2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Lukman Hidayat ◽  
Fitri Electrika Dewi Surawan ◽  
Arga Harianda Lumban Raja

Increasing demand for Crude Palm Oil (CPO) as the vegetable oil was causing the industry to cultivate palm oil increased, so that the energy required to produce CPO also increased. The purpose of this study is to identify the type, source and calculate the amount of energy needs, calculate the level of efficiency and energy savings opportunities. Stages of the research are  initial energy analysis, a detailed energy, and energy analysis in processing systems. Based on the research results, to produce each kg of CPO processing capacity of 60 ton TBS / hour with a recovery rate of 20.59% of primary energy needs of 16.200679 MJ / kg. Real boiler efficiency of 45.69%, the real efficiency of the turbine was 94, 86%. Turbine efficiency  to generate electrical energy by 1.09%, the technical efficiency of 66.80% turbines, diesel generators technical efficiency of 47.25%, the technical efficiency of electric motors by 59.37%.  The total efficiency  of  electricity  use by 4,75%, the efficiency of diesel estate of 1.379% and the efficiency of the use of steam at 93.77%. Energy can be saved by 0.0442 MJ / kg with a description of human powered energy of 0.0004316 MJ / kg, energy electrical energy by .04372 MJ / kg. While energy can be stored on the excess energy to fuel biomass boiler was 1.45 MJ / kg

2010 ◽  
Vol 14 (suppl.) ◽  
pp. 41-51 ◽  
Mladen Stojiljkovic ◽  
Mirko Stojiljkovic ◽  
Bratislav Blagojevic ◽  
Goran Vuckovic ◽  
Marko Ignjatovic

Implementation of co-generation of thermal and electrical energy in district heating systems often results with higher overall energy efficiency of the systems, primary energy savings and environmental benefits. Financial results depend on number of parameters, some of which are very difficult to predict. After introduction of feed-in tariffs for generation of electrical energy in Serbia, better conditions for implementation of co-generation are created, although in district heating systems barriers are still present. In this paper, possibilities and effects of implementation of natural gas fired cogeneration engines are examined and presented for the boiler house that is a part of the district heating system owned and operated by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Nis. At the moment, in this boiler house only thermal energy is produced. The boilers are natural gas fired and often operate in low part load regimes. The plant is working only during the heating season. For estimation of effects of implementation of co-generation, referent values are taken from literature or are based on the results of measurements performed on site. Results are presented in the form of primary energy savings and greenhouse gasses emission reduction potentials. Financial aspects are also considered and triangle of costs is shown.

M. Minutillo ◽  
A. Perna

In this work the preliminary results of the research activity regarding the development of a microcogeneration unit prototype based on a proton exchange membrane fuel cell for residential application have been presented. The combined heat and power (CHP) system, which has been designed to optimize the integration of commercial and precommercial components, is equipped with two fuel cell stacks, a natural gas steam reforming unit, a heat recovery unit, electrical devices such as batteries, dc/ac converters, and auxiliary components such as compressors and pumps. In order to evaluate the electrical and thermal energy production and to estimate the system efficiency, an energy analysis has been carried out by using a numerical model. The simulation results pointed out that the microcogeneration system is able to provide 2.2 kWel and 2.5 kWth with electrical and CHP efficiencies (refer to the low heating value) of 40% and 88%, respectively. Furthermore, the primary energy savings, achievable by using the cogeneration system in comparison with a separate generation of electricity and heat from a centralized power plant and conventional boilers, have been evaluated.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Stieven N. Rumokoy ◽  
Dezetty Monika

ABSTRACTPalm oil mills will produce liquid waste which is often called POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent). This waste if not handled properly will disrupt the environment, even though POME stores a large potential of energy that can be used to support energy needs. With special processing, POME can produce biogas. Then biogas can be used as fuel for generators and ultimately can produce electricity. The process of processing from POME to biogas can be formed in a Biogas Power Plant (PLTBg). The amount of electrical energy that can be generated depends on the amount of biogas formed, while the amount of biogas that will be obtained generally depends on the volume of POME and the content of COD (Chemical Oxigen Demand) in POME. In the sample factory, one year of data has been taken. From the results of the analysis of the prediction of the calculation of electricity energy in palm oil mills through the construction of Biogas Power Plants, the average predicted monthly biogas that can be obtained based on data is 279023,248 Nm3CH4/month and maximum biogas that can be obtained based on the maximum processing of coconut mills oil palm is 506153.34 Nm3CH4/month. The average predictable generating capacity based on data is 1.3 MWe and the maximum capacity that can be built should be around 2.37 MWe.Keywords : Palm Oil Waste, POME, Biogas, Renewable Energy, MetaneABSTRAKPabrik kelapa sawit akan menghasilkan limbah cair yang sering disebut POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent). Limbah ini jika tidak ditangani dengan baik akan mengganggu lingkungan, padahal POME menyimpan potensi energi yang besar yang dapat dipergunakan untuk mendukung kebutuhan energi. Dengan proses pengolahan khusus, POME dapat menghasilkan biogas. Biogas kemudian dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar untuk genset biogas yang akhirnya dapat menghasilkan listrik. Proses pengolahan dari POME menjadi biogas dapat dibentuk dalam suatu Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Biogas (PLTBg). Jumlah energi listrik yang dapat dihasilkan bergantung pada jumlah biogas yang terbentuk, sedangkan jumlah biogas yang akan diperoleh pada umumnya bergantung dari volume POME dan kandungan COD (Chemical Oxigen Demand) pada POME. Pada pabrik sampel, data satu tahun telah diambil. Dari hasil analisis prediksi perhitungan pendapatan energi listrik pada pabrik kelapa sawit melalui pembangunan PLTBg, rata-rata prediksi tiap bulan biogas yang dapat diperoleh berdasarkan data adalah 279023.248 Nm3CH4/bulan dan maksimum biogas yang dapat diperoleh berdasarkan maksimum pengolahan pabrik kelapa sawit adalah 506153.34 Nm3CH4/bulan. Rata-rata kapasitas pembangkit yang dapat diprediksi berdasarkan data adalah 1.3 MWe dan maksimum kapasitas yang dapat dibangun sebaiknya sekitar 2.37 MWe.Kata kunci : Limbah, POME, Biogas, Energi Baru dan Terbarukan, Metana

Melchiorre Casisi ◽  
Lorenzo Castelli ◽  
Piero Pinamonti ◽  
Mauro Reini

This paper deals about the application of MILP for economic optimization of complex cogenerative systems. In particular, it optimizes both the size and operating strategy of CHP systems and the lay-out of micro district heating networks applied to a urban contest. The proposed model considers the possible adoption of a set of micro-cogeneration gas turbines located in different buildings, and of a centralized cogeneration system thus allowing part of the required thermal energy to be produced in a single site. In addition, thermal and photovoltaic panels can be integrated into the system to improve thermal and electrical energy production, respectively. Each site can be connected to the others through district heating micro-grids. Hence thermal energy can be distributed inside the system. A further objective of the paper is to evaluate the effect of different economic support policies on the optimal solution, and to relate the economic effort implied in each support policy with the expected results in terms of CO2 emissions reduction and primary energy savings.

2010 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 541-553 ◽  
Mirko Stojiljkovic ◽  
Mladen Stojiljkovic ◽  
Bratislav Blagojevic

Tri-generation systems are used to simultaneously produce electrical, heating, and cooling energy. These systems are usually more efficient than conventional systems for separate production and have smaller distribution losses since they are often located closer to the consumer. For achievement of the best technical and/or financial results, tri-generation plants have to be properly, i. e. optimally designed and operated. Operational optimization is used for short term production planning, control of tri-generation systems operation and as a part of design level optimization. In this paper an approach to operational optimization of tri-generation plants with reciprocating engines is presented with the following mathematical model. It is also explained how this algorithm might be embedded in some larger optimization procedure. In this approach, the importance of the part load performance of different units of the tri-generation systems is emphasized, especially of co-generation unit, i. e. engine generator set and thus it relies on manufacturers' data and is characterized with relatively high level of details examined. Mathematical model is based on the equipment performance based constraints and demand satisfaction based constraints with the possibility to add more equations if appropriate. Objective function for optimization is benefit-cost function. Optimal operation regimes for typical days for each month are obtained and analyzed. Impact of electrical energy price on pay-back period and primary energy saving is analyzed. Primary energy savings are determined and compared to maximal value that could be obtained.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 13524
Domenico Curto ◽  
Vincenzo Franzitta ◽  
Andrea Guercio ◽  
Domenico Panno

Electrical and thermal consumption related to buildings, whether civil, commercial, public, or of any other kind, is very much in focus today. With today’s targets for energy savings, reduction of consumption, and environmental impact, it is necessary to carry out energy retrofits to modernize installations and their management. The realization of an effective improvement requires a careful analysis of the case study because each category of building has different requirements such as different load profiles and different installations and needs. This was carried out by studying the electrical and thermal load profiles. A good initial energy audit can provide the retrofit solutions capable of achieving the reduction of energy consumption and the emission of climate-changing gases into the atmosphere. A case study, carried out by the Department of Engineering of Palermo, showed how it is possible to perform an energy retrofit to modernize the energy system of the student dormitory at the University of Palermo. The paper presented a study carried out by programming a series of interlinked calculations in Microsoft Excel. In order to quantify the energy savings of the structure under examination, it is necessary to enter some input data, thanks to which all the formulas implemented in the calculation software were automatically completed. The programming of the calculations makes it possible to carry out an energy retrofit with interventions on the building envelope and the installations. The desire to program an automated calculation by modifying only the input data is intended to replicate a study on other buildings with the same peculiarities. In this way, it is possible to verify which retrofit hypotheses would be useful to upgrade old public administration buildings. In the analyzed case study, 65% of electrical energy and 33% of thermal energy could be saved by replacing generation systems, installing a co-generator, replacing windows, and replacing lamps with LED ones.

2014 ◽  
pp. 92-105
P. Bezrukikh ◽  
P. Bezrukikh (Jr.)

The article analyzes the dynamics of consumption of primary energy and production of electrical energy in the world for 1973-2012 and the volume of renewable energy. It is shown that in the crisis year of 20 0 9 there was a significant reduction in primary energy consumption and production of electrical energy. At the same time, renewable energy has developed rapidly, well above the rate of the world economy growth. The development of renewable energy is one of the most effective ways out of the crisis, taking into account its production regime, energy, environmental, social and economic efficiency. The forecast for the development of renewable energy for the period up to 2020, compiled by the IEA, is analyzed. It is shown that its assessment rates are conservative; the authors justify higher rates of development of renewable energy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Sarono Sarono

The empty fruit bunches (EFB) are by-product of crude palm oil (CPO) production, and it is not widely used optimally. One of products produced from EFB with development potentials is straw mushroom. The objective of this research was to analyze the potentials of EFB material and straw mushroom based on EFB material in Lampung province. The result showed that the EFB potential in Lampung province was 111,144 ton annually and straw mushroom was 4,835 ton annually. The biology efficiency ratio of EFB into straw mushroom in production scale was averagely 3.93%. Districts having potentials for developing straw mushroom business by using EFB material were Mesuji, Middle Lampung, Tulang Bawang, Way Kanan, and North Lampung.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Noryati Ahmad ◽  
Ahmad Danial Zainudin ◽  
Fahmi Abdul Rahim ◽  
Catherine S F Ho

Since its establishment, Crude Palm Oil futures contract (FCPO) has been used to directly hedge its physical crude palm oil (CPO). However, due to the excessive speculation activities on crude palm oil futures market, it has been said to be no longer an effective hedging tool to mitigate the price risk of its underlying physical market. This triggers the need for market players to find possible alternatives to ensure that the hedging role can be executed effectively. Thus this investigation attempts to examine whether other inter-related grains and oil seed futures contracts could serve as effective cross-hedging mechanisms for the CPO. Weekly data of inter-related futures contracts from Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) and Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE) are employed to cross hedge the physical crude palm oil prices. The study starts from 2006 until 2016. Empirical results indicate that FCPO is still the best futures contract for hedging purposes while Chicago Soybean (CBOTBO) provides second best alternative if cross-hedging is considered. Keywords: Crude palm oil, Crude palm oil futures, Cross Hedging, Optimal Hedge Ratio, Effective Hedging

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