scholarly journals Awareness of Oral Cancer Among Dental Patients in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 369-374
Mashael Alqahtani ◽  
Alla Nahhas ◽  
Lujain Malibari ◽  
Maryam Alghamdi ◽  
Sara Bazuhier ◽  

Background: Oral Cancer (OC) is a serious health problem affecting the oral cavity, which may lead to death. Alcohol, tobacco, and chewing betel are the main risk factors. Early diagnosis and adequate knowledge of OC may improve the survival rate. Objective: This study aimed to assess the knowledge about oral cancer among dental patients in Mecca. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the dental clinics of Mecca. Interviewer-administered questionnaires were distributed to 416 respondents aged 18 or older, who spoke Arabic or English, had no history of OC, and participated voluntarily. The questionnaire consisted of three sections. The first regarded demographical data, the second measured knowledge about OC, and the third was concerned with education regarding OC provided by health-care providers. The interviewers also educated the participants by handing brochures with information about OC. Results: Knowledge about OC among dental patients in Mecca was found to be significantly low. Only 102 of the 416 participants (24.5%) had any knowledge. Only 3.4% of all participants had been educated about OC by their health-care providers. Conclusion: The results of this study show a considerable lack of general knowledge about OC among dental patients in Mecca. Health programs should be developed to raise the community’s awareness.

Rabei, H. ◽  
Elamin, H. ◽  
AlSultani, D. ◽  
Albarghuthi, R. ◽  
AlTatari, H.

Background: Immunizations have been considered by many as one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. Despite their success, there had been rising dispute in regards to vaccinations, which led to the emergence of skeptics all around the world who are questioning their efficacy and raising concerns about their safety. While increasing data are published internationally about this topic, little do we know about the figures in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Objectives: This study aims to explore the attitudes, beliefs and perceptions of parents across different Emirates in UAE about the routine vaccinations.  The results of the study will help health care providers have better understanding of the compliance to vaccinations in the area and therefore initiate targeted awareness campaigns to address main issues behind vaccine refusal and misconceptions around it. Methods: An observational, cross-sectional study was approved by the institutional review board in accordance with the regulations of the Health Authority in Abu Dhabi (HAAD). Survey questionnaires consisting of 26 questions of qualitative and quantitative aspects were distributed to randomly selected parents across five different cities in United Arab Emirates. Results: A total of 397 participants were included in our study. Parents have showed good perception of the effectiveness of vaccines as 90% agreed that vaccines are effective in preventing certain diseases. However, in regards to parents’ knowledge, 44% did not know that some vaccines prevent certain types of cancer. When looking at the rate of vaccination refusal in our study, we found that 10% of our population refuses to vaccinate their children. Three quarters of those did so because of either their belief that their child will develop his/her immunity naturally or that vaccinations are not safe. Also of note, one thirds of parents believed that vaccinations can cause serious side effects while 19% reported that they have not received sufficient information regarding vaccination from their child’s health care provider. Conclusion: In our study, parents have demonstrated adequate knowledge and attitudes towards vaccinations. However, there still remains parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. Reasons behind the refusal can be tackled by the primary health care providers through adequate counseling and community based campaigns which aims to educate families about the safety and importance of vaccination.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-46 ◽  
Zobaer Alam ◽  
Md Monoarul Haque ◽  
Md Rijwan Bhuiyan ◽  
Md Shahinoor Islam ◽  
Monirul Haque ◽  

Background: The burden of childhood disability as a public health problem in developing countries remains relatively unrecognized. One out of 750 children born in the world suffer from club foot among them 80% are in low and middle income countries. Most of these babies have limited access to receive effective treatment for their clubfoot due to lack o knowledge, awareness and some barriers. We actually don’t know the level of knowledge of parents who have child with clubfoot deformity. The purpose of this study was to assess the level of knowledge of parents who have children with clubfoot during clubfoot treatment. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted among 102 parents who have children with clubfoot deformity during its treatment in a selected clinic. The samples were selected purposively from the clinics where clubfoot treatment was given and face to face interview was done by using semi-structured questionnaire. Results: The mean (±SD) age of the respondents were 24.7 (±6.0) years where 87.3% (n=89) respondents ware female and 59.8 %(n=61) respondent’s educational status ware up to primary level. About 44.1% respondents started treatment of their child within 6 months of birth and 33% within 6 to 12 months where 57% (n=58) respondents are referred by health care professional to this clinics. About 93.1% of parents (n=95) said that they knew nothing about clubfoot deformity before their child was diagnosed where 97% are aware after diagnosis of their child. About 93.1% respondents knew the best time for treatment initiation where 59.8% respondents know the correct follow up time of clubfoot management. In case of knowledge of parents’ roles in the treatment of clubfoot about 91.2%, parents have knowledge weekly visit for treatment and 86.3% know the plaster care where 52.9% (n=54) parents have lack of knowledge about how to use the brace Conclusion: There is need to improve the communication skills of clinicians/health care providers offering treatment to children with clubfoot at the Clinics. Need to share information with the parents about the condition. Finally, there is need to emphasize of educating parents about plaster care and how to use brace. DOI: Chatt Maa Shi Hosp Med Coll J; Vol.14 (1); Jan 2015; Page 42-46

2017 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. e12751 ◽  
I. Koné ◽  
G. Klein ◽  
A. Siebenhofer ◽  
A. Dahlhaus ◽  
C. Güthlin

2011 ◽  
Vol 18 (03) ◽  
pp. 518-524

Objectives: (1) To determine the mode of services being rendered and practices done by the health care providers of the study area. (2) To identify various socio-demographic factors about the health care providers. A health care provider provides preventive, curative, rehabilitative and spiritual health services to the community. Health care is being provided by not only the registered and qualified doctors, but also by non-qualified non-registered and inexperienced persons in Pakistan. Methodology: A total of 57 health care providers from the union council 42 area in district Faisalabad were included. A pre-tested questionnaire to know about the services and practices of the individuals was served upon them to collect the relevant data. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Union council 42 area in district Faisalabad. Period: 2008. Results: Out of 57, 30 (52.63%) were males and 27 (47.37%) were females. Most of them, 18 (31.6%) were above 49 years of age. 51 (89.47%) were practicing in the private; whereas, only 2(3.51%) in the public sector. Most of the individuals, 21 (36.8%) were LHW and only 2(3.5%) were doctors or medical assistants; 3(5.3%) were dispensers, 9(15.8%) were hakeems and 7 (12.3%) homeopaths. Most of them, 40(70.2%) were matriculates and 14(24.6%) graduates. Only 20 (35.1%) were having certificates and 11(19.3%) were diploma holders. Further, only 2(11.76%) out of 57 were registered with PM&DC and Punjab Medical Faculty. 30 (52.6%) individuals were rendering curative and only 5 (8.8%) preventive services. None of the health care providers was rendering laboratory, x-ray or ultrasound services. Most of the individuals, 36 (63.2%) were practicing allopathy and 7(12.3%) homeopathy way of treatment. Further, most of the professionals, 45 (78.95%) were not doing any surgery. As regards sterilization, the most 8(66.7%) were practicing boiling of instruments. Most of them 47 (82.45%) were giving injections to the patients, however, using disposable syringes, and 27(57.4%) were disposing of the syringes by cutting the needles to dump. 20 (42.55%) were referring their patients to DHQ Hospital and 47 (82.46%) were keeping the record. Conclusions: Qualified medical professionals were scarce in the locality. However, allopathic system of medicine was being widely practiced. Only LHWs were providing curative services with proper training to deliver first aid services.

Mohammad Javad Kabir ◽  
Hasan Ashrafian Amiri ◽  
Zahra Hassanzadeh-Rostami ◽  
Reza Momtahen ◽  
Rasoul Zafarmand ◽  

Background: Urban family physician program is one of the relatively large reforms in Iran's health care system implemented in Fars and Mazandaran provinces since 2012. Nearly five years after implementation of the program, this study aimed to identify the achievements and challenges of this program from the viewpoints of managers and administrators. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in winter of 2016. The research population included administrators and experts monitoring the urban family physician program and representatives of the family physicians and health care providers selected using the census method. The data collection tool was a two-part researcher-made questionnaire containing 15 questions with confirmed validity. To collect data, 29 panels of experts were held and the collected information was analyzed by SPSS 23 using independent t-tests and ANOVA. Results: Among the total of 647 participants in 2 provinces, 1540 achievement cases, 2387 challenge cases, and 1641 strategies were found. The average numbers of achievements, challenges, and strategies stated by each person were 2.38 ± 2.0, 3.70 ± 2.7, and 2.54 ± 2.0, respectively. The most frequent achievements, challenges, and strategies were increased disease detection and care (430), untimely payment to physicians (198), and providing sustainable resources for timely payments (119).  The means of achievements, challenges, and strategies had significant relationship with some of the individual and social variables (p < 0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that increasing the rate of detection was the most important achievement and lack of timely payment was the biggest challenge of the program, which should be considered by policy makers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 582
EmmanuelObiora Izuka ◽  
ObinnaChinedu Nwafor ◽  
JosephTochukwu Enebe ◽  
IfeanyichukwuJude Ofor ◽  
ChineloElizabeth Obiora-Izuka ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Mansoor Ahmed ◽  
Hyea Bin Im ◽  
Jung Hye Hwang ◽  
Dongwoon Han

Abstract Background Pregnant women’s disclosure of herbal medicine (HM) use to their health care providers during pregnancy is crucial, as misuse of HM can have a detrimental effect on both pregnant woman and the fetus. However, the lack of disclosure of HM use to physicians remains a public health concern in developing countries such as Nepal. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted among 400 postpartum women admitted at Maternity and Women’s Hospital located in Kathmandu, Nepal. The survey instrument included 30 questions on the use of HM during pregnancy, sociodemographic and health characteristics, and pregnancy outcomes. Chi-square test and logistic regression were conducted for data analysis using SPSS ver. 21.0., and a p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant for all analyses. Results 60.3% of respondents used at least one herbal remedy during their previous pregnancy, and the overall disclosure rate of HM use to healthcare providers was 54.6%. Women with secondary education level and four or more antenatal care visits were more likely to disclose their HM use to healthcare providers. Conclusions This study highlights that despite the popular use of HM among pregnant women in Nepal, most women obtained HM-related information from informal sources and did not disclose their HM use to physicians. To ensure the safe use of HM, physicians should integrate questions regarding patients’ HM use into their routine patient assessments to facilitate active communication and improve the quality of care.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Daniel Asfaw Erku

Background.Today, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use is being routinely practiced by cancer patients worldwide. This study aimed at examining the prevalence of CAM use in patients with cancer and comparing the quality of life (QoL) in CAM users and nonusers.Methods.A cross-sectional study was employed on 195 cancer patients receiving chemotherapy at Gondar University Referral Hospital (GURH) chemotherapy center. Interviewer-administered questionnaires were used and the collected data were analyzed by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 21.0 for Windows.Results.154 (79%) patients were found to be users of CAM. Educational status, average monthly income, disease stage, and comorbidity were strong predictors of use of CAM. The most commonly utilized types of CAM were traditional herbal based medicine (72.1%) and only 20.8% of patients discuss with their doctors CAM use. No significant difference was found in QoL between CAM users and nonusers except in financial difficulties (p=0.020).Conclusions.This study revealed a high rate of CAM use with very low disclosure rate to their health care providers. Health care providers should be open to discuss the use of CAM with their patients as it will lead to better health outcome.

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