Lab and pilot scale tests as tools for upgrading - comparison with full scale results

1998 ◽  
Vol 37 (9) ◽  
pp. 25-31 ◽  
Åsa Malmqvist ◽  
Lars Gunnarsson ◽  
Christer Torstenon

Parameters such as hydraulic retention time, organic load, maximum COD removal, sludge characteristics and optimal nutrient dosage can be determined by simulation in small scale models of the chosen process. Laboratory tests are the natural first step when considering upgrading, or designing a new, biological treatment plant. The potential for a biological treatment can be examined at a low cost and within a minimum of time, often through parallel testing of different treatment methods. Once a suitable process configuration has been found, lab scale tests may well be used for optimizing the process and obtaining design data, thus minimizing the need for more expensive tests in larger scale. The principal reason for a pilot plant test is the possibility to investigate natural variations in wastewater composition and the effect this will have on process stability. The use of laboratory and pilot scale tests is here illustrated by the work carried out prior to the upgrading of the treatment plant at Nyboholm paper mill. A description of the upgraded full scale installation consisting of both chemical treatment and a suspended-carrier biofilm process is included and a comparison between results from lab, pilot and full scale treatment is made.

2004 ◽  
Vol 50 (3) ◽  
pp. 195-206 ◽  
T. Alexandersson ◽  
U. Jeppsson ◽  
C. Rosen

Implementation of an in-mill biological treatment plant is one solution to the problems associated with closure of whitewater systems. It is, however, important to operate the treatment with low concentration of nutrients in the effluent. The effect on the COD reduction from decreased additions of NH4-N and PO4-P were investigated in three parallel aerobic suspended carrier reactors during treatment at 46 to 48°C of whitewater from a recycled paper mill producing liner and fluting. In the reference reactor, a COD reduction of 89% was achieved and 45.6 mg NH4-N/(g COD reduced) and 11.6 mg PO4-P/(g COD reduced) was consumed at an organic load around 20 kg COD/(m3·d). Reduced additions of NH4-N decreased the COD reduction. Addition of 56% of the consumption of NH4-N in the reference reactor resulted in a COD reduction of 80%. The response from decreased addition of PO4-P was different compared to NH4-N but it could not be determined if this is due to unsuitable experimental design or a different reaction mechanism. Reducing the addition of PO4-P to 26% of the consumption of PO4-P in the reference reactor, decreased the COD reduction to 83%. The main conclusion from the experiment is: biological treatment has the potential of treating whitewater from recycled paper mills with low effluent nutrient concentrations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 77 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-78 ◽  
Yanjun Mao ◽  
Xie Quan ◽  
Huimin Zhao ◽  
Yaobin Zhang ◽  
Shuo Chen ◽  

Abstract The activated sludge (AS) process is widely applied in dyestuff wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs); however, the nitrogen removal efficiency is relatively low and the effluent does not meet the indirect discharge standards before being discharged into the industrial park's WWTP. Hence it is necessary to upgrade the WWTP with more advanced technologies. Moving bed biofilm processes with suspended carriers in an aerobic tank are promising methods due to enhanced nitrification and denitrification. Herein, a pilot-scale integrated free-floating biofilm and activated sludge (IFFAS) process was employed to investigate the feasibility of enhancing nitrogen removal efficiency at different hydraulic retention times (HRTs). The results showed that the effluent chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonium nitrate (NH4+-N) and total nitrogen (TN) concentrations of the IFFAS process were significantly lower than those of the AS process, and could meet the indirect discharge standards. PCR-DGGE and FISH results indicated that more nitrifiers and denitrifiers co-existed in the IFFAS system, promoting simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. Based on the pilot results, the IFFAS process was used to upgrade the full-scale AS process, and the effluent COD, NH4+-N and TN of the IFFAS process were 91–291 mg/L, 10.6–28.7 mg/L and 18.9–48.6 mg/L, stably meeting the indirect discharge standards and demonstrating the advantages of IFFAS in dyestuff wastewater treatment.

2002 ◽  
Vol 45 (6) ◽  
pp. 169-176 ◽  
S. Salem ◽  
D. Berends ◽  
J.J. Heijnen ◽  
M.C.M. van Loosdrecht

Mathematical modelling is considered a time and cost-saving tool for evaluation of new wastewater treatment concepts. Modelling can help to bridge the gap between lab and full-scale application. Bio-augmentation can be used to obtain nitrification in activated sludge systems with a limited aerobic sludge retention time. In the present study the potential for augmenting the endogenous nitrifying population is evaluated. Implementing a nitrification reactor in the sludge return line fed with sludge liquor with a high ammonia concentration leads to augmentation of the native nitrifying population. Since the behaviour of nitrifiers is relatively well known, a choice was made to evaluate this new concept mainly based on mathematical modelling. As an example an existing treatment plant (wwtp Walcheren, The Netherlands) that needed to be upgraded was used. A mathematical model, based on the TUDP model and implemented in AQUASIM was developed and used to evaluate the potential of this bioaugmentation in the return sludge line. A comparison was made between bio-augmentation and extending the existing aeration basins and anoxic tanks. The results of both modified systems were compared to give a quantitative basis for evaluation of benefits gained from such a system. If the plant is upgraded by conventional extension it needs an increase in volume of about 225%; using a bioaugmentation in the return sludge line the total volume of the tanks needs to be expanded by only 75% (including the side stream tanks). Based on the modelling results a decision was made to implement the bioaugmentation concept at full scale without further pilot scale testing, thereby strongly decreasing the scale-up period for this process.

1994 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 173-181 ◽  
L. Knudsen ◽  
J. A. Pedersen ◽  
J. Munck

The work presented in this paper concerns the application of a two-stage aerobic activated sludge process for treatment of effluents from paper mills in Denmark. The paper describes both pilot-scale test results and fullscale experience with the process. The treatment process is characterised by a bigh-load first stage (2-4 kg COD/kg MLSSxd) followed by a low-load second stage to secure full nitrification and denitrification of remaining nitrogen compounds. The results of continuous pilot-scale tests show that it is possible to obtain a reduction of more than 85% of the incoming COD,01 and a 99% reduction of the incoming BOD5, resulting in an effluent quality of 230 mg CODsol/l and less than 10 mg BOD5/l. As indicated, practically all the biodegradable organic substances are removed by the process. The remaining fraction of soluble organics measured as COD is considered to be non-biodegradable by conventional biological treatment systems. The results produced in the pilot-scale tests are confirmed by the effluent qualities obtained in a full-scale treatment plant at another paper mill, involving an identical process concept. During the pilot-scale tests, special attention bas been paid to the removal of organic compounds, organic nitrogen as well as nutrients and nitrification. In addition, the sludge characteristics and the oxygen requirements have been considered.

2001 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-39 ◽  
O. Tornes

Norway is a leading country on wastewater treatment comprising chemical precipitation processes. This is because Norwegian effluent standards to the North Sea have traditionally focused on phosphorus removal. In most cases, chemical treatment therefore has been considered to give lower investment and operating costs than biological treatment. Norwegian wastewater policy and management is based on the EU guidelines resulting from the EEA (European Economic Area) Agreement. According to the 1991 Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive, this will in most cases require secondary treatment. However, primary treatment can be accepted for plants larger than 10,000 PT with effluents to less sensitive coastal areas, if no negative environmental impacts can be proved. The main objective of the Regional Water, Sewerage and Waste Company (IVAR) is to comply with the prevailing effluent limits at lowest possible cost. During the past four years, IVAR has therefore undertaken comprehensive optimising of the precipitation process including full-scale experiments with different coagulant dosing control systems and different types of coagulants. IVAR also accomplished a feasibility study of introducing biological treatment as an alternative to chemical treatment. Under the prevailing frame conditions of discharge requirements and sludge deposit costs, it is not economically feasible to change to organic coagulants or biological treatment. This conclusion might have to be altered later resulting from the implementation of new EU regulations and increasing sludge deposit costs. This paper presents results from full-scale experiments, extracts from the feasibility study and a comparison of costs. Furthermore, the practical consequences of implementing the EU-guidelines are discussed.

Energies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (15) ◽  
pp. 3769 ◽  
Radosław Żyłka ◽  
Wojciech Dąbrowski ◽  
Paweł Malinowski ◽  
Beata Karolinczak

The intensification of biological wastewater treatment requires the high usage of electric energy, mainly for aeration processes. Publications on energy consumption have been mostly related to municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The aim of the research was to elaborate on models for the estimation of energy consumption during dairy WWTP operation. These models can be used for the optimization of electric energy consumption. The research was conducted in a dairy WWTP, operating with dissolved air flotation (DAF) and an activated sludge system. Energy consumption was measured with the help of three-phase network parameter transducers and a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. The obtained models provided accurate predictions of DAF, biological treatment, and the overall WWTP energy consumption using chemical oxygen demand (COD), sewage flow, and air temperature. Using the energy consumption of the biological treatment as an independent variable, as well as air temperature, it is possible to estimate the variability of the total electric energy consumption. During the summer period, an increase in the organic load (expressed as COD) discharged into the biological treatment causes higher electric energy consumption in the whole dairy WWTP. Hence, it is recommended to increase the efficiency of the removal of organic pollutants in the DAF process. An application for the estimation of energy consumption was created.

2005 ◽  
Vol 52 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 283-288 ◽  
R. Iranpour ◽  
R. Palacios ◽  
H.H.J. Cox ◽  
V. Abkian

Fecal coliform recurrence has been observed at the City of Los Angeles Hyperion Treatment Plant during pilot-scale experiments with a designated thermophilic battery of six anaerobic digesters, while other digesters were still at a mesophilic temperature. Several lab and full-scale experiments indicated the following possible causes of the growth/reactivation of fecal coliforms in post-digestion: a) contamination of thermophilically digested biosolids with mesophilically digested biosolids; b) a large drop in the biosolids temperature between the centrifuges and silos, which could have allowed the reactivation and/or growth of fecal coliforms. These were resolved by the full plant conversion to thermophilic anaerobic digestion and design modifications of the post-digestion train.

2002 ◽  
Vol 46 (6-7) ◽  
pp. 347-354 ◽  
E. Choi ◽  
Y. Eum

This study was conducted with an influent containing about 20% solids, obtainable from scraper type separation resulting in about 40 g/L TCOD and 5.5 g/L TKN, to find an optimum operating condition for nitrogen removal. Both laboratory scale reactors and a full scale treatment plant removed 80 to 90% nitrogen by biological means up to 35°C with 10% by ammonia stripping. The full scale plant however was operated at 35 to 45°C, and at 45°C, 30% nitrogen was removed by biological means, 50% by ammonia stripping, 14% by chemical coagulation and 6% by activated carbon adsorption, respectively. Struvite formation could not be observed at 30°C or higher. Nitrite nitrification and denitrification could save about 35% in tank volume and 50% in carbon requirements at 25°C, respectively. For a complete denitrification with a proper temperature, the influent TCOD/TKN ratio must exceed 6 with oxic/total reactor volume ratio of 0.5. The influent TCOD level or organic load should be lower so as not to increase the reactor temperature above 35°C and avoid nitrification inhibition. The estimated optimum nitrogen loading rates were 0.15 for summer and 0.23 kgTKN/m3/d for winter, respectively. With a cooling facility, the nitrogen loads could be increased to 0.35 kgTKN/m3/d equivalent to an organic loading rate of 2.5 kgCOD/m3/d.

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