Edge betweenness for water distribution networks domain analysis

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-131 ◽  
Antonietta Simone ◽  
Francesco G. Ciliberti ◽  
Daniele B. Laucelli ◽  
Luigi Berardi ◽  
Orazio Giustolisi

Abstract Complex network theory (CNT) studies the relevance of elements in networks using centrality metrics. From the CNT standpoint, water distribution networks (WDNs) are infrastructure networks composed by vertices, named nodes, connected to each other by edges, named pipes, that transfer water to customers following a transfer process based on shortest paths. The present paper proposes the domain analysis of several real WDNs using the edge betweenness in order to capture the hydraulic behaviour based on network structure, i.e., for understanding the role of topological features in the emergent hydraulic behaviour. The strategy is obtained by tailoring CNT studies and tools in order to (i) embed the different hydraulic roles of sources and demand nodes, (ii) move the classic concept of centrality from the nodes to the pipes, i.e., the technically relevant components for WDNs and (iii) include information related to the directional devices, because they constrain flow directions. Results show the usefulness of the novel WDN-tailored edge betweenness for the WDN domain analysis. Therefore, the metric can represent a useful tool for supporting WDNs analysis, design and management tasks.

10.29007/7lxd ◽  
2018 ◽  
Antonietta Simone ◽  
Luca Ridolfi ◽  
Daniele Laucelli ◽  
Luigi Berardi ◽  
Orazio Giustolisi

Complex Network Theory (CNT) studies theoretical and physical systems as networks, considering their features deriving from the internal connectivity between elements defined as vertex and links. In order to quantify the importance of these elements in real networked systems, researches proposed several centrality metrics.The use of CNT centrality metrics for analysis, planning and management of infrastructure networks (streets, water systems, etc.), for example in terms of reliability and vulnerability, is today a relevant issue also considering their influences in socio- economics and environmental matters. From CNT standpoint, water distribution networks (WDNs) are infrastructure networks that can be analyzed considering some peculiar features deriving from their spatial characteristics.The paper focuses on CNT centrality metrics and proposes novel hydraulic centrality metrics useful for understanding the WDNs behavior. Furthermore, the study is intended to evaluate the feasibility of coupling hydraulic and topologic centrality metrics based on links, in order to obtain information that are more useful from the hydraulic point of view. This way, centrality metrics of the CNT become a complementary tool to hydraulic modelling for WDNs analysis and management.

2019 ◽  
Vol 63 (4) ◽  
pp. 295-300 ◽  
Tamás Huzsvár ◽  
Richárd Wéber ◽  
Csaba János Hős

One of the basic infrastructures of every settlement is the water distribution system, which provides clean and potable water for both private houses, industrial consumers and institution establishments. The operational robustness and vulnerabilities of these networks is an essential issue, both for the quality of life and for the preservation of the environment. Even with frequent and careful maintenance, unintentional pipe bursts might occur, and during the reparation time, the damaged section must be isolated hydraulically from the main body of the water distribution network. Due to the size and complexity of these networks, it might not be trivial how to isolate the burst section, especially if one wishes to minimize the impact on the overall system. This paper presents an algorithmic method that is capable of creating isolation plans for real-life networks in a computationally efficient way, based on the graph properties of the network. Besides this segmentation plan, the topological behavior of the structural graph properties was analyzed with the help of the complex network theory to create a method for the quantitative topology based categorization of the water distribution networks.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 767-777 ◽  
Armando Di Nardo ◽  
Michele Di Natale ◽  
Carlo Giudicianni ◽  
Roberto Greco ◽  
Giovanni Francesco Santonastaso

AbstractWater distribution networks (WDNs) must keep a proper level of service under a wide range of operational conditions, and, in particular, the analysis of their resilience to pipe failures is essential to improve their design and management. WDNs can be regarded as large sparse planar graphs showing fractal and complex network properties. In this paper, the relationship linking the geometrical and topological features of a WDN to its resilience to the failure of a pipe is investigated. Some innovative indices have been borrowed from fractal geometry and complex network theory to study WDNs. Considering all possible network configurations obtained by suppressing one link, the proposed indices are used to quantify the impact of pipe failure on the system's resilience. This approach aims to identify critical links, in terms of resilience, with the help of topological metrics only, and without recourse to hydraulic simulations, which require complex calibration processes and come with a computational burden. It is concluded that the proposed procedure, which has been successfully tested on two real WDNs located in southern Italy, can provide valuable information to water utilities about which pipes have a significant role in network performance, thus helping in their design, planning and management.

2019 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 2348-2369 ◽  
Orazio Giustolisi ◽  
Luca Ridolfi ◽  
Antonietta Simone

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-238 ◽  
Iyswarya Narayanan ◽  
Arunchandar Vasan ◽  
Venkatesh Sarangan ◽  
Jamsheeda Kadengal ◽  
Anand Sivasubramaniam

Seyed Zarghami ◽  
Indra Gunawan ◽  
Frank Schultmann

Researchers are recognizing that the robustness evaluation of Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) is of great importance for reducing the impact of disruptive events. Yet, very few methods to measure the robustness of WDNs have been developed. These methods mainly focus on either the topological features or the hydraulic attributes of WDNs and fail to provide a comprehensive picture of the robustness characteristics of WDNs. The work described herein proposes a new robustness index to measure the heterogeneity of WDNs drawing on informational entropy theory. The paper attempts to shift away from an exclusive topological viewpoint or a pure hydraulic approach, towards a combined topological and hydraulic analysis. The main emphasis is on the influence of an individual node on the overall network performance. The use of the proposed index is illustrated with a real-world WDN of an Australian town. The results highlight the significance of integrating the topological and hydraulic metrics for a reliable assessment of robustness in WDNs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
M. S. D. Hima Bindu ◽  
K. Rajasekhara Reddy ◽  
G. V. K. S. V. Prasad

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