scholarly journals Perbedaan Prestasi Belajar Antara Mahasiswa Yang Ikut Serta Dan Yang Tidak Ikut Serta Pada Himpunan Mahasiswa (Hima) Teknik Sipil Di Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Jurnal PenSil ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Nur Dewi Ratih ◽  
Dadang Suyadi ◽  
Santoso Sri Handoyo

The objective of this study to know there is do not it him difference of learning achievement between students who participate and who did not participate in Student Association Hima in the Departement of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering, State University of. The place of research at Departement of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering, State University of Jakarta in June-July 2012.This research uses survey methods with documentation.. The sample in this study a number of 60 students. The result of the research is found the difference of learning achievement between students who participate and who did not participate Hima in Civil Engineering. Matter of this means deciphrable research result that learning achievement from students who participate better than students who did not participate Hima in Civil Engineering

Jurnal PenSil ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-25
Renata Shinta G Simamora ◽  
Amos Neolaka ◽  
Dadang Suyadi

The objective of this study to find out the percentage of Interest of Educational civil engineering with engineering construction services. The study was conducted in May-July 2012. The methods used to determine the percentage of student interest in construction services is a descriptive study with survey methods or qualitative approach method then it doesn't test the hypothesis. This research was conducted on student of civil engineering State University of Jakarta amounted 360 undergraduate student Population enrolled in semester 096 (2011/2012), with a total sample of 50 students. Determination of samples used Random Sampling with Statified picked up 14% of the total population. Instruments in this research is non-test instrument. Testing instruments reabilitas questionnaire results obtained by 0.91 meaning belongs to the category of high reability. The results of Interest of Educational civil engineering with engineering construction services based on interest indicator from the desire of students is 32.68% Medium Interests category, an interest indicator of kinds activities is a 63.78% interest in the medium category, an interest indocator effort was 34.84% interest in the medium category, and results obtained on the terms of the average percentage of students was 132.8% interest in the category of Medium Interests.

Jurnal PenSil ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-49
Vian Rahmawati

The objectives of this study to determine the perception of students and faculty Academic Advisor on Academic Advisory assignments in the Department of Civil Engineering, State University of Jakarta. The study lasted for three months from September to November 2013.Place of research conducted at the Department of Civil Engineering, State University of Jakarta. The population in this study is the student of 2009-2012 amounted to 56 people and lecturer Academic Advisory force from 2009 to 2012 amounted to 14 people so that the total respondents numbered 70 people. The method used in this study is a survey method. The trial questionnaire of 60 statements. The test is done to 10 respondents. After the test phase the results obtained valid instruments as much as 50 point statement.Data analysis technique is done by searching percentage. The results show that: (a) Students have a negative perception about the task of the Advisory Academic faculty as mentors to students at 48,49% and the perception of the Academic Advisory lecturer on Academic Advisory duties as supervisor of students showed a positive perception of 59.58%. (B) Students have positive perceptions about the task of the Academic Advisory lecturer as student advisors at 53.67% and the perception of the faculty Academic Advisory Academic Advisory duties as student advisors showed a positive perception of 54.63%. (C) There is still a shortage of the Academic Advisory task that is in terms of guidance to the student schedule and record and monitor the progress of students study. Therefore there is need for improvement in this regard.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-110
Alsuhendra Hendra Jr ◽  
Ridawati Ridawati

Chlorophyll was extracted from ‘batu’ banana leaves and used as raw material for making beverage. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Food Analysis and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Jakarta from April to September 2018. The results of the research showed that chlorophyll of ‘batu’ banana leaf could be extracted using 0.1% NaHCO3 solution in a ratio of 1: 5. The beverage were made using chlorophyll extract with Fe2+ ion 15, 20, and 25 mg/L. By organoleptic test, the panel accepted the beverage between rather like to like for color, aroma, taste, and consistency. The general acceptance of panel on the beverage made by adding Fe2+ ions as much as 25 mg/L was higher than others. Klorofil diekstrak dari daun pisang batu untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan minuman. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Analisis dan Rekayasa Boga, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Jakarta dari bulan April sampai September 2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klorofil daun pisang batu dapat diekstrak menggunakan larutan NaHCO3 0,1% dengan perbandingan 1:5. Minuman dibuat dari ekstrak klorofil daun pisang batu dengan menambahkan ion Fe2+ sebanyak 15, 20, dan 25 mg/L. Berdasarkan hasil uji organoleptik diketahui bahwa minuman tersebut dapat diterima panelis dengan tingkat kesukaan antara agak suka hingga suka untuk aspek warna, aroma, rasa, dan konsistensi. Tingkat penerimaan umum panelis terhadap minuman yang dibuat dengan penambahan ion Fe2+ sebanyak 25 mg/L lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan minuman lainnya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 133
Nurhasan Syah ◽  
Jonni Mardizal ◽  
Fitra Rifwan ◽  
Zulkifli Gusti Arianto

This research aims to (1) know how much knowledge of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Students of the Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering of Padang State University class of 2019, (2) Know how high the results of OHS practices Students of the Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering Of Padang State University class of 2019, (3) know the relationship of OHS knowledge with the results of student practice in the Construction Workshop of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering Padang State University. This research is a correlational descriptive study. Instrument validation is tested with expert judgement and score percentage to assess data and analysis of question items. The results showed that (1) ohs knowledge of students of the Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering Padang State University class of 2019 fall into the high category. The results of the analysis of the data that has been done, obtained a percentage score of 80.94%. This shows that Students of the Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering Padang State University class of 2019 have a high basic knowledge of OHS, (2) The results of practicum students of the Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering Padang State University class of 2019 fall into the high category. The results of the data analysis that has been done, obtained a high percentage score of 81.25%, (3) there is a significant positive relationship between ohs knowledge and the results of student practicum at the Civil Engineering Workshop of the Faculty of Engineering of Padang State University. This is indicated by a correlation coefficient of pearson product moment of 0.483 and fall into the moderate category.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 34
Bayu Ardiwansyah

This study aims to 1) find out the significance of the differences in PAI learning achievement between activist students and Spiritual non-visionary students in Accounting majors at SMKN 1 Metro 2) knowing the causes of differences in PAI learning achievement between activist students and non-religious Spiritual students in Accounting at SMKN 1 Metro. Rohis activist students referred to in this study are students who in addition to learning, they are also active in carrying out the activities of the Rohis organization. Whereas the non-religious Spiritual students referred to in this study were students who did not follow the Rohis organization. The results of the research at SMK Negeri 1 Metro, which researchers did to students Spiritual and Non-activist Rohis activists concluded that: 1) There are differences in learning achievement of Islamic Education between activist students and Non-Christian Spiritual Accounting Department at Metro 1 Vocational School. Where the learning achievements of Spiritual activist PAI students are better than the learning achievements of Rohan Nonaktivis students. The difference in learning achievement of Islamic Education between activist students and Spiritual Non-Service Students is significant, based on the results of t count = 4.630 consulted with t table (tt) at the significance level of 5% = 1.998 and at 1% significance level = 2.655. or 1,998 <4,630> 2,655. which means significant. 2) There are causes of differences in PAI learning achievements between activist students and non-religious Rohis students in the Accounting Department at SMK Negeri 1 Metro.Keywords: Activists, Non Activists, PAI Achievements, Comparative

Jurnal PenSil ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-61
Ricki Dwi Agusti

The objectives of this study to determine the percentage level implementation of Standard Operating Procedures learning facilities Laboratory of Civil Engineering, State University of Jakarta in the implementation of quality management ISO 9001: 2008 & IWA 2: 2007. The study lasted for three months from September to November 2013.Place of research conducted at the State University of Jakarta, precisely at 5 Laboratory of the Laboratory of Wood, Land, Material, Stone, and Plumbing Department of Civil Engineering, State University of Jakarta. The population in this study was 5 5 Laboratory of Laboratory of Civil Engineering Laboratory UNJ include Wood, Land, Material, Stone, and Plumbing. The method used in this research is survey method with data collection using a questionnaire or questionnaires. The trial questionnaire of 115 statements. The test is done to 7 respondents. After the test phase the results obtained valid instruments as much as 112-point declaration.Data analysis technique is done by searching percentage. The results show that: (a) Laboratory of Civil Engineering UNJ have a Standard Operating Procedure (POS) especially Infrastructures based quality management standard ISO 9001: 2008 and IWA 2: 2007 (b) There are four (4) POS on Infrastructures Laboratory Civil engineering UNJ whose accomplishments are not up to 100%. which amounted to 64.7% which can be categorized fulfillment are lacking, (c) Acquired four (4) percentage level of achievement of the implementation of POS Infrastructures Civil Engineering Laboratory UNJ the percentage rate of the unit does not reach 100%. The results are the result of the analysis of data derived from the 5 respondents who are Laboran of 5 laboratories in this study are: Health, Safety and Environment Laboratory (weight percentage of 73.3%) were categorized been fulfilled, Use of Laboratory (weight percentage of 71% ) categorized been met, Laboratory Equipment Loan (weight percentage of 66.8%) categorized as less fulfilled, and the maintenance and care Laboratory (weight percentage of 47.8%) were categorized are lacking, (d) There is inequality between understanding Laboran percentage of POS by 82 , 8% by POS regarding Infrastructures Laboratory of 64.7%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Stanis Krisyanto ◽  
Hari Amirullah Rachman

Metode latihan uphill dan downwill merupakan salah satu latihan yang harus diterapkan karena menjadi salah satu komponen penting dalam keberhasilan permaianan sepak bola. Tujuan untuk menguji (1) perbedaan pengaruh antara latihan uphill dan downhill terhadap power tungkai;(2) perbedaan pemain dengan kekuatan tungkaitinggi danrendahterhadap power tungkai; dan (3) interaksi antara latihan uphill dan downhilldengan kekuatan tungkai (tinggi dan rendah) terhadap power tungkai pemain sepakbola. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan faktorial 2 x 2. Sampel pemain sepakbola Sleman United yang berjumlah 20 pemain, sampel penelitian merupakan sampel pilihan karena sudah memalui test kekuatan otot dan memenuhi prasayat sebagai sampel penelitian ini. Instrumen Leg and back dynamometer dan vertical jump. Teknik analisis data ANAVA α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian. (1)Ada perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara latihan uphill dan downhill terhadap power tungkai. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kelompok latihan uphill lebih baik dibandingkan dengan downhill. (2)Ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara pemain dengan kekuatan tungkaibesar dankecilterhadap power tungkai. Pemain dengan kekuatan tungkai besar lebih baikdaripada tungkai kecil. (3) Ada interaksi yang signifikan antara metode latihan dengan kekuatan tungkai terhadap power tungkai pemain sepakbola. Hasil penelitian diharapkan mampu menjadi rujukan dalam mengembangkan serta menerapkan latihan uphill The effect of uphill and downhill exercise on soccer players' leg power AbstractThe uphill and downhill training method is one of the exercises that must be applied because it is an important component in the success of the soccer game. The objectives were to examine (1) the difference in the effect of uphill and downhill training on leg power, (2) the difference between players with high and low leg strength on leg power; and (3) the interaction between uphill and downhill training with leg strength (high and low) on leg power of football players. This type of research is an experiment with 2 x 2 factorial. The sample of Sleman United football players is 20 players. Leg and back dynamometer and vertical jump instruments. ANOVA data analysis technique α = 0.05. Research result. (1) There is a significant difference between uphill and downhill training on leg power. The results showed that the uphill training group was better than the downhill group. (2) There is a significant difference between the players with large and small leg strength with respect to leg power. Players with large limb strength are better than small legs. (3) There is a significant interaction between the training method and leg strength on the leg power of football players. The research results are expected to be a reference in developing and implementing uphill exercises

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 095-102
Łukasz Jabłoński

In this paper the results of the research of T-shape cross-section beams with differently located interface are presented. The cracks pattern and the value of the force causing the interface cracking are analysed. Moreover, the influence of the interface location and the difference of the elastic moduli of joint materials on the stress level in the interface were also analysed.

Jurnal Ecogen ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 62
Ria Nurul Aini

This research aims to identify : (1) The influence of learning habit and peer group to learning achievement university student, (2) the influence of peer group to learning achievement university student. (3) the influence of learning habit and peer group to learning achievement university student This research was a descriptive causative with quantitative approach. The subject of this research was all university student at Economic Faculty entered year 2014, 2015 and 2016 and the sampling technique used proportional random sampling. Total sample of this research was 339 university student. The research’s sample test of validity and test of reability. Test of Analysis consisted of normality  test, multi-collinearity test and heteroskedastisity test. Hypothesis test was consisting multiple regression with SPSS version 21 for windows. Research result : (1) have a positive and significant influence between learning ability to learning achievement The University Student at Economic Faculty of Padang State University, (2) have a positive and influence between peer group to learning achievement the University Student at economic Faculty of Padang State University, (3) have postitve and signifiant influence between learning habit and peer group to learning achievement the University Student at Economic Faculty of Padang State University.  Key words : learning habit, peer group, learning achievement (IPK)

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