2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Jan Zieliński

The article is interested in following the history of the reception of the exceptional example of fifteenth-century poetry in Polish Pieśń o Wiklefie by Jędrzej Gałka of Dobczyn in the period between the discovery of the text in 1815 and the beginning of the First World War. The author discusses the reception of Pieśń o Wiklefie in later works of the Enlightenment poets as well as in texts by Mickiewicz and Norwid (the latter was friends with the poet Antoni Czajkowski, whose father first published Pieśń o Wiklefie). The article concludes with a discussion of the intellectual contacts between the logician Michał Dziewicki – one of the publishers of Wycliffe’s works – and Wittgenstein, who served in the military in Cracow.

Felix S. Kireev

Boris Alexandrovich Galaev is known as an outstanding composer, folklorist, conductor, educator, musical and public figure. He has a great merit in the development of musical culture in South Ossetia. All the musical activity of B.A. Galaev is studied and analyzed in detail. In most of the biographies of B.A. Galaev about his participation in the First World War, there is only one proposal that he served in the army and was a bandmaster. For the first time in historiography the participation of B.A. Galaev is analyzed, and it is found out what positions he held, what awards he received, in which battles he participated. Based on the identified documentary sources, for the first time in historiography, it occured that B.A. Galaev was an active participant in the First World War on the Caucasian Front. He went on attacks, both on foot and horse formation, was in reconnaissance, maintained communication between units, received military awards. During this period, he did not have time to study his favorite music, since, according to the documents, he was constantly at the front, in the battle formations of the advanced units. He had to forget all this heroic past and tried not to mention it ever after. Therefore, this period of his life was not studied by the researchers of his biography. For writing this work, the author uses the Highest Orders on the Ranks of the Military and the materials of the Russian State Military Historical Archive (RSMHA).

2020 ◽  
pp. 127-149
Alexey Y. Timofeev

The anniversary of the First World War in Serbia has become an oc-casion for exacerbating public discussion and drawing attention to the rise of revisionism in NATO countries. Fear of a revision of the history of World War I infl uenced Serbian society and elites on the eve of the centenary. The concerned Serb elites responded with a wide range of events organized in Serbia and Republika Srpska. Within the framework of the commemorative events dedicated to the anniversary, monuments, installed and restored by the Serbian authorities and their foreign part-ners, have received special signifi cance. These were monuments to the Serbian patriot G. Princip, to the famous Iron Regiment, to the woman volunteer-soldier Milunka Savic. They are traditional fi gures of the Ser-bian memory of the First World War. At the same time, Serbian authori-ties did not succeed in their attempt to perpetuate in monumental forms the head of the Serbian military intelligence D. Dimitrievic-Apis, the leader of the Serbian nationalist organization Black Hand, which patron-ized the Mlada Bosna organization that prepared the assassination on Franz Ferdinand. The Russian-Serbian monuments of the First World War in Serbia presenting Nicholas II and the military brotherhood of the two peoples were of special signifi cance. All new monuments have become memorial sites and at the same time attractive points for vari-ous political forces expressing their sympathies and antipathies through symbolic gestures towards them.

Андрей Андреевич Кулюкин

В рамках статьи исследован вопрос развития военно-полицейских органов в России до 1917 г. Отмечено, что до формирования кадровых военно-полицейских частей уже с XVII в. законом предусматривались специальные воинские чины, на которых были возложены задачи по поддержанию правопорядка в армии на ранних этапах ее становления. Приведен пример полицейской службы Ингерманландского драгунского полка в годы Отечественной войны 1812 г., который стал прообразом кадровой военно-полицейской части. Рассмотрены организация службы, функции, полномочия, этапы формирования и законодательные акты, регламентирующие деятельность военно-полицейских частей. Раскрыта краткая история гвардейского жандармского полуэскадрона, приведены примеры выполнения военной полицией возложенных задач. Произведены обобщение, структурирование задач и функций, возложенных на военную полицию в годы Первой мировой войны. Сделан вывод, что создание в составе армии кадровых военно-полицейских частей стало одним из этапов и логическим продолжением генезиса военно-полицейских органов в России. Проведен сравнительный анализ деятельности военно-полицейских органов в различное время, при этом отмечено, что задачи и функции военной полиции с течением времени оставались в основном неизменными. Within the framework of the article, the issue of the military-police bodies development in Russia from 1815 to 1917 is investigated. It is noted that before the formation of cadre military-police units, already from the 17th century, the law provided for special military ranks, who were entrusted with the tasks of maintaining law and order in the army at the early stages of its formation. An example is given of the police service of the Ingermanland Dragoon Regiment during the Patriotic War of 1812, which became the prototype of the regular military-police unit. The organization of the service, functions, powers, stages of formation and legislative acts regulating the activities of military-police units are considered. A brief history of the Guards gendarme half-squadron is revealed, examples of the military police performing the assigned tasks are given. The generalization, structuring of the tasks and functions assigned to the military police during the First World War are made. It is concluded that the creation of personnel military-police units within the army was one of the stages and a logical continuation of the genesis of military-police bodies in Russia. A comparative analysis of the activities of military-police bodies at different times is carried out, while it is noted that the tasks and functions of the military police have remained largely unchanged over time.

2000 ◽  
pp. 67-75
R. Soloviy

In the history of religious organizations of Western Ukraine in the 20-30th years of the XX century. The activity of such an early protestant denominational formation as the Ukrainian Evangelical-Reformed Church occupies a prominent position. Among UCRC researchers there are several approaches to the preconditions for the birth of the Ukrainian Calvinistic movement in Western Ukraine. In particular, O. Dombrovsky, studying the historical preconditions for the formation of the UREC in Western Ukraine, expressed the view that the formation of the Calvinist cell should be considered in the broad context of the Ukrainian national revival of the 19th and 20th centuries, a new assessment of the religious factor in public life proposed by the Ukrainian radical activists ( M. Drahomanov, I. Franko, M. Pavlik), and significant socio-political, national-cultural and spiritual shifts caused by the events of the First World War. Other researchers of Ukrainian Calvinism, who based their analysis on the confessional-polemical approach (I.Vlasovsky, M.Stepanovich), interpreted Protestantism in Ukraine as a product of Western cultural and religious influences, alien to Ukrainian spirituality and culture.

2020 ◽  
pp. 65-80
Magdalena Strąk

The work aims to show a peculiar perspective of looking at photographs taken on the eve of the broadly understood disaster, which is specified in a slightly different way in each of the literary texts (Stefan Chwin’s autobiographical novel Krótka historia pewnego żartu [The brief history of a certain joke], a poem by Ryszard Kapuściński Na wystawie „Fotografia chłopów polskich do 1944 r.” [At an exhibition “The Polish peasants in photographs to 1944”] and Wisława Szymborska’s Fotografia z 11 września [Photograph from September 11]) – as death in a concentration camp, a general concept of the First World War or a terrorist attack. Upcoming tragic events – of which the photographed people are not yet aware – become for the subsequent recipient an inseparable element of reality contained in the frame. For the later observers, privileged with time perspective, the characters captured in the photograph are already victims of the catastrophe, which in reality was not yet recorded by the camera. It is a work about coexistence of the past and future in the field of photography.

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