scholarly journals Upaya Meningkatkan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia melalui Strategi Persaingan Usaha Ekonomi Kreatif Menuju New Normal (Studi Kasus Pegadaian Cabang Pelayanan Syariah (CPS) Bangkalan)

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Ismawati Ismawati ◽  
Mochammad Isa Anshori

The objectives of this study include knowing how to develop the quality of human resources, the extent to which the competitive strategy in improving the quality of services will be applied towards the new normal, how to improve the quality of human resources and performance competition strategies in the new normal era. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. The results showed that CPS Bangkalan Pegadaian to improve or develop the quality of human resources through increasing creative economic strategies by means of improving several products and CPS Bangkalan Pegadaian systems, including the Digital Sharia Pawnshop Application (PSD), Amanah Financing, Gold Savings and Arrum. The product and system of the CPS Bangkalan Pegadaian that is in great demand by customers is gold savings. This product is in great demand because it is easy to access, the process is fast, and there are fewer requirements to fulfill. The obstacles faced are the lack of socialization to customers, the many requirements.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-102
Lesmana Rian Andhika

Evolution experienced by the various concepts of governance ranging from good governance, sound governance, dynamic governance, to open government is a concept of the reference that is considered able to manage governance activities properly. The concept governance of anything adopted implies to reject various forms of government based on the activity of authoritarian activity, corruption, collusion, and nepotism that would open up opportunities for other evil actions in the carry out the activity of the government. The focus of the research objectives is trying to contribute knowledge by exploring theoretical conceptual from different scientific literature because it is not necessarily the concept of governance adopted and successfully implemented at the place differently. This research article is a synthesis of qualitative research, using the research method of meta-theory (the analysis of theory). This study seeks to identify all existing written evidence concerning the themes of research, produce a variety of studies are systematically used to develop and examine the theory has ever produced. The results of this study reveal the evolution of governance occurs due to a new thought to fill the lack of a concept that has been there before. Other results are also revealed that the concept of governance has a digest and refer to the innovation of the government. The concept of governance of this will be meaningless when run by people with the low quality of human resources, not smart, and it is not agile.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Iwan Ramadhan ◽  
Daniel Daniel

The problems that often arise in village development are the low of welfare and quality of people’s life in the village; lack of desire of the stakeholders to accelerate the development itself; as well as village governance that requires adjustment to the mandate of Law Number 14 of 2014 concerning Villages. Therefore, village development needs to have proper planning and management, so the village can be developed properly. In this case, there is a need for sustainable planning and development that fit of planning and programs that have been prepared in order to optimize the potential of natural resources, human resources, and science and technology. By matching and combining the three components, it is hoped that these three aspects can run well. and can be sustainable. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative research method. The expected objectives of this research were to find out the existing development programs in Sungai Kakap village, investigate what facilities are available there, and community empowerment programs implemented. It was also to find out the social changes that have occurred in Sungai Kakap village due to the development that occurred there.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-58
Rizky Wiryadi ◽  
Marlon Sihombing ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini

As well as Factors that influence Service Quality in Recording AK I for job seekers in the Transmigration and Manpower Office of Aceh Singkil Regency. With the aim of this research is to find out the quality of service for recording I AK seen from Tangible (tangible) indicators, reliability (reliability), responsiviness (Assurance), Assurance (guarantee), and Emphaty (Empathy) in giving satisfaction to job seekers at the Transmigration and Manpower Agency Aceh Singkil Regency Work and Factors that Influence Service Quality in Recording AK I for job seekers in the Transmigration and Manpower Office of Aceh Singkil Regency. This research method uses descriptive qualitative research, to obtain an overview as the formulation of the existing problem and reveal the problem as it is in accordance with the existing reality through analysis of descriptive data from the results of interviews. The results of the study found several indicators of service quality that have not been well met, this was from the results of interviews and research observations at the research site. The reason is the lack of budget allocation and Allocation of Facilities and Infrastructure Supporting services from the Transmigration and Manpower Service to the Manpower sector which is responsible for the AK I. Recording service. Recommendations on the results of research are expected by the Transmigration and Manpower Service to establish AK I Registration Services Unit which has its own facilities and infrastructure. and fulfill human resources who are skilled in the field of services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 115
Vivi Avilia ◽  
Vita Amelia ◽  
Hadira Latiar

The Indonesian Librarian Association (IPI) Organization of Riau Province is one of the organizations that support the quality of human resources in the librarian profession, with the existence of a professional librarians organization can help librarians in improving library management to the maximum. This study aims to determine how the Role of the Indonesian Librarian Association (IPI) of Riau Province in Developing the Quality of Librarian Human Resources. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. This research was conducted by interviewing the management and members of the Riau Province Indonesian Librarian Association (IPI) based on three indicators, namely (1) Scientific Activities, (2) Education and Training, and (3) Riau Smart Program. The results of the interviews show that of the three work program indicators, the Indonesian Librarian Association (IPI) of Riau Province has not carried out its activities properly. In the Scientific Activity Indicator, IPI of Riau Province has conducted 5 activities that lead to the development of librarians' human resources. In the Education and Training Indicator, IPI of Riau Province has conducted 1 activity that leads to the development of librarian's human resources. In the Riau Smart Program Indicator, the Provincial IPI has carried out 1 activity that leads to the development of library human resources. So it can be concluded that the role of the Indonesian Librarian Association (IPI) of Riau Province in Developing the Quality of Librarian's Human Resources has not been carried out to the maximum.Keywords: Role, Librarian, Quality, Human Resources, Indonesian Librarian Association (IPI) of Riau Province.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-278
Diah Rina Miftakhi ◽  
Nurjanah Nurjanah

describe the implementation of an integrated quality management component consisting of the quality of services provided by the school, human resources in teaching, the school environment, and learning process  in SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang.               The method used in this study, namely by using a naturalistic qualitative approach. Data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. The subjects of this study include the principal, teachers, employees, and students. The validity of the data is done by triangulation, and deeper observation. Analysis of the data used is the interactive analysis model of Miles and Huberman through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.              The results showed that: (a) the quality of services to students in SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang had met good service standards. This can be seen from the services in the form of facilities and infrastructure which are quite complete in schools; (b) the quality of human resources in the education process shows good teacher resources. This can be seen from the teacher data which shows that the teaching staff at SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang 95% of educators with S1 qualifications in the field of education; (c) the quality of the environment in SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang is already good. This can be seen from the very strategic location of the school because the location of the school is in the middle of the city so that it is easily accessible by the community; (d) the quality of the learning process carried out by teachers at Pangkal Pinang YPAC SLB is good. This can be seen from the realization of the form of activities through learning planning by preparing lesson plans for each subject, then implementing learning, which includes strategies and methods used by teachers in delivering learning material, and evaluation of learning. Keywords: Integrated quality management, student achievement     ABSTRAK Tujuan dalam melaksanakan penelitian ini  adalah untuk melihat pelaksanaan serta mendeskripsikan implementasi  komponen Manajemen Mutu Terpadu yang terdiri dari kualitas layanan yang diberikan sekolah, sumber daya manusia dalam mengajar, lingkungan sekolah, dan proses pembelajaran di SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif naturalistik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subyek penelitian ini antara lain kepala sekolah, guru, pegawai, dan peserta didik. keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi, dan pengamatan yang lebih mendalam. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah model analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman melalui kegiatan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (a) mutu layanan terhadap peserta didik di SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang sudah memenuhi standar layanan yang baik. Hal ini dilihat dari layanan yang berupa fasilitas sarana dan prasarana yang sudah cukup lengkap di sekolah; (b) mutu sumber daya manusia dalam proses pendidikan menunjukkan sumber daya guru yang baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari data guru yang menunjukkan bahwa tenaga pengajar di SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang 95% pendidik berkualifikasi S1 bidang kependidikan; (c) mutu lingkungan yang ada di SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang sudah baik. Hal ini terlihat dari letak sekolah yang sangat strategis karena lokasi sekolah yang berada di tengah kota sehingga mudah dijangkau oleh masyarakat; (d) mutu proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru di SLB YPAC Pangkalpinang sudah baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari realisasi bentuk kegiatan melalui perencanaan pembelajaran dengan menyusun RPP setiap mata pelajaran, kemudian pelaksanaan pembelajaran, yang meliputi strategi dan metode yang digunakan guru dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran, dan evaluasi pembelajaran.

Clemens Felix Setiyawan ◽  
Dyah Murwaningrum

Nowadays, music creation, collaboration, and publication are easier because of technology. Most young generations have sent music data, made, sold, bought music files on the internet. This changed music processes certainly resulted in different outcomes. Listening and creating music by new means, can change music itself. Technology has simplified tools, and the internet has simplified the distance. But new problems and questions have been found. How were the internet and technology influenced the quality of music, music creator, music appreciator and the form of music. The aims of this research to determine the relationship between music, technology, and the internet, through behavior of the young generation. This study was qualitative research that used observations and unstructured interviews. In subsequent observations, participant-observer was chosen as an advanced research method to better understand existing phenomena. The result of observations and interviews were interpreted, then presented descriptively. This research used theory by Don Ihde that technology has three characteristics (1) material (2) used (3)relationship of human and tools. The result of this research is internet influenced music quality and human appreciation. Technology changed the way humans create music.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Bryan S Lempas ◽  
Treesje Runtu ◽  
Rudy J. Pusung

Tax is a source of revenue to finance all State expenditures including expenditures for development and expenditure in improving the welfare and quality of Human Resources (HR). The tax contribution in funding State expenditures continues to increase and requires support in the form of raising public awareness to meet its tax obligations. This research was conducted in Manado City, where this study aims to examine the return of overpayment. The research method used is descriptive analysis research. Result of research indicate that KPP Pratama manado give good service for taxpayer individual who apply for restitution of amount of tax debt paid by public also must know that even if money have entered to treasury state if proved there is more pay then State treasury also willing to reverse or compensate for other types of taxes. The refund of the tax payment is a refund of tax overpayment that has been assumed is really a tax that is more paid.Keyword : Refund of overpayments, restitution, and compensation of individual taxpayers

Siti Fatimah

SOLO Taxonomy is one of the frameworks used in analyzing the quality of responses in problem solving. This research aim to analyze the student’s responses level in doing problem solving item based on SOLO Taxonomy overviewed from motivation to learn. The research method used in this study was a qualitative research with the data sources of this study were 75 students period 2016/2017. The results of the study showed that student’s responses in doing problem solving wave concept at prestructural level is 62,17%, Unistructural Level is 27,63%, Multistructural level is 58,22%, Relasional level is 48,50%, and Extended Abstract level is 37,82%; Motivation to learn’s student high category are better at responding to answer item based SOLO Taxonomy than motivation to learn’s students low category.Keywords: Student’s reponses; SOLO Taxonomy; Motivation to Learn

Muhammad Aditya Majdi

Public perception of immigration content at the TPI East Jakarta Class I Immigration Office is very important in determining the quality of information and understanding of immigration provided to the public by focusing on social media Instagram. With some literacy regarding public perceptions it can produce a public view of immigration content that has been disseminated through social media Instagram TPI Class I Immigration Office, East Jakarta. This can be used as study and learning material in seeing some of the shortcomings that must be addressed by the TPI East Jakarta Class I Immigration Office regarding public perceptions of immigration content. With the descriptive qualitative research method, it explains that there are still gaps or shortcomings of immigration content disseminated through social media Instagram TPI Class I Immigration Office, East Jakarta. So it is very necessary to make several further research studies related to public perceptions of immigration content so as to harmonize understanding between the information provider and the recipient of the information.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-36
Apandi Apandi

E-literacy and education are important components in improving the quality of human resources needed in an organization. The purpose of this study is to reveal the importance of e-literacy and public policy education. The State Civil Apparatus (ASN) requires e-literacy and education to improve performance results so that public services can be maximized. This becomes interesting research in the development of science-based on the real events that occur in Indonesia. Where so far, e-literacy and education is only intended for the public, especially millennial generation. The research method used is the study of literature where data is obtained through various secondary sources that are relevant to theoretically strengthen research results. The findings explain that e-literacy and education are effective and efficient strategies in overcoming budget constraints and low levels of ASN competence. With e-literacy and public policy education, it is hoped that the professionalism of the ASN bureaucracy will increase and the quality of public services will be better.

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