Reuse of wastewater sludge with marine clay as a new resource of construction aggregates

2004 ◽  
Vol 50 (9) ◽  
pp. 189-196 ◽  
J.-H. Tay ◽  
K.-Y. Show ◽  
D.-J. Lee ◽  
S.-Y. Hong

The disposal of sludge from wastewater treatment presents highly complex problems to any municipality. Most of the sludge disposal methods have varying degrees of environmental impact. Hence, it is necessary to explore potential areas of reuse in order to alleviate sludge disposal problems and to conserve natural resources. Industrial sludge and marine clay are two forms of high-volume wastes. Using these wastes as a resource of raw materials to produce construction aggregates would enable large-scale sludge reuse. The aggregates were produced at various sludge-clay combinations containing 0, 20, 50, 80 and 100% clay contents, respectively. The pelletized aggregates displayed lower particle densities ranged between 1.48 and 2.25 g/cm3, compared to the density of granite at 2.56 g/cm3. Good 28-day concrete compressive strength of 38.5 N/mm2 achieved by the 100% sludge aggregate was comparable to the value of 38.0 N/mm2 achieved of the granite control specimens. The leachate contamination levels from the aggregates after 150 days were found acceptable when used in concrete, indicating insignificant environmental contamination. The heat flow study showed increases in heat flow at the temperatures of 480°C and between 660°C and 900°C, indicating a need for the extension of heating time around these temperatures.

2001 ◽  
Vol 44 (10) ◽  
pp. 269-272 ◽  
J.H. Tay ◽  
K.Y. Show ◽  
S.Y. Hong

Industrial wastewater sludge and dredged marine clay are high volume wastes that needed enormous space at landfill disposal sites. Due to the limitation of land space, there is an urgent need for alternative disposal methods for these two wastes. This study investigates the possibility of using the industrial sludge in combination with marine clay as construction aggregates. Different proportions of sludge and clay were made into round and angular aggregates. It was found that certain mix proportions could provide aggregates of adequate strength, comparable to that of conventional aggregates. Concrete samples cast from the sludge-clay aggregates yield compressive strengths in the range of 31.0 to 39.0 N/mm2. The results showed that the round aggregates of 100% sludge and the crush aggregates of sludge with up to 20% clay produced concrete of compressive strengths which are superior to that of 38.0 N/mm2 for conventional aggregate. The study indicates that the conversion of high volume wastes into construction materials is a potential option for waste management.

В.Я. Кофман

При производстве строительных материалов и в сельском хозяйстве могут быть использованы значительные объемы водопроводных осадков, обеспечивая при этом их утилизацию. Следствием применения осадков в строительной промышленности может стать существенная экономия традиционных сырьевых материалов без ухудшения качества продукции. Налаженных поставок водопроводных осадков на предприятия стройиндустрии, однако, пока не происходит, и в качестве основной причины называют непостоянство их состава. Вместе с тем достигнутые результаты свидетельствуют о значительных усилиях, предпринимаемых в этой области. На основе использования водопроводных осадков разработаны технологии производства цемента, строительного раствора, бетона, кирпича, кровельной черепицы, керамических изделий. Сельскохозяйственное применение водопроводных осадков считается наиболее доступным и масштабным вариантом их утилизации. Содержание органики и тяжелых металлов в водопроводных осадках достаточно ограниченно, что выгодно отличает их от осадков сточных вод и позволяет классифицировать как безопасные. К настоящему времени в целом ряде стран проведены многолетние масштабные эксперименты по использованию водопроводных осадков для корректировки содержания растворимого фосфора в почвах, для связывания растворимых форм мышьяка и хрома и корректировки содержания микроэлементов. Кардинальное решение проблемы водопроводных осадков должно быть связано с уменьшением их образования в процессе водоподготовки. В этом направлении ведется поиск альтернативных коагулянтов, прежде всего растительного происхождения. Достигнутые результаты позволили провести опытно-промышленные испытания водного экстракта семян масличного дерева Moringa oleiferaв качестве коагулянта при очистке поверхностной воды. Utilization of water sludge in significant amounts can be provided by using it in the production of construction materials and in agriculture. The use of water sludge in the construction industry can result in significant savings in traditional raw materials without compromising product quality. However, the supply of water sludge to the construction industry enterprises, has not been established so far, and the instability of its composition is posed as the main reason. At the same time, the results achieved evidence significant efforts made in this area. Based on the use of water sludge, technologies have been developed for the production of cement, building mortar, concrete, brick, roofing tiles, and ceramic products. Agricultural use of water sludge is considered as a most affordable and large-scale option of its disposal. The concentration of organics and heavy metals in water sludge is quite limited, which sets it apart from wastewater sludge and allows it being classified as safe. To date, in a number of countries many years of large-scale experiments have been conducted on the use of water sludge for adjusting the concentration of soluble phosphorus in soils; binding soluble forms of arsenic and chromium, and adjusting the concentration of trace elements. A radical solution to the problem of water sludge disposal should be associated with reducing its amount generated during water purification process. In this direction, studies are being conducted on alternative coagulants, primarily of plant origin. The results achieved made it possible to carry out pilot tests of using aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera oil-tree seeds as a coagulant in the purification of surface water.

2010 ◽  
Vol 156-157 ◽  
pp. 939-942 ◽  
Deng Ling Jiang ◽  
Guo Wei Ni ◽  
Guan Yi Ma

Treatment of municipal wastewater results worldwide in the production of large amounts of sewage sludge. The major part of the dry matter content of this sludge consists of nontoxic organic compounds, in general a combination of primary sludge and secondary (microbiological) sludge. The sludge also contains a substantial amount of inorganic material and a small amount of toxic components. The large volume of wastewater sludge generated requires enormous landfill space for disposal. Diverting the wastewater sludge from landfill would alleviate the shortage of landfill sites. Thus alternative applications have to be considered for the wastewater sludge diverted away from the landfills. The use of wastewater sludge for the production of construction materials is reviewed in this paper. Wastewater sludge can be used as raw materials for making bricks, concrete filler and concrete aggregates. The study reveals that the reuse of wastewater sludge as construction materials offers a technically feasible alternative for sludge disposal.

2014 ◽  
pp. 97-104 ◽  
Electo Eduardo Silv Lora ◽  
Mateus Henrique Rocha ◽  
José Carlos Escobar Palacio ◽  
Osvaldo José Venturini ◽  
Maria Luiza Grillo Renó ◽  

The aim of this paper is to discuss the major technological changes related to the implementation of large-scale cogeneration and biofuel production in the sugar and alcohol industry. The reduction of the process steam consumption, implementation of new alternatives in driving mills, the widespread practice of high steam parameters use in cogeneration facilities, the insertion of new technologies for biofuels production (hydrolysis and gasification), the energy conversion of sugarcane trash and vinasse, animal feed production, process integration and implementation of the biorefinery concept are considered. Another new paradigm consists in the wide spreading of sustainability studies of products and processes using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and the implementation of sustainability indexes. Every approach to this issue has as an objective to increase the economic efficiency and the possibilities of the sugarcane as a main source of two basic raw materials: fibres and sugar. The paper briefly presents the concepts, indicators, state-of-the-art and perspectives of each of the referred issues.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Suharto Suharto ◽  
Muhammad Amin ◽  
Muhammad Al Muttaqii ◽  
Syafriadi Syafriadi ◽  
Kiki Nurwanti

Experimental study on the use of basalt stone originated from Lampung has been conducted to evaluate its potential for a partial substitute of raw material in production of cement clinker. The basalt stone contains minerals of anorthite, augite, and albite phases that are required for clinker formation. In this study, the main raw materials were 80% limestone, 10% silica sand, 9% clay and 1% iron sand. The raw material in these experiments were mixtures 90% or 80% of the main raw material and 10% or 20% of basalt stone. The effect of adding coal to raw materials was also studied to see the possibility of an increase in clinkerization temperature inside the raw material mixture, and at the same time to see the effect of coal ash on clinker composition. Clinker obtained from heating of raw materials at a temperature of 1100oC had LSF of 94.1% and 95.1% (heating time of 1 and 3 hours). If heating is carried out at 1200oC, the clinker had LSF of 97.7% and 98.0% (heating time of 2 and 3 hours, respectively). Depending on the temperature and duration of heating, the clinker mostly had SM in the range of 2.18-2.40% , and AM in the range of 0,78-1.80%. Characterization using XRD showed that the clinker consisted of larnite and gehlenite phases, and dominated by CaO.Batu basalt Lampung telah diuji potensinya sebagai pengganti sebagian bahan baku utama pembuatan klinker semen. Batu basalt tersebut memiliki mineral-mineral dalam fase anorthite, augite, dan albite yang diperlukan pada pembentukan klinker. Pada penelitian ini, bahan baku utama adalah batu kapur 80%, pasir silika 10%, tanah liat 9% dan pasir besi 1%. Campuran bahan baku klinker adalah 90% atau 80% bahan baku utama dan 10% atau 20% batu basalt. Efek penambahan batubara ke dalam bahan baku klinker juga dipelajari untuk melihat kemungkinan kenaikan temperatur klinkerisasi di dalam campuran bahan baku, dan sekaligus untuk melihat efek abu batubara terhadap komposisi klinker. Klinker hasil pemanasan bahan baku pada temperatur 1100oC memiliki LSF 94,1% dan 95,1% (lama pemanasan 1 dan 3 jam). Jika pemanasan dilakukan pada 1200oC, klinker memilik LSF 97,7% dan 98,00% (lama pemanasan 2 dan 3 jam). Tergantung pada temperatur dan lama pemanasan, klinker hasil percobaan ini umumnya memiliki SM 2,18-2,40%, dan AM antara 0,78-1,80%. Karakterisasi dengan XRD menunjukkan bahwa klinker terdiri dari fase larnite dan gehlenite, dan didominasi CaO.

Crystals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Cheng-An Tao ◽  
Jian-Fang Wang

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have been used in adsorption, separation, catalysis, sensing, photo/electro/magnetics, and biomedical fields because of their unique periodic pore structure and excellent properties and have become a hot research topic in recent years. Ball milling is a method of small pollution, short time-consumption, and large-scale synthesis of MOFs. In recent years, many important advances have been made. In this paper, the influencing factors of MOFs synthesized by grinding were reviewed systematically from four aspects: auxiliary additives, metal sources, organic linkers, and reaction specific conditions (such as frequency, reaction time, and mass ratio of ball and raw materials). The prospect for the future development of the synthesis of MOFs by grinding was proposed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S563-S563
Kenneth A Valles ◽  
Lewis R Roberts

Abstract Background Infection by hepatitis B and C viruses causes inflammation of the liver and can lead to cirrhosis, liver failure, and hepatocellular carcinoma. The WHO’s ambition to eliminate viral hepatitis by 2030 requires strategies specific to the dynamic disease profiles each nation faces. Large-scale human movement from high-prevalence nations to the United States and Canada have altered the disease landscape, likely warranting adjustments to present elimination approaches. However, the nature and magnitude of the new disease burden remains unknown. This study aims to generate a modeled estimate of recent HBV and HCV prevalence changes to the United States and Canada due to migration. Methods Total migrant populations from 2010-2019 were obtained from United Nations Migrant Stock database. Country-of-origin HBV and HCV prevalences were obtained for the select 40 country-of-origin nations from the Polaris Observatory and systematic reviews. A standard pivot table was used to evaluate the disease contribution from and to each nation. Disease progression estimates were generated using the American Association for the Study of the Liver guidelines and outcome data. Results Between 2010 and 2019, 7,676,937 documented migrants arrived in US and Canada from the selected high-volume nations. Primary migrant source regions were East Asia and Latin America. Combined, an estimated 878,995 migrants were HBV positive, and 226,428 HCV positive. The majority of both migrants (6,477,506) and new viral hepatitis cases (HBV=840,315 and HCV=215,359) were found in the United States. The largest source of HBV cases stemmed from the Philippines, and HCV cases from El Salvador. Conclusion Massive human movement has significantly changed HBV and HCV disease burdens in both the US and Canada over the past decade and the long-term outcomes of cirrhosis and HCC are also expected to increase. These increases are likely to disproportionally impact individuals of the migrant and refugee communities and screening and treatment programs must be strategically adjusted in order to reduce morbidity, mortality, and healthcare expenses. Disclosures All Authors: No reported disclosures

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (15) ◽  
pp. 4143
Youzheng Cui ◽  
Shenrou Gao ◽  
Fengjuan Wang ◽  
Qingming Hu ◽  
Cheng Xu ◽  

Compared with other materials, high-volume fraction aluminum-based silicon carbide composites (hereinafter referred to as SiCp/Al) have many advantages, including high strength, small change in the expansion coefficient due to temperature, high wear resistance, high corrosion resistance, high fatigue resistance, low density, good dimensional stability, and thermal conductivity. SiCp/Al composites have been widely used in aerospace, ordnance, transportation service, precision instruments, and in many other fields. In this study, the ABAQUS/explicit large-scale finite element analysis platform was used to simulate the milling process of SiCp/Al composites. By changing the parameters of the tool angle, milling depth, and milling speed, the influence of these parameters on the cutting force, cutting temperature, cutting stress, and cutting chips was studied. Optimization of the parameters was based on the above change rules to obtain the best processing combination of parameters. Then, the causes of surface machining defects, such as deep pits, shallow pits, and bulges, were simulated and discussed. Finally, the best cutting parameters obtained through simulation analysis was the tool rake angle γ0 = 5°, tool clearance angle α0 = 5°, corner radius r = 0.4 mm, milling depth ap = 50 mm, and milling speed vc= 300 m/min. The optimal combination of milling parameters provides a theoretical basis for subsequent cutting.

2009 ◽  
Vol 79-82 ◽  
pp. 1879-1882 ◽  
Ya Long Liao ◽  
Fu Chang Xu ◽  
Dong Bo Li

Pd/Fe bimetallic catalysts were synthesized via chemical deposition and used to eliminate chlorine compacted in shellac while it was being bleached with sodium hypochlorite in alkaline solution for the preparation of low chlorine shellac, a natural and biological product used in large scale in food industry and pharmaceutical fields. Experiments demonstrated that the Pd/Fe bimetallic particles could catalyze dechlorination process effectively, which was affected by several factors such as reaction temperature, Pd/Fe ratio, and the induction of Pd/Fe. The dechlorination efficiency reached 81.9% under the conditions of Pd/Fe loading ratio of 0.10wt%, binary metal usage 10 g/L, H2 flowing rate 50 mL/min, and reaction temperature 90°C for 240 min. Moreover, the mechanism of catalytic hydrogenation was elucidated through structure characterization of the final products using elementary analysis, infrared spectroscopy, and ultraviolet spectrophotometer. It was shown from the result of ultraviolet spectrophotometer that the wavelength of the maximum absorption of seedlac, the raw materials for obtaining shellac, was 235 nm. However, it was blue shifted to the same value 222 nm when the shellac was dechlorinated by catalytic hydrogenation with Pd/Fe binary metal particle as the shellac without catalyzed. The results of elementary analysis showed that chlorine content in the final product was only 0.46%, just 1/5 comparing to that of non-declorination by catalytic hydrogenation under the optimum conditions. It was shown that the chlorine ions compacted in the shellac was substituted by hydrogen ions.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1000 ◽  
pp. 12-15
Jiří Švec ◽  
Tomáš Opravil ◽  
Jiří Másilko

Reusing and recycling of secondary raw materials from high-volume industrial productions (especially form construction materials and binders fabrications) is very important way of conserving environment and it is also interesting from the economical point of view. The production of common hydraulic binders, especially Portland cement, burdens the environment with considerable amount of combustion gases and consumes energy in massive scale. Alternative (low – energy) binder can be used as Portland cement substitution in applications with lower mechanical properties requirements. Mined limestone wash sediments contain large amount of clay components, but there is also indispensable share of fine calcite. This composition makes these sediments a promising material for the preparation of hydraulic binders as Roman cement or hydraulic lime.

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