Variation in Swedish address practices

2006 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 18.1-18.15 ◽  
Catrin Elisabeth Norrby

This article explores variation in address in contemporary Swedish in Sweden-Swedish and Finland-Swedish. The research is part of a large-scale Australian project on changes in the address systems of French, German and Swedish. The present article focuses on results from 72 social network interviews conducted in Sweden (Gothenburg) and Finland (Vaasa). Both quantitative results (questionnaire part) and qualitative results (interview part) are presented. The findings suggest that the V pronoun of address – ni – is gradually disappearing in both national varieties. This tendency is clearly stronger in Sweden-Swedish; in spoken Sweden-Swedish V hardly exists any more, except for a controversial re-entry in communication between the young and middleaged and the very old in service encounters (c.f. Mårtensson 1986). Furthermore the results indicate that there is considerable variation between written (impersonal) and spoken Sweden-Swedish with a much higher acceptance for the V pronoun in written, impersonal contexts. The study demonstrates that national variation is considerable with much more use of V in Finland-Swedish.

2006 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 18.1-18.15
Catrin Elisabeth Norrby

This article explores variation in address in contemporary Swedish in Sweden-Swedish and Finland-Swedish. The research is part of a large-scale Australian project on changes in the address systems of French, German and Swedish. The present article focuses on results from 72 social network interviews conducted in Sweden (Gothenburg) and Finland (Vaasa). Both quantitative results (questionnaire part) and qualitative results (interview part) are presented. The findings suggest that the V pronoun of address –ni– is gradually disappearing in both national varieties. This tendency is clearly stronger in Sweden-Swedish; in spoken Sweden-Swedish V hardly exists any more, except for a controversial re-entry in communication between the young and middleaged and the very old in service encounters (c.f. Mårtensson 1986). Furthermore the results indicate that there is considerable variation between written (impersonal) and spoken Sweden-Swedish with a much higher acceptance for the V pronoun in written, impersonal contexts. The study demonstrates that national variation is considerable with much more use of V in Finland-Swedish.

1993 ◽  
Vol 76 (3_suppl) ◽  
pp. 1089-1090 ◽  
F. Richard Ferraro

The present article describes a demonstration experiment used in a large introductory psychology class pertaining to mental imagery ability. The experiment is effective in providing a concrete instance of mental imagery as well as an effective discussion regarding individual differences and gender differences in imagery ability.

Aman Ahuja ◽  
Wei Wei ◽  
Kathleen M. Carley

PLoS ONE ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. e0146220 ◽  
Aleksandra do Socorro da Silva ◽  
Silvana Rossy de Brito ◽  
Nandamudi Lankalapalli Vijaykumar ◽  
Cláudio Alex Jorge da Rocha ◽  
Maurílio de Abreu Monteiro ◽  

2019 ◽  
pp. 17-37
Иосиф Александрович Фридман

Статья посвящена творческому наследию выдающегося итальянско-еврейского учёного, историка и библеиста Умберто Кассуто (1883-1951). Его основной вклад в науку о Священном Писании - развёрнутая критика документальной гипотезы происхождения Пятикнижия. Основная часть данной статьи представляет собой изложение воззрений Кассуто на первый из «столпов» документальной гипотезы - употребление в тексте Торы Божественных имён. Автор надеется показать, что, используя строго научные методы, Кассуто даёт вполне правдоподобные альтернативные объяснения тем феноменам, на исключительную правоту собственного объяснения которых с момента возникновения претендует документальная гипотеза. Вместо того чтобы опровергать частные аспекты названной теории, Кассуто, последовательно выступая против самого принципа деления текста Пятикнижия на первоначально независимые друг от друга «источники», фактически предложил в библеистике новую научную парадигму, потенциально претендующую на всеохватность и полную замену документальной гипотезы. В последующей статье на эту же тему автор намеревается продемонстрировать подход У. Кассуто ко второму, третьему, четвёртому и пятому «столпам» документальной гипотезы, а также остановить внимание на рецепции идей Кассуто в мире библеистики. The present article is devoted to the scientific heritage left by a major Jewish academician of Italian descent, historian and biblical scholar Umberto Cassuto (1883-1951). His main contribution to this field consists in large-scale criticism of the Documentary Hypothesis of the origin of the Pentateuch. In the main part of our article the author presents an outline of Cassuto’s views on the first of the five «pillars» onwhich the Documentary Hypothesis rests. The author endeavors to demonstrate that, using strictly scientific argumentation, Cassuto gives quite plausible alternative explanations to such phenomena as the Documentary Hypothesis claims its unique right to explain correctly. Instead of attacking and refuting any particular aspects of the hypothesis, Cassutoconsistently argues against the very principle according to which the Torah is divided among a number of «source texts» perceived to have once been independent of one another. As a matter of fact, U. Cassuto has presented a new scholarly paradigm with a potential that would suffice to make it a full-fledged substitution of the Documentary Hypothesis. In a second article on this topic the author intends to demonstrate Cassuto’s approach to the other four «pillars» of the Documentary Hypothesis as well as to devote special attention to the response that Cassuto’s ideas met in the world of Bible studies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Jun Long ◽  
Lei Zhu ◽  
Zhan Yang ◽  
Chengyuan Zhang ◽  
Xinpan Yuan

Vast amount of multimedia data contains massive and multifarious social information which is used to construct large-scale social networks. In a complex social network, a character should be ideally denoted by one and only one vertex. However, it is pervasive that a character is denoted by two or more vertices with different names; thus it is usually considered as multiple, different characters. This problem causes incorrectness of results in network analysis and mining. The factual challenge is that character uniqueness is hard to correctly confirm due to lots of complicated factors, for example, name changing and anonymization, leading to character duplication. Early, limited research has shown that previous methods depended overly upon supplementary attribute information from databases. In this paper, we propose a novel method to merge the character vertices which refer to the same entity but are denoted with different names. With this method, we firstly build the relationship network among characters based on records of social activities participating, which are extracted from multimedia sources. Then we define temporal activity paths (TAPs) for each character over time. After that, we measure similarity of the TAPs for any two characters. If the similarity is high enough, the two vertices should be considered as the same character. Based on TAPs, we can determine whether to merge the two character vertices. Our experiments showed that this solution can accurately confirm character uniqueness in large-scale social network.

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 676-695
Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet ◽  
Gila Prebor

Abstract In this research we devised and implemented a semi-automatic approach for building a SageBook–a cross-generational social network of the Jewish sages from the Rabbinic literature. The proposed methodology is based on a shallow argumentation analysis leading to detection of lexical–syntactic patterns which represent different relationships between the sages in the text. The method was successfully applied and evaluated on the corpus of the Mishna, the first written work of the Rabbinic Literature which provides the foundation to the Jewish law development. The constructed prosopographical database and the network generated from its data enable a large-scale quantitative analysis of the sages and their related data, and therefore might contribute to the research of the Talmudic literature and evolution of the Jewish thought throughout the two last millennia.

2019 ◽  
Miguel A. Vadillo

Ego depletion has been successfully replicated in hundreds of studies. Yet the most recent large-scale Registered Replication Reports (RRR), comprising thousands of participants, have yielded disappointingly small effects, sometimes even failing to reach statistical significance. Although these results may seem surprising, in the present article I suggest that they are perfectly consistent with a long-term decline in the size of the depletion effects that can be traced back to at least 10 years ago, well before any of the RRR on ego depletion were conceived. The decline seems to be at least partly due to a parallel trend toward publishing better and less biased research.

Elizabeth Hartnell-Young

This paper takes a large-scale social perspective in describing a national project in Australia that was premised on local school communities working together and contributing ideas for the benefit of their students, and potentially, the whole country. The project was intended to improve schools’ capacity for educating boys, and in the long-term, the learning outcomes of under-performing boys, using evidence-based and action research methods. It was supported by the web spaces and tools of the National Quality Schooling Framework and This paper emphasises the structures and processes teachers engaged in while building knowledge through their daily work, where the resulting ideas became the property of the whole community. Analyses focus on the extent to which an underlying social structure for knowledge building developed in various parts of the nation during the project, making it possible to characterize a process for innovations in education with commitment to continual idea improvement. Résumé Le présent article adopte une perspective sociale à grande échelle pour décrire un projet national en Australie fondé sur la collaboration des communautés scolaires locales et leur contribution d’idées au bénéfice de leurs élèves et, éventuellement, de l’ensemble du pays. Le projet avait pour but de rendre les écoles plus aptes à éduquer les garçons et, à long terme, d’améliorer les résultats d’apprentissage des garçons qui sous-performent à l’aide de méthodes de recherche-action fondées sur des données probantes. Il a bénéficié du soutien des espaces et des outils Web du National Quality Schooling Framework et de Le présent article met l’accent sur les structures et les processus que les enseignants ont utilisés dans leur travail quotidien pour la coélaboration de connaissances; les idées qui en ont résulté sont par la suite devenues la propriété de l’ensemble de la communauté. Les analyses portent principalement sur la mesure dans laquelle une structure sociale sous-jacente de coélaboration des connaissances s’est développée en différents endroits de la nation au cours du projet, ce qui rend possible la caractérisation d’un processus d’innovation en éducation avec un engagement envers l’amélioration continue.

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