Phosphorus removal in ponds

1995 ◽  
Vol 31 (12) ◽  
pp. 331-339 ◽  
Ernesto R. Lopez ◽  
Rao Y. Surampalli ◽  
Shankha K. Banerji ◽  
Charles J. Pycha

The municipal lagoon treatment systems which remove phosphorus by chemical addition are the subject of this special study. The objectives of this study were to determine the degree of success of lagoon treatment systems in removing phosphorus and to identify any operational problems. In order to obtain basic data for this study, thirty-two lagoon treatment systems in Michigan and Minnesota were investigated. Chemicals typically used for phosphorus removal include metal salts such as aluminium sulfate (alum), ferrous and ferric chloride, lime, and various polymers. The overall experience with these lagoon systems is that the technology, in its various configurations, has been working very well. Of the thirty-two lagoon treatment facilities reviewed, only two facilities were having problems meeting consistently the effluent phosphorus limits. Generally, the permitted effluent phosphorus limit is 1 mg/l. The influent phosphorus concentrations varied between 0.5 and 15 mg/l. Alum and ferric chloride applications produced consistently high quality effluents while lime applications were not as effective in removing phosphorus. None of these lagoon treatment systems experienced problems with build-up of sludges to levels which affected the effluent concentrations. Accumulated amounts were an inch or less per year, consistent with solids build-up in the primary lagoon cells.

2011 ◽  
Vol 243-249 ◽  
pp. 4821-4826 ◽  
Ying Ying Ma ◽  
Xin Li ◽  
Wen Yi Dong

Phosphorus removal by biological aerated filter(BAF) is ineffective, its effluent TP is much more than 0.5mg/L, so chemically enhanced phosphorus removal is neccessary. To solve this problem, domestic wastewater through BAF by adding metal salts in the aerobic tank was studied. The ferric chloride and aluminum chloride were chosen as the metal salts. The results showed that: the removal rate of TP rose with the Me/P (Me=Fe, Al)mass ratio increased, the influence on other performance of BAF by chemically enhanced synchronously was not severe, with TP in the effluent below the standard of 0.5mg/L; to ensure the concentration of effluent TP was less than 0.5mg/L, the optimum mass ratios of dosing were Fe/P=3, Al/P=2.5; proper aeration intensity could maintain the proper micro-flocculation state in BAF, which was helpful to TP removal.

Jiyoung Song ◽  
Eunwon Lee

This study aimed to describe the health-related quality of life of elderly women with experience in fall treatment as well as to prepare basic data for the development of interventions to improve the quality of life for this group. The study was based on raw data from the 2019 Korea Community Health Survey. Using the SPSS program, the characteristics of the subjects were tested by frequency, percentage, and chi-square test. To establish the impact of fall experience on the health-related quality of life of elderly women, the OR and 95% CI were calculated using multiple logistic regression analysis. Of the 4260 people surveyed, 44.7% of the elderly women said they had a high quality of life, whereas 55.3% of the elderly women said they had a low quality of life. A younger age was associated with a better-rated health-related quality of life. Those who lived in a city and had a high level of education tended to describe a high quality of life. The quality of life was considered high by those who exercised, but low by those who were obese or diabetic. The results of this study can lead to a better understanding of the experiences of elderly women who have experienced falls, and they can be used as basic data for the development of related health programs.

1952 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 660-676 ◽  
Roscoe C. Martin

By tradition public administration is regarded as a division of political science. Woodrow Wilson set the stage for this concept in his original essay identifying public administration as a subject worthy of special study, and spokesmen for both political science and public administration have accepted it since. Thus Leonard White, in his 1930 article on the subject in the Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, recognizes public administration as “a branch of the field of political science.” Luther Gulick follows suit, observing in 1937 that “Public administration is thus a division of political science ….” So generally has this word got around that it has come to the notice of the sociologists, as is indicated in a 1950 report of the Russell Sage Foundation which refers to “political science, including public administration….” “Pure” political scientists and political scientists with a public administration slant therefore are not alone in accepting this doctrine, which obviously enjoys a wide and authoritative currency.But if public administration is reckoned generally to be a child of political science, it is in some respects a strange and unnatural child; for there is a feeling among political scientists, substantial still if mayhap not so widespread as formerly, that academicians who profess public administration spend their time fooling with trifles. It was a sad day when the first professor of political science learned what a manhole cover is! On their part, those who work in public administration are likely to find themselves vaguely resentful of the lack of cordiality in the house of their youth.

Олег Игоревич Денисенко ◽  
Оганнес Давитович Мкртчян

В связи с увеличением числа преступлений террористической направленности разрешения требуют вопросы, связанные с обеспечением объектов (территорий) УИС инструментами антитеррористической защищенности, к которым можно отнести такие, как проведение организационно-практических мероприятий антитеррористической защиты объектов УИС, наличие соответствующей документации и ответственного должностного лица, выполнение режимных требований на объектах УИС в соответствии с законодательством РФ, а также обеспечение контроля за количественными и качественными характеристиками эксплуатируемых инженерно-технических средств охраны и надзора. Актуальность проводимого исследования обусловлена необходимостью качественной реализации в правоприменительной практике совокупности требований обеспечения мероприятий по обеспечению антитеррористической защищенности объектов (территорий) УИС с целью защиты прав и интересов всех субъектов уголовно-исполнительной системы от террористического посягательства. Авторами выявляются проблемы правового и организационного уровня при оценке состояния антитеррористической защищенности объектов УИС: формализм при проведении обследований, недостаточный уровень оснащенности объектов УИС инженерно-техническими средствами охраны и надзора, а также финансирования для удовлетворения нужд объектов УИС в части обеспечения антитеррористической защищенности. Помимо прочего упоминаются такие проблемы, как отсутствие унифицированных принципов организации деятельности комплексных комиссионных обследований, разработанных с учетом современных правоприменительных норм и запросов практики, а также обосновывается необходимость повышения компетентности сотрудников ФСИН России при проведении комплексных комиссионных обследований. In connection with the increase in the number of terrorist crimes, the resolution requires issues related to the provision of facilities (territories) of the penal system with anti-terrorist security tools, which include such as the implementation of organizational and practical measures for the anti-terrorist protection of the penal system, the availability of appropriate documentation and a responsible official, the implementation of regime requirements at the facilities of the penal system in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as ensuring control over the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the operating engineering and technical means of protection and supervision. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in law enforcement practice, a high-quality implementation of the set of requirements for ensuring the anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) of the penal system is required so that the rights and interests of all subjects of the penal system in terms of protection from terrorist encroachment are observed. The authors identify the problems of the legal and organizational level when assessing the state of anti-terrorist security of penal facilities: formalism in conducting surveys, insufficient equipment of penal facilities with engineering and technical means of protection and supervision, as well as the level of funding to meet the needs of penal facilities in terms of ensuring anti-terrorist protection. Among other things, such problems as the lack of unified principles for organizing the activities of complex commission surveys, developed taking into account modern law enforcement norms and practice requests, are mentioned, as well as the need to improve the competence of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia when conducting comprehensive commission surveys is substantiated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 407-419
Marek Chyliński

Quality management in journalistic work processes The subject of the analysis is the sphere of media economization and specifically the problem of quality in journalism. The article tries to show that quality assurance in journalism is a task not only for authors, editorial teams, media companies, it is a social issue. The aim of the article is to indicate the most important dimensions and criteria of quality and to build a theoretical interpretation of quality management adequate to the work of journalists and the functioning of media organizations. The author suggests that the crisis of responsible journalism coincided with the crisis of democracy observed in all media models. In Polish scientific discourse, the subject of quality in journalism is almost absent. This lack is not compensated by considerations devoted to professionalism, professional culture, and even more so to deontology of journalism. The presented article attempts to include the issue of quality in the economic theory of media, indicating areas in which high-quality journalistic products or services create value that increases the competitive advantage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Franziska Verena Oberhaus ◽  
Dieter Frense

Due to their unique properties, polythiophene and other conductive polymers have become the subject of intensive research and are promising substrate materials for innovative and trendsetting applications. To this day, boron trifluoride diethyl etherate (BFEE) is the preferred solvent for the electropolymerization of thiophene, although it does not allow for reproducible film qualities due to its decomposition under ambient conditions. We therefore want to equip the reader with a starter kit for the electropolymerization of high-quality polythiophene films from stable solvents and a simple yet efficient method to remove the deposited films from the electrodes for their reuse. By drying the working solution prior to its utilization, and by adding a Lewis acid catalyst, films that display enhanced electron transfer and a smooth surface topography can be obtained, which can both be beneficial for the analytic performance of a subsequently built biosensor.

Chris Armbruster ◽  
Laurent Romary

After two decades of repository development, some conclusions may be drawn as to which type of repository and what kind of service best supports digital scholarly communication. In this regard, four types of publication repository may be distinguished, namely the subject-based repository, research repository, national repository system, and institutional repository. Two important shifts in the role of repositories may be noted and in regard to content, a well-defined and high quality corpus is essential. This implies that repository services are likely to be most successful when constructed with the user and reader in mind. With regard to service, high value to specific scholarly communities is essential. This implies that repositories are likely to be most useful to scholars when they offer dedicated services supporting the production of new knowledge. Along these lines, challenges and barriers to repository development may be identified in three key dimensions, i.e., identification and deposit of content, access and use of services, and preservation of content and sustainability of service. An indicative comparison of challenges and barriers in some major world regions is offered.

1985 ◽  
Vol 17 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 23-41 ◽  
M. C. Hascoet ◽  
M. Florentz ◽  
P. Granger

Enhanced biological phosphorus removal from wastewater by means of microorganisms found in activated sludge has for the past few years been the subject of much research and it is now commonly recognized that an activated sludge system must include alternating anaerobic-aerobic periods. The present article covers biochemical aspects of this phenomenon using a phosphorus removing biomass obtained in a laboratory-scale pilot with alternating phases and a synthetic substrate feed. The percentage of phosphorus obtained in the pilot sludge was four times greater than that of a conventional sludge plant. By exposing the same biomass to different conditions and using 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, we were able to accurately pin-point the various forms of phosphorus found within cells and follow their development during the course of alternating phases. The following results were obtained:the transformation of phosphorus in its inorganic to polyphosphate form depends on the medium's level of oxygenation,the presence of nitrates disturbs the anaerobic period but does not affect phosphorus uptake in the aerated period.Continuous nitrate addition alters biomass behaviour in the anaerobic phase, which loses the capacity to release phosphorus,copper at a concentration of over 1 mg Cu2+/1 inhibits phosphorus uptake in the aerated phase. Various microbiological analyses made on the pilot biomass isolated conventional bacteria found in activated sludge.

1985 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 1-20
Marcus G. Singer

I am, naturally, greatly honoured to have been invited by the Royal Institute of Philosophy to organize and conduct their lecture series on American Philosophy. It has been an interesting if trying experience, and I must say that the process of organizing it has given me a special respect for the patience and administrative capacities of those who have the task year in year out. Of course there were special difficulties in the way of importing so many people from the United States (especially since the Institute does not have the funds needed to bring them over), but if the series was to be on American Philosophy—whatever that is—it seemed especially appropriate that the lectures be given predominantly by Americans who have made a special study of the subject— again, whatever that is. We may, of course, end with the conclusion that there is no such distinctive subject, and that the name ‘American Philosophy’ is as nominal as a name can be, but that, we should note, is something to be found out, not a conclusion dictated in advance.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 442-448 ◽  
Xin Li ◽  
Yali Liu ◽  
Fangfang Liu ◽  
Aimin Liu ◽  
Qilan Feng

A membrane bioreactor (MBR) was used for treating biological aerated filter effluent in a municipal wastewater plant, and chemical phosphorus removal was accomplished in the MBR. The results showed that ferric chloride of 20 mg/L and aluminum sulfate of 30 mg/L were the optimal dosages for total phosphorus (TP) removal, and the TP removal efficiency was over 80%. In long-term continuous operations, both ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate effectively mitigated membrane fouling, with the corresponding growth rate of transmembrane pressure decreased to 0.08 and 0.067 kPa/d, respectively. Sludge particle sizes analysis demonstrated that the decrease of particle sizes lower than 50 μm was the main reason for membrane fouling control. Simultaneously, the proteins and polysaccharide (PS) concentrations in the MBR supernatant were analyzed, and the PS concentration significantly decreased to 2.02 mg/L at aluminum sulfate of 30 mg/L, indicating the flocculation of aluminum sulfate on PS was the main reason for mitigation of membrane fouling.

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