Overpopulation as Crisis: Redirecting Health Care Services in Rural Bangladesh

1987 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-131 ◽  
Shelley Feldman

This article examines the consequences of a “population-as-crisis” theme on the institutional configuration and resource endowments of health care services in an integrated Ministry of Health and Population Control in Bangladesh. The Ministry's focus on women as child bearers and its emphasis on sterilization supported by incentives has contradictory consequences as women become vulnerable to a limited health service and incentives encourage a focus on meeting sterilization targets. Both undermine people's access to and use of primary health care services. Findings from three studies, undertaken between 1978 and 1983, support the argument that despite international concern with preventive and promotive primary health care, simultaneous support for and emphasis on population control inhibits meeting the goals of a broad-based rural primary health care service.

2017 ◽  
Vol 51 (suppl.2) ◽  
Ione Aquemi Guibu ◽  
José Cássio De Moraes ◽  
Augusto Afonso Guerra Junior ◽  
Ediná Alves Costa ◽  
Francisco de Assis Acurcio ◽  

OBJECTIVE: To characterize patients of primary health care services according to demographic and socioeconomic aspects, habits and lifestyle, health condition, and demand for health services and medicines. METHODS: This study is part of the Pesquisa Nacional sobre Acesso, Utilização e Promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos – Serviços (PNAUM – National Survey on Access, Use and Promotion of Rational Use of Medicines – Services), a cross-sectional study carried out between 2014 and 2015. Interviews were conducted with patients over the age of 17 years, with a standardized questionnaire, in primary health care services of a representative sample of cities, stratified by regions of Brazil. The analysis was performed for complex samples and weighted according to the population size of each region. RESULTS: A total of 8,676 patients were interviewed, being 75.8% women, most of them aged from 18 to 39 years; 24.2% men, most of them aged from 40 to 59 years; 53.7% with elementary school; 50.5% reported to be of mixed race ethnicity, 39.7%, white, and 7.8%, black. Half of patients were classified as class C and 24.8% received the Bolsa Familia benefit. Only 9.8% had health insurance, with higher proportion in the South and lower in the North and Midwest. The proportion of men who consumed alcohol was higher than among women, as well as smokers. The self-assessment of health showed that 57% believed it to be very good or good, with lower proportion in the Northeast. The prevalence of chronic diseases/conditions, such as hypertension (38.6%), dyslipidemia (22.7%), arthritis/rheumatism (19.4%), depression (18.5%), diabetes (13.6%), and others are higher in these patients them among the general population. Medicines were predominantly sought in the health care service or in pharmacies of the Brazilian Unified Health System. CONCLUSIONS: It was possible to characterize the profile of patients of Primary Health Care, but the originality of the research and its national scope hinders the comparison of results with official data or other articles

2006 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 737-744 ◽  
Magdalena S. Richter ◽  
Vivian Mfolo

Most of the South African public health facilities fail to provide adolescent-friendly health services. A quantitative, descriptive research study was conducted at Stinkwater, a rural area in Hammanskraal, South Africa. The objective of the study was to describe the adolescent's preferences regarding primary health care services. A survey was conducted among 119 adolescents. It was found that adolescents wished to be involved in the planning of the activities of the adolescent health service, and that friendliness and respect for adolescents were seen as desirable characteristics of an adolescent-friendly health care service. Adolescents preferred services to be available throughout the week and to be located at the school, youth center, community center, hospital, or clinic. Health education was indicated as a priority and the health care team should include different members of a multidisciplinary team. Adolescents preferred that their health services be separated from adult services and that a male nurse be employed in the adolescent service in order to create a less feminine image. It was also recommended that all adolescents be educated about the types of services available. Understanding health care service preferences of adolescents is needed in order to deliver optimal health care to this group.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Vini Jamarin ◽  
Rosfita Rasyid ◽  
Selfi Renita Rusjdi

AbstrakSanitasi yang buruk dapat menjadi media transmisi agen penyakit berbasis lingkungan. Salah satu program puskesmas yang menelaah penyakit berbasis lingkungan adalah klinik sanitasi. Bukittinggi sudah menjalankan klinik sanitasi sejak tahun 2009. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan program klinik sanitasi puskesmas di Kota Bukittinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Sampel diambil seluruhnya (total sampling), yaitu tujuh puskesmas di Bukittinggi dari September sampai Oktober 2013. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner, dari tujuh puskesmas, seluruh petugas telah memiliki pendidikan yang baik, dua petugas telah mendapatkan pelatihan klinik sanitasi, satu puskesmas memiliki ruangan khusus klinik sanitasi, enam puskesmas memiliki poster dan leaflet, tiga puskesmas memiliki dana khusus, dan enam puskesmas memiliki seluruh buku pedoman. Berdasarkan data sekunder, jumlah penyakit berbasis lingkungan bervariasi dan fluktuatif dan jumlah klien yang datang masih sedikit dan jauh dari harapan. Penelitian ini menilai empat kegiatan klinik sanitasi, yaitu kunjungan ke rumah warga, kerjasama lintas program, kerjasama lintas sektor, dan evaluasi. Jumlah kunjungan ke rumah warga masih kurang dari harapan, kerjasama lintas program klinik sanitasi sudah berjalan di seluruh puskesmas, kerjasama lintas sektor sudah berjalan hampir di seluruh puskesmas, dan evaluasi sudah berjalan dengan jangka waktu yang bervariasi. Seluruh klinik sanitasi puskesmas kota Bukittinggi dinilai baik dengan nilai bervariasi antara 50-100%.Kata kunci: klinik sanitasi, puskesmas AbstractPoor sanitation could be the transmission media for environment-based diseases’ agents. The program of Primary Health Care Service (PHCS) which deals with environment-based disease is sanitation clinic. This program has been running in Bukittinggi since 2009. The objective of this study was to see how this program has been going on in PHCS in Bukittinggi. This descriptive study used total sampling, in which all seven PHCS in Bukittinggi are included. This research was done from September to October 2013. Based on quedionaire result, all sanitarians are well-educated, but only two of them had sanitation clinic training. Only one PHCS has a special room, six has posters and leaflets, two allocates special budget for sanitation clinic, and six has all kind of manual books. Based on secondary data, the accumulation of environment-based disease’s cases in all PHCS is variative and fluctuative and the accumulation of clients come to sanitation clinic is still below the expectation. House-visitting activity has not met the expectation yet, while trans-program activity has been running well, trans-sector activity has been running well in almost all PHCS, and evaluation has been running in a variative frequency. All sanitation clinic graded good in implementing sanitation clinic, within the range of 50-100%.Keywords: sanitation clinic, primary health care service

Curationis ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
W Sibaya ◽  
Marie Muller

The transformation of health services in South Africa today is governed by the political, policy and legislative frameworks. This article focuses on the transformation of a primary health care service within a local authority in Gauteng. The purpose with this article is to explore and describe the perceptions (expectations and fears) of selected managers employed in this primary health care service. The results are utilised to compile a strategy (framework) for transformation management and leadership within the primary health care service. A qualitative research design was utilised and the data was collected by means of individual interviews with selected managers in the service, followed by a content analysis. The expectations and fears of managers focus mainly on personnel matters, community participation/satisfaction, salaries and parity, inadequate stocks/supplies and medication, the deterioration of quality service delivery and the need for training and empowerment. These results are divided into structure, process and outcome dimensions and are embodied in the conceptual framework for the transformation and leadership strategy. It is recommended that standards for transformation management be formulated and that the quality of transformation management be evaluated accordingly.

1994 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 178-182 ◽  
Katherine Kaye ◽  
Michael K Novell

This first section in a two-part study of health indices and practices among residents living in a Jakarta slum describes the use of public and private primary health care services in relation to socioeconomic and health status. As problems associated with urban poverty rapidly increase in developing countries, it is important to study the ethnic and economic diversity which exists in slums and shanty towns: results of such studies should inform the development of effective strategies for outreach and service delivery. Through a survey of 690 mothers and 593 children, we found that 1) poorer residents were more likely than relatively affluent ones to rely on local government clinics ( posyandus) for primary health care; 2) regular posyanduusers were more likely than non-users to be fully immunized and to use ORT correctly; 3) delivery in hospital w as common among all residents, but especially among the more affluent; and 4) prevalence of contraception was high and not associated with socio-economic status or type of primary health care service used. Strengthening primary health care services at the government's local health posts could benefit all groups in the community if wealthier residents participated more in the posyandus. Standards of care in the private sector should also be improved. Asia Pac J Public Health 1994;7(3):178-82.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
J Oliveira Miranda ◽  
P Santos Luis ◽  
M Sarmento

Abstract Background Primary health care services are the cornerstone of all health systems. Having clear data on allocated human resources is essential for planning. This work intended to map and compare the primary health care human resources of the five administrative regions (ARS) of the Portuguese public health system, so that better human resources management can be implemented. Methods The chosen design was a descriptive cross sectional study. Each of the five ARS were divided into primary health care clusters, which included several primary health care units. All of these units periodically sign a “commitment letter”, where they stand their service commitments to the covered population. This includes allocated health professionals (doctors, nurses), and the information is publicly accessible at www.bicsp.min-saude.pt. Data was collected for 2017, the year for which more commitment letters were available. Several ratios were calculated: patients/health professional; patients/doctor (family medicine specialists and residents); patients/nurse and patients/family medicine specialist. Mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values were calculated. Results National patients/health professional ratio was 702 with the mean of the 5 ARS calculated at 674+-7.15% (min 619, max 734) whilst the national patients/doctor ratio was 1247 with the mean of the 5 ARS calculated at 1217+-7.17% (min 1074, max 1290). National patients/nurse ratio was 1607 with the mean of the 5 ARS calculated at 1529+-13.08% (min 1199, max 1701). Finally, national patients/family medicine specialist ratio was 1711 with the mean of the 5 ARS calculated at 1650+-6,36% (min 1551, max 1795). Conclusions Human resources were differently spread across Portugal, with variations between the five ARS in all ratios. The largest differences occur between nursing staff, and may translate into inequities of access, with impact on health results. A more homogeneous human resources allocation should be implemented. Key messages Human resources in the Portuguese primary health care services are not homogeneously allocated. A better and more homogeneous allocation of human resources should be implemented to reduce access health inequities.

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