Reporting Delays and the Information Content of Off-Market Trades

2021 ◽  
Alex Frino ◽  
Luca Galati ◽  
Dionigi Gerace
T. L. Hayes

Biomedical applications of the scanning electron microscope (SEM) have increased in number quite rapidly over the last several years. Studies have been made of cells, whole mount tissue, sectioned tissue, particles, human chromosomes, microorganisms, dental enamel and skeletal material. Many of the advantages of using this instrument for such investigations come from its ability to produce images that are high in information content. Information about the chemical make-up of the specimen, its electrical properties and its three dimensional architecture all may be represented in such images. Since the biological system is distinctive in its chemistry and often spatially scaled to the resolving power of the SEM, these images are particularly useful in biomedical research.In any form of microscopy there are two parameters that together determine the usefulness of the image. One parameter is the size of the volume being studied or resolving power of the instrument and the other is the amount of information about this volume that is displayed in the image. Both parameters are important in describing the performance of a microscope. The light microscope image, for example, is rich in information content (chemical, spatial, living specimen, etc.) but is very limited in resolving power.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 44-52

The territorial image is formed both purposefully by the subjects of image-making, and spontaneously-based on the influence of information content published in various media. The purpose of the research is to analyze the image of the Republic of Mordovia in the information space of the Volga Federal district. The image of the territory formed by external target audiences by means of news materials is studied using the method of case study and content analysis of publications: “Volga news”, “Federal Press” news of the PFD, “Pravda PFD”. The authors conclude that modern reality is perceived through the prism of the information field created by mass media. The media creates images filled with certain data, facts, colored by emotions, on the basis of which representations, opinions, judgments, and assessments are subsequently formed. The media play a significant role in shaping the territorial image, especially for external target audiences who are not familiar with the region and do not have their own assessment knowledge and experience. Most of the information content about the Republic in the studied media is related to the main thematic blocks: politics, economy, social sphere, culture (art, sports). Moreover, if in the publications “Volga news” and “Pravda PFD” mention of the region prevails in the economic block, then in the publications “Federal Press” and “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” - in the political one. The Volga news publication significantly dominates the rest in terms of the number of publications about Mordovia. The content of publications is mostly positive and neutral related to the issues of economic development of the territory and the preparation and holding of the world football championship. Pravda PFD mentions the Republic in the context of news from neighboring territories, most of the publications date back to 2018, but here the context is related to the Republic's positions among the regions of the PFD in various ratings. The publication “Federal-Press” forms a generally reflective image of the territory, focusing on the negative aspects of regional life. “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”, giving priority to political news, maintains a neutral and reflective context of publications, paying attention to the key problems of the territory. Thus, the desired image of the region is counter-dictated to the image broadcast by the media through various information channels, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the information space and timely correction of the broadcast materials.

CFA Digest ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-23
Charles F. Peake

CFA Digest ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-9
Frank T. Magiera

2017 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 134-140
H. S. Rudoman ◽  
V. M. Balatsky ◽  
V. Y. Nor ◽  
V. O. Vovk

One of the top priorities at the present stage of development of pig breeding remains the development of a set of measures aimed at increasing the resistance animals to various diseases, especially – to colibacteriosis .One of the recent and effective approaches to prevent colibacillosis is using markers of selection; it involves pig genotyping by genome locuses. Chosen locuses are associated with animal sensitivity to the disease and selection of the results of genotyping of animals with increased resistance. Due to researches, one of such locuses is alpha-fukozyltrasferаza 1 gene (FUT1). Gene FUT1 is located in chromosome 6. As a result of its sequencing in the swine breeds of Large White and Swedish Landrace, single-nucleotide polymorphism (g.307 G > A SNP) has been detected. AA genotype determines the resistance of animals to colibacteriosis, while AG and GG genotypes are susceptible to this disease. According to the results of previous studies, the positive effect of allele A was determined not only on the resistance of pigs to colibacteriosis, but also on indicators of fattening and meat productivity and on reproductive performance. In Ukraine, the studies of polymorphism FUT1 g.307 G > A SNP were held fragmentedly and only on certain populations of Ukrainian Meat and Large White breed but without establishing its association with the indicators of productivity of pigs. The aim of our work was to study the genetic structure of Ukrainian Large White breeds, type 1 and the establishment of association. g. 307 G > A SNP FUT1 gene with pigs indicators of productivity. For research the 96 samples of hair were used. DNA isolation from samples with biomaterial were carried out using ion exchange resin Chelex-100. Genotyping was performed by PCR-RFLP by method of Jorgensen et al. (2006). Using DNA analysis of this breeds locus FUT1 was determined by genetic structure. Allele frequency of allele G (0,573) and allele A (0,427) was established The distribution of genotype frequencies was not statistically significantly different from the theoretically expected, calculated by the Hardy-Weinberg criterion. Thus, according to the locus of FUT1 g.307 G > A, the breeds investigated are in a state close to the genetic equilibrium. The negative value of the fixation index by the locus FUT1 g.307 G > A indicates an excess of heterozygotes in the population, and hence the lack of targeted selection for this marker. The valuation was performed by calculating the PIC (polymorphic information content) – information content of polymorphism marker. In the analyzed pig herd for this marker, the PIC has an average value (0,367), which indicates the high level of polymorphism of the given locus and is favorable for the possibility of conducting a search for links between individual genotypes and indicators of productivity. To establish the association g.307 G > A SNP FUT1 gene with indicators of animal productivity, a one-way analysis of variance of the experimental data was used. Based on the results of a one-way analysis of variance, a significant effect of the genotypes of the FUT1gene (g.1849 G > C) on the indicator of the average daily weight gain (р ≤ 0,001), the thickness of the bacon at the level of the VI-VII vertebrae (p ≤ 0.01), reaching live weight of 100 kg (р ≤ 0,001) and breeding index of fattening qualities (р ≤ 0,01) was found. The parameter of the influence of the genetic factor on the test feature was 28,54%, 10,4%, 33,4% and 8,8% respectively. According to the investigated indicators of productivity, animals with genotype AA, which determines resistance to colibacteriosis, dominated the animals with genotypes GG and AG. Based on the results of our research and pre-published data, the multiple effect of the g.307 G > A SNP FUT1 gene is observed, which is associated with the indicators of productivity, which again confirms the polygenicity of the quantitative trait loci of farm animals. Taking into account a high level of polymorphism of the investigated gene and reliable associations of genotypes with indicators of productivity found, it can be recommended to carry out breeding of pigs using genetic information of the g.307 G > A SNP gene FUT1.

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