scholarly journals Evaluation of the Organic and Mineral Fertilization on Postharvest Quality of Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L.)

HortScience ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 489A-489
Maria E. Pérez de C ◽  
Josefina Rodirguez ◽  
Susana Torcates ◽  
Mario Pérez y Hugo Ramírez

Several postharvest quality parameters of cantaloupe fruit were grown under different organic and mineral fertilization schemes We evaluated a Laguna hybrid (Asgrow) cantaloupe grown under a design of blocks completely randomized, with three fertilizer treatments corresponding to: T1, goat manure; T2, simple fertilization; T3 mixed fertilization, with six replications each. The fruits were mature-harvested and stored in a room with an average temperature of 18°C for posterior laboratory analysis. The results showed different effects of the treatments on the following parameters: total soluble solids, diameter of the fruits, and thickness of the pulp, and showed no effects on consistency of fruits, cavity, dry matter, and fresh weight. All these parameters decreased during the period of storage. The organic manure treatments showed the best values of most of the evaluated parameters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 13300
Nik Zuraila Nik Hassan ◽  
Siti Zaharah Sakimin ◽  
Noraini Md Jaafar ◽  
Illani Zuraihah Ibrahim

This study was conducted to determine the effect of pollination methods (PMs) and integrated fertilizer (IF) application on the pollination rate, yield, and fruit quality of rockmelon (Cucumis melo L. var. Reticulatus cv. Glamour). This factorial experiment was arranged in a split plot design with four replications. Two rates of IF between chemical (CF) and organic (OF) fertilizer were investigated, namely, T1 (100% CF), which served as a control, and T2 (75% CF + 25% OF). The three PMs used in this study were natural (NP), bee (BP), and human (HP) pollination. Data collection included the pollination rate, yield, postharvest quality (soluble solids content, color, firmness, sugar, and organic acid), and macronutrient content in leaf tissue. The results of this study showed that there was an interaction of the pollination rate between PM and IF; however, the number of bees that survived decreased over time. The yield quality showed an interaction between PM and IF for both the fruit diameter and weight, while no interaction between PM and IF for the organic acid and sugar contents was observed. In conclusion, T2 application combined with BP reduced CF utilization, which benefits the development of a sustainable rockmelon production system.

HortScience ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 489C-489
Hugo Ramirez ◽  
Mary Torcates ◽  
Jose Perez ◽  
Josefina Rodriguez ◽  
Marin E. Perez

The response of different doses of calcium sulfate or phosphogypsum (PG) on several postharvest quality parameters of `Laguna' cantaloupe hybrid were analyzed in the semi-arid San Francisco experiment station (UCLA), located in the Lara state, Venezuela. The experimental design was a completely randomized block with four treatments (0, 300, 600, and 1200 kg/ha, PG) with five replications. The PG was surface-spread on the irrigation furrows, 1 day before sowing. The fruits were harvested at maturity and stored under an average temperature of 28°C for posterior quality analysis. The PG treatments did not have any effect on the studied parameters: total soluble solids (°Brix), consistency (kg/cm2), diameter, and cavity of the fruit, pulp thickness, and dry and fresh matter. All of the parameters evaluated decreased during the 6 days of storage. These results could be because of the low doses of PG used or because the supply of calcium was not a limitation in these soils.

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 892
Nur Azlin Razali ◽  
Steven A. Sargent ◽  
Charles A. Sims ◽  
Jeffrey K. Brecht ◽  
Adrian D. Berry ◽  

Pitaya is a non-climacteric fruit that has white or red flesh with numerous small, black seeds. It has a high moisture content; however, water loss during handling and storage negatively affects the fresh weight, firmness and appearance of the fruit, decreasing market value. Application of compatible postharvest coatings has been shown to benefit postharvest quality of many crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of two commercial coatings on weight loss and quality of pitaya during storage. Pitaya fruit were commercially harvested and sorted for uniformity of size and freedom from defects. Fruit were briefly immersed in either a vegetable oil-based coating (VOC; Sta-Fresh® 2981) or a carnauba-based coating (CC; Endura-Fresh™ 6100) according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Fruit immersed in tap water served as a control. Fruit were fan-dried at room temperature for 20 min, then stored at 7 °C with 85% relative humidity (RH) and evaluated for selected physical quality parameters each 5 days during 20 days. After each evaluation, fruit were peeled and frozen for later analysis of soluble solids content (SSC), total titratable acidity (TTA); on day 15 fresh samples were evaluated by an untrained consumer sensory panel. CC prevented exocarp shriveling for 15 days of storage, compared to uncoated pitaya (16.3% area affected); shriveling in VOC was intermediate and not significantly different from the other treatments. Mesocarp firmness remained constant throughout 15 days of storage regardless of treatment. Fruit exocarp h* angle increased slightly by day 20, becoming slightly less red, and there were no negative treatment effects for the other quality factors measured: SSC (11.33%), TTA (0.25%), weight loss (5.5%) or sensory evaluations (appearance, flavor, texture, firmness, and juiciness). After 20 days storage, appearance for fruit from all treatments was rated unacceptable due to development of anthracnose lesions. It was concluded that both CC and VOC maintained quality of pitaya for 15 days at 7 °C and 85% RH by delaying exocarp shriveling.

Cs. Szamosi ◽  
H. Némethy-Uzoni ◽  
G. Balázs ◽  
É. Stefanovits-Bányai

The aim of our experiments was to investigate the internal quality parameters of some old melon and watermelon landraces or varieties whether they have any desirable characteristics. Measurements were carried out using 8 different types of melon (Cucumis melo L.) and 8 accessions of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus [Thumb]), which were self pollinated under greenhouse conditions. Besides the determination of dry matter content; soluble solids, titratable acidity of the fruit juices, investigation of carbohydrates, total phenol content was measured by spectrophotometer. Total antioxidant capacities were determined spectrophotometrically using the FRAP method. We found some accesions both among melon and watermelon varieties, which could be characterized by outstanding inner content.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 102 ◽  
Sofonias Hagos Woldemariam ◽  
Sewa Lal ◽  
Daniel Z. Zelelew ◽  
Mulugheta T. Solomon

Potassium has significant effect on quantity and quality of tomato yield because of its vital roles in photosynthesis, favoring high energy status and appropriate nutrient translocation and water uptake in plants. However, little is understood or it is being overlooked under Eritrean condition. Besides, poor soil fertility is among the major production constraints in Eritrea. The field experiment was therefore conducted to investigate the effect of potassium levels on productivity and fruit quality of tomato at Hamelmalo, Eritrea. The experiment was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design with nine potassium levels (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 and 400 kg K2O/ha) replicated thrice. Data was collected on yield and fruit quality parameters and they were subjected to one-way analysis of variance (1-way ANOVA). The results of this study revealed that potassium had significant effect in all yield and quality parameters studied. Fruit diameter, fruit weight per plant, total yield, total soluble solids, specific gravity and fruit dry matter content showed significant increase with an increase in potassium level from 0 to 150 kg K2O/ha and thereafter decreased while fruit moisture content was increased in the range of 150 - 400 kg K2O/ha. As a result, highest fruit weight (1.39 kg/plant), fruit yield (15.45 t/ha), total soluble solids (3.84 oBrix), specific gravity, (1.46) and fruit dry matter (5.68%) were recorded from 150 kg K2O/ha. Therefore it is recommended that potassium fertilizers should be used and balanced NPK fertilizers should be applied to improve yield and quality of tomato produced.

Paola Conte ◽  
G. Squeo, G. Difonzo, F. Caponio ◽  
C. Fadda, A. Del Caro, P. P. Urgeghe, L. Montanari ◽  
Antonio Montinaro ◽  
Antonio Piga

Ripening stage is one of the key factors in determining quality of olive fruits and related oils. This research, thus, was aimed to study the influence of three different harvesting times on the quality parameters of olives and related oils of three autochthonous Sardinian cultivars, Sivigliana da olio, Semidana, and Corsicana da olio. We evaluated several parameters in olive fruits (dry matter, oil content, total soluble solids, total polyphenol and antioxidant activity) and oils (legal indices, total chlorophylls and tocopherols, single polyphenols and volatile compounds, antioxidant activity). The results obtained in olive fruits showed that all the parameters changed significantly during ripening and seem to confirm that the best harvesting time is that selected by the growers, that is when 70% of olives has just turned dark-colored and the rest is green. Results on oil evidenced that all the samples fulfilled the requirements of the European community for extra-virgin olive oils and showed a decrease in total chlorophylls and tocopherols, simple phenols and antioxidant activity during ripening, except for Sivigliana da olio oils, which evidenced an increase in simple polyphenols at the last sampling. A total of 17 volatile compounds were found on oils and those responsible for the green notes of the oils increased during ripening. PCA analysis well distinguished Sivigliana da olio olives from the other two cultivars and, in general, the genetic factor better explained variability, with respect to the ripening degree.

Irriga ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 764-778
Laiane Torres Silva ◽  
Ebenézer De Oliveira Silva ◽  
Maria Cléa Brito de Figueirêdo ◽  
Luiz Cláudio Corrêa ◽  
Fernando Antonio Souza de Aragão

PÓS-COLHEITA DO MELÃO AMARELO "GOLDEX" CULTIVADO SOB ADUBAÇÃO VERDE E PLANTIO DIRETO COM DIFERENTES COBERTURAS  LAIANE TORRES SILVA1; EBENÉZER DE OLIVEIRA SILVA2; MARIA CLÉA BRITO DE FIGUEIRÊDO3; LUIZ CLAUDIO CORRÊA4 E FERNANDO ANTONIO SOUZA DE ARAGÃO2 1 Tecnóloga em Fruticultura Irrigada, Doutora em Fitotecnia, Professora do Instituto Federal do Sertão-PE, Rua Dr. Souza Filho, s/n – Centro, 56380-000, Santa Maria da Boa Vista – PE, Brasil, [email protected] Engenheiros Agrônomos, Pesquisadores Doutores, Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical, Rua Dra. Sara Mesquita, 2270 – Planalto do Pici, 60511-110, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, [email protected]; [email protected] Cientista da Computação, Pesquisadora Doutora, Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical, Rua Dra. Sara Mesquita, 2270 – Planalto do Pici, 60511-110, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, [email protected] Biólogo, Analista A Doutor, Embrapa Semiárido, BR-428, Km 152, Zona Rural, 56302-970, Petrolina, PE, Brasil, [email protected]  1 RESUMO O melão amarelo é o mais cultivado na região Nordeste, maior produtora de melão do Brasil. Estudos têm sido realizados utilizando-se coberturas vegetais, que beneficiam o solo e melhoram a qualidade dos frutos, o que pode resultar em maior manutenção da qualidade pós-colheita. Melão amarelo “Goldex” foi cultivado em duas safras, sob adubação verde e plantio direto com diferentes coberturas e a qualidade dos frutos avaliada com relação à aparência externa, perda de massa, firmeza, sólidos solúveis e açúcares totais na época da colheita e ao final de 28 dias de armazenamento (22 dias a 11 ºC e 85 a 90% de U.R mais  6 dias a 20 ºC e 85 a 90% de U.R). Não houve alterações com relação à aparência, firmeza e perda de massa. Sólidos solúveis e açúcares totais foram melhor preservados nos frutos do sistema com adubação verde, com maiores teores naqueles provenientes da adubação verde utilizando crotalária e crotalária mais milheto, associados ao mulching plástico. O uso combinado do sistema por adubação verde com estas coberturas pode ser uma alternativa na produção de melões "Goldex" no polo de produção Ceará/ Rio Grande do Norte. Palavras-chave: Cucumis melo L., sistemas de cultivo, qualidade dos frutos.  SILVA, L.T.; SILVA, E. O.; FIGUEIRÊDO, M. C. B.; CORRÊA, L. C.; ARAGÃO, F. A. S.POSTHARVEST OF "GOLDEX" YELLOW MELON CULTIVATED UNDER AND DIRECT PLANTING WITH DIFFERENT COVERS  2 ABSTRACT The yellow melon is the most cultivated in the Northeast, the largest producer of melon in Brazil. Studies have been conducted using vegetative covers that benefit the soil and improve the quality of fruits, which can result in higher maintenance of postharvest quality. The yellow melon "Goldex" was grown in two seasons under green manure and tillage with different toppings and fruit quality was assessed with regard to the external appearance, weight loss, firmness, soluble solids and total sugars at harvest and at the end of 28 days of storage (22 days at 11 to 90 ° C and 85% RH over 6 days at 20 ° C and 85 to 90% RH). There were no changes in appearance, firmness and weight loss. Soluble solids and total sugars were better preserved in the fruits of the system with green manure, with higher levels in those from green manure using crotolaria and crotolaria plus millet, associated with plastic mulching. The combined use of the system with green manuring and these covers  can be an alternative in the production of "Goldex" melons in Ceará / Rio Grande do Norte production center. Keywords: Cucumis melo L., growing systems, fruit quality.

Himanshu Puri ◽  
Arun Kumar

The Kinnow mandarin (Citrus nobilis x Citrus deliciosa) was highly perishable citrus fruit, after harvest the quality of Kinnow fruits undergoes rapid changes due to the sharpen rate of ripening, respiration and transpiration. Edible coating formulation of chitosan (0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%), alginate (0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%), composite formulation of chitosan and alginate (0.5% chitosan+0.5% alginate & 1% chitosan+0.5% alginate) were evaluated in relation to enhancing and improving shelf life and postharvest quality of Kinnow respectively. Kinnow fruit shelf life efficiency was evaluated on the basis of postharvest quality parameters like weight loss percent, firmness, pH, total soluble solids, total acidity and ascorbic acid from 6th to 24th day during incubation at ambient room temperature (20-25°C). The results signifies that the Kinnow fruit coated with alginate 1% have higher shelf life efficiency up to 24 days; however chitosan 1% coated fruits shown to have higher ascorbic acid retention as compared to untreated Kinnow fruits. The principal component analysis of different quality parameters for studied treatment shows 65.7 % variation in component 1 and 16.6% variation in component 2. PCA plot elucidate that coated fruit samples were high positive values and completely different from untreated samples.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Luigi Morra ◽  
Eugenio Cozzolino ◽  
Antonio Salluzzo ◽  
Francesco Modestia ◽  
Maurizio Bilotto ◽  

In order to improve environmental sustainability of tomato cultivation and the quality of the harvested fruits, we tested (a) the digestate from anaerobic fermentation of buffalo slurries as partial replacing of NP fertilizers and (b) the biodegradable mulching to improve the nutrients and water availability for crop and to control weeds. In 2017–2018, a private farm of Campania region hosted a trial with four treatments deriving from the combination of two experimental factors: (1) fertilization strategy (standard farm NPK fertilization vs. digestate combined with reduced rates of NP fertilizers); (2) soil mulching (biodegradable mulching vs. no mulching). We measured fresh and dry aboveground biomass (fruits and stem + leaves), yields, fruits quality. Results pointed out: (1) combination of digestate with reduced rates of NP fertilizers did not decrease yields compared to complete mineral fertilization; (2) yields were improved in 2017 by synergic effects of soil mulching and combination of digestate and reduced rates of NP fertilizers; (3) in both the years, digestate combined with reduced rates of NP fertilizers and soil mulching determined the significant improving of fruits quality parameters interesting the processing industry, namely, fruit color, and firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity while antioxidant activity, contents of ascorbic acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, and lycopene showed responses variable with year or cultivar.

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