Evaluation of Zeolite-based Soilless Root Media for Potted Chrysanthemum Production

HortScience ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 465e-465
Janet L. Carlino ◽  
Kimberly A. Williams ◽  
Earl R. Allen

Chrysanthemum growth and nutrient leaching of three clinoptilolite-based root media, which were formulated and provided by Boulder Innovative Technologies, Inc. and ZeoponiX, Inc., were compared to the performance of control plants grown in Sunshine Mix #2 (3 peat: 1 perlite, v/v). The control received 210 mg·L–1 N from an 18N–4P–15K soluble fertilizer at each irrigation. The experimental zeolite-based medium NZ, which contained untreated zeolite and received the same soluble fertilizer as the control, leached lower concentrations of NH4-N, K, and PO4-P for most of the production cycle compared to the control. Medium EZ1 was formulated to provide N, P, and K as fertilizer nutrients and produced plants similar to the control based on ratings, height, width, and dry mass, but not fresh mass, at harvest when the fertilizer rate was half of that applied to the control, 105 mg·L–1 N. Medium EZ2, which did not receive P or K from soluble fertilizer, produced plants similar to the control based on rating, height, and dry mass, but not width or fresh mass, with soluble fertilizer input reduced to only N. Tissue N, P, and K concentrations of plants grown in media EZ1 and EZ2 were lower than those of control plants. With further refinements, these zeolite-based products show promise for decreasing nutrient leaching during crop production and allowing for application of lower rates of soluble fertilizers.

1998 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 373-378 ◽  
Janet L. Carlino ◽  
Kimberly A. Williams ◽  
Earl R. Allen

Chrysanthemum [Dendranthema ×grandiflorum (Ramat.) Kitamura] growth and nutrient leaching of three clinoptilolite-based root media—NZ, EZ1, and EZ2—were compared to the performance of control plants grown in Sunshine Mix #2 [3 peat : 1 perlite (v/v)]. The control received 210 mg·L−1 N from an 18N-4P-15K soluble fertilizer at each irrigation. NZ contained untreated zeolite and received the same soluble fertilizer as the control but leached lower concentrations of NH4-N, K, and PO4-P during most of the production cycle compared to the control. EZ1 was formulated to provide N, P, and K as fertilizer nutrients and produced plants similar to the control based on ratings, height, width, and dry mass, but not fresh mass, at harvest when the fertilizer rate was half of that applied to the control—105 mg·L-1N. EZ2 did not receive P or K from soluble fertilizer and produced plants similar to the control based on rating, height, and dry mass, but not width or fresh mass, with soluble fertilizer input reduced to N alone. Tissue N, P, and K concentrations of plants grown in EZ1 and EZ2 were lower than those of control plants. With further refinements, these zeolitebased products show promise for decreasing nutrient leaching during crop production and allowing for application of lower rates of soluble fertilizers.

2000 ◽  
Vol 125 (6) ◽  
pp. 748-756 ◽  
Kimberly A. Williams ◽  
Paul V. Nelson ◽  
Dean Hesterberg

Soilless root media have little capacity to retain PO4 or K, and this contributes to leaching of these nutrients during greenhouse crop production. The objective of this research was to evaluate the suitability of precharged alumina as a sole source of PO4 and K during greenhouse production of potted chrysanthemum [Dendranthema ×grandiflora Kitam. (syn. Chrysanthemum ×morifolium Ramat.)]. Phosphate and K adsorption and desorption curves were created at 25 °C for two particle sizes (0.5 to 0.9 and 1.8 to 3.2 mm) of alumina (Al2O3; acid-washed and unwashed), and a medium of 7 peat: 3 perlite (v/v) using solutions of KH2 PO4 (P at 0 to 20,000 mg.L-1). Based on these curves, 1.8 to 3.2 mm, unwashed alumina was selected for use in the studies. Precharged alumina was tested in two greenhouse studies at 10% and 30% (v/v) of a peat-perlite medium used to produce `Sunny Mandalay' chrysanthemum. Phosphate, K, and pH were determined on unaltered root medium solutions collected throughout the 10-week cropping cycle, and foliar analyses were conducted on tissue collected at the middle and end of the cycle. Potassium release was adequate to meet chrysanthemum demand for 4 weeks, but inadequate for the remainder of the production cycle. Precharged alumina retained and released PO4 at sustained concentrations (P at <2 mg·L-1) over the course of a 10-week cropping cycle. Growth of plants receiving PO4 from precharged alumina was not significantly different from the controls receiving liquid fertilizer (P at 46.5 mg·L-1) at each watering when precharged alumina comprised 30% of the medium, and only slightly less when precharged alumina comprised 10% of the medium. A phosphorus budget showed that while 36% (103 mg) of the applied PO4-P was lost in the leachate of the controls, only 0.1% (2 mg) was lost from plants produced with alumina-P. This research demonstrates that in a soilless medium with physical properties similar to standard commercial mixes, low but adequate PO4 concentrations can be achieved and sustained using current production practices.

Proceedings ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Minh ◽  
Chau ◽  
Nguyen ◽  
Tran ◽  
Condon ◽  

An integration of a shrimp production cycle into the traditional system of rice farming is an adopted practice by farmers due to saline intrusion and changes of environmental condition in Vietnam. Aquacultural pond sludge or biological waste has the potential to cause environmental pollution if it is not managed well. However, the sludge from shrimp ponds in rice-shrimp farming systems can provide nutrition and maintain soil fertility for the integrated rice crop production. A randomized block field experiment was conducted on a rice-shrimp farm to test the fertilizer value of sludge for rice over two consecutive seasons in Vietnam. Five treatments of sludge and fertilizer rates were applied in field experiments including control, sludge application alone, recommended fertilizer rate, reduced fertilizer rate, and combination of sludge and reduced fertilizer rate. The results consistently proved that the pond sludge can provide large quantities of plant available nutrients such as ammonium nitrogen, total nitrogen and organic matter. The use of sludge either alone or in combination with the reduced fertilizer rate produced optimal rice yields while fertilizer cost of rice production was reduced. This finding indicates that the use of sludge is able to save cost of production to rice-shrimp farmers and reduce adverse impacts of pond sludge released on the surrounding environment.

2005 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
V. Filipovic ◽  
R. Jevdjovic ◽  
Djordje Glamoclija ◽  
Bogdan Jovanovic

Intensively researching different populations of elecampane, we are able to present the results of yield achieved during three years' microexperiments (2001, 2002, 2003) realized in non-watering field crop production. Comparing the results of yield, it was concluded that all five populations had higher yield, both fresh and dry elecampane root mass, compared to standard cultivars called "Domaca". The highest yield of 28,617 kg ha"1 of fresh, and 8,301 kg ha"1 of dry root had the population "NS", and it was more than standard. Considerable results were achieved by the population "SZ" (77 % higher yield of fresh mass, and 70 % of dry mass), also the population "BM " (62 % higher yield of fresh mass, and 84 % of dry mass). The lowest yield had the population "SG" and standard cultivars "Domaca", mostly because of late planting in the second study year.

Horticulturae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 474
T. Casey Barickman ◽  
Skyler Brazel ◽  
Akanksha Sehgal ◽  
C. Hunt Walne ◽  
Wei Gao ◽  

Temporal and spatial variations in ozone levels and temporal changes in solar radiation greatly influence ultraviolet radiation incidence to crops throughout their growth, yet the interactive effects of CO2 and UV-B radiation on Basil production under sunlight environmental conditions has not been studied. Basil ‘Genovese’ plants grown under sunlit plant growth chambers were subjected to a combination of supplemental UV-B (0 and 10 kJ m−2d−1) and ambient (420 ppm) and elevated (720 ppm) CO2 treatments for 38 days after 14 days of germination. UV-B radiation treatments caused a decrease in basil stem branching, fresh mass, and stem dry mass under both CO2 treatments when harvested after 17 and 38 days of treatment. There was also an increase in basil leaf surface wax under UV-B (10 kJ m−2d−1) treatment compared to controls (0 kJ m−2d−1). Elevated CO2 treatments caused a decrease in morphological features, including specific leaf area and fresh mass. Interactive effects between UV-B and CO2 treatments existed for some morphological features, including plant height, root surface area, and average root diameter. Understanding the impacts that CO2 and UV-B radiation treatments have on basilcan improve existing varieties for increased tolerance while simultaneously improving yield, plant morphology, and physiology.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 213-218 ◽  
André Luís Lopes da Silva ◽  
Yohana de Oliveira ◽  
Roberson Dibax ◽  
Jefferson da Luz Costa ◽  
Gessiel Newton Scheidt ◽  

The aim of this work was to evaluate the growth of two clones of Eucalyptus saligna on salt-stress mediated by NaCl in hydroponics. Micropropagated plants of the clones p0 and p1 were acclimatizated and cultivated in hydroponics at 0 and 300 mM NaCl levels. The total length, volume, number, fresh mass and dry mass of the roots, the height, fresh and dry mass of the aerial part and the fresh  and dry mass of the complete plant were evaluated to the 14 days of hydroponic culture with NaCl. There were significant differences among the clones. The clone p0 was superior to the clone p1 in relation to volume of the roots, root number, root fresh mass and total fresh mass of the root. Regards the effect of the salinity on the plants, significant reduction was observed in the height of the aerial part, fresh mass of the aerial part and the total fresh mass. Even so, the interaction between the clones and the concentrations of NaCl was significant for the total fresh mass. In the period of 14 days of hydroponic culture on 300 mM NaCl was possible to discriminate these two clones in relation to the tolerance and susceptibility to the salt stress. The clone p0 presented higher growth and larger tolerance to the salinity than clone p1.

2006 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 281-290 ◽  
Antonio José Dias Vieira ◽  
Dario Alves de Oliveira ◽  
Taís Cristina Bastos Soares ◽  
Ivan Schuster ◽  
Newton Deniz Piovesan ◽  

This work aimed to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with photosynthesis and growth and productivity traits of soybean and to study possible associations between these traits by the analysis of coincidence of QTL in linkage groups (LGs). Thus, populations of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of the F7 and F8 generations derived from the cross between the varieties BARC-8 and Garimpo were used. The traits evaluated were net assimilation rate of CO2 under saturating light (Asat), potential photosynthesis rate (Pmax), leaf area (A), specific leaf area (SLA), specific leaf nitrogen (N); root (W R), nodule (W N), stem (W ST), leaf (W L), pod (W P) and plant dry mass (W T); nodule (nN), seed (n s), and pod number (nP); seed fresh mass per plant (W S), one-hundred seed fresh mass (W HS) and seed protein percentage (P%). It was possible to identify the following QTL associated with the following soybean traits: SLA, Asat, N, W R, W ST, W L, W T, W P, W HS, n s and nP, indicating that the RIL population has a great potential for mapping loci associated with quantitative traits of the soybean crop. The correlations between the soybean traits were partially confirmed by coincidence of QTL.

2022 ◽  
Yirong Li ◽  
Peijian Shi ◽  
Ülo Niinemets ◽  
Yu Song ◽  
Kexin Yu ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
Rômulo André Beltrame ◽  
José Carlos Lopes ◽  
Julião Soares de Souza Lima ◽  
Vagner Mauri Quinto

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to analyze the spatial distribution of the attributes that determine the physiological quality of Joannesia princeps seeds. Seeds were collected, individually from, 40 mother plants in the Horto Florestal Municipal Laerth Paiva Gama, in Alegre-ES, which constituted the georeferenced sampling mesh. For germination, the seeds tegument was cracked and was held the imbibition in gibberellic acid GA3 500 mg L-1 for 24 h in environmental chamber with temperature adjusted to 30 ºC. The seeds were sown in plastic bags of ± 600 cm3 containing soil+sand+manure in the proportion of 1:1:1. On the 65th day after sowing, the following variables were analised: emergence (E), emergence speed index (IVE), root length (CR), diameter of base (DC), shoot length of the aerial part (CPA), fresh mass of the root system (MFSR), fresh mass of the aerial part (MFPA), dry mass of the root system (MSSR) and dry mass of the aerial part (MSPA). Data were subjected to descriptive statistics, geostatistics and kriging. With the exception of CPA and MFSR, it was found spatial dependence for the other studied variables: E, IVE, CR, DC, MFPA, MSSR e MSPA; varying of 14,0 a 47,5 m, so that the lowest range for the CR and longer range and degree of spatial dependence for the IVE. The analysis of the spatial distribution of the physiological quality of seeds of J. princeps can be used as a tool to define the sampling region of seeds with high and low vigor.

Rodrigo Omar MENDOZA-TAFOLLA ◽  
Porfirio JUAREZ-LOPEZ ◽  

Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development and is especially important in the production of high quality leafy green vegetables. In this experiment, leaf N concentration, chlorophyll concentration (Chl) and weight above fresh matter (AFM) of romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. longifolia) were estimated by correlations between in situ SPAD and atLEAF readings. Lettuce was grown in high tunnels during 42 days and was irrigated at five nitrogen levels: 0, 4, 8, 12 and 16 mEq·L-1 of NO3-, based on the Steiner nutrient solution. The N concentration, Chl concentration and AFM were determined in the laboratory, while SPAD and atLEAF readings were measured in situ weekly. SPAD readings had high, positive and significant linear correlations with N (R2 = 0.90), Chl (R2 = 0.97) and AFM (R2 = 0.98); atLEAF readings had a similar linear correlation with N (R2 = 0.91), Chl (R2 = 0.92) and AFM (R2 = 0.97). Besides, SPAD and atLEAF readings had high, positive, and significant linear correlation (R2 = 0.96). Thus, SPAD and atLEAF meters can be used to non-destructively and accurately estimate the N status of lettuce, in a reliable and quick manner during the crop production cycle. In addition, atLEAF is currently more affordable than SPAD.   ********* In press - Online First. Article has been peer reviewed, accepted for publication and published online without pagination. It will receive pagination when the issue will be ready for publishing as a complete number (Volume 47, Issue 3, 2019). The article is searchable and citable by Digital Object Identifier (DOI). DOI link will become active after the article will be included in the complete issue. *********

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