scholarly journals Pharmacoresistance in epilepsy and ways for overcoming it (literature review)

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 184-197
Gulshirin Charyyeva ◽  
Liudmila Tibekina ◽  
Olga Subbotina ◽  

Epilepsy is the most taking place disease of the human nervous system. Despite the fact that we are continuously introducing new medicines into therapy of this illness we still are failing to take control over seizures in 1/3 cases. Persisting seizures gain considerable influence on patients’ living standard and within children audience cause delays in person maturity. Given article shows deep analysis of the last years researches which gave background to discover main mechanisms of pharmacoresistance. The issues of pathophysiological features of medicine resistance and reasons of false diagnostics are as well discussed. Authors highlighted few pathologic conditions where applied differential diagnostics allowed to avoid diagnostical mistakes. True definition of the certain seizures features according to the up to date classification makes it possible for clinical staff to prescribe correct anticonvulsant therapy, so far diminishing the risk of pseudo resistance outcome of disease. The article introduces criteria of natural resistance which if being recognized allows to perform dew time surgical treatment and therefore cuts seizures in most of the cases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-156
Eve-Riina Hyrkäs

AbstractIn the Finnish medical discussion during the middle decades of the twentieth century, the challenging differential diagnostics between hyperthyroidism and various neuroses was perceived to yield a risk of unnecessary surgical interventions of psychiatric patients. In 1963, the Finnish surgeon Erkki Saarenmaa claimed that ‘the most significant mark of a neurotic was a transverse scar on the neck’, a result of an unnecessary thyroid surgery. The utterance was connected to the complex nature of thyroid diseases, which seemed to be to ‘a great extent psychosomatic’. Setting forth from this statement, the article aims to decipher the connection between hyperthyroidism, unnecessary surgical treatment and the psychosomatic approach in Finnish medicine. Utilising a wide variety of published medical research and discussion in specialist journals, the article examines the theoretical debate around troublesome diagnostics of functional complaints. It focuses on the introduction of new medical ideas, namely the concepts of ‘psychosomatics’ and ‘stress’. In the process, the article aims to unveil a definition of psychosomatic illness that places it on a continuum between psychological and somatic illness. That psychosomatic approach creates a space with interpretative potential can be applied to the historiography of psychosomatic phenomena more generally. Further inquiry into the intersections of surgery and psychosomatics would enrich both historiographies. It is also argued that the historical study of psychosomatic syndromes may become skewed, if the term ‘psychosomatic’ is from the outset taken to signify something that is all in the mind.

Kybernetes ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 508-520
Mario Iván Tarride

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss the condition of human beings and organizations producing goods and/or services as autopoietic and allopoietic machines, with the aim of establishing a functional homomorphism between the productive system of an organization and the productive system of human beings, a matter that involves reflecting on what human beings do that is distinguished as allopoietic by an observer. Design/methodology/approach – Use is made of Ashby’s concept of functional homomorphism to establish similarities between human beings and organizations. The definitions of autopoietic and allopoietic machine of Maturana and Varela are used to distinguish similarities and differences between what organizations do and what human beings do. Findings – As a result of using the autopoietic/allopoietic viewpoint, it is proposed to homologate the human nervous system with the production system of an organization, defining the latter as a world-creating energy/communication processing system. Research limitations/implications – A homomorphism is established here between a human nervous system and the production system of an organization; it remains pending the other homomorphisms that can be made between the systems of the human body and the organization. Practical implications – A proposal is made to understand an organization as a world-creating energy/communication processing system, and it is estimated that this would imply displacing attention, at present strongly centered on the generated products and/or services, toward the sense that they have for both persons and society, restating the question on the world we construct/live in, from the organizational standpoint. Originality/value – Human beings are seen as allopoietic machines, aiming to contribute to the discussion about what it is that we call human, homologating it with the work of an organization. As a result a new definition of organization is proposed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 140-144
M. A. Ahmet’yanov ◽  
O. A. Kicherova ◽  
L. I. Reikhert ◽  
M. V. Deeva ◽  

The pandemic of the new SARS-CoV2, that started at the beginning of 2020, caused a catastrophic increase in morbidity and mortality in early 2020 and posed a number of challenges for healthcare system. Primarily, this concerns the study of the effect on different organs and systems, that new virus can exhibit. This knowledge further can serve as a key to the development of effective methods for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 associated pathological conditions. The objectives of this review include the analysis of neurological complications caused by the new coronavirus infection and the determination of the possible mechanisms of the virus’s effect on the human nervous system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-120
N.D. Sorokina ◽  
L.R. Shahalieva ◽  
S.S. Pertsov ◽  
L.V. Polma ◽  

One of the most common causes of chronic pain in the facial region, including in the trigeminal nerve link, which is not associated with dental diseases, is pain dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. At the same time, there is evidence in the literature that there are relationships between pain dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, abnormal occlusion, cervical-muscular tonic phenomena, postural disorders, dysfunction of the Autonomous nervous system and cochleovestibular manifestations. At the same time, neurophysiological indicators of functional disorders in the maxillofacial region and intersystem interactions in pain dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint are insufficiently studied.Goal. The aim of the work is to evaluate the neurophysiological features of trigeminal afferentation in terms of trigeminal somatosensory evoked potentials (TSWP) and the auditory conducting system of the brain in terms of acoustic stem evoked potentials (ASVP) in distal occlusion of the dentition with pain dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in comparison with physiological occlusion in students 18-21 years old. Material and methods. The main study included 41 students with distal occlusion (21 girls and 20 boys), (grade II Engl, symmetrically right and left in 14 people, and grade II Engl on the left and grade I on the right in 12 people, grade I on the left and grade II on the right in 15 people). All respondents with distal occlusion and who were practically healthy signed an informed consent to participate in the study. We used complex orthodontic methods of examination, subjective degree of severity and intensity of pain in the TMJ, assessment of the Autonomous nervous system (samples and tests), and neurophysiological methods for assessing TSVP and ASVP. Results. Significant differences in ASEP parameters were found in the group of respondents with distal occlusion in the form of a decrease in the latency period of peak I, III, and V compared to physiological occlusion, that correlated with the subjective assessment (in points) of cochleovestibular disorders. According to the TSVP study, a decrease in the duration of latent periods was found, which indicates an increased excitability of non-specific brain stem structures at the medullo-ponto-mesencephalic level compared to the control group. Conclusions. The results obtained are supposed to be used for differential diagnostics, including such dental diseases as TMJ pain dysfunction, occlusion abnormalities accompanied by pain syndrome. Additional functional diagnostics of multi-modal VP of the brain (acoustic evoked potentials, trigeminal evoked potentials) can be performed in conjunction with indicators of autonomic nervous system dysfunction, with parameters of severity of clinical symptoms of cochleovestibular disorders, musculoskeletal dysfunction the maxillofacial area, with indicators of pain, which will determine the tactics and effectiveness of subsequent treatment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 0 (8.87) ◽  
pp. 15-21
B.I. Slonetsky ◽  
M.I. Tutchenko ◽  
I.V. Verbitsky

2021 ◽  
pp. 153857442110024
Rozina Yasmin Choudhury ◽  
Kamran Basharat ◽  
Syeda Anum Zahra ◽  
Tien Tran ◽  
Lara Rimmer ◽  

Over the decades, the Frozen Elephant Trunk (FET) technique has gained immense popularity allowing simplified treatment of complex aortic pathologies. FET is frequently used to treat aortic conditions involving the distal aortic arch and the proximal descending aorta in a single stage. Surgical preference has recently changed from FET procedures being performed at Zone 3 to Zone 2. There are several advantages of Zone 2 FET over Zone 3 FET including reduction in spinal cord injury, visceral ischemia, neurological and cardiovascular sequelae. In addition, Zone 2 FET is a technically less complicated procedure. Literature on the comparison between Zone 3 and Zone 2 FET is scarce and primarily observational and anecdotal. Therefore, further research is warranted in this paradigm to substantiate current surgical treatment options for complex aortic pathologies. In this review, we explore literature surrounding FET and the reasons for the shift in surgical preference from Zone 3 to Zone 2.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 2149
Ji Yeon Chung ◽  
Seung Jae Lee ◽  
Hyuck Jin Lee ◽  
Jeong Bin Bong ◽  
Chan-Hyuk Lee ◽  

We evaluated the toxic effects of aconitine on the human nervous system and its associated factors, and the general clinical characteristics of patients who visited the emergency room due to aconitine intoxication between 2008 and 2017. We also analyzed the differences related to aconitine processing and administration methods (oral pill, boiled in water, and alcohol-soaked), and the clinical characteristics of consciousness deterioration and neurological symptoms. Of the 41 patients who visited the hospital due to aconitine intoxication, 23 (56.1%) were female, and most were older. Aconitine was mainly used for pain control (28 patients, 68.3%) and taken as oral pills (19 patients, 46%). The patients showed a single symptom or a combination of symptoms; neurological symptoms were the most common (21 patients). All patients who took aconitine after processing with alcohol showed neurological symptoms and a higher prevalence of consciousness deterioration. Neurological symptoms occurred most frequently in patients with aconitine intoxication. Although aconitine intoxication presents with various symptoms, its prognosis may vary with the processing method and prevalence of consciousness deterioration during the early stages. Therefore, the administration method and accompanying symptoms should be comprehensively investigated in patients who have taken aconitine to facilitate prompt and effective treatment and better prognoses.

2021 ◽  
pp. 088541222199424
Mauro Francini ◽  
Lucia Chieffallo ◽  
Annunziata Palermo ◽  
Maria Francesca Viapiana

This work aims to reorganize theoretical and empirical research on smart mobility through the systematic literature review approach. The research goal is to reach an extended and shared definition of smart mobility using the cluster analysis. The article provides a summary of the state of the art that can have broader impacts in determining new angles for approaching research. In particular, the results will be a reference for future quantitative developments for the authors who are working on the construction of a territorial measurement model of the smartness degree, helping them in identifying performance indicators consistent with the definition proposed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 014556132110002
Aleksander Zwierz ◽  
Krystyna Masna ◽  
Paweł Burduk

Most reported cases of middle ear adenoma (MEA) have focused on histopathology because MEA is usually diagnosed postoperatively, which is considered as a major setback. We focused on the surgical aspect of the disease to facilitate a preoperative diagnosis, resulting in prompt and proper treatment, without requiring a second stage of surgical treatment. In this report, we present the differential diagnoses in a 40-year-old man with MEA requiring surgical treatment. Preoperatively, the patient was suspected to have an MEA. An analysis of the surgical procedures in similar misdiagnosed tumors has enabled us to assess surgical procedures in cases wherein the preoperative diagnosis does not coincide with the postoperative histopathological results.

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