HortScience ◽  
1992 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 601c-601 ◽  
Royee S. Bringhurst

Eleven day-neutral strawberry cultivars were released by the University of California between 1979 and 1990. All were derived from a 1955 hybrid between `Shasta' and a staminate Fragaria virginiana glauca clone from the Wasatch Mountains near Salt Lake City, Utah. The first backcrosses to standard cultivars were made in 1958. the second in 1965 and the third in 1969-70. The first three releases came from the third backcross generation in 1979; `Aptos', `Brighton' and `Hecker'. The second group of releases came from the fourth backcross generation: `Fern' and `Selva' (1983); `Muir', `Mrak' and `Yolo' (1987). Of these eight, `Selva' has a proven commercial performance record in California, presently ranking second. The third group of releases all come from the fifth backcross generation: `Irvine' (1988); `Seascape' and `Capitola' (1990). Relative day-neutrality strength and fruiting and vegetative responses to plant conditioning are compared.

Geophysics ◽  
1950 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 491-492

A Department of Geophysics was organized at the University of Utah in September, 1947 under the direction of Professors C. E. Jacob and H. V. W. Donohoo. The course of instruction is based on the philosophy that geophysicists or geologists working in industry require sound training in basic sciences and mathematics, as well as orientation courses in the applied fields. It was further considered that, in general, the physicists' treatment of such subjects as mechanics, electricity, and magnetism, and electronics is more useful to the geophysicist than is the engineering approach. With these ideas in mind, the following curriculum has been evolved. The course is a full one, making it necessary to put such valuable studies as physical chemistry, thermodynamics, geomorphology, and others on the elective list. A laboratory course in well logging methods is offered as an elective, as are several courses in pure geophysics-geodesy, seismology, geomagnetics, oceanography, etc.

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