The Relationship of the Efficiency of Energy Conversion Into Growth as an Indicator for the Determination of the Optimal Dosage for Mutation Breeding With the Appearance of Chromosomal Bridges, Ring Chromosomes, Micronuclei and Incomplete Mitosis After Gamma Irradiation of Kernels of Triticum Turgidum Ssp. Durum L. Cultivar Orania


Abstract BackgroundA 50% growth reduction of seedling height (GR50) after acute gamma irradiation of dormant kernels is widely used as a measure of irradiation damage to obtain the ideal irradiation dosage for mutation breeding. It became clear in recent years that the GR50 is not sensitive enough to predict the ideal gamma irradiation dosage for mutation breeding and it predicts a value that is higher than ideal. The study aim was to determine whether root, shoot and seedling growth on the one side and the efficiency of energy conversion into growth on the other are measuring different growth retardation effects of gamma irradiation that are the result of DNA damage (bridges, ring chromosomes, micronuclei, incomplete mitosis) in Triticum turgidum ssp. durum. If the efficiency of energy conversion into growth is measuring different effects, the usefulness of efficiency of energy conversion into growth to predict the optimal dosage for mutation breeding will be investigated. ResultsThe kernels were gamma irradiated from 50 - 350 Gy using a 60Cobalt source. The kernels were left to germinate and grow for a period of 132 hours for the shoot and root growth and the efficiency of energy conversion into growth determination and for a period of 47.5 hours for the determination of the number of bridges, ring chromosomes, micronuclei and incomplete mitosis. The control differed highly significantly from 50 Gy and higher dosages and from 250 Gy and higher dosages for root and shoot growth respectively and from 250 Gy for the efficiency of energy conversion into growth. There was a highly significant increase in the number of bridges and micronuclei between 50 Gy and 150 Gy together with the higher irradiation dosages and only from 250 Gy for the ring chromosomes and interphase cells with incomplete mitosis. Root and seedling growth on the one hand and the efficiency of energy conversion into growth on the other were found to be measuring different effects of gamma irradiation on plant growth. ConclusionThe optimal dosage for mutation breeding was determined by making use of the efficiency of energy conversion into growth.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Grzegorz Lenda

AbstractThe assessment of the cover shape of shell structures makes an important issue both from the point of view of safety, as well as functionality of the construction. The most numerous group among this type of constructions are objects having the shape of a quadric (cooling towers, tanks with gas and liquids, radio-telescope dishes etc.). The material from observation of these objects (point sets), collected during periodic measurements is usually converted into a continuous form in the process of approximation, with the use of the quadric surface. The created models, are then applied in the assessment of the deformation of surface in the given period of time. Such a procedure has, however, some significant limitations. The approximation with the use of quadrics, allows the determination of basic dimensions and location of the construction, however it results in ideal objects, not providing any information on local surface deformations. They can only be defined by comparison of the model with the point set of observations. If the periodic measurements are carried out in independent, separate points, then it will be impossible to define the existing deformations directly. The second problem results from the one-equation character of the ideal approximation model. Real deformations of the object change its basic parameters, inter alia the lengths of half-axis of main quadrics. The third problem appears when the construction is not a quadric; no information on the equation describing its shape is available either. Accepting wrong kind of approximation function, causes the creation of a model of large deviations from the observed points.All the mentioned above inconveniences can be avoided by applying splines to the shape description of the surface of shell structures. The use of the function of this type, however, comes across other types of limitations. This study deals with the above subject, presenting several methods allowing the increase of accuracy and decrease of the time of the modelling with the splines.

2004 ◽  
Vol 76 (6) ◽  
pp. 1215-1225 ◽  
Klaus Danzer ◽  
M. Otto ◽  
L. A. Currie

Calibration in analytical chemistry refers to the relation between sample domain and measurement domain (signal domain) expressed by an analytical function x = fs(Q) representing a pattern of chemical species Q and their amounts or concentrations x in a given test sample on the one hand and a measured function y = f(z) that may be a spectrum, chromatogram, etc. Simultaneous multispecies analyses are carried out mainly by spectroscopic and chromatographic methods in a more or less selective way. For the determination of n species Qi (i = 1,2 …n), at least n signals must be measured which should be well separated in the ideal case. In analytical practice, the situation can be different.

1967 ◽  
Vol 18 (01/02) ◽  
pp. 198-210 ◽  
Ronald S Reno ◽  
Walter H Seegers

SummaryA two-stage assay procedure was developed for the determination of the autoprothrombin C titre which can be developed from prothrombin or autoprothrombin III containing solutions. The proenzyme is activated by Russell’s viper venom and the autoprothrombin C activity that appears is measured by its ability to shorten the partial thromboplastin time of bovine plasma.Using the assay, the autoprothrombin C titre was determined in the plasma of several species, as well as the percentage of it remaining in the serum from blood clotted in glass test tubes. Much autoprothrombin III remains in human serum. With sufficient thromboplastin it was completely utilized. Plasma from selected patients with coagulation disorders was assayed and only Stuart plasma was abnormal. In so-called factor VII, IX, and P.T.A. deficiency the autoprothrombin C titre and thrombin titre that could be developed was normal. In one case (prethrombin irregularity) practically no thrombin titre developed but the amount of autoprothrombin C which generated was in the normal range.Dogs were treated with Dicumarol and the autoprothrombin C titre that could be developed from their plasmas decreased until only traces could be detected. This coincided with a lowering of the thrombin titre that could be developed and a prolongation of the one-stage prothrombin time. While the Dicumarol was acting, the dogs were given an infusion of purified bovine prothrombin and the levels of autoprothrombin C, thrombin and one-stage prothrombin time were followed for several hours. The tests became normal immediately after the infusion and then went back to preinfusion levels over a period of 24 hrs.In other dogs the effect of Dicumarol was reversed by giving vitamin K1 intravenously. The effect of the vitamin was noticed as early as 20 min after administration.In response to vitamin K the most pronounced increase was with that portion of the prothrombin molecule which yields thrombin. The proportion of that protein with respect to the precursor of autoprothrombin C increased during the first hour and then started to go down and after 3 hrs was equal to the proportion normally found in plasma.

1969 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-231 ◽  
V. H. Asfeldt

ABSTRACT This is an investigation of the practical clinical value of the one mg dexamethasone suppression test of Nugent et al. (1963). The results, evaluated from the decrease in fluorimetrically determined plasma corticosteroids in normal subjects, as well as in cases of exogenous obesity, hirsutism and in Cushing's syndrome, confirm the findings reported in previous studies. Plasma corticosteroid reduction after one mg of dexamethasone in cases of stable diabetes was not significantly different from that observed in control subjects, but in one third of the insulin-treated diabetics only a partial response was observed, indicating a slight hypercorticism in these patients. An insufficient decrease in plasma corticosteroids was observed in certain other conditions (anorexia nervosa, pituitary adenoma, patients receiving contraceptive or anticonvulsive treatment) with no hypercorticism. The physiological significance of these findings is discussed. It is concluded that the test, together with a determination of the basal urinary 17-ketogenic steroid excretion, is suitable as the first diagnostic test in patients in whom Cushing's syndrome is suspected. In cases of insufficient suppression of plasma corticosteroids, further studies, including the suppression test of Liddle (1960), must be carried out.

Т.В. Никитина ◽  
А.А. Кашеварова ◽  
М.М. Гридина ◽  
А.А. Хабарова ◽  
А.Г. Мензоров ◽  

Митотическая нестабильность кольцевых хромосом может приводить к появлению клеточных клонов с различной генетической структурой. В качестве модели нестабильности кольцевых хромосом в митозе мы использовали фибробласты от пациентов с r(8), r(13), r(18) и r(22) и полученные из них индуцированные плюрипотентные стволовые клетки (ИПСК). Линии ИПСК с r(22) имели относительно стабильный кариотип на протяжении десятков (до 60) пассажей и сохраняли неизменную структуру кольцевой хромосомы. Кариотип линий ИПСК с r(8) и r(18) на ранних пассажах стабильный, планируется его изучение на поздних пассажах. Наибольшее разнообразие кариотипа выявлено в линиях ИПСК с r(13), в которых наблюдали различные перестройки и выраженную клеточную гетерогенность. Определение факторов, влияющих на митотическую стабильность кольцевых хромосом, может иметь значение для консультирования пациентов. Mitotic instability of ring chromosomes can lead to the appearance of cell clones with different genetic structure. IPSCs from fibroblasts of patients with r(8), r(13), r(18), and r(22) were used as a model of ring chromosomes mitotic behavior. Karyotypes of iPSC lines with r(8) and r(18) have so far been evaluated only in the early passages, lines with r(22) have maintained a relatively stable karyotype up to 60 passages. The occurrence of rearrangements and cellular heterogeneity was found characteristic for r(13) iPSCs. The determination of factors affecting the ring chromosomes mitotic stability would be beneficial for the patient’s prognosis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
Houli Li ◽  
Di Zhang ◽  
Xiaoliang Cheng ◽  
Qiaowei Zheng ◽  
Kai Cheng ◽  

Background: The trough concentration (Cmin) of Imatinib (IM) is closely related to the treatment outcomes and adverse reactions of patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). However, the drug plasma level has great interand intra-individual variability, and therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is highly recommended. Objective: To develop a novel, simple, and economical two-dimensional liquid chromatography method with ultraviolet detector (2D-LC-UV) for simultaneous determination of IM and its major active metabolite, N-demethyl imatinib (NDIM) in human plasma, and then apply the method for TDM of the drug. Method: Sample was processed by simple protein precipitation. Two target analytes were separated on the one-dimension column, captured on the middle column, and then transferred to the two-dimension column for further analysis. The detection was performed at 264 nm. The column temperature was maintained at 40˚C and the injection volume was 500 μL. Totally 32 plasma samples were obtained from patients with GIST who were receiving IM. Method: Sample was processed by simple protein precipitation. Two target analytes were separated on the one-dimension column, captured on the middle column, and then transferred to the two-dimension column for further analysis. The detection was performed at 264 nm. The column temperature was maintained at 40˚C and the injection volume was 500 μL. Totally 32 plasma samples were obtained from patients with GIST who were receiving IM. Conclusion: The novel 2D-LC-UV method is simple, stable, highly automated and independent of specialized technicians, which greatly increases the real-time capability of routine TDM for IM in hospital.

Michael P. Lynch

This chapter argues that academic freedom is justified because it is an inherently epistemic practice that serves the ideals of democracy. With Dewey, it is argued that “The one thing that is inherent and essential [to the idea of a university] is the ideal of truth.” But far from being apolitical, the value of pursuing truth and knowledge—the value that justifies academic freedom, both within and without the public mind—is a fundamental democratic value, and for three reasons: the practices of academic inquiry exemplify rational inquiry of the kind needed for democratic deliberation; those practices serve to train students to pursue that kind of inquiry; and those practices are important engines of democratic dissent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (01) ◽  
pp. 045-052
Mario Bazanelli Junqueira Ferraz ◽  
Guilherme Constante Preis Sella

AbstractNasal dorsal preservation surgery was described more than 100 years ago, but recently has gained prominence. Our objective is to show the surgical technique, the main indications and counterindications, and the complications. It is a technique that does not cause the detachment of the upper lateral cartilage (ULC) from the nasal septum, and has the main following sequence: preparation of the septum and its resection can be at different levels (high or low, i.e., SPAR [septum pyramidal adjustment and repositioning] A or B); preparation of the pyramid; transversal osteotomy; lateral osteotomy(s); and septopyramidal adjustment. The result is a nose with a lower radix than the original, a deprojection of the nasal dorsum tending to maintain its original shape; an increase in the interalar distance (IAD) and enlargement of the nasal middle ⅓; and loss of projection of the nasal tip and roundness of the nostrils. Thus, the ideal candidate is the one who benefits from such side effects, that is: tension nose, that is, high radix with projected dorsum, projected anterior nasal septal angle (ANSA), narrow middle ⅓, narrow IAD, thin nostrils and straight perpendicular plate of the ethmoid (PPE), and, depending on the characteristics, the deviated nose. The counterindications are low radix, irregularities in the nasal dorsum, ANSA lower than rhinion, and a wide middle ⅓. And the main stigmas are: a nose with a very low radix, middle ⅓ enlarged, residual hump, and saddling of the supratip area. Other issues of this technique are: the shape of the radix; the need or not to remove PPE; wide dorsum; irregular dorsum; ANSA lower than rhinion; weak cartilages; long nasal bone; deviated PPE; and obsessive patient. We conclude that this is a great technique for noses with characteristics suitable to it; care must be taken with the stigmas it can cause.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (14) ◽  
pp. 4842
Waldemar Kamiński

Nowadays, hydrostatic levelling is a widely used method for the vertical displacements’ determinations of objects such as bridges, viaducts, wharfs, tunnels, high buildings, historical buildings, special engineering objects (e.g., synchrotron), sports and entertainment halls. The measurements’ sensors implemented in the hydrostatic levelling systems (HLSs) consist of the reference sensor (RS) and sensors located on the controlled points (CPs). The reference sensor is the one that is placed at the point that (in theoretical assumptions) is not a subject to vertical displacements and the displacements of controlled points are determined according to its height. The hydrostatic levelling rule comes from the Bernoulli’s law. While using the Bernoulli’s principle in hydrostatic levelling, the following components have to be taken into account: atmospheric pressure, force of gravity, density of liquid used in sensors places at CPs. The parameters mentioned above are determined with some mean errors that influence on the accuracy assessment of vertical displacements. In the subject’s literature, there are some works describing the individual accuracy analyses of the components mentioned above. In this paper, the author proposes the concept of comprehensive determination of mean error of vertical displacement (of each CPs), calculated from the mean errors’ values of components dedicated for specific HLS. The formulas of covariances’ matrix were derived and they enable to make the accuracy assessment of the calculations’ results. The author also presented the subject of modelling of vertical displacements’ gained values. The dependences, enabling to conduct the statistic tests of received model’s parameters, were implemented. The conducted tests make it possible to verify the correctness of used theoretical models of the examined object treated as the rigid body. The practical analyses were conducted for two simulated variants of sensors’ connections in HLS. Variant no. I is the sensors’ serial connection. Variant no. II relies on the connection of each CPs with the reference sensor. The calculations’ results show that more detailed value estimations of the vertical displacements can be obtained using variant no. II.

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