The Impact of Electronic Knowledge-Based Nursing Content and Decision-Support on Nursing-Sensitive Patient Outcomes

2014 ◽  
Mary L. Hook
2007 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 242-251 ◽  
Rebecca Randell ◽  
Natasha Mitchell ◽  
Dawn Dowding ◽  
Nicky Cullum ◽  
Carl Thompson

Objective: To examine the effect of computerized decision support systems (CDSSs) on nursing performance and patient outcomes. Method: Fifteen databases, including Medline and CINAHL, were searched up to May 2006 together with reference lists of included studies and relevant reviews. Randomized controlled trials, controlled clinical trials, controlled before and after studies and interrupted time series studies that assessed the effects of CDSS use by nurses in a clinical setting on measurable professional and/or patient outcomes were included. Results: Eight studies, three comparing nurses using CDSS with nurses not using CDSS and five comparing nurses using CDSS with other health professionals not using CDSS, were included. Risk of contamination was a concern in four studies. The effect of CDSS on nursing performance and patient outcomes was inconsistent. Conclusion: The introduction of CDSS may not necessarily lead to a positive outcome; further studies are needed in order to identify contexts in which CDSS use by nurses is most effective. CDSS are complex interventions and should be evaluated as such; future studies should explore the impact of the users and the protocol on which the CDSS is based, reporting details of both. Contamination is a significant issue when evaluating CDSS, so it is important that randomization is at the practitioner or the unit level. Future systematic reviews should focus on particular uses of CDSS.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 547
Erik Greve ◽  
Christoph Fuchs ◽  
Bahram Hamraz ◽  
Marc Windheim ◽  
Christoph Rennpferdt ◽  

The design of modular product families enables a high external variety of products by a low internal variety of components and processes. This variety optimization leads to large economic savings along the entire value chain. However, when designing and selecting suitable modular product architecture concepts, often only direct costs are considered, and indirect costs as well as cross-cost center benefits are neglected. A lack of knowledge about the full savings potential often results in the selection of inferior solutions. Since available approaches do not adequately address this problem, this paper provides a new methodological support tool that ensures consideration of the full savings potentials in the evaluation of modular product architecture concepts. For this purpose, the visual knowledge base of the Impact Model of Modular Product Families (IMF) is used, extended and implemented in a model-based environment using SysML. The newly developed Sys-IMF is then applied to the product family example of electric medium-voltage motors. The support tool is dynamic, expandable and filterable and embedded in a methodical procedure for knowledge-based decision support. Sys-IMF supports decision makers in the early phase of interdisciplinary product development and enables the selection of the most suitable modular solution for the company.

2006 ◽  
Vol 2006 ◽  
pp. 102-103
M.F. Swiontkowski

IEE Review ◽  
1990 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. 229
A.R. Lingard

1992 ◽  
Vol 31 (03) ◽  
pp. 193-203 ◽  
B. Auvert ◽  
V. Gilbos ◽  
F. Andrianiriana ◽  
W. E. Bertrand ◽  
X. Emmanuelli ◽  

Abstract:This paper describes an intelligent computer-assisted instruction system that was designed for rural health workers in developing countries. This system, called Consult-EAO, includes an expert module and a coaching module. The expert module, which is derived from the knowledge-based decision support system Tropicaid, covers most of medical practice in developing countries. It allows for the creation of outpatient simulations without the help of a teacher. The student may practice his knowledge by solving problems with these simulations. The system gives some initial facts and controls the simulation during the session by guiding the student toward the most efficient decisions. All student answers are analyzed and, if necessary, criticized. The messages are adapted to the situation due to the pedagogical rules of the coaching module. This system runs on PC-compatible computer.

1998 ◽  
Vol 37 (01) ◽  
pp. 16-25 ◽  
P. Ringleb ◽  
T. Steiner ◽  
P. Knaup ◽  
W. Hacke ◽  
R. Haux ◽  

Abstract:Today, the demand for medical decision support to improve the quality of patient care and to reduce costs in health services is generally recognized. Nevertheless, decision support is not yet established in daily routine within hospital information systems which often show a heterogeneous architecture but offer possibilities of interoperability. Currently, the integration of decision support functions into clinical workstations is the most promising way. Therefore, we first discuss aspects of integrating decision support into clinical workstations including clinical needs, integration of database and knowledge base, knowledge sharing and reuse and the role of standardized terminology. In addition, we draw up functional requirements to support the physician dealing with patient care, medical research and administrative tasks. As a consequence, we propose a general architecture of an integrated knowledge-based clinical workstation. Based on an example application we discuss our experiences concerning clinical applicability and relevance. We show that, although our approach promotes the integration of decision support into hospital information systems, the success of decision support depends above all on an adequate transformation of clinical needs.

Diabetes ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 69 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 778-P

Soraya Rahma Hayati ◽  
Mesran Mesran ◽  
Taronisokhi Zebua ◽  
Heri Nurdiyanto ◽  
Khasanah Khasanah

The reception of journalists at the Waspada Daily Medan always went through several rigorous selections before being determined to be accepted as journalists at the Waspada Medan Daily. There are several criteria that must be possessed by each participant as a condition for becoming a journalist in the Daily Alert Medan. To get the best participants, the Waspada Medan Daily needed a decision support system. Decision Support Systems (SPK) are part of computer-based information systems (including knowledge-based systems (knowledge management)) that are used to support decision making within an organization or company. Decision support systems provide a semitructured decision, where no one knows exactly how the decision should be made. In this study the authors applied the VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) as the method to be applied in the decision support system application. The VIKOR method is part of the Multi-Attibut Decision Making (MADM) Concept, which requires normalization in its calculations. The expected results in this study can obtain maximum decisions.Keywords: Journalist Acceptance, Decision Support System, VIKOR

2019 ◽  
Vol 80 (4) ◽  
pp. 200-204 ◽  
Brittany Cormier ◽  
Lana Vanderlee ◽  
David Hammond

Purpose: In 2010, Health Canada implemented a national campaign to improve understanding of “percent daily value” (%DV) in Nutrition Facts Tables (NFTs). This study examined sources of nutrition information and knowledge of %DV information communicated in the campaign. Methods: Respondents aged 16–30 years completed the Canada Food Study in 2016 (n = 2665). Measures included sources of nutrition information, NFT use, and %DV knowledge based on the campaign message (“5% DV or less is a little; 15% DV or more is a lot”). A logistic regression examined correlates of providing “correct” responses to %DV questions related to the campaign messaging. Results: Overall, 7.2% (n = 191) respondents correctly indicated that 5% is “a little”, and 4.3% (n = 115) correctly indicated 15% DV was “a lot”. Only 4.0% (n = 107) correctly answered both. Correct recall of %DV amounts was not associated with number of information sources reported, but was greater among those who were female, were younger, and reported greater NFT understanding and serving size information use (P < 0.05 for all). Conclusions: Results show low awareness of messaging from the Nutrition Facts Education Campaign among young Canadians. Such a mass media campaign may be insufficient on its own to enhance population-level understanding of %DV.

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