scholarly journals Currents in the area of the oyster-mussel farm as a factor of the optimum functioning of the mari farm (Sevastopol, Black Sea)

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 58-66 ◽  
M. A. Popov ◽  
A. V. Erokhin

Research of currents is one of the primary tasks in the organization of an oyster-mussel farm. The main influence of the currents is on the distribution of shellfish feeding, the transfer and settling of larvae, and the supply of oxygen to the inhabitants of the farm. For the first time, studies of currents in the area of mariculture were conducted in 1999–2002. The aim of this work is to assess the effect of currents on the functioning of the oyster-mussel farm, as well as to clarify the information about the currents in the mariculture area. To measure the speed and direction of the currents, freely drifting landmarks with different depths of the damper were used. The coordinates of the tracers were recorded using the GPS receiver “Garmin 72 H”. All in all for the period 2014–2016 17 launches were conducted. In addition, the speed and direction of the wind in the vicinity of the farm were studied. It was found that the average currents velocity in the region of the truss at the surface was 11 cm·s-1, at depths of 6 and 10 m – 3 cm·s-1. The absolute values of the current velocity varied from 0.3 to 23.0 cm·s-1 at all horizons. Directions of currents on the surface coincided with the direction of the wind, in rare cases, minor deviations of the currents were observed due to the influence of the shoreline and the bottom. Compensatory counterflows are noted in the near-bottom horizons of the Karantinnaya Bay. Dominant directions of currents were determined, using the rose of the frequency of local wind directions. The most frequent directions of the currents on the farm were from the open sea (southern, south-eastern and eastern points) and the Karantinnaya Bay (northern and northeastern points). Currents of the western and south-western direction, carrying water from the Sevastopol Bay, were more rare. Almost no current of north-western direction was observed. In general, the speed and direction of the currents in the oyster-mussel farm were found favorable and optimal for the development of suspended conchioculture.

Irina Mesenzeva ◽  
Irina Mesenzeva ◽  
Elena Sovga ◽  
Elena Sovga ◽  
Tatyana Khmara ◽  

The ability of a bay and gulf ecosystems to self-purification was estimated and the current ecological state of the Sevastopol Bay in whole and the separated parts of the bay was given as an example. A zoning by type of anthropogenic impact subject to the water exchange with the open sea and an influence of the Chernaya River run-off were taken into account. A comparative analysis of assimilation capacity of the most environmentally disadvantaged part of the Sevastopol Bay (the Southern Bay) and the clean water area, bordering on the open sea, was carried out. The hydrodynamic regime of the Sevastopol Bay was described using numerical modelling. The prospect, opportunity and examples of the methodology for assessing the assimilation capacity of marine ecosystems are demonstrated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
G. Grunewaldt-Stöcker ◽  
C. Popp ◽  
A. Baumann ◽  
S. Fricke ◽  
M. Menssen ◽  

AbstractReplant disease is a worldwide phenomenon affecting various woody plant genera and species, especially within the Rosaceae. Compared to decades of intensive studies regarding replant disease of apple (ARD), the replant disease of roses (RRD) has hardly been investigated. The etiology of RRD is also still unclear and a remedy desperately needed. In greenhouse pot trials with seedlings of the RRD-sensitive rootstock Rosa corymbifera ‘Laxa’ cultured in replant disease affected soils from two different locations, early RRD symptom development was studied in fine roots. In microscopic analyses we found similarities to ARD symptoms with regards to structural damages, impairment in the root hair status, and necroses and blackening in the cortex tissue. Examinations of both whole mounts and thin sections of fine root segments revealed frequent conspicuous fungal infections in association with the cellular disorders. Particularly striking were fungal intracellular structures with pathogenic characteristics that are described for the first time. Isolated fungi from these tissue areas were identified by means of ITS primers, and many of them were members of the Nectriaceae. In a next step, 35 of these isolates were subjected to a multi-locus sequence analysis and the results revealed that several genera and species were involved in the development of RRD within a single rose plant. Inoculations with selected single isolates (Rugonectria rugulosa and Ilyonectria robusta) in a Perlite assay confirmed their pathogenic relationship to early necrotic host plant reactions, and symptoms were similar to those exhibited in ARD.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Sylwester Czopek ◽  
Katarzyna Trybała-Zawiślak ◽  
Joanna Trąbska ◽  
Barbara Trybalska ◽  
Joanna Adamik-Proksa ◽  

Abstract In 2017, an expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the University of Rzeszów (Poland) carried out excavations on a hillfort belonging to the Scythian cultural circle (its forest-steppe variant) in Chotyniec, in south-eastern Poland. The hillfort is the central and most important point of a large settlement cluster, which is the furthest north-western enclave of this cultural circle. In an excavated cult object – the so-called ‘zolnik’ – we made an interesting discovery. Here we show this unique finding for the first time: a Greek wine amphora, from the beginning of the sixth century BC. We were able to explore and reconstruct it almost entirely. Amphora is the only artefact of this type found in the present Polish borders. The amphora was subjected to archaeometric research with the use of PLM, SEM/EDS, TXRF and ToF SIMS. The massive fabric was made of high calcium clay enriched in quartz and volcanic lithoclasts. The lack of chromium and nickel among trace elements makes the vessel different from the amphoras from the Eastern Meditteranean analysed so far, suggesting a specific workshop. Red painting was executed with very fine grained iron compounds predominantly based on aluminosilicates, enriched in phosphorus. Obviously, since it is associated with the presence of Scythians in Eastern Europe, it simultaneously delimits (geography-wise) the borders of Greek influence.

Minerals ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 510 ◽  
Valery Vernikovsky ◽  
Georgy Shemin ◽  
Evgeny Deev ◽  
Dmitry Metelkin ◽  
Nikolay Matushkin ◽  

The geodynamic development of the north–western (Arctic) margin of the Siberian craton is comprehensively analyzed for the first time based on our database as well as on the analysis of published material, from Precambrian-Paleozoic and Mesozoic folded structures to the formation of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Yenisei-Khatanga sedimentary basin. We identify the main stages of the region’s tectonic evolution related to collision and accretion processes, mainly subduction and rifting. It is demonstrated that the prototype of the Yenisei-Khatanga basin was a wide late Paleozoic foreland basin that extended from Southern Taimyr to the Tunguska syneclise and deepened towards Taimyr. The formation of the Yenisei-Khatanga basin, as well as of the West-Siberian basin, was due to continental rifting in the Permian-Triassic. The study describes the main oil and gas generating deposits of the basin, which are mainly Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous mudstones. It is shown that the Lower Cretaceous deposits contain 90% of known hydrocarbon reserves. These are mostly stacked reservoirs with gas, gas condensate and condensate with rims. The study also presents data on oil and gas reservoirs, plays and seals in the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous complexes.

E. Prato ◽  
F. Biandolino

This study was carried out to determine the amphipod fauna in Mar Piccolo, Mar Grande and the Gulf of Taranto. Material in this study was obtained from 96 stations at different depths (maximum depth: −50 m) using various methods depending on the substrata. A total of 65 species was determined and 25 species are new records in the seas of Taranto. Microdeutopus gryllotalpa, Ericthonius brasiliensis, Monocorophium insidiosum, Elasmopus rapax, Gammarus aequicauda, Gammarus insensibilis, Leucothoe spinicarpa, Lysianassa costae and Pseudoprotella phasma were the dominant species and have been found in all areas considered. The comparison of the data shows that the area examined presents a high difference regarding biocenotic index. The highest number of species was collected in the Gulf with 1944 individuals, belonging to 58 species and 19 families, followed by Mar Grande with 1448 individuals belonging to 36 species and 11 families; finally Mar Piccolo with 698 individuals, 12 species and 6 families, in the First Inlet and 546 individuals, 18 species and 6 families, in the Second Inlet.

2016 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 25 ◽  
Dmitry E. Himelbrant ◽  
Irina S. Stepanchikova ◽  
Jurga Motiejūnaitė ◽  
Ludmila V. Gagarina ◽  
Alexandra V. Dyomina

Fourteen species of lichens, fifteen lichenicolous fungi and one saprobic fungus are reported for the first time for St. Petersburg, Western or Eastern Leningrad Region. The lichen Lecidella meiococca and the lichenicolous fungus Tremella phaeophysciae are reported as new to Russia, the lichen Lecania sambucina and the lichenicolous fungus Endococcus tricolorans are new for the European Russia, the lichens Buellia arborea, Chaenotheca cinerea, Bellemerea sanguinea, resinicolous calicioid fungus Chaenothecopsis mediarossica and lichenicolous fungi Arthonia molendoi, Lichenochora obscuroides, Pronectria leptaleae, Sphaerellothecium cladoniae are new for the North-Western European Russia. The most interesting records are briefly discussed. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 72 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 225-238 ◽  
Michal Mergl ◽  
Lucie Nolčová

The lingulate brachiopod Schizocrania (Trematidae, Discinoidea) is reviewed. Ptychopeltis is definitively synonymized with Schizocrania, because new data indicate that convexity of the shell, profile of the anterior margin commissure, density of the dorsal valve costellation, ornamentation of the ventral valve and shape of the pedicle notch are worthless for separation of these genera. Four Ordovician species of Schizocrania are reported from the Barrandian area: S. multistriata (Darriwilian), S. hornyi (Sandbian), S. incola (Sandbian) and the new species S. equestra sp. nov. (Katian). Occurrence of Schizocrania striata is confirmed for the first time around the S/D boundary in the Barrandian area. Schizocrania has a wide geographic range with mid-Ordovician to early Devonian occurrences in Laurentia, Avalonia, West Gondwana and the Silurian occurrence in Baltica. Schizocrania was the earliest lingulate brachiopod adhering to floating objects in an open sea (both living cephalopods and their empty drifting shells), but it was highly opportunistic, and used any vacant hard surface on the sea floor (conulariids, strophomenid brachiopods, trilobites) as a suitable substrate for settlement of the larva. Decline of the genus coincided with disappearance of planktic graptolites, and might have been caused by competition of rapidly evolving planktic dacryoconarids, increased predation pressure, and rebuilding of the trophic structure in the early Devonian seas.

2022 ◽  
Vol 78 (02) ◽  
pp. 6619-2022

The article reviews the history of BT occurrence in Europe and its present status. It describes the distribution of BT in Europe before 1998, the emergence of BTV in southern and eastern Europe in 1998-2006 and the epidemiology of BT in north-western Europe after 2006. Up to 1998, sporadic cases of BT were noted in Cyprus, on the Iberian Peninsula and on several Greek islands. However, since 1998, probably due to climatic changes, BTV has spread northwards into the Mediterranean Basin, where five BTV serotypes (1, 2, 4, 9 and 16) have been identified. In August 2006, BTV passed for the first time latitude 50°N, and BT outbreaks caused by BTV serotype 8 occurred in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France and Luxembourg. Mass vaccination campaigns implemented in Europe in the spring of 2008 quickly limited the spread of disease caused by BTV-8, and it was eradicated by 2011. However, after a 3-year break, in September 2015, BTV-8 re-emerged in Europe, in central France, and subsequently spread throughout the entire country. In the following years, BTV-8 outbreaks were found in Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Spain. In addition to BTV-8 outbreaks, BTV serotypes 1, 2, 4, 9 and 16 have recently circulated in Europe. As revealed by phylogeographic inference, the recent spread of BTV in Europe is a consequence of climatic, landscape and vertebrate host factors

Pavla Tomanová Petrová ◽  
Slavomír Nehyba ◽  
Karel Diviš ◽  
Šárka Hladilová ◽  
Růžena Gregorová ◽  

Lower Badenian sediments were studied on the locality Hvozdíkova at the Diviš district, Brno. There were interpreted 4 lithofacies of Neogene (Lower Badenian) sediments (lithofacies M1, M2, Sl, and SGl). Occurrence of basal Lower Badenian clastics is connected with existence of coarse-grained delta (foreset). Overlying pelites document pelagic sedimentation of open sea. Garnet dominates in assemblage of heavy translucent minerals.Rich assemblages of foraminifers, molluscs, spines of echinoids, ostracods and shark fauna were discovered in sediments. Diversified assemblages are dominated by plankton specimens. Species Orbulina suturalis Brön., Praeorbulina glomerosa circularis (Blow) and Globigerinoides bisphericus Todd. indicate the Lower Badenian age.From the point of view of the shark fauna diversity the locality Hvozdíkova is unique; shark fauna is very rare in Lower Badenian clays, and the genera of Squaliolus and Paraetmopterus are identified for the first time. Oysters – especially species Neopycnodonte navicularis (Brocchi) – dominate in Lower Badenian sediments. Small gastropods (for example Cancellaria sp., ?Tornus sp., Rissoa sp., Alvania sp.) probably represent fossils reworked from shallow littoral area. 

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