scholarly journals Kann Google Glass® den Arbeitsablauf peripherer endovaskulärer Interventionen verbessern? : eine Pilotstudie mit Google Glass® im Rahmen einer Virtual Reality Simulation

2021 ◽  
Dennis Kaczmarek

Background. The intention of this study was to evaluate whether data transmission during peripheral endovascular interventions can be realized by a voice controlled optical head mounted display and to see whether it improves the overall procedural performance. Methods. We used the Google Glass® Explorer Edition in conjunction with a custom Glass App, making preexisting imaging files accessible by voice commands. 40 medical students in their 5th year of medical school were randomized into two groups. Each subject got the task to perform a PTA of the superficial femoral artery on a high- fidelity-VR-simulator (ANGIO-Mentor®, 3D Systems). While Group A obtained typical information from an additional monitor, Group B used Google Glass® to bring the particular information to their attention by a special voice command. The objective evaluation was carried out by using a standardized evaluation protocol including the performance in dichotomous nominal scale and the required time for each task. At the end of the simulation each participant had to fill in a questionnaire using a typical 5-level Likert scaling for subjective evalution. Results. A maximum score of 10 points was achievable. The median found in Group A and Group B was at 9 points with non-significant deviations (p = 0,91). The individual procedure time was between 12 and 14 minutes. Group B using Google Glass® was significantly slower by 1:07 minutes (p = 0,01) on average mostly due to technical difficulties with the prototype App. Focusing on the transfer of simple information our study proved Google Glass® to be faster or at least equivalent compared to a conventional setting of monitors. In this context 92.5% considered the digitization of daily clinical practice as useful. 17 of 20 participants (85%) perceived the handling of Google Glass® as easy to very easy. All participants shared the opinion that augmented reality could be useful during peripheral interventions in the cathlab. Conclusions. Google Glass® was only marginally inferior to conventional catheter laboratory monitoring with regard to procedural time and did not impede workflow during a simulated PTA of the superficial femoral artery. Moreover, some tasks were performed significantly faster by using Google Glass®. Our study revealed technical difficulties with the accuracy of voice recognition and quality of imaging on Google Glass®. We expect that after overcoming those technical problems, cathlab workflow during endovascular interventions could be improved by using an optical head mounted display.

2012 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 880-881
Javier E. Anaya-Ayala ◽  
Christopher J. Smolock ◽  
Matthew K. Adams ◽  
Mitul S. Patel ◽  
Cassidy Duran ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. AB044-AB044
Miriam O’Sullivan ◽  
Mohamed Elsharkawi ◽  
Wael Tawfick ◽  
Sherif Sultan ◽  
Mohamed Elsherif ◽  

2013 ◽  
Colleen Planchon

Despite advancements in technology and medication therapy, coronary artery disease continues to remain the number one cause of death. Treatment for coronary artery disease requires life style modifications, medication therapy, percutaneous coronary interventions, and sometimes coronary artery bypass surgery. Though percutaneous coronary interventions are considered safe and are commonly occurring procedures, there are still risks for complications. One of the most frequently occurring complications is hematoma of the femoral artery site. The purpose of this study was to determine if there was an increased incidence of hematomas in individuals undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention with associated sheath times of less than five hours (Group A) as compared to sheath time of greater than five hours (Group B). The study used a retrospective, two group design and was conducted at a tertiary care center that performs over 1500 PCI’s annually. Inclusion criteria included adults over the age of 18 who were hemodynamically stable, had no known bleeding disorders, and were punctured once at the femoral artery to perform the percutaneous intervention. Two hundred fifty medical records were reviewed utilizing a data collection tool designed by the researcher. Total sample size was 55, 21 in Group A and 34 in Group B. Six hematomas were documented as occurring, but were not reportable based on the ACC definition. Hematomas were documented in the medical record using the terms “small”, “medium,” and “large” versus an objective measurement. No hematomas were identified using the ACC definition, which was the measurement standard for this research hospital. Sheath times in Group A averaged 4.02 hours, and group B 7.42 hours. There was a higher incidence of descriptive hematoma that did not meet the criteria of this study in Group B. Results call for recommendations of on-going documentation of post procedure hematomas using a standardized, reliable, and valid measuring tool. APRN’s can be instrumental in implementing change in patient care , hospital policy and on the national level by assuring that hematomas are accurately and consistently documented. Further research is indicated related to sheath times and potential associated negative outcomes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 139
Vassil Gegouskov ◽  
Georgi Manchev ◽  
Vladimir Danov ◽  
Georgi Stoitsev ◽  
Sergey Iliev

Background: During surgery for ascending aortic dissection, the dissected ascending aorta itself has traditionally been rejected as a cannulation option. The purpose of this study is to prove that direct cannulation of the ascending aorta in patients operated for acute aortic dissection type A (AADA) is at least as effective and safe as classic femoral cannulation.Methods and Results: Between September 2008 and January 2015, we operated on 117 patients with AADA through median sternotomy. Cannulation was accomplished in 32 cases (27%) through the femoral artery (group A), and in 85 patients (73%) through the dissected ascending aorta (group B). Moderate hypothermic circulatory arrest with bilateral antegrade cerebral perfusion was used in 108 patients (92%). The mean time of circulatory arrest was 17 minutes (range: 9-52 minutes). The 30-day mortality rate was 22% (7 patients) in group A, and 18% (15 patients) in group B (P = not significant). Temporary neurologic dysfunction (TND) including postoperative confusion, delirium, or agitation occurred in four patients (13%) in group A, and four patients (5%) in group B (P = not significant). The incidence of permanent neurologic dysfunction (stroke) was 9% (3 patients) in group A and 3% (3 patients) in group B.Conclusions: The direct cannulation of the ascending aorta is a safe alternative for patients with AADA, offering the opportunity for antegrade cerebral perfusion. It is easy to perform, reliable, and associated with acceptable early results.

Blood ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 112 (11) ◽  
pp. 2081-2081
Marti n Klabusay ◽  
Viera Kuhrova ◽  
Viera Hrabcakova ◽  
Petr Coupek ◽  
Jiri Mayer

Abstract B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) is the most common type of leukemia in the adult population. It has a heterogeneous behavior and variable prognosis. While some patients experience indolent disease requiring no therapy for many years, others demonstrate a more aggressive type unresponsive to therapy. An accurate prognostic stratification is essential for optimizing the therapeutic strategy. Many prognostic factors are presently known, but their relationships and significance are often not clearly understood. Several markers have been identified, including IgVH mutation status and ZAP-70. Mutation of IgVH (less than 98% homology with the germline sequence) is correlated with better prognosis. Expression of ZAP-70, which is a cytoplasmic ζ-associated tyrosine-kinase essential for T-cell receptor signal transduction, is associated with more rapid disease progression and shorter survival. However, its detection by flow cytometry has many technical difficulties, resulting in high interlaboratory variability. The expression of intracellular ZAP-70 in 217 patients with diagnosis of B-CLL was determined using a new approach: quantitative flow cytometry on CD5+19+ tumor cells. Other laboratory and clinical parameters were evaluated, including gender, age, type and number of therapies, CD38 expression, cytogenetics and mutation status of IgVH. The expressions of ZAP-70 and CD38 were measured in molecules of equivalent soluble fluorochrome (MESF units). The results were correlated with mutation status of IgVH. Patients were divided into two groups by cluster analysis in a plot of IgVH homology versus ZAP-70 MESF (left panel). Overall survival curves for these groups are shown (right panel). It could follow that patients above the diagonal (triangles, group B) in the IgHV versus MESF plot have significantly poorer prognoses (p=0.0001) than do patients below this diagonal (circles, group A). Expression of CD38 above 15000 MESF showed worse prognosis for patients in the group B (p=0.035). Only three of 61 patients with chromosomal aberrations associated with poor prognosis (del11q and del17p) were found in the group A, but all of them had del13q present, as well. The authors introduced a new approach for evaluating ZAP-70 expression in B-CLL cells using quantitative flow cytometry that is easily standardized and not burdened with technical problems. Plotting IgVH homology (%) versus ZAP-70 quantitative expression (MESF) could clearly divide patients according to their prognoses. Figure Figure

2011 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 1866
Christopher J. Smolock ◽  
Javier E. Anaya-Ayala ◽  
Charudatta S. Bavare ◽  
Mitul S. Patel ◽  
Jean Bismuth ◽  

Luisa Ciucci Biagioni ◽  
Leticia Pereira ◽  
Felipe Nasser ◽  
Rodrigo Bruno Biagioni ◽  
Marcelo Calil Burihan ◽  

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