The Cerberus Problem of Corporate Social Responsibility. Environmental Private Self-Regulation in an Age of Governance

2014 ◽  
Ingmar Samyn

This paper is the study about the Corporate Social Responsibilities of the banking industry in India. Social Responsibility of business refers to what a business does over and above the statutory requirement for the benefit of the society. The word “responsibility” emphasizes that the business has some moral obligations towards the society. Corporate Social Responsibility also called Corporate Conscience or Responsible Business is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. The paper is based on secondary data. Now-a-days CSR has been assuming greater importance in the corporate world including financial institutions and banking sector. Banks and other financial institutions start promoting environment friendly and socially responsible lending and investment practices. The paper consists of key areas of 6 banks and a case study on HDFC Bank.

2007 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 311-339 ◽  
Bede Nwete

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has today become the rhetoric of every Business Enterprise, especially those engaged in Natural Resource Development. This is in recognition of its intrinsic value to the business bottom line and its ability to stave off social and reputation risks that may not only affect a project's rate of return, but also subject to questioning, its ‘social licence’ to operate. But the ‘free rider’, ‘green wash’ and ‘blue wash’ problems that result from self-regulation inherent in the practical implementation of CSR initiatives, has led to questions as to whether self regulation as exemplified in the ‘soft law’ approach to CSR and transparency, is really the answer to the problem of using CSR and Transparency initiatives, to ensure that Mineral Resource Development benefits all parties on the Mineral Development Triangle. Is government regulation a better option or should industry driven self-regulation be allowed to continue? This paper reviews the above issues using examples from a few countries to show the way forward.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-227 ◽  
Brent D. Beal ◽  
Cristina Neesham

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to call attention to the need to revitalize the systemic nature of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and offer some suggestions about how this might be accomplished. The authors introduce the concept of systemic CSR and associate it with micro-to-macro transitions, the need to make systemic objectives explicit and the responsibility of system participants to regulate their behavior to contribute to these outcomes. Design/methodology/approach The authors comment, from a systemic perspective, on four different management approaches to CSR – shareholder value, corporate social performance, stakeholder theory and corporate citizenship. Three general systemic principles that participants can use as decision-making guides are a focus on value creation, ongoing assessment of collective outcomes and reflective engagement in the aggregation process. Findings The authors observe that businesses routinely demonstrate their ability to think in systemic terms in strategic contexts that require it. If businesses can address systemic issues in these contexts, then they can also apply systemic logic in furtherance of collective (or system-level) objectives. Originality/value The authors propose an approach to CSR that emphasizes micro-to-macro transitions, the need to make systemic objectives explicit and the responsibility of system participants to regulate their behavior to contribute to these desired objectives. Systemic CSR is unique in its explicit focus on the micro-to-macro transition (i.e. the process of aggregation), systemic objectives and the need to actively insource responsibility for contribution to the realization of those objectives.

2019 ◽  
pp. 36-40

Introduction. The issues of the formation and development of corporate social responsibility in agriculture is undeniably relevant for a large agrarian country of Ukraine o in view of the European integration processes. The rules of corporate social responsibility, on the basis of which the codes of ethics of the company are worked out, are the tools for of self-regulation of the economic entity, since the economic entities engaged in agriculture are interested in their working out and implementation. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to define the rules of corporate social responsibility as a tool for self-regulation in agriculture. Results. The features of agriculture should be taken into account in the development of corporate social responsibility rules, in particular its environmental component (focus on sustainable rural development). The article studies the provisions of international treaties, international governmental and non-governmental organizations acts, EU legislation on CSR in agriculture. It is pointed out that the set of the requirements in understanding the CSR rules is common to both agriculture and industry though the content is different. The provisions of the Single Integrated Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development in 2015-2020 should be voluntarily enshrined in the CSR rules for agricultural enterprises. The article defines the features of the rules of corporate social responsibility as an instrument of self-regulation of agriculture. Under this concept, the system of voluntarily accepted commitments by rural businesses in terms of providing economic and social needs of both workers and other members of society on the basis of the concept of sustainable development of rural territories is understood. Conclusion. It is concluded that the content of the rules includes issues: environmental protection, social insurance and provision, educational and cultural development, dialogue with state authorities, antimonopoly and anticorruption complicity, corporate citizenship, development of territories.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
Novita Novita ◽  
Francy Iriani

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk serta dampak dari program tersebut terhadap masyarakat lokal di Kabupaten Cilacap. Sebagai perusahaan yang kerap menjadi badan usaha terbesar di lingkungannya, Holcim sadar akan tanggung jawabnya terhadap masyarakat. CSR adalah bentuk regulasi diri sebuah perusahaan yang diintegrasikan dalam model bisnis. Salah satu kegiatan CSR Holcim adalah pemberdayaan masyarakat di wilayah salah satu plant Holcim yaitu Kabupaten Cilacap. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam melakukan analisis adalah melalui studi literatur, wawancara, observasi, kuesioner, dan Focus Group Discussion dengan para pengurus, kader, dan anggota masyarakat. Sedangkan responden yang menjadi sampel penelitian adalah 25 posdaya yang berdiri sebelum program CSR PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk dengan jumlah responden 111 orang, dan 11 posdaya yang merupakan bentukan PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk dengan jumlah responden 37 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis kuadran. Berdasarkan analisis dari variabel yang telah diamati, hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis program CSR yang dilakukan PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk terhadap masyarakat Kabupaten Cilacap adalah berupa gerakan pemberdayaan masyarakat dan desa dalam bentuk Posdaya. Program ini berdampak pada terjadinya perbaikan dalam hal kepengurusan Posdaya serta kemandirian ekonomi masyarakat. Selain itu PT. Holcim Indonesia, Tbk melakukan pendampingan secara berkelanjutan serta evaluasi terhadap kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan. Kata Kunci: Corporate Social Responsibility, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Posdaya, Keberlanjutan The purpose of this research is to know the types of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program done by PT.Holcim Indonesia Tbk as well as the impact of the program on the local communities of Cilacap district. As one of the largest business entity in its environment, PT Holcim,Tbk aware of its responsibility towards the society. CSR is done by PT Holcim, tbk, as a form of self-regulation that is integrated in their business model. One of their CSR is done by empowering community in the region. This research is conducted in one of the Holcim plant in Cilacap district. The analytical methods used in this research are: studying the related literature, interviews, observations, questionnaires, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the Executive Board, cadres, and community members of Posdaya. The research sample are 25 Posdaya that are established before PT Holcim Indonesia CSR program Tbk directed to the society with the total number of respondents are 111 people, and 11 Posdaya which were formed by PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk, with the total number of respondents are37 people.The data gathered then analyzed using descriptive analysis and quadrant analysis.The result of this research shows that the type of CSR programs done by PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk. on Kabupaten Cilacap society are: The type of CSR done in the form of community empowerment movement that called as Posdaya. The program done by PT Holcim Tbk has an impact on the improvement of the managerial skills of the Posdaya organizing comitee, and the empowerment program is also improving the economic independence of the member of Posdaya as well as the district community. In addition, PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk provides guidance on an ongoing basis to the Posdaya management and provides evaluations on the activities carried out by Posdaya. Key Words: Corporate Social Responsibility, Community Empowerment, Posdaya, Sustainability.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Rodrigo Da Fonseca Chauvet

<p>O presente artigo tem como finalidade avaliar se o “Programa Mineração” lançado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Mineração (IBRAM) consiste em um exemplo claro de autorregulação privada no setor minerário, de implementação de boas práticas na atividade e, ainda, serve como exemplo de responsabilidade social das empresas que atuam em tal segmento econômico. No presente estudo far-se-á, incialmente, uma avaliação breve acerca da regulação estatal, seus principais aspectos e características. Em seguida, será apreciado o conceito de autorregulação privada, englobando a exposição de suas principais vantagens e algumas desvantagens. Buscar-se-á enquadrar o “Programa Mineração” justamente na definição de autorregulação. Posteriormente, procurar-se-á demonstrar a necessidade e importância da responsabilidade social das empresas, com destaque àquelas que desempenham atividades de mineração.</p><p> </p><p>This article aims to evaluate whether the "Mining Program" launched by the Brazilian Mining Institute (IBRAM) consists of a clear example of private self - regulation in the mining sector, the implementation of good practices in the activity and also serves as an example Of social responsibility of companies operating in such economic segment. In the present study, a brief evaluation will be made initially of the state regulation, its main aspects and characteristics. Next, the concept of private self-regulation will be appreciated, encompassing the exposition of its main advantages and some disadvantages. It will be sought to frame the "Mining Program" precisely in the definition of self-regulation. Subsequently, an attempt will be made to demonstrate the need and importance of corporate social responsibility, especially those that perform mining activities.</p>

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