scholarly journals Effect of varying protein levels on growth and digestive enzyme activities of pengba Osteobrama belangeri (Valenciennes, 1844)

R. Ramesh ◽  
K. Dube ◽  
A. K. Reddy ◽  
P. V. Rangacharyulu ◽  
G. Venkateshwarlu ◽  

Pengba, Osteobrama belangeri (Valenciennes, 1844) is considered as one of the candidate species for diversification of aquaculture. However, only scanty information is available on its nutrient requirements. Hence, the present study was conducted on growth and digestive enzyme activities of pengba fry in response to different dietary protein levels. Six semi-purified isocaloric diets were formulated with different levels of protein at 5% increments (25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50%) and fed to different groups of pengba fry for a period of 60 days. Survival of fish was significantly influenced by different protein levels (p<0.05). The highest weight gain% and specific growth rate (4.17% day-1) was obtained at 45% protein level which thereafter declined. The best feed conversion ratio (1.46) was observed at 45% protein level and the highest protein efficiency ratio (2.14) was obtained at 25% protein levelwith significant difference (p<0.05). The crude protein content of fish was significantly affected by dietary protein levels (p<0.05) and highest was recorded at 45% protein diet. Moisture, ether extract and ash content did not show significant (p>0.05) variation among dietary treatments. The activity of proteolytic enzymes (proteases, typsin and chymotrypsin) and acid phosphatase were signicantly (p<0.05) enhanced by dietary protein levels up to 45%, which were found to decline thereafter. Amylase activity was significantly decreased as protein levels increased in the diet. Lipase and alkaline phosphatase activities were not influenced by dietary protein levels. In the present study, penbga fry fed with 45% protein diet, showed the best growth performance and highest digestive enzyme activities. The activity of digestive enzymes in the gut clearly demonstrated that the proteolytic enzymes are activated in response to dietary protein utilisation and also revealed that pengba fry may require high protein (45%) diet for better growth and survival. Second order polynomial regression analysis revealed that the maximum protein requirement of pengba fry was 45.1% (r2 = 0.90). The findings of the study is expected to have significant implications for feed development for pengba aquaculture.

Aquaculture ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 451 ◽  
pp. 451-456 ◽  
Matthew S. Bansemer ◽  
Jian G. Qin ◽  
James O. Harris ◽  
Elise N. Schaefer ◽  
Hanru Wang ◽  

1964 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 333-339 ◽  
B. E. March ◽  
Jacob Biely

The effects on thyroid activity of dietary protein level and of dietary fat level were studied. Diets containing 18 and 26% of protein were fed with and without 8% of supplementary fat. Thyroid weights and thyroidal uptake of I131 of chicks fed the diets were determined. The chicks fed the higher dietary protein level had consistently greater thyroid weights. The effect of supplementary fat on thyroid weight was variable. Total thyroidal uptake of I131 in chicks fed the fat-supplemented diets was greater when the diets contained 26% of protein. With the low-fat diets, protein level did not significantly affect uptake of I131. Supplementary fat decreased I131 uptake in chicks fed the low-protein diet and increased I131 uptake in chicks fed the high-protein diet. Thus, although it is evident that diet affects thyroid activity, conclusions regarding the effect of diet will depend upon the parameter used as a measure of thyroid activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-34
Md. Anwar Hossain ◽  
Md. Akhtar Hossain ◽  
Md. Ayenuddin Haque ◽  
Md. Harun-Ur-Rashid ◽  
Md. Moksedur Rahman

Good aquaculture practice (GAP) based carp fattening is a potential technique to obtain higher and safe fish production within shorter period in ponds of drought prone area. Sustainability of this technique, however, is constrained by high feed cost and poor water quality. Therefore, as an overcoming effort, three diets (protein content of 20%, 25% and 30%) under three different treatments (T1, T2 and T3) were tested during January-June, 2020 in fattening ponds of carps (Catla, Gibelion catla; silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix; rohu, Labeo rohita; mrigal, Cirrhinus cirrhosis; and carpio, Cyprinus carpio var. specularis) under Rajshahi district, Bangladesh. Variation in protein level had no significant effect on environmental parameters of pond water. Combined fish yield was found to vary significantly (P<0.05) among the treatments, while feed conversion ratio did not vary significantly. Although second degree polynomial regression analysis identified 28.50% dietary protein for optimal growth of carps but no significant difference between T2 and T3 was found for the total fish yield. However, significantly (P<0.05) highest cost-benefit ratio obtained with the diet containing 25% protein suggested this protein level in diet was profitable for carp fattening in pond.

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