scholarly journals Virus Movement from Infected Sweetpotato Vines to Roots and Reversion on Root Sprouts

HortScience ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-124 ◽  
Scovia Adikini ◽  
Settumba B. Mukasa ◽  
Robert O.M. Mwanga ◽  
Richard W. Gibson

Sweetpotato is usually propagated in Uganda by vine cuttings from mature crops, but sometimes sprouts from storage roots are used, especially in drought-prone areas. No information is available on whether the storage of roots of Ugandan cultivars are infected with the viruses and whether the sprouts on them express symptoms so that farmers can eliminate diseased ones. Information on root sprout reversion from virus infection is also lacking. The storage roots of five sweetpotato cultivars was sourced either by random selection of roots from already harvested roots or obtained from symptomless plants selected before harvest at Makerere University Agricultural Research Institute, Kabanyolo (MUARIK), and the National Semi Arid Resources Research Institute (NaSARRI). Roots were also generated in a screenhouse after being inoculated with Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) and/or Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV). More than 70% of sprouts from roots of all the cultivars selected after harvest at MUARIK and NaSARRI were infected with the viruses. For roots obtained from symptomless plants, 64% and 21% of the sprouted roots from MUARIK and NaSARRI were infected with the viruses, respectively. Most of the root samples from MUARIK had visible virus symptoms on sprouts and tested positive for both SPFMV and SPCSV, whereas those from NaSARRI did not show symptoms and were infected primarily with SPFMV. Plants graft-inoculated with either SPCSV or SPFMV alone produced both infected and noninfected roots, whereas all the root sprouts from dually infected plants showed virus symptoms. Reversion from virus infection was observed on root sprouts infected singly with SPFMV, whereas those infected with SPCSV showed recovery only, and none of the root sprouts infected by both viruses showed recovery. This study proves that roots are good reservoirs for viruses, and reversion occurs only when singly infected with SPFMV. Therefore, there is a need to establish seed channels in which seedstock is cleaned continuously and made available to farmers.

2013 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-27 ◽  
MH Rahman ◽  
MM Alam Patwary ◽  
H Barua ◽  
M Hossain ◽  
S Nahar

Four orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) genotypes viz., CIP 194513.15, CIP 194515.15, CIP 441132 and CIP 440267.2 collected from International Potato Centre (CIP) and four BARI (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute) - hybrid orange flesh sweet potato genotypes viz., H16/06, H19/06, H3/07 and H6/07 were evaluated against BARI SP-3 and BARI SP-4 having orange fleshed at Agricultural Research Station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Pahartali, Chittagong for yield and quality. The highest (31.59 t/ha) tuberous root yield was found in CIP 194513.15 which was followed by CIP 440267.2 (30.97 t/ha) and the lowest yield (13.34 t/ha) was obtained in BARI SP 3. The maximum dry matter (29.83%) was obtained in H6/07 while the minimum dry matter (17.61%) was obtained in CIP 441132. Among the tested genotypes the highest (approximately) Vitamin A (919.2 ?g/100 g RE, FW) was recorded in CIP 440267.2, which had red skin and latex absent flesh and the lowest was (approximately) in H6/07 (Vit A 0.0 ?g/100 g RE, FW). The results of the present study indicated that CIP 440267.2 is suitable among the OFSP genotypes for cultivation in Bangladesh on the basis of yield and quality mainly carotinous. DOI: The Agriculturists 2013; 11(2) 21-27

2019 ◽  
pp. 15-19
Svetlana Valentinovna Kosenko ◽  
Vitaliy Grigorievich Krivobochek

As a result of studies on the selection of winter soft wheat, six varieties have been created, two of which are included in the state register of selection achievements. The main method of selection used in the Penza Institute of Agriculture – a branch of the CBFC is the intraspecific steam and step hybridization combined with individual selection from the hybrid generations F2-7. Varieties and lines from various breeding centers, zoned varieties and lines of private selection were used as parent components.    

T.I. Mokryanskaya

Дана характеристика основным хозяйственно ценным признакам и свойствам трех новых перспективных пчелоопыляемых гибридов универсального назначения Королек, Сверчок и Вьюрок, созданных в Приднестровском НИИ сельского хозяйства. Полученные гибриды сочетают в себе комплекс признаков лучших отечественных и зарубежных сортообразцов.There was given a characteristic of the basic economic-valuable features and properties of three new promising hybrids pollinated by bees of multi-purpose Corolek, Cricket and Reel, created in the Transnistrian agricultural research Institute. The received hybrids combine a set of features of the best domestic and foreign varieties.

2012 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 9-13
G.A. Batalova ◽  
I.I. Rusakova ◽  
G.P. Zhuravleva ◽  
M.V. Tuljakova ◽  

Н. Зезин ◽  
М. Намятов

Исследования Уральского НИИСХ и опыт передовых хозяйств Свердловской области показывают, что для повышения эффективности и стабильности кормопроизводства необходимо в структуре кормовых культур увеличивать удельный вес высокобелковых, высокоэнергетических и засухоустойчивых культур, производить подсев многолетних трав ежегодно на площади не менее 60 тыс. га, а в перспективе 7080 тыс. га. За последние 7 лет (20112018 годы) площади люцерны в области увеличились в 2 раза (до 23 тыс. га), кукурузы по зерновой технологии в 2,4 раза (до 20,9 тыс. га) и масличных культур в 3,1 раза (до 30,8 тыс. га). Опыт СПК Килачёвский Ирбитского района показывает, что освоение научно обоснованных биологизированных севооборотов, прошедших изучение в стационарных опытах Уральского НИИСХ, позволяет ежегодно получать высокие и стабильные урожаи всех сельскохозяйственных культур. В этом хозяйстве каждая кормовая культура размещается в своём севообороте. В СПК Килачёвский и ряде других хозяйств Свердловской области большое значение придаётся возделыванию люцерны, кукурузы и масличных культур. Площадь этих культур в расчёте на одну корову мы назвали белковоэнергетическим коэффициентом (БЭК). Анализ показал тесную взаимосвязь между белковоэнергетическим коэффициентом и молочной продуктивностью. Так, в СПК Килачёвский в 2016 году при удое 10196кг БЭК был равен 1,25 в 2017 году удой достиг 10798кг, БЭК 1,43 в 2018 году соответственно 11493 кг и 1,47 при количестве коров 29002977 голов. According to the investigations conducted at the Ural Agricultural Research Institute and experience of the leading farms in the Sverdlovsk region high effectiveness and stability of Forage Production requires wide cultivation of droughtresistant crops rich in protein and energy as well as seeding over 60 thousand ha (in the future 7080 thousand ha) by perennial grasses annually. For the last 7 years (20112018) areas of alfalfa increased by 2 times (up to 23 thousand ha), grain maize by 2.4 times (up to 20.9 thousand ha), oil crops by 3.1 times (up to 30.8 thousand ha). SPK Kilachevskiy (agricultural production cooperative) reported that the use of approved crop rotations tested at the Ural Agricultural Research Institute resulted in annual high and stable yields of all the crops. SPK Kilachevskiy and other farms of the region widely grow alfalfa, maize and oil crops. Land area for the cultivation of these crops per one cow is called proteinenergy coefficient (PEC). Proteinenergy coefficient was shown to have a significant correlation with milk productivity. SPK Kilachevskiy reported that in 2016 PEC and milk yield reached 1.25 and 10196 kg in 2017 1.43 and 10798 kg in 2018 1.47 and 11493 kg, respectively under 29002977 cows.

2015 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-93 ◽  
MAH S Jahan ◽  
MAR Sarkar ◽  
NCD Barma ◽  
MNA Mondal ◽  
MNS Ferdousi

A field experiment was conducted at Regional Wheat Research Centre of the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh for 2 consecutive years during 2007 and 2008 to find out the optimum nutrient management practice for seed yield, nutrient balance and economics of mungbean. Twelve nutrient management treatments were tested in RCBD with 3 replications. Treatments were without CRI T1=HYG (0-24-40-48-24-3-1.2), T2=MYG (0-20-36-40-20-2-1), T3=IPNS (5000-9-37-36-21-3-1.2), T4=STB (0- 20-36-40-22-2-1), T5=FP (0-6-5-4-0-0-0), T6=CON (0-0-0-0-0-0-0) and with CRI T7=HYG+CRI, T8=MYG+CRI, T9=IPNS+CRI, T10=STB+CRI, T11=FP+CRI, T12=CON+CRI kg ha-1 CDNPKSZnB for mungbean. The maximum seed yield of mungbean was obtained from STB+CRI (1.57 t ha-1) followed by IPNS+CRI (1.54 t ha-1), STB (1.54 t ha-1), IPNS (1.52 t ha-1), HYG+CRI (1.44 t ha-1) and HYG (1.41 t ha-1) in 2007. Similar trend was found in 2008. Numerically higher yield and yield contributing parameters were noticed in CRI plots than without CRI. N and K balance were found negative in all the treatments. P, S, Zn and B balance were found positive in case of HYG, MYG, IPNS and STB along with or without CRI nutrient managements. While in case of FP and CON, the balance was shown almost negative. The maximum gross return and margin was obtained from STB+CRI followed by STB. Slightly higher BCR (3.00) was recorded from STB followed by STB+CRI (2.91).Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 40(1): 77-93, March 2015

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