onto them. Mud crab larvae in the first feeding regime were fed exclusively with Artemia nauplii (control or regime A), while those in feeding regimes 2, 3, 4 and 5 were fed rotifers starting from zoea 1 (Z1) to various development stages of mud crab larvae whereas feeding with Artemia nauplii was commenced from the Z2 stage until the end of the trial (megalopa stage). The results of the larval feeding trial for 24 days of culture showed the progressive decrease in survival of the larvae in all feeding regimes. Extended inclusion of rotifer feeding until Z5 stage resulted in significantly higher survival than in the control from 18 day after hatching onwards. Larval survival was negatively correlated (R2 from 0.78 to 0.90) with the rearing time; however, different feeding regimes had no significant effect on this correlation. Extending inclusion of rotifer feeding until the Z3, Z4 and Z5 stages resulted in higher percentages of megalopa metamorphosis than in regime control, but did not significantly impact development time, carapace width, body length and wet weight of megalopa. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-57
Haryati Haryati ◽  
Yushinta Fujaya ◽  
Edison Saade

Feed is one of the factors that affect the success of hatchery culture of mud crab (Scylla olivacea). The use of artificial feed in the form of microdiet can ensure availability, lower production costs and higher flexibility than natural feed. During this time the artificial feed used is a commercial feed, which is relatively expensive, therefore the need for research to produce artificial feed of good quality, with a cheap price.. The objective of this research is to determine the combination of raw material of artificial feed protein which produce dissolved protein content, protein hydrolysis degree and best protein content of feed. The experimental design used was completely randomized with eight treatments and three replications. The treatments were the use of various combinations of feed protein ingredients : A) 100% Artemia flour, B) 100% fish meal, C) 100% squid meal, D) 50% Artemia and 50% fish meals, E) 50% Artemia and 50% squid meals, F) 50% fish and 50% squid meals, G) 35% fish, 35% squid and 30% Artemia meals, H) commercial feed. The parameters used were dissolved protein content, protein hydrolysis degree and protein feed content. The results showed that the difference of feed protein raw materials had significant effect (p <0,05) on soluble protein content and feed protein hydrolysis degree. The highest content of soluble protein in in the diet with a protein raw material was squid meal, but not significantly different (P> 0,05) than Artemia meal and combination between 50% Artemia and 50% squid meals, but significantly different (P < 0.05) than other treatments. The highest degree of protein hydrolysis in the diet with a protein raw materials was Artemia meal, but not significantly different (P> 0.05) than in commercial feed as well as combination between Artemia and squid meal (P> 0.05), but significantly different (P <0, 05) compared to other treatments. Feed protein content according to the needs of mangrove crab larvae. Fat content with a protein raw materials was 100% artemia meal was higher than the need. Carbohydrate content with a protein raw materials were 100% artemia meal, a combination of 50% artemia meal and 50% squid meal and commercial feed according to the needs of mud crab larvae.

2020 ◽  
Md. Younus Mia

Abstract Fattening mud or mangrove crab, Scylla olivacea, has been practised in recent years in brackishwater ponds in Bangladesh. It is a relatively new practice in the country. Small- to medium-sized and even large but gonadal immature crabs that have low market value are bought from farmers, fishers, or from the market and stocked in fattening ponds. Fattening of crab is profitable because of fast turnover, low operating cost, high survival rate and good market demand. Two types of brackishwater earthen ponds are used to fatten crabs. One type is connected to the river through inlets and outlets to exchange water during high and ebb tides. Another type is not connected to the river but water is pumped into and discharged from the pond. The importance of fattening has been recognized as a source of income and employment to alleviate the poverty of coastal people. Through this technology, pond and ditches in the coastal region can be used throughout the year. On the basis of an interview with farmers, a net income of Tk 3,800 (US$ 65.50) can be achieved from a 120 m2 pond using the crab fattening technology. There is potential to expand crab fattening practices in coastal areas. However, an inadequate supply of stockable crab and feed are major constraints in this sector.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 357-370 ◽  
H. Rouhi ◽  
N. Kalantari

Abstract Both carbonate (as the oil-gas reservoir) and evaporite rocks (as caprock) coexist in the Masjed Soleyman oil field. The Asmari karstic aquifer is formed within Oligo-Miocene carbonate rocks in the south of the oil reservoir. A mixing between fresh karstic groundwater and oil-field brines is to be expected because of underground migration of the brines toward the aquifer. This process can reduce the groundwater quality by both increasing the water salinity and by adding hydrocarbon and sulfur contaminants into the groundwater. Tembi river contains saline water that can affect groundwater resources. Leaking of these brines into the aquifer was distinguished using total dissolved solids, the relative concentration of major elements, bromide ion (as a trace element), total organic carbon, ion ratios, and mixing curve diagrams. The polluted zone was determined by tracking the hydrochemistry changes across the groundwater flow direction. The volume percentage of different water sources in mixed groundwater was calculated and validated using PHREEQC software. The results revealed that the contribution of the oil-field brine in the groundwater is much lower than the salty river brine, but even this low amount has a considerable impact on water quality by increasing water salinity and adding hydrocarbon and sulfur into the groundwater.

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