Joint Interactions of Graphene and Benzo[a]pyrene With Pulmonary Surfactant

Tongtao Yue ◽  
Rujie Lv ◽  
Dongfang Xu ◽  
Yan Xu ◽  
Lu Liu ◽  

Abstract Background: Airborne nanoparticles can be inhaled and deposit in human alveoli, where pulmonary surfactant (PS) molecules line at the alveolar air-water interface to act as the first barrier against inhaled nanoparticles entering the body. Although considerable efforts have been made to elucidate the mechanisms underlying nanoparticle-PS interactions, our understanding on this important issue is limited due to the high complexity of the atmosphere, in which nanoparticles are believed to experience transformations that remarkably change the nanoparticles’ surface properties and states. By contrast with bare nanoparticles that have been extensively studied, relatively little is known about the interactions between PS and inhaled nanoparticles which already adsorb contaminants. In this combined experimental and computational effort, we investigate the joint interactions between PS and graphene with coexisting benzo[a]pyrene (BaP).Results: Depending on the BaP concentration and molecular agglomeration, different nanocomposite structures are formed via BaPs adsorption on graphene. Upon deposition of graphene carrying BaPs at the pulmonary surfactant (PS) layer, competition of interactions between different components determines the interfacial processes including BaP solubilization, graphene translocation and PS perturbation. Importantly, BaP adsorbed on graphene is solubilized to increase its bioavailability and inhibit the PS biophysical function. Translocation of graphene across the PS layer is facilitated by BaP adsorption through segregating it from contact with PS, while translocation of graphene oxide is suppressed due to increase of the surface hydrophobicity. Graphene extracts PS molecules from the layer, and the resultant PS depletion declines with graphene oxidation and BaP adsorption.Conclusion: Graphene showed high capacity of adsorbing BaPs to form nanocomposites, which were inhaled and deposit in alveoli, where competition of interactions between different components determined the interfacial processes of BaP solubilization, graphene translocation and PS perturbation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Tongtao Yue ◽  
Rujie Lv ◽  
Dongfang Xu ◽  
Yan Xu ◽  
Lu Liu ◽  

Abstract Background Airborne nanoparticles can be inhaled and deposit in human alveoli, where pulmonary surfactant (PS) molecules lining at the alveolar air–water interface act as the first barrier against inhaled nanoparticles entering the body. Although considerable efforts have been devoted to elucidate the mechanisms underlying nanoparticle-PS interactions, our understanding on this important issue is limited due to the high complexity of the atmosphere, in which nanoparticles are believed to experience transformations that remarkably change the nanoparticles’ surface properties and states. By contrast with bare nanoparticles that have been extensively studied, relatively little is known about the interactions between PS and inhaled nanoparticles which already adsorb contaminants. In this combined experimental and computational effort, we investigate the joint interactions between PS and graphene-family materials (GFMs) with coexisting benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). Results Depending on the BaP concentration, molecular agglomeration, and graphene oxidation, different nanocomposite structures are formed via BaPs adsorption on GFMs. Upon deposition of GFMs carrying BaPs at the pulmonary surfactant (PS) layer, competition and cooperation of interactions between different components determines the interfacial processes including BaP solubilization, GFM translocation and PS perturbation. Importantly, BaPs adsorbed on GFMs are solubilized to increase BaP’s bioavailability. By contrast with graphene adhering on the PS layer to release part of adsorbed BaPs, more BaPs are released from graphene oxide, which induces a hydrophilic pore in the PS layer and shows adverse effect on the PS biophysical function. Translocation of graphene across the PS layer is facilitated by BaP adsorption through segregating it from contact with PS, while translocation of graphene oxide is suppressed by BaP adsorption due to the increase of surface hydrophobicity. Graphene extracts PS molecules from the layer, and the resultant PS depletion declines with graphene oxidation and BaP adsorption. Conclusion GFMs showed high adsorption capacity towards BaPs to form nanocomposites. Upon deposition of GFMs carrying BaPs at the alveolar air–water interface covered by a thin PS layer, the interactions of GFM-PS, GFM-BaP and BaP-PS determined the interfacial processes of BaP solubilization, GFM translocation and PS perturbation.

R. Stavetska ◽  
Y. Dynko ◽  
M. Bushtruk ◽  
I. Starostenko ◽  
O. Babenko ◽  

It has been experimentally proven that the strength and direction of the connection between the linear type traits evaluation of the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed cows and their body build depends on the type of the build and the sign of the exterior. The study was conducted in 2018 on a breeding plant of the Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy breed SPC named Shchorsa in Kiev region (n=89). Differentiation of cows on types of their body build was conducted by the method proposed by Chernenko (low-capacity, mid-capacity and high-capacity types) and Kolesnik (by the massiveness index – on the friable and dense, the bone index – delicate and rough, the wide-breast and wide-rump indices – on narrow-body and wide-body types). It was found that the cow-heiferswere well-developed, had intermediate stature and optimum body condition score, deep body, and wide, slight slope rump. They alsohad desirable rear legs, set and foot angle but some toe-out, the udder was well-balanced. Under the good total score of the exterior of studied cows there were some animals with short stature (134– 136 cm), very wide rump, straight rear legs side view and toe-out, extremely steep foot angle, loose fore udder attachment, deep udder below hocks and front teat placement inside of quarter. The degree of development of the studied linear traits of cow-heifers confirms their in-herd variability. The variability of the exterior traits varies from 10,7 % (body depth) to 38,6 % (stature). In addition to the stature of a significant variability was characterized of angularity (22,4 %), rear legs set (22,5 %), body condition score (21,8 %), as well as traits that describe udder: rear udder attachment (31,4 %), udder depth (32,6 %) and front and rear teat position (31,3 % and 25,1 %, respectively). The high variability of linear traits indicates the possibility of effective their selection. As a result of the research, it has been established that the strength and direction of the correlations between the linear type traits evaluation of Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy breed cows and the type of their body build depends on the type of the body build and the linear trait. The low-, mid- and high-capacity bodies build types (according to Chernenko) reliably correlate with chest width (r=0,58) and body depth (r=0,48), rear legs rear view (r=0,30), the central ligament (r=0,28), udder depth (r =-0,22) and teat length (r=0,25), P˂0,01–0,001. Friable and dense bodies build (according to Kolesnik) were most strongly associated with stature (r=-0,28), chest width (r =-0,70), and body depth (r=-0,38), as well as with rear legs rear view (r=-0,23), P˂0,05...0,001; delicate and rough bodies build – with stature (r=-0,51), angularity (r=-0,22),rump width (r=-0,35), udder depth (r=-0,27) and rear udder attachment (r =0,20), P ˂ 0,05–0,001; narrow-body and wide-body types – with chest width (r=0,30) and rump width (r=0,23), P˂0,05–0,01. Linear type trait evaluation of cows depends on the body build. The strength and direction of the correlations between types of body build and linear traits showed that the most informative is the classification of the body build by low-, mid- and high-capacity according to Chernenko – on the average η2x=17,5 %. The less informative – by narrow-body and wide-body types according to Kolesnik – η2x=7,6 %. The classification of cows on delicate-rough, narrow-body and wide-body types (according to Kolesnik) according to informativeness and reliability can have the intermediate position – η2x=10,0–11,5 %. The strongest influence on the body build has the cows’ height (η2x=27,9 % on average for all studied types of body build), chest width (η2x=33,5 %), body depth (η2x=21,8 %), rump width (η2x=24,1 %) and rear legs (η2x=18,7 %). Key words: cows, linear type trait evaluation, body build, correlation, power of influence.

Soft Matter ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (28) ◽  
pp. 5764-5774 ◽  
F. Mousseau ◽  
J.-F. Berret

Inhaled nanoparticles reaching the respiratory zone in the lungs enter first in contact with the pulmonary surfactant. It is shown here that nanoparticles and lipid vesicles formulated from different surfactant mimetics interact predominantlyviaelectrostatic charge mediated attraction and do not form supported lipid bilayers spontaneously.

1999 ◽  
Vol 202 (7) ◽  
pp. 845-853
J. Brackenbury

The kinematics of locomotion was investigated in the aquatic larvae of Dixella aestivalis and Hydrobius fuscipes with the aid of high-speed video recordings. Both insects are able to skate on the surface of the water using the dorso-apical tracheal gill as an adhesive organ or ‘foot’. Progress relies on the variable adhesion of the foot between ‘slide’ and ‘hold’ periods of the locomotory cycle. The flexural body movements underlying skating in D. aestivalis can be derived directly from the figure-of-eight swimming mechanism used in underwater swimming. The latter is shown to be similar to figure-of-eight swimming in chironomid larvae. This study shows how the deployment of a ‘foot’ enables simple side-to-side flexural movements of the body to be converted into effective locomotion at the air-water interface.

Lan Huang ◽  
Dan Shao ◽  
Yan Wang ◽  
Xueteng Cui ◽  
Yufei Li ◽  

Abstract Empowered by the advancement of high-throughput bio technologies, recent research on body-fluid proteomes has led to the discoveries of numerous novel disease biomarkers and therapeutic drugs. In the meantime, a tremendous progress in disclosing the body-fluid proteomes was made, resulting in a collection of over 15 000 different proteins detected in major human body fluids. However, common challenges remain with current proteomics technologies about how to effectively handle the large variety of protein modifications in those fluids. To this end, computational effort utilizing statistical and machine-learning approaches has shown early successes in identifying biomarker proteins in specific human diseases. In this article, we first summarized the experimental progresses using a combination of conventional and high-throughput technologies, along with the major discoveries, and focused on current research status of 16 types of body-fluid proteins. Next, the emerging computational work on protein prediction based on support vector machine, ranking algorithm, and protein–protein interaction network were also surveyed, followed by algorithm and application discussion. At last, we discuss additional critical concerns about these topics and close the review by providing future perspectives especially toward the realization of clinical disease biomarker discovery.

Bronwyn Lok ◽  
Mowaffaq Adam Ahmad Adam ◽  
Laina Zarisa Mohd Kamal ◽  
Nwakpa Anthony Chukwudi ◽  
Rosline Sandai ◽  

Abstract Candida albicans is a commensal yeast commonly found on the skin and in the body. However, in immunocompromised individuals, the fungi could cause local and systemic infections. The carbon source available plays an important role in the establishment of C. albicans infections. The fungi's ability to assimilate a variety of carbon sources plays a vital role in its colonization, and by extension, its fitness and pathogenicity, as it often inhabits niches that are glucose-limited but rich in alternative carbon sources. A difference in carbon sources affect the growth and mating of C. albicans, which contributes to its pathogenicity as proliferation helps the fungi colonize its environment. The carbon source also affects its metabolism and signaling pathways, which are integral parts of the fungi's fitness and pathogenicity. As a big percentage of the carbon assimilated by C. albicans goes to cell wall biogenesis, the availability of different carbon sources will result in cell walls with variations in rigidity, adhesion, and surface hydrophobicity. In addition to the biofilm formation of the fungi, the carbon source also influences whether the fungi grow in yeast- or mycelial-form. Both forms play different roles in C. albicans’s infection process. A better understanding of the role of the carbon sources in C. albicans’s pathogenicity would contribute to more effective treatment solutions for fungal infections.

1978 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 384-389 ◽  
D. L. Hamilton ◽  
J. E. C. Bellamy ◽  
J. D. Valberg ◽  
L. S. Valberg

Zinc absorption from a test dose of (65Zn) zinc chloride was increased in mice with a high capacity to absorb iron induced by a low-iron diet. When radiolabelled zinc chloride in concentrations varying from 0.025 to 0.30 mM was perfused through open-ended duodenal loops of mice fed this diet, the proportion of zinc taken up from the lumen and transferred to the body was greater from lower than from higher doses. The addition of iron to the perfusate inhibited zinc uptake and transfer, and zinc had a similar effect on iron absorption. Cadmium, a potent inhibitor of iron uptake in mice fed a low-iron diet, impaired zinc uptake under these dietary conditions. These results suggest that in dietary-induced iron deficiency there are analogous mucosal binding sites for the uptake of iron and zinc. There also appear to be mutually exclusive binding sites for the absorption of these metals: radiolabeled iron absorption from an intragastric test dose was enhanced in mice with a high capacity to absorb iron produced by bleeding, whereas the absorption of zinc was not increased.

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